public async Task <IActionResult> CreateReward([FromBody] CreateRewardDto dto)
            var result = await _rewardService.CreateRewardAsync(dto);

            return(new JsonResult(result));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the creation of a reward
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">Which type of reward will be</param>
        /// <param name="targetUser">user who will receive the reward</param>
        /// <param name="isPlus">Sum or rest points this reward</param>
        /// <param name="entity1">Info to store in the history</param>
        /// <param name="entity2">Other info to store in the history</param>
        /// <param name="notificationType">How will be the user notified</param>
        /// <param name="devices">Firebase notification targets</param>
        /// <returns>void - notify client that a reward was created via websocket</returns>
        public async Task <RewardResponse> HandleRewardAsync(RewardCategoryEnum category, int targetUser, bool isPlus, object entity1, object entity2,
                                                             NotificationTypeEnum notificationType = NotificationTypeEnum.SIGNAL_R, IEnumerable <Device> devices = null)
            var userStatics = await _userStatisticsService.GetOrCreateUserStatisticsByUserAsync(targetUser);

            var currentPoints = userStatics.Points;
            var cutPoints     = await _cutPointService.GetNextCutPointsAsync(currentPoints, 5);

            var data = new RewardHistoryData
                // Make sure that this is an important info to store in the history
                Entity1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity1),
                Entity2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity2)
            var reward = new CreateRewardRequest
                UserId             = targetUser,
                RewardCategoryEnum = (int)category,
                IsPlus             = isPlus,
                Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data),

            var dbReward = await _rewardService.CreateRewardAsync(reward);

            RewardResponse mapped = null;

            // assign only if the reward was created after validations
            if (dbReward != null)
                mapped = new RewardResponse
                    Id               = dbReward.Id,
                    CategoryId       = (int)dbReward.RewardCategory.Category,
                    Category         = dbReward.RewardCategory.Category.ToString(),
                    IsPlus           = dbReward.IsPlus,
                    Points           = dbReward.Points,
                    RewardPoints     = dbReward.RewardPoints,
                    RewardCategoryId = dbReward.RewardCategoryId,
                    UserId           = dbReward.UserId,
                    CreatedAt        = dbReward.CreatedAt

                switch (notificationType)
                case NotificationTypeEnum.SIGNAL_R:
                    await SendSignalRNotificationAsync(HubConstants.REWARD_CREATED, mapped);


                case NotificationTypeEnum.FIREBASE:
                    var lang = await _userService.GetUserLanguageFromUserIdAsync(mapped.UserId);

                    var title = (lang == "EN") ? "You have receipt a new reward" : "Has recibido una nueva recompensa";
                    var body  = "";
                    if (category == RewardCategoryEnum.EAT_BALANCED_CREATED_STREAK || category == RewardCategoryEnum.EAT_CREATED_STREAK)
                        body = GetFirebaseMessageForStreakReward(category, (int)entity1, mapped, lang);

                    if (category == RewardCategoryEnum.DISH_BUILT)
                        body = GetFirebaseMessageForDishBuildReward(mapped, lang);

                    if (category == RewardCategoryEnum.NEW_REFERAL)
                        body = GetFirebaseMessageForNewReferralReward(mapped, lang);

                    if (category == RewardCategoryEnum.EAT_BALANCED_CREATED || category == RewardCategoryEnum.EAT_CREATED)
                        body = GetFirebaseMessageForCreateEatReward(mapped, lang, category);

                    if (category == RewardCategoryEnum.CUT_POINT_REACHED)
                        body = GetFirebaseMessageForCutPointReachedReward(mapped, lang);

                    if (devices != null)
                        await _notificationService.SendFirebaseNotificationAsync(title, body, devices);


                await HandleCutPointRewardsAsync(cutPoints, targetUser);
