private void btnSelectGDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmOpenFile file = new frmOpenFile(); file.AddFilter(new MyGxFilterWorkspaces(), true); if (file.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { IGxDatabase database = file.Items.get_Element(0) as IGxDatabase; if (database != null) { this.txtGDB.Text = (database as IGxObject).FullName; if (!database.IsConnected) { database.Connect(); } IWorkspaceReplicas workspace = database.Workspace as IWorkspaceReplicas; if (workspace != null) { IEnumReplica replicas = workspace.Replicas; replicas.Reset(); IReplica replica2 = replicas.Next(); if (replica2 != null) { this.lblCheckOutName.Text = replica2.Name; this.txtGDB.Tag = database.WorkspaceName; } else { this.txtGDB.Tag = null; } } } } }
public void Init() { if (CheckInHelper.m_pHelper.MasterWorkspaceName != null) { this.panel_by_MasterGDB.Visible = true; this.panelbycheckoutdb.Visible = false; this.lblCheckInGDB.Text = this.method_0(CheckInHelper.m_pHelper.MasterWorkspaceName); this.radioGroup1_SelectedIndexChanged(this, new EventArgs()); } else { this.panel_by_MasterGDB.Visible = false; this.panelbycheckoutdb.Visible = true; IWorkspace workspace = (CheckInHelper.m_pHelper.CheckoutWorkspaceName as IName).Open() as IWorkspace; IWorkspaceReplicas replicas = workspace as IWorkspaceReplicas; IEnumReplica replica = replicas.Replicas; replica.Reset(); IReplica replica2 = replica.Next(); if (replica2 != null) { this.lblCheckOutName1.Text = replica2.Name; this.lblMasterGDB2.Text = this.method_0(replica2.ConnectionInfo); this.lblMasterGDB2.Tag = replica2.ConnectionInfo; this.lblCheckInGDB2.Text = this.method_0(CheckInHelper.m_pHelper.CheckoutWorkspaceName); } } }
private static IList <IReplica> SetUpGroup(Operator operatorData, int ourId, IReplica localReplica) { var peers = new List <IReplica>(); var nReplicas = operatorData.replicaURLs.Count; for (var peerId = 0; peerId < nReplicas; peerId++) { if (peerId == ourId) { peers.Add(localReplica); continue; } var peerUrl = operatorData.replicaURLs[peerId]; try { var peerProxy = (IOperatorProcess)Activator.GetObject(typeof(IOperatorProcess), peerUrl); peers.Add(new PeerReplica(, peerId, peerProxy)); Console.WriteLine("[Replica] Created proxy to peer at {0}.", peerUrl); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("[Replica] Unable to create a proxy to peer at {0}. Cause: {1}", peerUrl, e.Message); } } return(peers); }
public virtual bool Remove(IReplica replica) { var publicationRef = replica.PublicationRef; var random = publicationRef.PublicationId.HashCode; OnOperation(random); if (!_handles.TryGetValue(publicationRef, out var handle)) { return(false); } var target = handle.Target; if (target != null && !ReferenceEquals(target, replica)) { // GCHandle target is pointing to another replica return(false); } if (!_handles.TryRemove(publicationRef, handle)) { // Some other thread already removed this entry return(false); } // The thread that succeeds in removal releases gcHandle as well _gcHandlePool.Release(handle, random); return(true); }
public void SendConstruction(IReplica replica, bool newReplica = true, ICollection <IPEndPoint> endPoints = null) { var recipients = endPoints ?? _connections.Keys; if (newReplica) { _replicas[replica] = _networkId++; } using var stream = new MemoryStream(); using var writer = new BitWriter(stream); writer.Write((byte)MessageIdentifier.ReplicaManagerConstruction); writer.WriteBit(true); writer.Write(_replicas[replica]); replica.Construct(writer); foreach (var endPoint in recipients) { if (_connections.TryGetValue(endPoint, out var conn)) { conn.Send(stream.ToArray()); } } }
