public static void AddTrustBoundaryTemplateRule(this IRuleEditor ruleEditor, [NotNull] IThreatModel model) { ButtonItem item = new ButtonItem() { ButtonStyle = eButtonStyle.ImageAndText, Image = GetImage(Scope.AnyTrustBoundary), ImagePosition = eImagePosition.Left, Text = "Trust Boundary Template", Tooltip = "Flow crossing a Trust Boundary derived from a specific Template.\nEvaluates to false if the object is not a flow.", Tag = new TrustBoundaryTemplateItemContext(model, Scope.AnyTrustBoundary) }; ruleEditor.AddButton(item, Scope.AnyTrustBoundary); }
public static void AddOutgoingRule(this IRuleEditor ruleEditor, Scope scope = Scope.Object) { ButtonItem item = new ButtonItem() { ButtonStyle = eButtonStyle.ImageAndText, Image = GetImage(scope), ImagePosition = eImagePosition.Left, Text = "Outgoing Flows", Tooltip = "One or more outgoing flows to a specific entity type.\nEvaluates to false if the object is a flow.", Tag = new FlowsItemContext(false, scope) }; ruleEditor.AddButton(item, scope); }
public static void AddFlowTemplateRule(this IRuleEditor ruleEditor, [NotNull] IThreatModel model) { ButtonItem item = new ButtonItem() { ButtonStyle = eButtonStyle.ImageAndText, Image = GetImage(Scope.Object), ImagePosition = eImagePosition.Left, Text = "Flow Template", Tooltip = "Flow derived from a specific Flow Template.\nEvaluates to false if the object is a not a Flow\nor is not derived from a Flow Template.", Tag = new FlowTemplateItemContext(model, Scope.Object) }; ruleEditor.AddButton(item, Scope.Object); }
public static void AddDataStoreTemplateRule(this IRuleEditor ruleEditor, [NotNull] IThreatModel model, Scope scope = Scope.Object) { ButtonItem item = new ButtonItem() { ButtonStyle = eButtonStyle.ImageAndText, Image = GetImage(scope), ImagePosition = eImagePosition.Left, Text = "Data Store Template", Tooltip = "Object derived from a specific Data Store Template.\nEvaluates to false if the object is a Flow,\na Trust Boundary or is not derived from a Data Store Template.", Tag = new DataStoreTemplateItemContext(model, scope) }; ruleEditor.AddButton(item, scope); }
public static void AddPropertyRule(this IRuleEditor ruleEditor, [NotNull] IPropertyType propertyType, [NotNull] IPropertySchema schema, Scope scope = Scope.Object) { ButtonItem item = new ButtonItem() { ButtonStyle = eButtonStyle.ImageAndText, Image = GetImage(scope), ImagePosition = eImagePosition.Left, Text = propertyType.Name, Tooltip = $"Name = {propertyType.Name}\nSchema = {schema.Name}\nNamespace = {schema.Namespace}", Tag = new PropertyTypeItemContext(propertyType, scope) }; ruleEditor.AddButton(item, scope); }
public static void AddEnumValueRule(this IRuleEditor ruleEditor, [NotNull] string propertyName, [NotNull] IEnumerable <string> names, Scope scope = Scope.Object) { ButtonItem item = new ButtonItem() { ButtonStyle = eButtonStyle.ImageAndText, Image = GetImage(scope), ImagePosition = eImagePosition.Left, Text = propertyName, Tooltip = "Select a value among the available ones.", Tag = new EnumValueItemContext(names, scope) }; ruleEditor.AddButton(item, scope); }
public static void AddCrossTrustBoundaryRule(this IRuleEditor ruleEditor, [NotNull] string propertyName, Scope scope = Scope.Object) { ButtonItem item = new ButtonItem() { ButtonStyle = eButtonStyle.ImageAndText, Image = GetImage(scope), ImagePosition = eImagePosition.Left, Text = propertyName, Tooltip = propertyName, Tag = new CrossTrustBoundaryItemContext() }; ruleEditor.AddButton(item, scope); }
public static void AddComparisonRule(this IRuleEditor ruleEditor, [NotNull] string propertyName, Scope scope = Scope.Object) { ButtonItem item = new ButtonItem() { ButtonStyle = eButtonStyle.ImageAndText, Image = GetImage(scope), ImagePosition = eImagePosition.Left, Text = propertyName, Tooltip = "Search for objects with a specific text", Tag = new ComparisonItemContext(scope) }; ruleEditor.AddButton(item, scope); }
private async Task EditRule(IRule parameter) { IRuleEditor editor = null; switch (parameter.Rule) { case Rule.AD_DontImportUser: editor = new AD_DontImportUser(parameter); break; } if (editor != null) { await DialogHost.Show( editor, "RootDialog" ).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
private async Task EditRule(IRule parameter) { var rule = parameter as IRule; IRuleEditor editor = null; switch (rule.Rule) { case Rule.SS_DiscardGroup: editor = new Views.Dialogs.SS_DiscardGroupEditor(rule); break; case Rule.SS_NoSubGroups: editor = new Views.Dialogs.SS_DiscardSubGroupEditor(rule); break; } if (editor != null) { await DialogHost.Show( editor, "RootDialog" ); } }
private async Task EditRule(IRule parameter) { IRuleEditor editor = null; switch (parameter.Rule) { case Rule.WI_ReplaceInstitution: editor = new WI_ReplaceInstitute(parameter); break; case Rule.WI_DontImportClass: editor = new WI_DontImportClass(parameter); break; case Rule.WI_MarkAsVirtual: editor = new WI_MarkAsVirtual(parameter); break; case Rule.WI_DontImportUser: editor = new WI_DontImportUser(parameter); break; } if (editor != null) { await DialogHost.Show( editor, "RootDialog" ).ConfigureAwait(false); } }