Exemple #1
        //  Display Tracker data
        static public void showStationData(int handle, ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE Tracker,
                                           ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE Station, ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_DATA_TYPE data)
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

            // display position only if system supports it
            if (Tracker.TrackerModel == (uint)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS600 ||
                Tracker.TrackerModel == (uint)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS900 ||
                Tracker.TrackerModel == (uint)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS1200 ||
                Tracker.TrackerModel == (uint)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS1500)
                Console.Write("[{0:d2}%] ({1:F2},{2:F2},{3:F2})m ",
                              (int)(data.TrackingStatus / 2.55), data.Position[0], data.Position[1], data.Position[2]);

            // all products can return orientation
            if (Station.AngleFormat == ISenseLib.ISD_QUATERNION)
                Console.Write("{0:F2} {1:F2} {2:F2} {3:F2}   ",
                              data.Quaternion[0], data.Quaternion[1],
                              data.Quaternion[2], data.Quaternion[3]);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.Write("Time: {0:F1}       ", data.TimeStamp);
            else // Euler angles
                Console.Write("({0:F2},{1:F2},{2:F2})deg ",
                              data.Euler[0], data.Euler[1], data.Euler[2]);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.Write("Time: {0:F1}       ", data.TimeStamp);

            // Reset the cursor
            Console.CursorLeft = 0;
Exemple #2
    //  Attempts to initialize connection to tracker
    void AttemptConnection()
        DateTime maxWait = System.DateTime.Now;
        DateTime curTime = System.DateTime.Now;

        maxWait = maxWait.AddSeconds(10.0);

        handle = 0;

        while (maxWait.CompareTo(curTime) > 0 && handle < 1)         //check for tracker for 10 seconds
            handle = ISenseLib.ISD_OpenTracker(IntPtr.Zero, 0, false, true);
            if (handle < 1)
            curTime = System.DateTime.Now;

        // Check value of handle to see if tracker was located
        if (handle < 1)
            print("Failed to detect");
            print("Connected to InterSense tracking device!");
            tracker     = new ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE();
            stationInfo = new ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE[8];
            data        = new ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKING_DATA_TYPE();

            // Get tracker configuration info
            ISenseLib.ISD_GetTrackerConfig(handle, ref tracker, true);
            ISenseLib.ISD_GetStationConfig(handle, ref stationInfo[station - 1], station, true);
            ISenseLib.ISD_SetStationConfig(handle, ref stationInfo[station - 1], station, true);

            trackerModel = (ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL)tracker.TrackerModel;
            bufferSize   = 180;

            ISenseLib.ISD_RingBufferSetup(handle, station, null, bufferSize);

            ISenseLib.ISD_RingBufferStart(handle, station);
Exemple #3
    //  Display Tracker data in Unity console
    static public void ShowStationData(int handle, ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE Tracker,
                                       ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE Station, ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_DATA_TYPE data)
        // Display position only if system supports it
        if (Tracker.TrackerModel == (uint)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS600 ||
            Tracker.TrackerModel == (uint)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS900 ||
            Tracker.TrackerModel == (uint)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS1200 ||
            Tracker.TrackerModel == (uint)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS1500)
            print("[" + (int)(data.TrackingStatus / 2.55) + "%] (" + data.Position[0] + "," + data.Position[1] + "," + data.Position[2] + ")m ");

