Exemple #1
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Copia un archivo de una localización a otroa
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="uuidNodeToCopy"></param>
        ///// <param name="DestinationNodePath"></param>
        ///// <returns>En DestinationNodePath se devuelve la ruta final del archivo</returns>
        //public string CopyFile(string uuidNodeToCopy, ref string DestinationNodePath)
        //    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uuidNodeToCopy) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(DestinationNodePath))
        //        return null;

        //    string documentId = null;
        //    RepositoryWebService.Store cwsStore = new RepositoryWebService.Store();
        //    cwsStore.address = Constants.SPACES_STORE;

        //    try
        //    {
        //        //Obtenemos la ruta donde se copiara el documento, o la creamos si no existe
        //        FolderNode nod = new FolderNode();
        //        string destNodeId = nod.CreatePathRecursive(DestinationNodePath);

        //        this.Name = GetNodeById(uuidNodeToCopy).Name;
        //        UpdateResult[] rsrDest = CreateNode(destNodeId, null, Constants.TYPE_CONTENT);

        //        ResultSetRow rsrOrigin = FindNodeById(uuidNodeToCopy);
        //        RepositoryWebService.Reference refOrigin = GetReferenceFromResultSetRow(rsrOrigin);

        //        RepositoryWebService.Predicate sourcePredicate = new RepositoryWebService.Predicate(
        //            new Alfresco.RepositoryWebService.Reference[] { refOrigin }, cwsStore, null);

        //        //reference for the target space
        //        RepositoryWebService.ParentReference targetSpace = new RepositoryWebService.ParentReference();
        //        targetSpace.store = spacesStore;
        //        targetSpace.path = DestinationNodePath;
        //        targetSpace.associationType = Constants.ASSOC_CONTAINS;
        //        targetSpace.childName = Name;

        //        //copy content
        //        CMLCopy copy = new CMLCopy();
        //        copy.where = sourcePredicate;
        //        copy.to = targetSpace;

        //        CML cmlCopy = new CML();
        //        cmlCopy.copy = new CMLCopy[] { copy };

        //        //perform a CML update to move the node
        //        UpdateResult[] updateResult = WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().update(cmlCopy);
        //        DestinationNodePath = ISO9075.Decode(PathUtils.ConvertFromRepositoryPath(updateResult[0].destination.path));

        //        documentId = updateResult[0].destination.uuid;
        //    }
        //    catch (SoapException ex)
        //    {
        //        if (ex.Detail.InnerText.Contains("DuplicateChildNodeNameException"))
        //        {
        //            var node = new NodeBase();
        //            var nodePath = String.Format("{0}/{1}", DestinationNodePath, this.Name);
        //            var id = node.GetIdByPath(nodePath);

        //            throw new DuplicateDocumentException(id, nodePath);
        //        }
        //        else
        //            throw ex;
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        throw ex;
        //    }

        //    return documentId;

        //public string CopyFile(string uuidNodeToCopy, ref string DestinationNodePath)
        //    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uuidNodeToCopy) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(DestinationNodePath))
        //        return null;

        //    string documentId = null;

        //    try
        //    {
        //        this.Name = GetNodeById(uuidNodeToCopy).Name;

        //        //Obtenemos la ruta donde se copiara el documento, o la creamos si no existe
        //        FolderNode nod = new FolderNode();
        //        string destNodeId = nod.CreatePathRecursive(DestinationNodePath);

        //        UpdateResult[] updateNode = CreateNode(destNodeId, null, Constants.TYPE_CONTENT);

        //        //reference for the target space
        //        RepositoryWebService.ParentReference targetSpace = new RepositoryWebService.ParentReference();
        //        targetSpace.store = spacesStore;
        //        targetSpace.path = updateNode[0].destination.path;
        //        targetSpace.associationType = Constants.ASSOC_CONTAINS;
        //        targetSpace.childName = Name;

        //        RepositoryWebService.Predicate Source = new RepositoryWebService.Predicate(
        //            new Alfresco.RepositoryWebService.Reference[] { GetReferenceFromResultSetRow(FindNodeById(uuidNodeToCopy)) }, spacesStore, null);

        //        //copy content
        //        CMLCopy copy = new CMLCopy();
        //        copy.where = Source;
        //        copy.to = targetSpace;

        //        CML cmlCopy = new CML();
        //        cmlCopy.copy = new CMLCopy[] { copy };

        //        //perform a CML update to move the node
        //        RepositoryWebService.UpdateResult[] updateResult = WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().update(cmlCopy);
        //        DestinationNodePath = ISO9075.Decode(PathUtils.ConvertFromRepositoryPath(updateResult[0].destination.path));

        //        documentId = updateResult[0].destination.uuid;
        //    }
        //    catch (SoapException ex)
        //    {
        //        if (ex.Detail.InnerText.Contains("DuplicateChildNodeNameException"))
        //        {
        //            var node = new NodeBase();
        //            var nodePath = String.Format("{0}/{1}", DestinationNodePath, this.Name);
        //            var id = node.GetIdByPath(nodePath);

