Exemple #1
 public RiakLoader(IRiakClient riakClient, IEventReader eventReader)
     if (riakClient == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("riakClient");
     if (eventReader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("eventReader");
     _riakClient = riakClient;
     _eventReader = eventReader;
Exemple #2
        private static void FetchData()
            Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] fetch thread starting");
            IRiakClient client = cluster.CreateClient();
            var         r      = new Random((int)DateTimeUtil.ToUnixTimeMillis(DateTime.Now));

                while (true)
                    int k    = r.Next(0, key);
                    var id   = new RiakObjectId("chaos-monkey", k.ToString());
                    var rslt = client.Get(id);
                    if (rslt.IsSuccess)
                        Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] got key: {0}", k);
                        Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] error getting key {0}, {1}", k, rslt.ErrorMessage);
                Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] fetch thread stopping");
        public static Func <RiakResult <RiakSearchResult> > RunSolrQuery(this IRiakClient client, RiakSearchRequest req)
            Func <RiakResult <RiakSearchResult> > runSolrQuery =
                () => client.Search(req);

Exemple #4
        private static void FetchServerInfo()
            Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] fetch server info thread starting");
            IRiakClient client = cluster.CreateClient();

                while (true)
                    var cmd  = new FetchServerInfo();
                    var rslt = client.Execute(cmd);
                    if (rslt.IsSuccess)
                        var rsp = cmd.Response;
                        var n   = rsp.Value.Node;
                        var v   = rsp.Value.ServerVersion;
                        // Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] got server info: {0}, {1}", n, v);
                        Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] error getting server info: {0}", rslt.ErrorMessage);
                Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] fetch server info thread stopping");
Exemple #5
        private static void StoreData()
            Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] store thread starting");
            IRiakClient client = cluster.CreateClient();

                while (true)
                    var id  = new RiakObjectId("chaos-monkey", key.ToString());
                    var obj = new RiakObject(id, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                    obj.ContentEncoding = RiakConstants.CharSets.Utf8;
                    obj.ContentType     = RiakConstants.ContentTypes.TextPlain;

                    var rslt = client.Put(obj);
                    if (rslt.IsSuccess)
                        Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] stored key: {0}", key);
                        Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] error storing key {0}, {1}", key, rslt.ErrorMessage);

                Console.WriteLine("[ChaosMonkeyApp] store thread stopping");
        public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config)
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                name = "RiakSessionStateStore";

            base.Initialize(name, config);

            ApplicationName = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath;

            Configuration cfg = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(ApplicationName);
            _config = (SessionStateSection)cfg.GetSection("system.web/sessionState");

            var container = UnityBootstrapper.Bootstrap();
            _client = container.Resolve<IRiakClient>();

            var riakSessionConfiguration = container.Resolve<RiakSessionStateConfiguration>();
            int expiredSessionDeletionInterval = riakSessionConfiguration.TimeoutInMilliseconds;

            _expiredSessionDeletionTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(expiredSessionDeletionInterval);
            _expiredSessionDeletionTimer.Elapsed += ExpiredSessionDeletionTimerElapsed;
            _expiredSessionDeletionTimer.Enabled = true;
            _expiredSessionDeletionTimer.AutoReset = true;
Exemple #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (IRiakEndPoint endpoint = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig"))
                IRiakClient        client       = endpoint.CreateClient();
                UserRepository     userRepo     = new UserRepository(client);
                MsgRepository      msgRepo      = new MsgRepository(client);
                TimelineRepository timelineRepo = new TimelineRepository(client);
                TimelineManager    timelineMgr  = new TimelineManager(timelineRepo, msgRepo);

                // Create and save users
                var marleen = new User("marleenmgr", "Marleen Manager", "*****@*****.**");
                var joe     = new User("joeuser", "Joe User", "*****@*****.**");

                // Create new Msg, post to timelines
                Msg msg = new Msg(marleen.UserName, joe.UserName, "Welcome to the company!");

