Exemple #1
 public static void MergeNoFF(this IRepository repository, string branch, Signature sig)
     repository.Merge(repository.FindBranch(branch), sig, new MergeOptions
         FastForwardStrategy = FastForwardStrategy.NoFastFoward
Exemple #2
        private VersionTaggedCommit GetVersion(IRepository gitRepo)
            var branch = gitRepo.FindBranch("master");
            var tags   = gitRepo.Tags.Select(t =>
                SemanticVersion version;
                if (SemanticVersionParser.TryParse(t.Name.TrimStart('v'), out version))
                    return(new VersionTaggedCommit((Commit)t.Target, version));
                         .Where(a => a != null)
            var olderThan        = branch.Tip.Committer.When;
            var lastTaggedCommit =
                branch.Commits.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Committer.When <= olderThan && tags.Any(a => a.Commit == c));

            if (lastTaggedCommit != null)
                return(tags.Last(a => a.Commit.Sha == lastTaggedCommit.Sha));

            // Create a next version txt as 0.1.0
            var filePath = Path.Combine(workingDirectory, "NextVersion.txt");

            if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                File.WriteAllText(filePath, "0.1.0");

            var commit = branch.Commits.Last();

            return(new VersionTaggedCommit(commit, new SemanticVersion()));
        int NumberOfCommitsInBranchNotKnownFromBaseBranch(
            IRepository repo,
            Branch branch,
            BranchType branchType,
            string baseBranchName)
            var baseTip = repo.FindBranch(baseBranchName).Tip;

            if (branch.Tip == baseTip)
                // The branch bears no additional commit

            var ancestor = repo.Commits.FindMergeBase(

            if (ancestor == null)
                var message = string.Format("A {0} branch is expected to branch off of '{1}'. However, branch '{1}' and '{2}' do not share a common ancestor.", branchType, baseBranchName, branch.Name);
                throw new WarningException(message);

            var filter = new CommitFilter
                Since  = branch.Tip,
                Until  = ancestor,
                SortBy = CommitSortStrategies.Topological | CommitSortStrategies.Time

        void EnsureLocalBranchExists(IRepository repository, string branchName)
            if (repository.FindBranch(branchName) != null)

            var existingBranches = string.Format("'{0}'", string.Join("', '", repository.Branches.Select(x => x.CanonicalName)));
            throw new WarningException(string.Format("This repository doesn't contain a branch named '{0}'. Please create one. Existing branches: {1}", branchName, existingBranches));
Exemple #5
        void EnsureLocalBranchExists(IRepository repository, string branchName)
            if (repository.FindBranch(branchName) != null)

            var existingBranches = string.Format("'{0}'", string.Join("', '", repository.Branches.Select(x => x.CanonicalName)));

            throw new WarningException(string.Format("This repository doesn't contain a branch named '{0}'. Please create one. Existing branches: {1}", branchName, existingBranches));
        void EnsurePullBranchShareACommonAncestorWithMaster(IRepository repository, Branch pullBranch)
            var masterTip = repository.FindBranch("master").Tip;
            var ancestor = repository.Commits.FindMergeBase(masterTip, pullBranch.Tip);

            if (ancestor != null)

            var message = string.Format("A pull request branch is expected to branch off of 'master'. However, branch 'master' and '{0}' do not share a common ancestor.", pullBranch.Name);
            throw new Exception(message);
Exemple #7
        void EnsurePullBranchShareACommonAncestorWithMaster(IRepository repository, Branch pullBranch)
            var masterTip = repository.FindBranch("master").Tip;
            var ancestor  = repository.Commits.FindMergeBase(masterTip, pullBranch.Tip);

            if (ancestor != null)

            var message = string.Format("A pull request branch is expected to branch off of 'master'. However, branch 'master' and '{0}' do not share a common ancestor.", pullBranch.Name);

            throw new Exception(message);
Exemple #8
    public static Commit CreatePullRequestRef(this IRepository repository, string from, string to, int prNumber = 2, bool normalise = false, bool allowFastFowardMerge = false)
        if (allowFastFowardMerge)
            repository.Merge(repository.FindBranch(from), Constants.SignatureNow());
        var commit = repository.Head.Tip;

        repository.Refs.Add("refs/pull/" + prNumber + "/merge", commit.Id);
        if (normalise)
            // Turn the ref into a real branch
            repository.Checkout(repository.Branches.Add("pull/" + prNumber + "/merge", commit));

