Exemple #1
        public static void InitQueryHelper(out ISearchQueryHelper queryHelper, int maxCount)
            // This uses the Microsoft.Search.Interop assembly
            CSearchManager manager = new CSearchManager();

            // SystemIndex catalog is the default catalog in Windows
            ISearchCatalogManager catalogManager = manager.GetCatalog("SystemIndex");

            // Get the ISearchQueryHelper which will help us to translate AQS --> SQL necessary to query the indexer
            queryHelper = catalogManager.GetQueryHelper();

            // Set the number of results we want. Don't set this property if all results are needed.
            queryHelper.QueryMaxResults = maxCount;

            // Set list of columns we want to display, getting the path presently
            queryHelper.QuerySelectColumns = "System.ItemUrl, System.FileName, System.FileAttributes";

            // Set additional query restriction
            queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions = "AND scope='file:'";

            // To filter based on title for now
            queryHelper.QueryContentProperties = "System.FileName";

            // Set sorting order
            queryHelper.QuerySorting = "System.DateModified DESC";
        public static void InitQueryHelper(out ISearchQueryHelper queryHelper, ISearchManager manager, int maxCount, bool displayHiddenFiles)
            if (manager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(manager));

            // SystemIndex catalog is the default catalog in Windows
            ISearchCatalogManager catalogManager = manager.GetCatalog("SystemIndex");

            // Get the ISearchQueryHelper which will help us to translate AQS --> SQL necessary to query the indexer
            queryHelper = catalogManager.GetQueryHelper();

            // Set the number of results we want. Don't set this property if all results are needed.
            queryHelper.QueryMaxResults = maxCount;

            // Set list of columns we want to display, getting the path presently
            queryHelper.QuerySelectColumns = "System.ItemUrl, System.FileName, System.FileAttributes";

            // Set additional query restriction
            queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions = "AND scope='file:'";

            if (!displayHiddenFiles)
                // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/search/all-bitwise
                queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += " AND System.FileAttributes <> SOME BITWISE " + _fileAttributeHidden;

            // To filter based on title for now
            queryHelper.QueryContentProperties = "System.FileName";

            // Set sorting order
            queryHelper.QuerySorting = "System.DateModified DESC";
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Application              objApp     = null;
            ISearchManager           objManager = null;
            ISearchCatalogManager    objCatalog = null;
            ISearchCrawlScopeManager objScope   = null;
            string strSID = null;

                Console.WriteLine("Creating search management objects...");
                objManager = new CSearchManagerClass();
                objCatalog = objManager.GetCatalog("SystemIndex");
                objScope   = objCatalog.GetCrawlScopeManager();
                Console.WriteLine("Obtaining currently logged user's SID...");
                strSID = String.Concat("{", WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User.Value.ToString().ToLower(), "}");
                Console.WriteLine("  The SID is: {0}", strSID);
                Console.WriteLine("Starting Outlook application...");
                objApp = new Application();
                Console.WriteLine("Enumerating PST files...");
                foreach (Store objStore in objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").Stores)
                    Console.WriteLine("Analysing file: {0}...", objStore.FilePath);
                    if (objStore.ExchangeStoreType != OlExchangeStoreType.olNotExchange || objStore.IsCachedExchange != true)
                        Console.WriteLine("  Rejected. This file is not cached exchange store.");
                    else if (Path.GetPathRoot(objStore.FilePath).StartsWith("C", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Console.WriteLine("  Rejected. This file is located on the C: drive.");
                    else if (objStore.IsInstantSearchEnabled != true)
                        Console.WriteLine("  Rejected. Instant search was already disabled for this file.");
                        Console.WriteLine("  Accepted. Indexing of this file will be disabled.");
                        Console.WriteLine("    Computing store hash...");
                        string strHash = ComputeHash(objStore.StoreID);
                        Console.WriteLine("      The hash is: {0}.", strHash);
                        string strUrl = String.Format("mapi://{0}/{1}(${2})/", strSID, objStore.DisplayName, strHash);
                        Console.WriteLine("    Disabling indexing...");
                        Console.WriteLine("      The rule url is: {0}.", strUrl);
                        objScope.AddUserScopeRule(strUrl, 0, 1, 0);
                        Console.WriteLine("    Operation successfull!");
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occured!");
            Console.WriteLine("Press return to exit.");
Exemple #4
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //const string connectionString = "Provider=Search.CollatorDSO; Extended Properties=\"Application=Windows\"";
            //using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))
            //    // Список поддерживаемых свойств (обширный!) доступен на MSDN
            //    // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff521735%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
            //    string query = @"SELECT System.ItemName, System.ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow FROM SystemIndex " +
            //                   @"WHERE scope ='file\u003a" + GetSearchPath() + "'"; //" AND FREETEXT('XML')";
            //    OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(query, connection);
            //    connection.Open();

            //    //List<string> result = new List<string>();