                // Get Joe's inbox for today, get first message
                Timeline joesInboxToday = timelineMgr.GetTimeline(joe.UserName, Timeline.TimelineType.Inbox, DateTime.UtcNow);
                Msg      joesFirstMsg   = msgRepo.Get(joesInboxToday.MsgKeys.First());

                Console.WriteLine("From: " + joesFirstMsg.Sender);
                Console.WriteLine("Msg : " + joesFirstMsg.Text);
Exemple #8

        public Form1()
            IRiakEndPoint cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig");

            client = cluster.CreateClient();
Exemple #9
 public Repository(IRiakClient client)
     if (client == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("client");
     this.client = client;
Exemple #10
        public static Func <RiakResult <RiakMapReduceResult> > RunMapReduceQuery(
            this IRiakClient client, RiakMapReduceQuery req)
            Func <RiakResult <RiakMapReduceResult> > runMapRedQuery =
                () => client.MapReduce(req);

Exemple #11
 public UnitOfWork(IRiakClient client, IMessageMapper mapper)
     _client    = client;
     _mapper    = mapper;
     _tracked   = new ConcurrentDictionary <RiakObjectId, RiakObject>();
     _saves     = new ConcurrentDictionary <RiakObjectId, RiakObject>();
     _updates   = new ConcurrentDictionary <RiakObjectId, RiakObject>();
     _deletions = new ConcurrentBag <RiakObjectId>();
        public YakRiak(IRiakClient riakClient)
            _riakClient = riakClient;
            // used for waiting for random periods of time
            _rnd = new Random();

            // this is the start date that we need to compare times against to
            // keep the timestamps in sync with YakRiak server
            _timeStart = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
        public BlogPostRepository(IRiakClient client, string bucket)
            : base(client)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bucket))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("bucket");

            this.bucket = bucket;
        public RiakPersistenceStrategy(IRiakClusterConfiguration riakClusterConfiguration, IEventReaderWriterPair eventReaderWriterPair)
            if (riakClusterConfiguration == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("riakClusterConfiguration");
            if (eventReaderWriterPair == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("eventReaderWriterPair");

            _riakClient = new RiakCluster(riakClusterConfiguration, new RiakConnectionFactory()).CreateClient();

            _storer = new RiakStorer(_riakClient, eventReaderWriterPair.Writer);
            _loader = new RiakLoader(_riakClient, eventReaderWriterPair.Reader);
Exemple #15
        public void ShortReadTimeoutMayResultInError()
            IRiakEndPoint cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakShortReadConfiguration");
            IRiakClient   client  = cluster.CreateClient();
            RiakResult    result  = client.Ping();

            if (!result.IsSuccess)
                Assert.IsTrue(result.ErrorMessage.Contains("the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time"), result.ErrorMessage);
Exemple #16
        public void ShortConnectTimeoutMayResultInError()
            IRiakEndPoint cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakShortConnectConfiguration");
            IRiakClient   client  = cluster.CreateClient();
            RiakResult    result  = client.Ping();

            if (!result.IsSuccess)
                Assert.IsTrue(result.ErrorMessage.Contains("Connection to remote server timed out"), result.ErrorMessage);
Exemple #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating Data");
            Customer            customer     = CreateCustomer();
            IEnumerable <Order> orders       = CreateOrders(customer);
            OrderSummary        orderSummary = CreateOrderSummary(customer, orders);

            Console.WriteLine("Starting Client");
            using (IRiakEndPoint endpoint = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig"))
                IRiakClient client = endpoint.CreateClient();

                Console.WriteLine("Storing Data");


                foreach (Order order in orders)
                    // NB: this adds secondary index data as well


                Console.WriteLine("Fetching related data by shared key");
                string key = "1";

                var result = client.Get(customersBucketName, key);
                Console.WriteLine("Customer     1: {0}\n", GetValueAsString(result));

                result = client.Get(orderSummariesBucketName, key);
                Console.WriteLine("OrderSummary 1: {0}\n", GetValueAsString(result));

