Exemple #1
 public void ExchangeField(Player owner, Player buyer, IRentableField field)
     if (Level > 0)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("You have to sell all your houses before its possible to exchange with other players");
     if (owner.Name == buyer.Name)
         throw new ArgumentException("You can't Exchange with yourself");
     if (field.Owner.Name != buyer.Name)
         throw new ArgumentException("The Buyer has to own the " + field.Name);
     if (owner.Name != this.Owner.Name)
         throw new ArgumentException("The Player " + owner.Name + " does not own this field");
     this.Owner = buyer;
 public void AuctionField(IRentableField rentableField, Dictionary <Player, int> bid)
     if (SameBid(bid))
         throw new ArgumentException("The Players have the same bid value");
     if (_auction.Contains(rentableField) == false)
         throw new ArgumentException("This field is not available for the auction");
     rentableField.BuyInAuction(GetHighestbidPlayer(bid), GetHighestBidValue(bid));
        public void RemoveFromOwnerShip(IRentableField fieldToRemove)
            int indexToRemove = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < OwnerShip.Count(); i++)
                if (fieldToRemove.Name == OwnerShip[i].Name)
                    indexToRemove = i;
        private static void ExchangeField(Game game)
            Console.WriteLine("Choose the Property you want to Exchange");
            for (int s = 0; s < game.CurrentPlayer.OwnerShip.Count(); s++)
                IRentableField field = (StreetField)game.CurrentPlayer.OwnerShip[s];
                Console.WriteLine(s + ". " + field.Name);
            Console.Write("PropertyNum: ");
            int propetyIndex = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Choose the Player you want to Exchange With");
            for (int i = 0; i < game.Players.Count(); i++)
                Console.WriteLine(i + ". " + game.Players[i].Name);
            int playerNum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            //Money Or Field
            Console.WriteLine("Do you want to exchange with Money(m) or another Property(p)");
            string decision = Console.ReadLine();

            if (decision == "m")
                //Amont of Money
                Console.Write("How Much Money: ");
                int amount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                game.CurrentPlayer.OwnerShip[propetyIndex].ExchangeField(game.CurrentPlayer, game.Players[playerNum], amount);
            else if (decision == "p")
                Console.WriteLine("Choose the Property the other player wants to Pay with");
                for (int s = 0; s < game.Players[playerNum].OwnerShip.Count(); s++)
                    Console.WriteLine(s + ". " + game.Players[playerNum].OwnerShip[s]);
                Console.WriteLine("propNum: ");
                int propNum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                game.CurrentPlayer.OwnerShip[propetyIndex].ExchangeField(game.CurrentPlayer, game.Players[playerNum], game.Players[playerNum].OwnerShip[propNum]);
 public void ExchangeField(Player owner, Player buyer, IRentableField field)
     if (owner.Name == buyer.Name)
         throw new ArgumentException("You can't Exchange with yourself");
     if (field.Owner.Name != buyer.Name)
         throw new ArgumentException("The Buyer has to own the " + field.Name);
     if (owner.Name != this.Owner.Name)
         throw new ArgumentException("The Player " + owner.Name + " does not own this field");
     this.Owner = buyer;
 private void MortageButton(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         IRentableField field = (IRentableField)selectedField;
         if ((field).IsMortage == false)
             MessageBox.Show("You took a mortage on " + field.Name + " and got " + field.MortageValue + "$");
             MessageBox.Show("You payed of your mortage on " + field.Name + " and payed " + (field.MortageValue + field.MortageValue * 0.1) + "$");
     catch (Exception ex)
 public void AddToOwnerShip(IRentableField streetField)