private void method_11() { esriExportDataChangesOption esriExportToAccess = esriExportDataChangesOption.esriExportToAccess; if (Path.GetExtension(this.string_0).ToLower() == ".xml") { esriExportToAccess = esriExportDataChangesOption.esriExportToXML; } IExportDataChanges changes = new DataChangesExporterClass(); IName name = this.iworkspaceName_0 as IName; IWorkspace workspace = name.Open() as IWorkspace; IWorkspaceReplicas replicas = workspace as IWorkspaceReplicas; IEnumReplica replica = replicas.Replicas; replica.Reset(); if (replica != null) { for (IReplica replica2 = replica.Next(); replica2 != null; replica2 = replica.Next()) { if (replica2.ReplicaRole == esriReplicaType.esriCheckOutTypeChild) { IReplicaDataChangesInit init = new CheckOutDataChangesClass(); init.Init(replica2, this.iworkspaceName_0); IDataChanges dataChanges = init as IDataChanges; changes.ExportDataChanges(this.string_0, esriExportToAccess, dataChanges, true); } } } }
public void SetPeerAsDead(IReplica deadPeer) { Debug.Assert(deadPeer != LocalReplica); lock (AliveMembers) { NoOwner.UnionWith(deadPeer.PopOwnedTuples()); AliveMembers.Remove(deadPeer); } if (AmILeader() && NoOwner.Count > 0) { foreach (var freeTuple in NoOwner) { Queue <int> interestedPeers; if (Shared.TryGetValue(freeTuple, out interestedPeers)) { var interestedAlivePeer = interestedPeers .Select(id => AllMembers[id]) .Intersect(AliveMembers) .FirstOrDefault(); if (interestedAlivePeer != null) { RMSend(r => r.SetOwner(freeTuple, interestedAlivePeer.ReplicaId)); } else { var chosenPeerIdx = LocalRoutingStrategy.Route(freeTuple.Content, AliveMembers.Count); var chosenPeer = AliveMembers[chosenPeerIdx]; RMSend(p => p.SetOwner(freeTuple, chosenPeer.ReplicaId)); } } } } }
protected virtual void OnReplicaDisposed(IReplica replica) { if (replica.Replicator != this) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(replica)); } GetChannelProcessor(replica.PublicationRef.PublisherId).Unsubscribe(replica); }
public void SendSerialization(IReplica replica, ICollection <IPEndPoint> endpoints = null) { var recipients = endpoints ?? _connected.ToArray(); var stream = new BitStream(); stream.WriteByte((byte)MessageIdentifiers.ReplicaManagerSerialize); stream.WriteUShort(_replicas[replica]); stream.WriteSerializable(replica); _server.Send(stream, recipients); }
public void Unfreeze(string opID, int index) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(opID)) { OperatorNode op = nodes[opID]; if (index >= 0 && index < op.Replicas.Count) { IReplica rep = op.Replicas[index]; rep.Unfreeze(index); } } }
public GroupManager(IList <IReplica> allMembers, IReplica localReplica, MonitoringProcess monitoringProcess, ITupleRoutingStrategy localRoutingStrategy) { AllMembers = new List <IReplica>(allMembers); AliveMembers = new List <IReplica>(allMembers); Shared = new Dictionary <DadTuple, Queue <int> >(); LocalReplica = localReplica; Processed = new Dictionary <DadTupleId, IList <DadTuple> >(); Delivered = new HashSet <DadTupleId>(); Deleted = new HashSet <DadTupleId>(); MonitoringProcess = monitoringProcess; NoOwner = new HashSet <DadTuple>(); LocalRoutingStrategy = localRoutingStrategy; }
public void BeginSync(IReplica toReplica) { _context.ToReplica = toReplica; _context.Logger.Info(string.Format("Begin sync from replica name: {0} ID: {1} | to replica name: {2} ID: {3}", _context.LocalReplica.Name, _context.LocalReplica.Id, toReplica.Name, toReplica.Id)); var syncRequest = new SyncRequest <TItem, TId>(_context); var syncResult = SendSyncRequestToRemoteReplica(syncRequest); var conflictResolutions = ResolveItemConflicts(syncResult); SendChangedItemsToRemoteReplica(syncResult.ChangesRequest, conflictResolutions); _context.Logger.Info(string.Format("Finished sync from replica name: {0} ID: {1} | to replica name: {2} ID: {3}", _context.LocalReplica.Name, _context.LocalReplica.Id, toReplica.Name, toReplica.Id)); }
private void ExportChangeSetupCtrl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.lblCheckOutGDB.Text = this.method_0(ExportChangesHelper.m_pHelper.CheckoutWorkspaceName); IWorkspace workspace = (ExportChangesHelper.m_pHelper.CheckoutWorkspaceName as IName).Open() as IWorkspace; IWorkspaceReplicas replicas = workspace as IWorkspaceReplicas; IEnumReplica replica = replicas.Replicas; replica.Reset(); IReplica replica2 = replica.Next(); if (replica2 != null) { this.lblCheckOutName.Text = replica2.Name; } }
