Exemple #1
 public NationalParksCLI(IParksSqlDAO parkDAO, ICampgroundSqlDAO campgroundDAO, IReservationSqlDAO reservationDAO, ISiteSqlDAO siteDAO)
     this.parkDAO        = parkDAO;
     this.campgroundDAO  = campgroundDAO;
     this.reservationDAO = reservationDAO;
     this.siteDAO        = siteDAO;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor adds items to the top-level menu. You will likely have parameters  passed in
 /// here...
 /// </summary>
 public MainMenu(ICampgroundSqlDAO campgroundDAO, ISiteSqlDAO siteDAO, IParkSqlDAO parkDAO, IReservationSqlDAO reservationDAO) : base("Main Menu")
     this.campgroundDAO  = campgroundDAO;
     this.siteDAO        = siteDAO;
     this.parkDAO        = parkDAO;
     this.reservationDAO = reservationDAO;
 public ReservationSystemCLI(IParkSqlDAO parkSqlDAO, ICampgroundSqlDAO campgroundSqlDAO, ICampsiteSqlDAO campsiteSqlDAO, IReservationSqlDAO reservationSqlDAO)
     this.parkSqlDAO        = parkSqlDAO;
     this.campgroundSqlDAO  = campgroundSqlDAO;
     this.campsiteSqlDAO    = campsiteSqlDAO;
     this.reservationSqlDAO = reservationSqlDAO;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor adds items to the top-level menu
 /// </summary>
 public SubMenu2(Park park, ICampgroundSqlDAO campgroundDAO, ISiteSqlDAO siteDAO, IReservationSqlDAO reservationDAO) :
     base("Sub-Menu 2")
     this.park           = park;
     this.campgroundDAO  = campgroundDAO;
     this.siteDAO        = siteDAO;
     this.reservationDAO = reservationDAO;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor adds items to the top-level menu
 /// </summary>
 public ReservationsMenu(Park selectedPark, ICampgroundSqlDAO campgroundDAO, IParkSqlDAO parkDAO, IReservationSqlDAO reservationDAO, ISiteSqlDAO siteDAO) :
     base(campgroundDAO, parkDAO, reservationDAO, siteDAO)
     this.selectedPark = selectedPark;