        Commit FindCommonAncestorWithDevelop(IRepository repo, Branch branch, BranchType branchType)
            var ancestor = repo.Commits.FindMergeBase(

            if (ancestor != null)
                return ancestor;

            throw new ErrorException(
                string.Format("A {0} branch is expected to branch off of 'develop'. "
                              + "However, branch 'develop' and '{1}' do not share a common ancestor."
                    , branchType, branch.Name));
        Commit FindCommonAncestorWithDevelop(IRepository repo, Branch branch, BranchType branchType)
            var ancestor = repo.Commits.FindMergeBase(

            if (ancestor != null)

            throw new WarningException(
                      string.Format("A {0} branch is expected to branch off of 'develop'. "
                                    + "However, branch 'develop' and '{1}' do not share a common ancestor."
                                    , branchType, branch.Name));
        public bool IsThereAnyCommitOnTheBranch(IRepository repo, Branch branch)
            var filter = new CommitFilter
                Since = branch,
                Until = repo.FindBranch("develop")

            var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(filter);

            if (!commits.Any())

        public bool IsThereAnyCommitOnTheBranch(IRepository repo, Branch branch)
            var filter = new CommitFilter
                Since = branch,
                Until = repo.FindBranch("develop")

            var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(filter);

            if (!commits.Any())
                return false;

            return true;
        public VersionPoint FindLatestStableTaggedCommitReachableFrom(IRepository repo, Commit commit)
            var masterTip = repo.FindBranch("master").Tip;
            var ancestor = repo.Commits.FindMergeBase(masterTip, commit);

            var allTags = repo.Tags.ToList();

            foreach (var c in repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter
                    Since = ancestor.Id,
                    SortBy = CommitSortStrategies.Topological | CommitSortStrategies.Time
                var vp = RetrieveStableVersionPointFor(allTags, c);

                if (vp != null)
                    return vp;

            return null;
        static Commit FindLatestStableTaggedCommitReachableFrom(IRepository repo, Commit commit)
            var masterTip = repo.FindBranch("master").Tip;
            var ancestor  = repo.Commits.FindMergeBase(masterTip, commit);

            var allTags = repo.Tags.ToList();

            foreach (var c in repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter
                Since = ancestor.Id,
                SortBy = CommitSortStrategies.Topological | CommitSortStrategies.Time
                var vp = RetrieveStableVersionPointFor(allTags, c);

                if (vp != null)

        static KeyValuePair<string, BranchConfig> InheritBranchConfiguration(
            bool onlyEvaluateTrackedBranches, IRepository repository, Commit currentCommit,
            Branch currentBranch, KeyValuePair<string, BranchConfig> keyValuePair,
            BranchConfig branchConfiguration, Config config)
            Logger.WriteInfo("Attempting to inherit branch configuration from parent branch");
            var excludedBranches = new [] { currentBranch };
            // Check if we are a merge commit. If so likely we are a pull request
            var parentCount = currentCommit.Parents.Count();
            if (parentCount == 2)
                var parents = currentCommit.Parents.ToArray();
                var branch = repository.Branches.SingleOrDefault(b => !b.IsRemote && b.Tip == parents[1]);
                if (branch != null)
                    excludedBranches = new[]
                    currentBranch = branch;
                    currentBranch = repository.Branches.SingleOrDefault(b => !b.IsRemote && b.Tip == parents[0]) ?? currentBranch;

                Logger.WriteInfo("HEAD is merge commit, this is likely a pull request using " + currentBranch.Name + " as base");

            var branchPoint = currentBranch.FindCommitBranchWasBranchedFrom(repository, onlyEvaluateTrackedBranches, excludedBranches);

            List<Branch> possibleParents;
            if (branchPoint.Sha == currentCommit.Sha)
                possibleParents = currentCommit.GetBranchesContainingCommit(repository, true).Except(excludedBranches).ToList();
                var branches = branchPoint.GetBranchesContainingCommit(repository, true).Except(excludedBranches).ToList();
                var currentTipBranches = currentCommit.GetBranchesContainingCommit(repository, true).Except(excludedBranches).ToList();
                possibleParents = branches

            Logger.WriteInfo("Found possible parent branches: " + string.Join(", ", possibleParents.Select(p => p.Name)));

            // If it comes down to master and something, master is always first so we pick other branch
            if (possibleParents.Count == 2 && possibleParents.Any(p => p.Name == "master"))
                possibleParents.Remove(possibleParents.Single(p => p.Name == "master"));

            if (possibleParents.Count == 1)
                var branchConfig = GetBranchConfiguration(currentCommit, repository, onlyEvaluateTrackedBranches, config, possibleParents[0]).Value;
                return new KeyValuePair<string, BranchConfig>(
                    new BranchConfig(branchConfiguration)
                        Increment = branchConfig.Increment,
                        PreventIncrementOfMergedBranchVersion = branchConfig.PreventIncrementOfMergedBranchVersion

            // If we fail to inherit it is probably because the branch has been merged and we can't do much. So we will fall back to develop's config
            // if develop exists and master if not
            string errorMessage;
            if (possibleParents.Count == 0)
                errorMessage = "Failed to inherit Increment branch configuration, no branches found.";
                errorMessage = "Failed to inherit Increment branch configuration, ended up with: " + string.Join(", ", possibleParents.Select(p => p.Name));

            var hasDevelop = repository.FindBranch("develop") != null;
            var branchName = hasDevelop ? "develop" : "master";