        // All products can return orientation
        if (Station.AngleFormat == ISenseLib.ISD_QUATERNION)
            print(data.Quaternion[0] + " " + data.Quaternion[1] + " " + data.Quaternion[2] + " " + data.Quaternion[3] + " Time: " + data.TimeStamp);
        else         // Euler angles
            print("(" + data.Euler[0] + "," + data.Euler[1] + "," + data.Euler[2] + ")deg Time: " + data.TimeStamp);
Exemple #4
    //  Prints pretty much everything not in ShowStationData
    static public void DebugPrintEverything(int handle, ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE Tracker,
                                            ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE Station, ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_DATA_TYPE data)
        String s;

        s = "isense Lib Version: " + Tracker.LibVersion;
        s = s + " Tracker Type: " + Tracker.TrackerType;
        s = s + " Tracker Model: " + Tracker.TrackerModel;
        s = s + " Port: " + Tracker.Port;
        s = s + " Records Per Second: " + Tracker.RecordsPerSec;
        s = s + " Kbits Per Second: " + Tracker.KBitsPerSec;
        s = s + " Sync State: " + Tracker.SyncState;
        s = s + " Sync Rate: " + Tracker.SyncRate;
        s = s + " Sync Phase: " + Tracker.SyncPhase;
        s = s + " Interface: " + Tracker.Interface;
        s = s + " Ult Timeout: " + Tracker.UltTimeout;
        s = s + " Ult Volume: " + Tracker.UltVolume;
        s = s + " Firmware Revision: " + Tracker.FirmwareRev;
        s = s + " LED Enable: " + Tracker.LedEnable;


        s = "ID: " + Station.ID;
        s = s + " State: " + Station.State;
        s = s + " Compass: "******" InertiaCube: " + Station.InertiaCube;
        s = s + " Enhancement: " + Station.Enhancement;
        s = s + " Sensitivity: " + Station.Sensitivity;
        s = s + " Prediction: " + Station.Prediction;
        s = s + " AngleFormat: " + Station.AngleFormat;
        s = s + " TimeStamped: " + Station.TimeStamped;
        s = s + " GetInputs: " + Station.GetInputs;
        s = s + " GetEncoderData: " + Station.GetEncoderData;
        s = s + " Compass Compensation: " + Station.CompassCompensation;
        s = s + " ImuShockSuppression: " + Station.ImuShockSuppression;
        s = s + " UrmRejectionFactor: " + Station.UrmRejectionFactor;
        s = s + " GetAHRSData: " + Station.GetAHRSData;
        s = s + " CoordFrame: " + Station.CoordFrame;
        s = s + " AccelSensitivity: " + Station.AccelSensitivity;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1)
            s = s + " TipOffset[" + i + "]: " + Station.TipOffset[i];
        s = s + " GetCameraData: " + Station.GetCameraData;
        s = s + " GetAuxInputs: " + Station.GetAuxInputs;
        s = s + " GetCovarianceData: " + Station.GetCovarianceData;
        s = s + " GetExtendedData: " + Station.GetExtendedData;


        ISenseLib.ISD_GetSystemHardwareInfo(handle, ref hwInfo);

        s = "Valid: " + hwInfo.Valid;
        s = s + " TrackerType: " + hwInfo.TrackerType;
        s = s + " TrackerModel: " + hwInfo.TrackerModel;
        s = s + " Port: " + hwInfo.Port;
        s = s + " Interface: " + hwInfo.Interface;
        s = s + " OnHost: " + hwInfo.OnHost;
        s = s + " AuxSystem: " + hwInfo.AuxSystem;
        s = s + " FirmwareRev: " + hwInfo.FirmwareRev;
        s = s + " Model Name: " + hwInfo.ModelName;
        s = s + " Cap_Position: " + hwInfo.Cap_Position;
        s = s + " Cap_Orientation: " + hwInfo.Cap_Orientation;
        s = s + " Cap_Encoders: " + hwInfo.Cap_Encoders;
        s = s + " Cap_Prediction: " + hwInfo.Cap_Prediction;
        s = s + " Cap_Compass: "******" Cap_SelfTest: " + hwInfo.Cap_SelfTest;
        s = s + " Cap_ErrorLog: " + hwInfo.Cap_ErrorLog;
        s = s + " Cap_UltVolume: " + hwInfo.Cap_UltVolume;
        s = s + " Cap_UltGain: " + hwInfo.Cap_UltGain;
        s = s + " Cap_UltTimeout: " + hwInfo.Cap_UltTimeout;
        s = s + " Cap_PhotoDiode: " + hwInfo.Cap_PhotoDiode;
        s = s + " Cap_MaxStations: " + hwInfo.Cap_MaxStations;
        s = s + " Cap_MaxImus: " + hwInfo.Cap_MaxImus;
        s = s + " Cap_MaxFPses: " + hwInfo.Cap_MaxFPses;
        s = s + " Cap_MaxChannels: " + hwInfo.Cap_MaxChannels;
        s = s + " Cap_MaxButtons: " + hwInfo.Cap_MaxButtons;
        s = s + " Cap_MeasData: " + hwInfo.Cap_MeasData;
        s = s + " Cap_DiagData: " + hwInfo.Cap_DiagData;
        s = s + " Cap_PseConfig: " + hwInfo.Cap_PseConfig;
        s = s + " Cap_ConfigLock: " + hwInfo.Cap_ConfigLock;
        s = s + " Cap_UltMaxRange: " + hwInfo.Cap_UltMaxRange;
        s = s + " Cap_CompassCal: " + hwInfo.Cap_CompassCal;
        s = s + " BaudRate: " + hwInfo.BaudRate;
        s = s + " NumTestLevels: " + hwInfo.NumTestLevels;