                Console.WriteLine("Index Queries");

                // Query for order keys where the SalesPersonId index is set to 9000
                var riakIndexId = new RiakIndexId(ordersBucketName, ordersSalesPersonIdIndexName);
                RiakResult <RiakIndexResult> indexRiakResult = client.GetSecondaryIndex(riakIndexId, 9000); // NB: *must* use 9000 as integer here.
                RiakIndexResult indexResult = indexRiakResult.Value;
                Console.WriteLine("Jane's orders (key values): {0}", string.Join(", ", indexResult.IndexKeyTerms.Select(ikt => ikt.Key)));

                // Query for orders where the OrderDate index is between 2013-10-01 and 2013-10-31
                riakIndexId     = new RiakIndexId(ordersBucketName, ordersOrderDateIndexName);
                indexRiakResult = client.GetSecondaryIndex(riakIndexId, "2013-10-01", "2013-10-31"); // NB: *must* use strings here.
                indexResult = indexRiakResult.Value;
                Console.WriteLine("October orders (key values): {0}", string.Join(", ", indexResult.IndexKeyTerms.Select(ikt => ikt.Key)));
        protected void SetUp()
            ConnMock = new Mock<IRiakConnection>();
            ClusterConfigMock = new Mock<IRiakClusterConfiguration>();
            ConnFactoryMock = new Mock<IRiakConnectionFactory>();
            NodeConfigMock = new Mock<IRiakNodeConfiguration>();

            ConnFactoryMock.Setup(m => m.CreateConnection(It.IsAny<IRiakNodeConfiguration>())).Returns(ConnMock.Object);
            NodeConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.PoolSize).Returns(1);
            ClusterConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.RiakNodes).Returns(new List<IRiakNodeConfiguration>

            Cluster = new RiakCluster(ClusterConfigMock.Object, ConnFactoryMock.Object);
            Client = Cluster.CreateClient();
Exemple #19
        private async Task InsertMessagesIntoDatabase(string table, List <Message> allMessages)
            IRiakEndPoint cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig");
            IRiakClient   client  = cluster.CreateClient();

            while (allMessages.Count() > 0)
                List <Message> messages = allMessages.Take(80).ToList();
                allMessages.RemoveRange(0, messages.Count());

                var rows = new List <Row>();

                foreach (Message message in messages)
                    var cells = new Cell[]
                        new Cell("LT"),
                        new Cell(message.SerialNo),
                        new Cell(message.DeviceName),
                        new Cell(message.Timestamp),
                        new Cell(message.Value)
                    rows.Add(new Row(cells));

                var columns = new Column[]
                    new Column("Country", ColumnType.Varchar),
                    new Column("SerialNo", ColumnType.Varchar),
                    new Column("DeviceName", ColumnType.Varchar),
                    new Column("Time", ColumnType.Timestamp),
                    new Column("Value", ColumnType.Double)

                var cmd = new Store.Builder()

                RiakResult rslt = client.Execute(cmd);

                if (!rslt.IsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("Connection to Riak was not successful. AllMessages: " + allMessages.Count());
        public TestBase()
            cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riak1NodeNoAuthConfiguration");
            if (MonoUtil.IsRunningOnMono)
                cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riak1NodeNoAuthConfiguration");
                cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riak1NodeConfiguration");
            client = cluster.CreateClient();
Exemple #21
        public TimeSeries(IRiakClient client, IFuture future)
            _client = client;

            if (!_first)

            _first = false;