public static void SimpleCheckIn(IWorkspaceName iworkspaceName_0, IWorkspaceName iworkspaceName_1, IEnumName ienumName_0, bool bool_0, bool bool_1, string string_0) { IName name = iworkspaceName_1 as IName; IWorkspace workspace = name.Open() as IWorkspace; IWorkspaceReplicas workspaceReplicas = workspace as IWorkspaceReplicas; IReplica replica = workspaceReplicas.Replicas.Next(); IWorkspace arg_36_0 = (iworkspaceName_0 as IName).Open() as IWorkspace; ICheckIn checkIn = new CheckIn(); if (bool_1) { checkIn.CheckInFromGDB(iworkspaceName_0, replica.Name, iworkspaceName_1, false, false); } }
private void connectToReplica(string repl_url) { Boolean connected = false; while (!connected) { try{ IReplica repl = (IReplica)Activator.GetObject(typeof(IReplica), repl_url); replicas_by_url.Add(repl_url, repl); connected = true; }catch (Exception) { log("Retring connect to " + repl_url); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
private void frmCheckOutManager_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.iarray_0.Count == 1) { CheckInOutWorkspaceInfo info = this.iarray_0.get_Element(0) as CheckInOutWorkspaceInfo; this.iworkspace_0 = info.Workspace; } else { if (this.iarray_0.Count <= 0) { return; } frmSelectWorkspace workspace = new frmSelectWorkspace { WorkspaceArray = this.iarray_0 }; if (workspace.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { base.Close(); return; } this.iworkspace_0 = workspace.Workspace; } IWorkspaceReplicas replicas = this.iworkspace_0 as IWorkspaceReplicas; IEnumReplica replica = replicas.Replicas; replica.Reset(); IReplica replica2 = replica.Next(); string[] items = new string[4]; while (replica2 != null) { items[0] = replica2.Name; items[1] = replica2.Owner; items[2] = replica2.Version; items[3] = new DateTime((long)replica2.ReplicaDate).ToString(); ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(items) { Tag = replica2 }; this.listView1.Items.Add(item); replica2 = replica.Next(); } }
public void Subscribe(IReplica replica, Action <IReplica> callback) { Console.WriteLine("[MONITOR] Subscribing to death of {0}.", replica); lock (this) { ICollection <Action <IReplica> > replicaCallbacks; if (CallbacksPerReplica.TryGetValue(replica, out replicaCallbacks)) { replicaCallbacks.Add(callback); } else { CallbacksPerReplica.Add(replica, new List <Action <IReplica> > { callback }); } } }
private void btnSelectDelta_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "*.mdb|*.mdb|*.xml|*.xml", Multiselect = false }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.bool_0 = false; this.lblCheckOutName.Text = ""; this.txtDelta.Text = ""; string fileName = dialog.FileName; esriExportDataChangesOption esriExportToAccess = esriExportDataChangesOption.esriExportToAccess; if (dialog.FilterIndex == 2) { esriExportToAccess = esriExportDataChangesOption.esriExportToXML; } IDeltaDataChangesInit init = new DeltaDataChangesClass(); try { init.Init(fileName, esriExportToAccess); IDeltaDataChanges changes = init as IDeltaDataChanges; this.txtDelta.Text = fileName; this.txtDelta.Tag = changes.Container; IDataChanges changes2 = init as IDataChanges; if (changes2.ParentWorkspaceName != null) { IWorkspace workspace = (changes2.ParentWorkspaceName as IName).Open() as IWorkspace; IReplica replica = (workspace as IWorkspaceReplicas).get_ReplicaByID(changes2.ParentReplicaID); if (replica != null) { this.lblCheckOutName.Text = replica.Name; this.bool_0 = true; } } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("检入空间中没有检出数据或检出数据无效!"); } } }
