public async Task <DocActionModel> GetActionDocModel(IHeaderDictionary headers, MethodInfo methodInfo)
            if (methodInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(methodInfo), "Method information not specified.");

            DocAction actionDoc = _docModule.GetActionDoc(methodInfo);

            if (actionDoc == null)
                return(await Task.FromResult <DocActionModel>(null));

            var actionDocModel = new DocActionModel(actionDoc);

            await AddResourceDocs(actionDocModel, actionDoc);

            Type responseResourceType = ActionExtensions.GetActionResponseResourceType(methodInfo);

            if (responseResourceType != null)
                // Based on the accept type, load the resource metadata which will contain information
                // about the associated link relations.  Add documentation for each resource link.
                IResourceMeta resourceMeta = _resourceMediaModule.GetRequestedResourceMediaMeta(headers, responseResourceType);

                AddResourceRelationDocs(actionDocModel, actionDoc, resourceMeta);

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the link metadata defined for one resource type to another.  This can be used when there
        /// are multiple representations for a resource type.  This is the case where there is a resource type
        /// and also different corresponding view-models.  When this is the case, often the links associated
        /// with the base resource type are also to be specified on the associated view-models.  This also
        /// avoids from having to inherit resources and view-models from each other.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TFromResource">The type of an already mapped resource.</typeparam>
        /// <returns>Reference to self for method chaining.</returns>
        public TResourceMeta ApplyLinkMetaFrom <TFromResource>()
            where TFromResource : class, IResource
            IResourceMeta resourceMeta = GetResourceMeta(typeof(TFromResource));


        /// <summary>
        /// Add an item containing metadata for a specific resource type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceMeta">The resource metadata configured by derived map.</param>
        protected void AddResourceMeta(IResourceMeta resourceMeta)
            if (resourceMeta == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(resourceMeta), "Resource metadata not specified.");

        protected IResourceMeta GetResourceMeta(Type resourceType)
            IResourceMeta resourceMeta = _resourceMap.ResourceMeta
                                         .FirstOrDefault(m => m.ResourceType == resourceType);

            if (resourceMeta == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"Resource Metadata does not exist or has not yet been added for resource type: {resourceType.AssemblyQualifiedName}");
        // Creates a new resource mapping for a new resource type based on an existing resource type.
        // Only the links for which the new resource meets the criteria of the original resource type
        // are copied.  For example of the original link is based on a resource property of FooBarId,
        // and the resource to which the link is being copied does not have such a property, the link
        // will not be assigned to the new resource type.
        private void AddValidLinks(IResourceMeta resourceMeta)
            foreach (ActionLink actionLink in resourceMeta.Links)
                if (actionLink.CanBeAppliedTo(typeof(TResource)))
                    ActionLink newResourceLink = actionLink.CreateCopyFor <TResource>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the resource metadata associated with a specific resource type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceMeta">The resource metadata.</param>
        public void AddResourceMeta(IResourceMeta resourceMeta)
            if (resourceMeta == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(resourceMeta), "Resource metadata not specified.");

            if (_resourceTypeMeta.ContainsKey(resourceMeta.ResourceType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"Resource metadata already specified for resource type: {resourceMeta.ResourceType.FullName}");

            _resourceTypeMeta[resourceMeta.ResourceType] = resourceMeta;
        private void AddResourceRelationDocs(DocActionModel actionDocModel, DocAction actionDoc, IResourceMeta resourceMeta)
            DocRelation[] relationDocs = resourceMeta.Links.Select(
                link => new DocRelation(link)
                Description = GetRelationDescription(link, actionDoc, _docModule.GetCommonDefinitions())

            actionDocModel.Relations = relationDocs;