            //future.FireRepeatedly(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), dispatcher, (state) =>
            //    (state as IDispatcher).Dispatch<ReduceMetrics>(x => { });
            //}, Description: "Runs metric reducing to reduce space used by older metrics");
        public TestBase(bool auth = true)
            cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riak1NodeNoAuthConfiguration");
            if (auth == false || MonoUtil.IsRunningOnMono)
                cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riak1NodeNoAuthConfiguration");
                cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riak1NodeConfiguration");
            client = cluster.CreateClient();
        protected void SetUpInternal()
            ConnMock          = new Mock <IRiakConnection>();
            ClusterConfigMock = new Mock <IRiakClusterConfiguration>();
            NodeConfigMock    = new Mock <IRiakNodeConfiguration>();

            ConnMock.Setup(m => m.PbcWriteRead <TRequest, TResult>(It.IsAny <IRiakEndPoint>(), It.IsAny <TRequest>()).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult()).Returns(() => Result);
            NodeConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.PoolSize).Returns(1);
            NodeConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.BufferSize).Returns(2097152);
            ClusterConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.RiakNodes).Returns(new List <IRiakNodeConfiguration> {
            ClusterConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.DefaultRetryCount).Returns(100);
            ClusterConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.DefaultRetryWaitTime).Returns(100);

            Cluster = new RiakCluster(ClusterConfigMock.Object);
            Client  = Cluster.CreateClient();
Exemple #24
        protected void SetUpInternal()
            ConnMock          = new Mock <IRiakConnection>();
            ClusterConfigMock = new Mock <IRiakClusterConfiguration>();
            ConnFactoryMock   = new Mock <IRiakConnectionFactory>();
            NodeConfigMock    = new Mock <IRiakNodeConfiguration>();

            ConnMock.Setup(m => m.PbcWriteRead <TRequest, TResult>(It.IsAny <TRequest>())).Returns(() => Result);
            ConnFactoryMock.Setup(m => m.CreateConnection(It.IsAny <IRiakNodeConfiguration>())).Returns(ConnMock.Object);
            NodeConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.PoolSize).Returns(1);
            ClusterConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.RiakNodes).Returns(new List <IRiakNodeConfiguration> {
            ClusterConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.DefaultRetryCount).Returns(100);
            ClusterConfigMock.SetupGet(m => m.DefaultRetryWaitTime).Returns(100);

            Cluster = new RiakCluster(ClusterConfigMock.Object, ConnFactoryMock.Object);
            Client  = Cluster.CreateClient();
Exemple #25
        private void InsertMessageIntoDatabase(string table, Message message)
            IRiakEndPoint cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig");
            IRiakClient   client  = cluster.CreateClient();

            var cells = new Cell[]
                new Cell("LT"),
                new Cell(message.SerialNo),
                new Cell(message.DeviceName),
                new Cell(message.Timestamp),
                new Cell(message.Value)

            var rows = new Row[]
                new Row(cells)

            var columns = new Column[]
                new Column("Country", ColumnType.Varchar),
                new Column("SerialNo", ColumnType.Varchar),
                new Column("DeviceName", ColumnType.Varchar),
                new Column("Time", ColumnType.Timestamp),
                new Column("Value", ColumnType.Double)

            var cmd = new Store.Builder()

            RiakResult rslt = client.Execute(cmd);

            if (!rslt.IsSuccess)
                throw new Exception("Connection to Riak was not successful.");
        public MainForm()

            _cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig");
            _client = _cluster.CreateClient();

            _worker = new BackgroundWorker
                WorkerReportsProgress = true,
                WorkerSupportsCancellation = false

            _worker.DoWork += AsyncLoadImages;