            Logger.WriteWarning(errorMessage + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Falling back to " + branchName + " branch config");
            var value = GetBranchConfiguration(currentCommit, repository, onlyEvaluateTrackedBranches, config, repository.Branches[branchName]).Value;
            return new KeyValuePair<string, BranchConfig>(
                new BranchConfig(branchConfiguration)
                    Increment = value.Increment,
                    PreventIncrementOfMergedBranchVersion = value.PreventIncrementOfMergedBranchVersion
Exemple #16
 public static bool ShouldGitHubFlowVersioningSchemeApply(IRepository repo)
     return repo.FindBranch("develop") == null;
        int NumberOfCommitsInBranchNotKnownFromBaseBranch(
            IRepository repo,
            Branch branch,
            BranchType branchType,
            string baseBranchName)
            var baseTip = repo.FindBranch(baseBranchName).Tip;
            if (branch.Tip == baseTip)
                // The branch bears no additional commit
                return 0;

            var ancestor = repo.Commits.FindMergeBase(

            if (ancestor == null)
                var message = string.Format("A {0} branch is expected to branch off of '{1}'. However, branch '{1}' and '{2}' do not share a common ancestor.", branchType, baseBranchName, branch.Name);
                throw new ErrorException(message);

            var filter = new CommitFilter
                             Since = branch.Tip,
                             Until = ancestor,
                             SortBy = CommitSortStrategies.Topological | CommitSortStrategies.Time

            return repo.Commits.QueryBy(filter).Count();
        static KeyValuePair <string, BranchConfig> InheritBranchConfiguration(
            bool onlyEvaluateTrackedBranches, IRepository repository, Commit currentCommit,
            Branch currentBranch, KeyValuePair <string, BranchConfig> keyValuePair,
            BranchConfig branchConfiguration, Config config)
            Logger.WriteInfo("Attempting to inherit branch configuration from parent branch");
            var excludedBranches = new [] { currentBranch };
            // Check if we are a merge commit. If so likely we are a pull request
            var parentCount = currentCommit.Parents.Count();

            if (parentCount == 2)
                var parents = currentCommit.Parents.ToArray();
                var branch  = repository.Branches.SingleOrDefault(b => !b.IsRemote && b.Tip == parents[1]);
                if (branch != null)
                    excludedBranches = new[]
                    currentBranch = branch;
                    currentBranch = repository.Branches.SingleOrDefault(b => !b.IsRemote && b.Tip == parents[0]) ?? currentBranch;

                Logger.WriteInfo("HEAD is merge commit, this is likely a pull request using " + currentBranch.Name + " as base");

            var branchPoint = currentBranch.FindCommitBranchWasBranchedFrom(repository, onlyEvaluateTrackedBranches, excludedBranches);

            List <Branch> possibleParents;

            if (branchPoint.Sha == currentCommit.Sha)
                possibleParents = currentCommit.GetBranchesContainingCommit(repository, true).Except(excludedBranches).ToList();
                var branches           = branchPoint.GetBranchesContainingCommit(repository, true).Except(excludedBranches).ToList();
                var currentTipBranches = currentCommit.GetBranchesContainingCommit(repository, true).Except(excludedBranches).ToList();
                possibleParents = branches

            Logger.WriteInfo("Found possible parent branches: " + string.Join(", ", possibleParents.Select(p => p.Name)));

            // If it comes down to master and something, master is always first so we pick other branch
            if (possibleParents.Count == 2 && possibleParents.Any(p => p.Name == "master"))
                possibleParents.Remove(possibleParents.Single(p => p.Name == "master"));

            if (possibleParents.Count == 1)
                var branchConfig = GetBranchConfiguration(currentCommit, repository, onlyEvaluateTrackedBranches, config, possibleParents[0]).Value;
                return(new KeyValuePair <string, BranchConfig>(
                           new BranchConfig(branchConfiguration)
                    Increment = branchConfig.Increment,
                    PreventIncrementOfMergedBranchVersion = branchConfig.PreventIncrementOfMergedBranchVersion

            // If we fail to inherit it is probably because the branch has been merged and we can't do much. So we will fall back to develop's config
            // if develop exists and master if not
            string errorMessage;

            if (possibleParents.Count == 0)
                errorMessage = "Failed to inherit Increment branch configuration, no branches found.";
                errorMessage = "Failed to inherit Increment branch configuration, ended up with: " + string.Join(", ", possibleParents.Select(p => p.Name));

            var hasDevelop = repository.FindBranch("develop") != null;
            var branchName = hasDevelop ? "develop" : "master";

            Logger.WriteWarning(errorMessage + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Falling back to " + branchName + " branch config");
            var value = GetBranchConfiguration(currentCommit, repository, onlyEvaluateTrackedBranches, config, repository.Branches[branchName]).Value;

            return(new KeyValuePair <string, BranchConfig>(
                       new BranchConfig(branchConfiguration)
                Increment = value.Increment,
                PreventIncrementOfMergedBranchVersion = value.PreventIncrementOfMergedBranchVersion
 public Branch FindBranch(string branchName)
 public static bool ShouldGitHubFlowVersioningSchemeApply(IRepository repo)
     return(repo.FindBranch("develop") == null);