        //            throw new DuplicateDocumentException(id, nodePath);
        //        }
        //        else
        //            throw ex;
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        throw ex;
        //    }

        //    return documentId;

        public string CopyFile(string uuidNodeToCopy, ref string DestinationNodePath)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uuidNodeToCopy) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(DestinationNodePath))

            string documentId = null;

                this.Name = GetNodeById(uuidNodeToCopy).Name;

                //Obtenemos la ruta donde se copiara el documento, o la creamos si no existe
                FolderNode nod        = new FolderNode();
                string     destNodeId = nod.CreatePathRecursive(DestinationNodePath);

                RepositoryWebService.Predicate Source = new RepositoryWebService.Predicate(
                    new Alfresco.RepositoryWebService.Reference[] { GetReferenceFromResultSetRow(FindNodeById(uuidNodeToCopy)) },

                //copy content
                CMLCopy copy = new CMLCopy();
                copy.where = Source;
                copy.to    = createParentReference(destNodeId, Constants.ASSOC_CONTAINS, Name);

                CML cmlCopy = new CML();
                cmlCopy.copy = new CMLCopy[] { copy };

                //perform a CML update to move the node
                RepositoryWebService.UpdateResult[] updateResult = WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().update(cmlCopy);
                DestinationNodePath = ISO9075.Decode(PathUtils.ConvertFromRepositoryPath(updateResult[0].destination.path));

                documentId = updateResult[0].destination.uuid;
            catch (SoapException ex)
                if (ex.Detail.InnerText.Contains("DuplicateChildNodeNameException"))
                    var node     = new NodeBase();
                    var nodePath = String.Format("{0}/{1}", DestinationNodePath, this.Name);
                    var id       = node.GetIdByPath(nodePath);

                    throw new DuplicateDocumentException(id, nodePath);
                    throw ex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Guarda un fichero en el nodo especificado
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentId">uuid del nodo donde queremos guardar el documento</param>
        /// <param name="documentPath">Ruta local de la que se debe sacar el fichero, aquí se devuelve la ruta del repositorio donde se ha guardado el  documento</param>
        /// <param name="document">raw document, si este valor es null se intentará leer el documento del documentPath</param>
        /// <returns>uuid del documento que se ha salvado</returns>
        public string CreateFileByParentId(string parentId, ref string documentName, byte[] document)
            if (document == null)

            string documentId = null;
            var    mimeType   = new MimetypeMap();

                UpdateResult[] updateResult = CreateNode(parentId, null, Constants.TYPE_CONTENT);

                // work around to cast Alfresco.RepositoryWebService.Reference to Alfresco.ContentWebService.Reference
                RepositoryWebService.Reference rwsRef         = updateResult[0].destination;
                ContentWebService.Reference    newContentNode = new Alfresco.ContentWebService.Reference();
                newContentNode.path = rwsRef.path;
                newContentNode.uuid = rwsRef.uuid;
                ContentWebService.Store cwsStore = new Alfresco.ContentWebService.Store();
                cwsStore.address     = Constants.SPACES_STORE;
                newContentNode.store = cwsStore;

                var contentFormat = new Alfresco.ContentWebService.ContentFormat();
                contentFormat.mimetype = mimeType.GuessMimetype(Name);

                Content lContent = WebServiceFactory.getContentService().write(newContentNode, Constants.PROP_CONTENT, document, contentFormat);
                documentName = ISO9075.Decode(PathUtils.ConvertFromRepositoryPath(lContent.node.path));
                documentId   = lContent.node.uuid;
            catch (SoapException ex)
                if (ex.Detail.InnerText.Contains("DuplicateChildNodeNameException"))
                    var node     = new NodeBase();
                    var nodePath = String.Format("{0}/{1}", node.GetPathById(parentId), System.IO.Path.GetFileName(documentName));
                    var id       = node.GetIdByPath(nodePath);

                    throw new DuplicateDocumentException(id, nodePath);
                    throw ex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #3
        public string UpdateFileById(string id, byte[] document)
            if (document == null)

            Id = id;
            RepositoryWebService.Reference reference;
            ResultSetRow row = FindNodeById(id);

            if (row == null)
                throw new NotFoundDocumentException(id, ErrorMessages.DocumentNotFound);

            reference = GetReferenceFromResultSetRow(row);
            Content lContent = UpdateDocument(reference, document);

Exemple #4
        public string UpdateFileByPath(string path, byte[] document)
            if (document == null)

            this.Path = path;
            ResultSetRow row = FindNodeByPath(ref path);

            if (row == null)
                throw new NotFoundDocumentException(Id, path, ErrorMessages.DocumentNotFound);

            var reference = GetReferenceFromResultSetRow(row);

            Id = reference.uuid;
            Content lContent = UpdateDocument(reference, document);