            //    OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
            //    while (reader.Read())
            //    {
            //        //result.Add(reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("System.ItemName")));
            //        listBox1.Items.Add(reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("System.ItemName")));
            //    }
            //    //result.Dump();
            CSearchManager        manager        = new CSearchManagerClass();
            ISearchCatalogManager catalogManager = manager.GetCatalog("SystemIndex");
            //ISearchQueryHelper queryHelper = catalogManager.GetQueryHelper();

            //string sqlQuery = queryHelper.GenerateSQLFromUserQuery(aqsQuery);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: ds [file search pattern] [userQuery]");
                Console.WriteLine("[file search pattern] can include '*' and '?' wildcards");
                Console.WriteLine("[userQuery] query to look for inside the document (with operators of OR, AND). Optional.");

            // First parameter is file name pattern
            string pattern   = args[0];
            string userQuery = " ";

            // Everything else is considered to be a search query
            for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++)
                userQuery += args[i] + " ";

            // This uses the Microsoft.Search.Interop assembly
            CSearchManager manager = new CSearchManager();

            // SystemIndex catalog is the default catalog in Windows
            ISearchCatalogManager catalogManager = manager.GetCatalog("SystemIndex");

            // Get the ISearchQueryHelper which will help us to translate AQS --> SQL necessary to query the indexer
            ISearchQueryHelper queryHelper = catalogManager.GetQueryHelper();

            // Set the number of results we want. Don't set this property if all results are needed.
            queryHelper.QueryMaxResults = 10;

            // Set list of columns we want
            queryHelper.QuerySelectColumns = "System.ItemPathDisplay";

            // Set additional query restriction
            queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions = "AND scope='file:'";

            // convert file pattern if it is not '*'. Don't create restriction for '*' as it includes all files.
            if (pattern != "*")
                pattern = pattern.Replace("*", "%");
                pattern = pattern.Replace("?", "_");

                if (pattern.Contains("%") || pattern.Contains("_"))
                    queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += " AND System.FileName LIKE '" + pattern + "' ";
                    // if there are no wildcards we can use a contains which is much faster as it uses the index
                    queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += " AND Contains(System.FileName, '" + pattern + "') ";

            // Set sorting order
            queryHelper.QuerySorting = "System.DateModified DESC";

            // Generate SQL from our parameters, converting the userQuery from AQS->WHERE clause
            string sqlQuery = queryHelper.GenerateSQLFromUserQuery(userQuery);


            // --- Perform the query ---
            // create an OleDbConnection object which connects to the indexer provider with the windows application
            using (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(queryHelper.ConnectionString))
                // open the connection

                // now create an OleDB command object with the query we built above and the connection we just opened.
                using (OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sqlQuery, conn))
                    // execute the command, which returns the results as an OleDbDataReader.
                    using (OleDbDataReader WDSResults = command.ExecuteReader())
                        while (WDSResults.Read())
                            // col 0 is our path in display format
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}", WDSResults.GetString(0));
Exemple #6
        private IEnumerable <string> FindFiles(string pattern)
            string userQuery = " ";

            // This uses the Microsoft.Search.Interop assembly
            CSearchManager manager = new CSearchManager();

            // SystemIndex catalog is the default catalog in Windows
            ISearchCatalogManager catalogManager = manager.GetCatalog("SystemIndex");

            // Get the ISearchQueryHelper which will help us to translate AQS --> SQL necessary to query the indexer
            ISearchQueryHelper queryHelper = catalogManager.GetQueryHelper();

            // Set the number of results we want. Don't set this property if all results are needed.
            queryHelper.QueryMaxResults = 10;

            // Set list of columns we want
            queryHelper.QuerySelectColumns = "System.ItemUrl";

            // Set additional query restriction
            queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions = "AND scope='file:'";

            // convert file pattern if it is not '*'. Don't create restriction for '*' as it includes all files.
            if (pattern != "*")
                pattern = pattern.Replace("*", "%");
                pattern = pattern.Replace("?", "_");

                if (pattern.Contains("%") || pattern.Contains("_"))
                    queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += " AND System.FileName LIKE '" + pattern + "' ";
                    // if there are no wildcards we can use a contains which is much faster as it uses the index
                    queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += " AND Contains(System.FileName, '" + pattern + "') ";

            // Set sorting order
            queryHelper.QuerySorting = "System.DateModified DESC";

            // Generate SQL from our parameters, converting the userQuery from AQS->WHERE clause
            string sqlQuery = queryHelper.GenerateSQLFromUserQuery(userQuery);


            // --- Perform the query ---
            // create an OleDbConnection object which connects to the indexer provider with the windows application
            using (var conn = new OleDbConnection(queryHelper.ConnectionString))
                // open the connection

                // now create an OleDB command object with the query we built above and the connection we just opened.
                using (var command = new OleDbCommand(sqlQuery, conn))
                    // execute the command, which returns the results as an OleDbDataReader.
                    using (var results = command.ExecuteReader())
                        while (results.Read())
                            var url = results.GetString(0);

                            if (url.StartsWith("file:", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                yield return(url.Substring(5).Replace('/', '\\'));