protected void requestSceneObjectDetails(object sender, IRequestInterface args) { switch (args.resolved) { case SceneLoadingStatus.eMesh: if (_LoadMesh) { requestMeshes(sender, args); } break; case SceneLoadingStatus.eMaterial: if (_LoadMesh) { requestMaterials(sender, args); } break; case SceneLoadingStatus.eProperties: if (_LoadMetadata) { requestProperties2(sender, args); } break; } }
protected void requestProperties(object sender, IRequestInterface args) { PropertiesRequest reqObj = args as PropertiesRequest; reqObj.uri = new System.Uri(ForgeLoaderConstants._endpoint + URN + "/properties/" + reqObj.dbId.ToString()); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("URI request: " + reqObj.uri.ToString ()); _mgr.Register(reqObj); }
protected void requestTextures(object sender, IRequestInterface args) { // Textures are safe because they will be called only once per texture/material TextureRequest reqObj = args as TextureRequest; reqObj.uri = new System.Uri(ForgeLoaderConstants._endpoint + URN + "/texture/" + reqObj.texture.tex); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("URI request: " + reqObj.uri.ToString ()); _mgr.Register(reqObj); }
protected void requestMaterial(object sender, IRequestInterface args) { // Material can be shared MaterialRequest reqObj = args as MaterialRequest; reqObj.uri = new System.Uri(ForgeLoaderConstants._endpoint + URN + "/material/" + reqObj.matId + "/mat"); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("URI request: " + reqObj.uri.ToString ()); _mgr.Register(reqObj); }
protected void requestMesh(object sender, IRequestInterface args) { // Meshes are safe because they will be called only once MeshRequest reqObj = args as MeshRequest; reqObj.uri = new System.Uri(ForgeLoaderConstants._endpoint + URN + "/scenes/" + SCENEID + "/mesh/" + reqObj.fragId.Item1 + "/" + reqObj.fragId.Item2); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("URI request: " + reqObj.uri.ToString ()); _mgr.Register(reqObj); }
protected void requestProperties2(object sender, IRequestInterface args) { PropertiesRequest2 reqObj = args as PropertiesRequest2; HashSet <int> collectIds = new HashSet <int> (); foreach (Eppy.Tuple <int, GameObject> item in reqObj.dbIds) { collectIds.Add(item.Item1); } string propsIds = string.Join(",", collectIds); reqObj.uri = new System.Uri(ForgeLoaderConstants._endpoint + URN + "/properties/" + propsIds); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("URI request: " + reqObj.uri.ToString ()); _mgr.Register(reqObj); }
protected void requestMaterials(object sender, IRequestInterface args) // Only works with the v2 server using the v1 API // Materials can be shared { MaterialsRequest reqObj = args as MaterialsRequest; HashSet <int> collectIds = new HashSet <int> (); foreach (int matId in reqObj.materialIds) { collectIds.Add(matId); } string matIds = string.Join(",", collectIds); reqObj.uri = new System.Uri(ForgeLoaderConstants._endpoint + URN + "/materials/" + matIds); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("URI request: " + reqObj.uri.ToString ()); _mgr.Register(reqObj); }
protected void requestMeshes(object sender, IRequestInterface args) // Only works with the v2 server using the v1 API // Meshes are safe because they will be called only once { MeshesRequest reqObj = args as MeshesRequest; HashSet <int> collectIds = new HashSet <int> (); foreach (Eppy.Tuple <int, int, OpenCTM.Mesh> item in reqObj._openctm) { collectIds.Add(item.Item1); } string dbIds = string.Join(",", collectIds); reqObj.uri = new System.Uri(ForgeLoaderConstants._endpoint + URN + "/meshes/" + dbIds); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("URI request: " + reqObj.uri.ToString ()); _mgr.Register(reqObj); }
public void AsyncRequestCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs args) { if (args == null || args.UserState == null) { return; } IRequestInterface item = args.UserState as IRequestInterface; if (args.Error != null) { Debug.Log(ForgeLoader.GetCurrentMethod() + " " + args.Error.Message); item.state = SceneLoadingStatus.eError; return; } //item.state =item.resolved ; item.ProcessResponse(args); }