            _resizeSettings = new ResizeSettings
                MaxWidth = 120,
                MaxHeight = 100,
                Format = "jpg"
Exemple #27
        public TestBase(bool useTtb = false, bool auth = true)
            var config = RiakClusterConfiguration.LoadFromConfig("riakConfiguration");
            var noAuthConfig = RiakClusterConfiguration.LoadFromConfig("riakNoAuthConfiguration");
            if (useTtb)
                config.UseTtbEncoding = true;
                noAuthConfig.UseTtbEncoding = true;
            cluster = new RiakCluster(noAuthConfig);
            if (auth == false || MonoUtil.IsRunningOnMono)
                cluster = new RiakCluster(noAuthConfig);
                cluster = new RiakCluster(config);

            client = cluster.CreateClient();
Exemple #28
        public TestBase(bool useTtb = false, bool auth = true)
            var config       = RiakClusterConfiguration.LoadFromConfig("riakConfiguration");
            var noAuthConfig = RiakClusterConfiguration.LoadFromConfig("riakNoAuthConfiguration");

            if (useTtb)
                config.UseTtbEncoding       = true;
                noAuthConfig.UseTtbEncoding = true;
            cluster = new RiakCluster(noAuthConfig);
            if (auth == false || MonoUtil.IsRunningOnMono)
                cluster = new RiakCluster(noAuthConfig);
                cluster = new RiakCluster(config);
            client = cluster.CreateClient();
 public void CreateClient()
     client = endpoint.CreateClient();
        private static void SetUpRiakClient()
            var factory = new CorrugatedIron.Comms.RiakConnectionFactory();
              var clusterconfig = new CorrugatedIron.Config.Fluent.RiakClusterConfiguration()
            .AddNode(a => a
              var cluster = new RiakCluster(clusterconfig, factory);
              riakClient = cluster.CreateClient();

              Log("Initialized Riak client");
Exemple #31
 public UserRepository(IRiakClient client)
     : base(client)
Exemple #32
 public MyContext(IRiakClient client) : base(client)
 public RiakAsyncClient(IRiakClient client)
     _client = client;
 public EntityManager(IRiakClient client)
     this.client = client;
 public RiakCompetes(IRiakClient riak)
     _riak = riak;
 public DinnerRepository()
     _cluster = new RiakCluster(_clusterConfig, new RiakConnectionFactory());
     _client = _cluster.CreateClient();
Exemple #37
 public RiakAsyncClient(IRiakClient client)
     _client = client;
Exemple #38
 public S(IRiakClient client, Store command) : base(client, command)
     _command = command;
Exemple #39
 public Database(IRiakClient client)
     Client = client;
Exemple #40
 public Q(IRiakClient client, Query command) : base(client, command)
     _command = command;
Exemple #41
 public TimelineRepository(IRiakClient client)
     : base(client)
Exemple #42
 public void SetUp()
     Client = Cluster.CreateClient();
Exemple #43
 public override void SetUp()
     cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig");
     client = cluster.CreateClient();
     userDocumentMapper = fixture.Freeze<IMapper<User, UserDocument>>();
     userMapper = fixture.Freeze<IMapper<UserDocument, User>>();
     sut = fixture.Create<UserRepository>();
 public virtual void SetUp()
     Client = Cluster.CreateClient();
 public RiakCheckpoints(IRiakClient riak)
     _riak = riak;
Exemple #46
 public MsgRepository(IRiakClient client)
     : base(client)
Exemple #47
 public E(IRiakClient client, IRiakCommand command)
     _client  = client;
     _command = command;
        private static void Run(IRiakClient client)
            // is the server alive?
            Console.WriteLine("Pinging the server ...");
            var pingResult = client.Ping();

            // here's how you'd go about setting the properties on a bucket
            // (there are lots more than demoed here).
            Console.WriteLine("Setting some bucket properties via REST ...");
            var restProps = new RiakBucketProperties()
            client.SetBucketProperties(Bucket, restProps);
            // you'll notice that this is slow, because behind the scenes the client
            // has detected properties that can't be set via the PBC interface
            // so instead it has degraded to the REST api.