public void SendConstruction(IReplica replica, bool newReplica = true, ICollection <IPEndPoint> endpoints = null) { var recipients = endpoints ?? _connected.ToArray(); if (newReplica) { _replicas[replica] = _networkId++; } var stream = new BitStream(); stream.WriteByte((byte)MessageIdentifiers.ReplicaManagerConstruction); stream.WriteBit(true); stream.WriteUShort(_replicas[replica]); replica.Construct(stream); _server.Send(stream, recipients); }
private bool method_0(string string_0, IWorkspaceReplicas iworkspaceReplicas_0) { ISQLSyntax syntax = iworkspaceReplicas_0 as ISQLSyntax; IEnumReplica replicas = iworkspaceReplicas_0.Replicas; replicas.Reset(); for (IReplica replica2 = replicas.Next(); replica2 != null; replica2 = replicas.Next()) { if (replica2.ReplicaRole == esriReplicaType.esriCheckOutTypeParent) { string str = syntax.QualifyTableName("", replica2.Owner, replica2.Version); if (string_0.ToLower() == str.ToLower()) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public void SendSerialization(IReplica replica, ICollection <IPEndPoint> endPoints = null) { var recipients = endPoints ?? _connections.Keys; using var stream = new MemoryStream(); using var writer = new BitWriter(stream); writer.Write((byte)MessageIdentifier.ReplicaManagerSerialize); writer.Write(_replicas[replica]); writer.WriteSerializable(replica); foreach (var endPoint in recipients) { if (_connections.TryGetValue(endPoint, out var conn)) { conn.Send(stream.ToArray()); } } }
private void method_11() { ICheckIn @in = new CheckInClass(); ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabaseDistributed.IFeatureProgress_Event event2 = @in as ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabaseDistributed.IFeatureProgress_Event; base.InitEvent(event2); if (this.bool_0) { IName name = this.iworkspaceName_0 as IName; IWorkspace workspace = name.Open() as IWorkspace; IWorkspaceReplicas replicas = workspace as IWorkspaceReplicas; IReplica replica = replicas.Replicas.Next(); try { @in.CheckInFromGDB(base.m_MasterWorkspaceName, replica.Name, this.iworkspaceName_0, this.bool_1, false); } catch { } } else { esriExportDataChangesOption esriExportToAccess = esriExportDataChangesOption.esriExportToAccess; if (Path.GetExtension(this.string_0).ToLower() == ".xml") { esriExportToAccess = esriExportDataChangesOption.esriExportToXML; } try { @in.CheckInFromDeltaFile(base.m_MasterWorkspaceName, this.string_1, this.string_0, esriExportToAccess, this.bool_1, false); } catch { } } base.ReleaseEvent(event2); }
protected override void OnClick() { string workspaceName = "C:\\Temp\\[email protected]"; Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesGDB.SdeWorkspaceFactory"); IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = ((IWorkspaceFactory)(Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType))); IWorkspace workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(workspaceName, 0); IWorkspaceReplicas workspaceReplicas = (IWorkspaceReplicas)workspace; IReplica replica = null; int counter = 0; workspaceReplicas.Replicas.Reset(); replica = workspaceReplicas.Replicas.Next(); List <string> listOfReplicas = new List <string>(); while (replica != null) { listOfReplicas.Add(replica.Name); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Replica no. " + counter + " : " + listOfReplicas[counter]); replica = workspaceReplicas.Replicas.Next(); counter++; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("There are no more replicas associated with this workspace"); }
void IReplicatorImpl.OnReplicaDisposed(IReplica replica) => OnReplicaDisposed(replica);
void IReplicatorImpl.Subscribe(IReplica replica) => Subscribe(replica);
/// <summary> /// Occurs in the master geodatabase before data changes in either a replica geodatabase or delta /// database are transferred to the master geodatabase. /// Not used in this implementation. /// </summary> public void BeforeSynchronizingDataChanges(IReplica targetReplica, object dataChangesSource) { // Not used in this implementation. }
