Exemple #1
        public LocalizedApplication(IRootServices i_RootServices = null)
            // Default settings.
            DefaultLanguage = ("en");
            CookieName      = "i18n.langtag";
            MessageKeyIsValueInDefaultLanguage = true;
            PermanentRedirects = false;

            // Attempt to determine ApplicationPath.
            // NB: if this method being called outside of a request handler, HttpContext.Current
            // fails. Normally, this results in a null being returned; however it has been observed
            // that it can also throw.
                var mycontext = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
                if (mycontext != null && mycontext.Request.ApplicationPath != null)
                    ApplicationPath = mycontext.Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/');
            catch (Exception) { }
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ApplicationPath))
                ApplicationPath = "/";

            // Use default package of root services.
            // Host app may override this.
            RootServices = i_RootServices ?? new DefaultRootServices();

            // Install default handler for Set-PAL event.
            // The default handler applies the setting to both the CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture
            // settings of the thread.
            SetPrincipalAppLanguageForRequestHandlers = delegate(System.Web.HttpContextBase context, ILanguageTag langtag)
                if (langtag != null)
                    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = langtag.GetCultureInfo();
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Conditionally installs the i18n response filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The HTTP context.</param>
        /// <param name="rootServices">The root services.</param>
        public static void InstallResponseFilter(System.Web.HttpContextBase context, IRootServices rootServices)
            if (rootServices == null)
                rootServices = Current.RootServices;

            // If the content type of the entity is eligible for processing AND the URL is not to be excluded,
            // wire up our filter to do the processing. The entity data will be run through the filter a
            // bit later on in the pipeline.
            if (Current.ContentTypesToLocalize != null &&
                context.Response.ContentType != null &&
                Current.ContentTypesToLocalize.Match(context.Response.ContentType).Success) // Include certain content types from being processed
                if (Current.UrlsToExcludeFromProcessing != null &&
                    Current.UrlsToExcludeFromProcessing.Match(context.Request.RawUrl).Success)    // Exclude certain URLs from being processed
                    DebugHelpers.WriteLine("InstallResponseFilter -- Bypassing filter, URL excluded: ({0}).", context.Request.RawUrl);
                else if (context.Response.Headers["Content-Encoding"] != null ||
                         context.Response.Headers["Content-Encoding"] == "gzip") // Exclude responses that have already been compressed earlier in the pipeline
                    DebugHelpers.WriteLine("InstallResponseFilter -- Bypassing filter, response compressed.");
                    DebugHelpers.WriteLine("InstallResponseFilter -- Installing filter");
                    context.Response.Filter = new ResponseFilter(
                        UrlLocalizer.UrlLocalizationScheme == UrlLocalizationScheme.Void ? null : rootServices.EarlyUrlLocalizerForApp,
                DebugHelpers.WriteLine("InstallResponseFilter -- Bypassing filter, No content-type match: ({0}).", context.Response.ContentType);
Exemple #3
 public LocalizingModule(
     IRootServices rootServices)
     m_rootServices = rootServices;
        public LocalizedApplication(IRootServices i_RootServices = null)

            // Default settings.
            DefaultLanguage = ("en");
            MessageKeyIsValueInDefaultLanguage = true;
            PermanentRedirects = false;

            // Attempt to determine ApplicationPath.
            // NB: if this method being called outside of a request handler, HttpContext.Current
            // fails. Normally, this results in a null being returned; however it has been observed
            // that it can also throw.
                var mycontext = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
                if (mycontext != null && mycontext.Request.ApplicationPath != null)
                    ApplicationPath = mycontext.Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/');
            catch (Exception) { }
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ApplicationPath))
                ApplicationPath = "/";

            // Use default package of root services.
            // Host app may override this.
            RootServices = i_RootServices ?? new DefaultRootServices();

            // Install default handler for Set-PAL event.
            // The default handler applies the setting to both the CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture
            // settings of the thread.
            SetPrincipalAppLanguageForRequestHandlers = delegate(System.Web.HttpContextBase context, ILanguageTag langtag)
                if (langtag != null)
                    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = langtag.GetCultureInfo();
Exemple #5
 public LocalizingModule(
     IRootServices rootServices)
     m_rootServices = rootServices;