        ISenseLib.ISD_GetStationHardwareInfo(handle, ref sh, 0);

        s = "Valid: " + sh.Valid;
        s = s + " ID: " + sh.ID;
        s = s + " DescVersion: " + sh.DescVersion;
        s = s + " FirmwareRev: " + sh.FirmwareRev;
        s = s + " Serial Number: " + sh.SerialNum;
        s = s + " CalDate: " + sh.CalDate;
        s = s + " Port: " + sh.Port;
        s = s + " Type: " + sh.Type;


        s = "TrackingStatus: " + data.TrackingStatus;
        s = s + " NewData: " + data.NewData;
        s = s + " CommIntegrity: " + data.CommIntegrity;
        s = s + " BatteryState: " + data.BatteryState;
        s = s + " TimeStamp: " + data.TimeStamp;
        s = s + " StillTime: " + data.StillTime;
        s = s + " BatteryLevel: " + data.BatteryLevel;
        s = s + " CompassYaw: " + data.CompassYaw;
        s = s + " MeasQuality: " + data.MeasQuality;
        s = s + " HardIronCal: " + data.HardIronCal;
        s = s + " SoftIronCal: " + data.SoftIronCal;
        s = s + " EnvironmentalCal: " + data.EnvironmentalCal;
        s = s + " TimeSTampSeconds: " + data.TimeStampSeconds;
        s = s + " TimeStampMicroSec: " + data.TimeStampMicroSec;
        s = s + " OSTimeStampSeconds: " + data.OSTimeStampSeconds;
        s = s + " OSTimeSTampMicroSec: " + data.OSTimeStampMicroSec;
        s = s + " CompassQuality: " + data.CompassQuality;
        s = s + " Temperature: " + data.Temperature;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1)
            s = s + " MagBodyFrame[" + i + "]: " + data.MagBodyFrame[i];
        s = s + " TrackingState: " + data.TrackingState;

Exemple #5
        //  Get and display tracker information
        static public void showTrackerStats(int handle, ref ISenseLib.ISD_HARDWARE_INFO_TYPE hwInfo)
            ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE Tracker;
            ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE Station;

            int i, numStations = 4;

            Tracker = new ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE();
            Station = new ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

            if (ISenseLib.ISD_GetTrackerConfig(handle, ref Tracker, true))
                Console.Out.WriteLine("\n\n********** InterSense Tracker Information ***********\n\n");

                Console.Out.WriteLine("DLL Version: " + Tracker.LibVersion);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Type:        " + systemType((int)Tracker.TrackerType) + " device on port " +