protected void requestMesh2(object sender, IRequestInterface args) // Only works with the v2 server using the v1 API // Meshes are safe because they will be called only once { MeshRequest2 reqObj = args as MeshRequest2; HashSet <int> collectIds = new HashSet <int> (); foreach (Eppy.Tuple <int, int, GameObject, JSONNode> item in reqObj.fragments) { collectIds.Add(item.Item1); } if (collectIds.Count == 1) { collectIds.Add(-1); } string fragIds = string.Join(",", collectIds); reqObj.uri = new System.Uri(ForgeLoaderConstants._endpoint + URN + "/mesh/" + reqObj.dbId + "/" + fragIds); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("URI request: " + reqObj.uri.ToString ()); _mgr.Register(reqObj); }
protected void requestNothing(object sender, IRequestInterface args) { }
public virtual void Update() { //UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample ("Forge AR|VR Toolkit"); if (!Active) { return; } // Do we got more requests to fire? int pending = _mgr.Count(SceneLoadingStatus.ePending); if (pending < ForgeLoaderConstants.NB_MAX_REQUESTS) { RequestQueueMgrEnumerator news = _mgr.GetTypeEnumerator(SceneLoadingStatus.eNew); pending = _mgr.Count(SceneLoadingStatus.eNew); if (news.MoveNext()) { //UnityEngine.Debug.Log (DateTime.Now.ToString ("HH:mm:ss.f") + " / " + ((IRequestInterface)news.Current).uri.ToString ()); _mgr.FireRequest(news.Current); } } // For each request we got an answer for, we build the corresponding scene object RequestQueueMgrEnumerator items = _mgr.GetCompletedEnumerator(); while (items.MoveNext()) { IRequestInterface item = items.Current; if (item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eInstanceTree) { item.fireRequestCallback += requestSceneObjectDetails; } else if (item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eMaterial) { item.fireRequestCallback += requestTextures; } GameObject obj = item.BuildScene( item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eInstanceTree ? SCENEID : item.GetName(), SaveToDisk ); if (obj != null && item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eInstanceTree) { if (ROOT == null) { ROOT = obj; } else { obj.transform.parent = ROOT.transform; obj.transform.localPosition =; } } else if (item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eMaterial) // Safe as we make only 1 request per material { _materialLib.Add((item as MaterialRequest).matId, (item as MaterialRequest).material); } else if (item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eProperties) // Safe as we make only 1 request per propertyset { _properties.Add((item as PropertiesRequest).dbId, (item as PropertiesRequest).properties); } // else if ( item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eTexture ) break; } // Assign Material to Mesh waiting for it items = _mgr.GetTypeEnumerator(SceneLoadingStatus.eWaitingMaterial); while (items.MoveNext()) { MeshRequest item = items.Current as MeshRequest; if (!_materialLib.ContainsKey(item.materialId)) { continue; } MeshRenderer renderer = item.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> (); renderer.sharedMaterial = _materialLib [item.materialId]; item.state = item.resolved; } // Showing progress if (ProcessedNodes != null) { int total = _mgr.Count(); int built = _mgr.Count(new SceneLoadingStatus [] { SceneLoadingStatus.eInstanceTree, SceneLoadingStatus.eMesh, SceneLoadingStatus.eMaterial, SceneLoadingStatus.eTexture, SceneLoadingStatus.eProperties, SceneLoadingStatus.eWaitingMaterial, SceneLoadingStatus.eWaitingTexture }); int completed = _mgr.Count(SceneLoadingStatus.eReceived); float val = 100.0f * Math.Min(completed + built, total) / total; ProcessedNodes(this, val); if (ProcessingNodesCompleted != null) { built = _mgr.Count(new SceneLoadingStatus [] { SceneLoadingStatus.eInstanceTree, SceneLoadingStatus.eMesh, SceneLoadingStatus.eMaterial, SceneLoadingStatus.eTexture, SceneLoadingStatus.eProperties, }); int unprocessed = _mgr.Count(new SceneLoadingStatus [] { SceneLoadingStatus.eCancelled, SceneLoadingStatus.eError, }); if (built + unprocessed == total) { ProcessingNodesCompleted(this, unprocessed); TimeSpan tm = DateTime.Now - started; UnityEngine.Debug.Log(URN + "-" + SCENEID + " loaded in: " + tm.TotalSeconds.ToString()); Sleep(); // Sleep ourself } } } //UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample (); }
public void FireRequest(IRequestInterface item) { item.FireRequest(AsyncRequestCompleted); }
public void Register(IRequestInterface item) { _queue.Add(item); }
public void Add(IRequestInterface item) { _queue.Add(item); item.FireRequest(AsyncRequestCompleted); }