//Mocking a scan

        public void tripScan()
            //Create a new scan
            //Scan returns name and last name from a toddler
            //Get toddler from database
            //Add that toddler to a list
            //If needed, scan another toddler
            scannedToddler1 = _toddlerService.getToddlerById(1);
            scannedToddler2 = _toddlerService.getToddlerById(2);
            //Do a lookup in the database for the correct Trip
            trip = _tripService.getTripById(1);
            //Do a lookup in the database for the correct Teacher
            teacher = _teacherService.getTeacherById(1);
            //Create a new Scan with gathered data
            scan = new Scan
                Id        = 5,
                Name      = _tripName,
                TeacherId = teacher.Id,
                teacher   = teacher,
                TripId    = trip.Id,
                trip      = trip,
                Toddlers  = scannedToddlers
            Debug.WriteLine($"Number of scans before add is: {_scanService.allScans().Count}");
            _scanConfirmed = Constant.ScanConfirmed;
            Debug.WriteLine($"Number of scans after add is: {_scanService.allScans().Count}");