                Console.Out.WriteLine("Model:       " + (hwInfo.Valid ?
                                                         new String(hwInfo.ModelName) : "Unknown Tracker"));

                switch (Tracker.TrackerModel)
                case (int)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS300:
                case (int)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS1200:
                    numStations = 4;

                case (int)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS600:
                case (int)ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS900:
                    numStations = ISenseLib.ISD_MAX_STATIONS;

                    numStations = 1;

                Console.Out.WriteLine("\nStation\tTime\tState\tCube  Enhancement  Sensitivity  Compass  Prediction");

                for (i = 1; i <= numStations; i++)
                    Console.Out.Write("{0:d}\t", i);

                    if (ISenseLib.ISD_GetStationConfig(handle, ref Station, i, false))
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("{0:s}\t{1:s}\t{2:s}\t   {3:d}\t\t{4:d}\t  {5:d}\t  {6:d}",
                                              Station.TimeStamped ? "ON" : "OFF",
                                              Station.State ? "ON" : "OFF",
                                              Station.InertiaCube == -1 ? "None" : Station.InertiaCube.ToString(),
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("ISD_GetStationConfig failed");
                Console.Out.WriteLine("ISD_GetTrackerConfig failed");
Exemple #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int handle;

            ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKING_DATA_TYPE  data;
            ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE[] Station;
            ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE   Tracker;
            ISenseLib.ISD_HARDWARE_INFO_TYPE  hwInfo;
            IntPtr handy;
            bool   done        = false;
            int    station     = 1;
            uint   maxStations = 8;
            float  lastTime;

            // Detect first tracker. If you have more than one InterSense device and
            // would like to have a specific tracker, connected to a known port,
            // initialized first, then enter the port number instead of 0. Otherwise,
            // tracker connected to the rs232 port with lower number is found first
            handy = new IntPtr();
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Connecting to InterSense tracking device...");
            // handle = ISenseLib.ISD_OpenTracker(IntPtr.Zero, 0, false, true);
            handle = ISenseLib.ISD_OpenAllTrackers(IntPtr.Zero, ref handy, false, true);
            // Check value of handle to see if tracker was located
            if (handle < 1)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed to detect InterSense tracking device");
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Connected; press 'q' to quit, 'e' for enhancement, 'i' to get info\n");

                if (handle > 0)
                    Tracker = new ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE();
                    hwInfo  = new ISenseLib.ISD_HARDWARE_INFO_TYPE();
                    Station = new ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE[8];

                    // Get tracker configuration info
                    ISenseLib.ISD_GetTrackerConfig(handle, ref Tracker, true);

                    if (ISenseLib.ISD_GetSystemHardwareInfo(handle, ref hwInfo))
                        if (hwInfo.Valid)
                            maxStations = hwInfo.Cap_MaxStations;

                    lastTime = ISenseLib.ISD_GetTime();

                    ISenseLib.ISD_GetStationConfig(handle, ref Station[station - 1], station, true);

                    data = new ISenseLib.ISD_TRACKING_DATA_TYPE();

                    while (!done)
                        ISenseLib.ISD_GetTrackingData(handle, ref data);

                        if (ISenseLib.ISD_GetTime() - lastTime > 0.02f)
                            lastTime = ISenseLib.ISD_GetTime();

                            showStationData(handle, Tracker,
                                            Station[station - 1], data.Station[station - 1]);

                        if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                            switch (Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar)
                            case '1':
                                station = 1;
                                Console.Write("\n>> Current Station is set to {0:d} <<\n", station);

                            case '2':
                                if (maxStations > 1)
                                    station = 2;
                                    Console.Write("\n>> Current Station is set to {0:d} <<\n", station);

                            case '3':
                                if (maxStations > 2)
                                    station = 3;
                                    Console.Write("\n>> Current Station is set to {0:d} <<\n", station);

                            case '4':
                                if (maxStations > 3)
                                    station = 4;
                                    Console.Write("\n>> Current Station is set to {0:d} <<\n", station);