            // here's a sample which uses just the PBC properties and hence runs a
            // lot faster.
            Console.WriteLine("Setting some bucket properties via PBC ...");
            var pbcProps = new RiakBucketProperties()
            client.SetBucketProperties(Bucket, pbcProps);

            // we'll keep track of the keys we store as we create them
            var keys = new List<string>();

            // let's write some stuff to Riak, starting with a simple put
            Console.WriteLine("Simple Put ...");
            var simplePutData = CreateData(0);
            var simplePutResponse = client.Put(simplePutData);

            // next write and pull out the resulting object at the same time,
            // and specifying a different write quorum
            var putWithBody = CreateData(1);
            Console.WriteLine("Simple Put with custom quorum ...");
            var putWithBodyResponse = client.Put(putWithBody, new RiakPutOptions { ReturnBody = true, W = 1 });
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(putWithBodyResponse.Value != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(putWithBodyResponse.Value.VectorClock != null);

            // let's bang out a few more objects to do a bulk load
            var objects = new List<RiakObject>();
            for (var i = 1; i < 11; ++i)
                var obj = CreateData(i);
            Console.WriteLine("Bulk insert ...");
            var bulkInsertResults = client.Put(objects);
            // verify that they all went in
            foreach (var r in bulkInsertResults)

            // let's see if we can get out all the objects that we expect to retrieve
            // starting with a simple get:
            Console.WriteLine("Simple Get ...");
            var simpleGetResult = client.Get(Bucket, keys[0]);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(simpleGetResult.Value != null);

            // let's do a bulk get of all the objects we've written so far, again
            // mucking with the quorum value
            var objectIds = keys.Select(k => new RiakObjectId(Bucket, k));
            Console.WriteLine("Bulk Get ...");
            var bulkGetResults = client.Get(objectIds, 1);

            // verify that we got everything
            foreach (var r in bulkGetResults)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(r.Value != null);

            // let's try a map/reduce function, with javascript, to count the
            // number of objects in the bucket
            var sumMapRed = new RiakMapReduceQuery()
                .MapJs(m => m.Source(@"function(o) {return [ 1 ];}"))
                .ReduceJs(r => r.Name(@"Riak.reduceSum").Keep(true));

            // execute this query with blocking IO, waiting for all the results to come
            // back before we process them
            Console.WriteLine("Blocking map/reduce query ...");
            var blockingMRResult = client.MapReduce(sumMapRed);
            // next, pull out the phase we're interested in to get the result we want
            var reducePhaseResult = blockingMRResult.Value.PhaseResults.Last().GetObjects<int[]>().SelectMany(p => p).ToArray();
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(reducePhaseResult[0] == 12);

            // now let's do the same thing, but with the blocking version that streams
            // the results back per phase, rather than waiting for all the reults to
            // be calculated first
            Console.WriteLine("Blocking streaming map/reduce query ...");
            var streamingMRResult = client.StreamMapReduce(sumMapRed);
            foreach (var result in streamingMRResult.Value.PhaseResults)
                if (result.Phase == 1)
                    var json = JArray.Parse(result.Values[0].FromRiakString());
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(json[0].Value<int>() == 12);

            // each of the above methods have an async equivalent that has an extra
            // parameter to pass in which is an Action that takes the result. This
            // is executed on the worker thread that the work is done on. For the
            // sake of this example, we'll only demonstrate how to do this with
            // streaming map/reduce as applying the principle to the other functions
            // is a simple thing to do. All the async methods are exposed via the
            // 'Async' property.

            // create an event to wait on while the results are being processed
            // (usually you wouldn't worry about this in a Ui app, you'd just take
            // the result of the other thread and dispatch it to the UI when processed)
            var autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            Console.WriteLine("Starting async streaming map/reduce query ...");
            client.Async.StreamMapReduce(sumMapRed, result => HandleStreamingMapReduce(result, autoResetEvent));
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for async streaming map/reduce query result ...");

            // finally delete the bucket (this can also be done asynchronously)
            // this calls ListKeys behind the scenes, so it's a very slow process. Riak
            // doesn't currently have the ability to quickly delete a bucket.
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting the whole test bucket ...");

            Console.WriteLine("Sample app complete!");