/// <summary> /// Occurs in the master geodatabase after data changes in either a replica /// geodatabase or delta database are transferred to the master geodatabase. /// </summary> /// <param name="targetReplica">The target replica.</param> /// <param name="dataChangesSource">A collection of changes made to the master geodatabase.</param> /// <param name="oidMappingTable">Not used in this implementation.</param> /// <param name="changesTable">Not used in this implemented.</param> public void AfterSynchronizingDataChanges(IReplica targetReplica, object dataChangesSource, ITable oidMappingTable, ITable changesTable) { // Make sure that the correct replica is being synchronized. String replicaName = targetReplica.Name; String unqualifiedReplicaName = replicaName.Substring(replicaName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (!unqualifiedReplicaName.Equals(rasterReplicaName)) { return; } // Get the rasters to pull if connected synchronization is occurring. IDataChanges3 dataChanges3 = dataChangesSource as IDataChanges3; if (dataChanges3 != null) { // Get the source's replicas. IName sourceWorkspaceName = (IName)dataChanges3.ParentWorkspaceName; IWorkspace sourceWorkspace = (IWorkspace)sourceWorkspaceName.Open(); IWorkspaceReplicas sourceWorkspaceReplicas = (IWorkspaceReplicas)sourceWorkspace; // Get the replica generation numbers. int genBegin = 0; int genEnd = 0; int targetGen = 0; dataChanges3.GenerationNumbers(out genBegin, out genEnd, out targetGen); IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); queryFilter.WhereClause = String.Format("{0} > {1} or {0} is NULL", genFieldName, genBegin); // Open a cursor to get the rasters to copy form the source. IRasterWorkspaceEx sourceRasterWorkspaceEx = (IRasterWorkspaceEx)sourceWorkspace; IRasterCatalog sourceRasterCatalog = sourceRasterWorkspaceEx.OpenRasterCatalog(rasterCatalogName); IFeatureClass sourceFeatureClass = (IFeatureClass)sourceRasterCatalog; int sourceGenFieldIndex = sourceFeatureClass.FindField(genFieldName); IFeatureCursor sourceCursor = sourceFeatureClass.Search(queryFilter, true); // Open the target raster catalog. IRasterWorkspaceEx targetRasterWorkspaceEx = (IRasterWorkspaceEx)workspaceHelper.Workspace; IRasterCatalog targetRasterCatalog = targetRasterWorkspaceEx.OpenRasterCatalog(rasterCatalogName); IFeatureClass targetFeatureClass = (IFeatureClass)targetRasterCatalog; int targetGenFieldIndex = targetFeatureClass.FindField(genFieldName); IFeatureCursor targetCursor = targetFeatureClass.Insert(true); // Copy the rasters from the source to the target. IFeature sourceFeature = null; while ((sourceFeature = sourceCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { // Copy the raster and set the target gen to -1 (received). IFeatureBuffer featureBuffer = targetFeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer(); featureBuffer.set_Value(targetRasterCatalog.RasterFieldIndex, sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceRasterCatalog.RasterFieldIndex)); featureBuffer.set_Value(targetGenFieldIndex, -1); targetCursor.InsertFeature(featureBuffer); // Set the source row value to the current generation. if (sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceGenFieldIndex) == DBNull.Value) { sourceFeature.set_Value(sourceGenFieldIndex, genEnd); } sourceFeature.Store(); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(sourceCursor); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(targetCursor); } }
/// <summary> /// Occurs in the replica geodatabase before data changes are exported from that replica geodatabase to a delta database. /// Not used in this implementation. /// </summary> public void BeforeExportingDataChanges(IReplica sourceReplica, object dataChangesSource, object deltaFile) { // Not used in this implementation. }