                            case '5':
                                if (maxStations > 4)
                                    station = 5;
                                    Console.Write("\n>> Current Station is set to {0:d} <<\n", station);

                            case '6':
                                if (maxStations > 5)
                                    station = 6;
                                    Console.Write("\n>> Current Station is set to {0:d} <<\n", station);

                            case '7':
                                if (maxStations > 6)
                                    station = 7;
                                    Console.Write("\n>> Current Station is set to {0:d} <<\n", station);

                            case '8':
                                if (maxStations > 7)
                                    station = 8;
                                    Console.Write("\n>> Current Station is set to {0:d} <<\n", station);

                            case 'Q':
                            case 'q':
                                done = true;

                            case 'I':
                            case 'i':
                                showTrackerStats(handle, ref hwInfo);

                            case 'e':     // Set enhancement; IS-x products only, not for InterTrax
                            case 'E':

                                // First get current station configuration
                                if (ISenseLib.ISD_GetStationConfig(handle,
                                                                   ref Station[station - 1], station, true))
                                    // Cycle enhancement
                                    Station[station - 1].Enhancement =
                                        (Station[station - 1].Enhancement + 1) % 3;

                                    // Send the new configuration to the tracker
                                    if (ISenseLib.ISD_SetStationConfig(handle,
                                                                       ref Station[station - 1], station, true))
                                        // display the results
                                        showTrackerStats(handle, ref hwInfo);

                            case 't':
                            case 'T':
                                // First get current station configuration
                                if (ISenseLib.ISD_GetStationConfig(handle,
                                                                   ref Station[station - 1], station, true))
                                    Station[station - 1].TimeStamped = !(Station[station - 1].TimeStamped);

                                    // Send the new configuration to the tracker
                                    if (ISenseLib.ISD_SetStationConfig(handle,
                                                                       ref Station[station - 1], station, true))
                                        // display the results
                                        showTrackerStats(handle, ref hwInfo);


                            case 'd':
                            case 'D':
                                showTrackerStats(handle, ref hwInfo);

                            case 'p':
                            case 'P':

                                // First get current station configuration
                                if (ISenseLib.ISD_GetStationConfig(handle,
                                                                   ref Station[station - 1], station, true))
                                    // Cycle enhancement
                                    Station[station - 1].Prediction =
                                        (Station[station - 1].Prediction + 10) % 60;

                                    // Send the new configuration to the tracker
                                    if (ISenseLib.ISD_SetStationConfig(handle,
                                                                       ref Station[station - 1], station, true))
                                        // display the results
                                        showTrackerStats(handle, ref hwInfo);

                            case 's':
                            case 'S':

                                // First get current station configuration
                                if (ISenseLib.ISD_GetStationConfig(handle,
                                                                   ref Station[station - 1], station, true))
                                    // Cycle enhancement
                                    Station[station - 1].Sensitivity =
                                        (Station[station - 1].Sensitivity + 1) % 5;

                                    if (Station[station - 1].Sensitivity == 0)
                                        Station[station - 1].Sensitivity = 1;

                                    // Send the new configuration to the tracker
                                    if (ISenseLib.ISD_SetStationConfig(handle,
                                                                       ref Station[station - 1], station, true))
                                        // display the results
                                        showTrackerStats(handle, ref hwInfo);

                            case 'c':
                            case 'C':

                                // First get current station configuration
                                if (ISenseLib.ISD_GetStationConfig(handle,
                                                                   ref Station[station - 1], station, true))
                                    // Cycle enhancement
                                    Station[station - 1].Compass =
                                        (Station[station - 1].Compass + 1) % 3;

                                    // Send the new configuration to the tracker
                                    if (ISenseLib.ISD_SetStationConfig(handle,
                                                                       ref Station[station - 1], station, true))
                                        // display the results
                                        showTrackerStats(handle, ref hwInfo);