void Update() { if (this.dialog == null) { return; } if (this.finalState == 2) { return; } if (this.finalState == 1) { GameObject replicaButtonObject = Instantiate(this.replicaButtonPrefab) as GameObject; replicaButtonObject.transform.SetParent(this.replicasContent, false); replicaButtonObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); replicaButtonObject.GetComponent <Text> ().text = this.translator.Translate("Dialogue ended. Click to close", DialogueWindow.resource); Button button = replicaButtonObject.GetComponent <Button> (); button.onClick.AddListener(() => EndDialogue()); this.finalState = 2; return; } if (this.waitForPlayer) { return; } IReplica replica = this.dialog.GetCurrentReplica(); if (replica is SimpleReplica) { SimpleReplica simpleReplica = replica as SimpleReplica; if (simpleReplica.IsPlayerReplica()) { this.waitForPlayer = true; GameObject replicaButtonObject = Instantiate(this.replicaButtonPrefab) as GameObject; replicaButtonObject.transform.SetParent(this.replicasContent, false); replicaButtonObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); replicaButtonObject.GetComponent <Text> ().text = this.translator.Translate(simpleReplica.text, DialogueWindow.resource); Button button = replicaButtonObject.GetComponent <Button> (); SimpleReplica tmpReplica = simpleReplica; button.onClick.AddListener(() => ChooseReplica(tmpReplica)); this.replicaButtons.Add(replicaButtonObject); } else { this.ChooseReplica(simpleReplica); } return; } CompositeReplica compositeReplica = replica as CompositeReplica; this.waitForPlayer = true; foreach (string key in compositeReplica.replicas) { SimpleReplica simpleReplica = this.dialog.GetReplica(key) as SimpleReplica; GameObject replicaButtonObject = Instantiate(this.replicaButtonPrefab) as GameObject; replicaButtonObject.transform.SetParent(this.replicasContent, false); replicaButtonObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); replicaButtonObject.GetComponent <Text> ().text = this.translator.Translate(simpleReplica.text, DialogueWindow.resource); Button button = replicaButtonObject.GetComponent <Button> (); button.onClick.AddListener(() => ChooseReplica(simpleReplica)); this.replicaButtons.Add(replicaButtonObject); } }
private void method_0() { this.textEditName.Text = this.iworkspace_0.PathName; switch (this.iworkspace_0.Type) { case esriWorkspaceType.esriLocalDatabaseWorkspace: if (!(Path.GetExtension(this.iworkspace_0.PathName).ToLower() == ".mdb")) { this.lblType.Text = "文件型空间数据库"; this.lblConfigKey.Text = "点击按钮列出数据库定义的所有关键字"; this.btnConfigKey.Enabled = true; break; } this.lblType.Text = "个人空间数据库"; this.lblConfigKey.Text = "个人空间数据库不支持配置关键字"; this.btnConfigKey.Enabled = false; break; case esriWorkspaceType.esriRemoteDatabaseWorkspace: this.lblType.Text = "ArcSDE Geodatebase连接"; this.lblConfigKey.Text = "点击按钮列出数据库定义的所有关键字"; this.btnConfigKey.Enabled = true; break; } if (this.iworkspace_0 is IWorkspaceReplicas) { IEnumReplica replicas = (this.iworkspace_0 as IWorkspaceReplicas).Replicas; replicas.Reset(); IReplica replica2 = replicas.Next(); string name = ""; if (replica2 != null) { this.lblCheckOutInfo.Text = "这是个检出数据库。该数据库包含从另外的数据库导出的数据。"; this.textEditCheckOutName.Enabled = true; name = replica2.Name; this.textEditCheckOutName.Text = name; this.btnProperty.Enabled = true; this.btnUnRegister.Enabled = true; } else { this.lblCheckOutInfo.Text = "该数据库不包含从另外的数据库导出的数据。"; this.textEditCheckOutName.Enabled = false; this.btnProperty.Enabled = false; this.btnUnRegister.Enabled = false; } } else { this.lblCheckOutInfo.Text = "该数据库不包含从另外的数据库导出的数据。"; this.textEditCheckOutName.Enabled = false; this.btnProperty.Enabled = false; this.btnUnRegister.Enabled = false; } try { IGeodatabaseRelease release = this.iworkspace_0 as IGeodatabaseRelease; if (release.CurrentRelease) { this.lblGDBRelease.Text = "此数据库与你所使用的ArcGIS版本匹配"; this.btnUpdatePersonGDB.Enabled = false; } else if (release.CanUpgrade) { this.lblGDBRelease.Text = "此数据库与你所使用的ArcGIS版本不匹配"; this.btnUpdatePersonGDB.Enabled = true; } else { this.btnUpdatePersonGDB.Enabled = false; } } catch { this.btnUpdatePersonGDB.Enabled = false; } }
public void AddReplica(string key, IReplica replica) { this.replicas.Add(key, replica); }