public BuyViewModel(IStockService stockService, IBuyStockService buyStockService) { _stockService = stockService; _buyStockService = buyStockService; SearchSymbolCommand = new RelayCommand<string>((s) => SearchSymbolCmd(s)); BuyStockCommand = new RelayCommand(BuyStockCmd); }
public void InitializeCommands(bool IsWarning) { isWarning = IsWarning; CancelCommand = new RelayCommand(e => Close()); ProceedCommand = new RelayCommand(e => Proceed()); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public UndoRedoStack() : base() { this.UndoCommand = new RelayCommand(() => { if (UndoStack.Count > 0) { var cmd = UndoStack.Pop(); RedoStack.Push(cmd); cmd.Undo(); CanExecuteChanged(); } }, () => UndoStack.Count > 0); this.RedoCommand = new RelayCommand(() => { if (RedoStack.Count > 0) { var cmd = RedoStack.Pop(); UndoStack.Push(cmd); cmd.Redo(); CanExecuteChanged(); } }, () => RedoStack.Count > 0); this.AddSavePointCommand = new RelayCommand <string>(AddSavePoint, text => this.UndoStack.Count > 0 && !this.UndoStack.First().IsSavePoint); this.RollbackToSavePointCommand = new RelayCommand(RollbackSavePoint, () => { return(this.UndoStack.Any(cmd => cmd.IsSavePoint) ? this.UndoStack.Multiple(c => c.IsSavePoint) ? true : !this.UndoStack.First().IsSavePoint : false); }); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WindowViewModelBase"/> class /// with the specified window. /// </summary> /// <param name="window">The window that this view model controls.</param> public WindowViewModelBase(Window window) { mWindow = window; MinimizeCommand = new RelayCommand(p => mWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Minimized); CloseCommand = new RelayCommand(p => mWindow.Close()); }
public CoursePageViewModel() { this.CategoryCourseList = new ObservableCollection <CategoryItem> { new CategoryItem("全部", true), new CategoryItem("课程1", false), new CategoryItem("课程2", false), new CategoryItem("课程3", false), new CategoryItem("课程4", false), }; this.CategoryskillList = new ObservableCollection <CategoryItem> { new CategoryItem("全部", true), new CategoryItem("技术1", false), new CategoryItem("技术2", false), new CategoryItem("技术3", false), new CategoryItem("技术4", false), }; // 取出所有的老师名称 IUserSevice userSvc = new UserSevice(); this.CategoryTeacherList = new ObservableCollection <CategoryItem>(); CategoryTeacherList.Add(new CategoryItem("全部", true)); foreach (var name in userSvc.GetTeacher()) { CategoryTeacherList.Add(new CategoryItem(name, false)); } InitCourseList(); this.TeacherFilter = new RelayCommand <object>(o => DoTeacherFilterCmd(o)); }
/// <summary> /// Invokes <see cref="IRelayCommand.NotifyCanExecuteChanged"/> when a requery is requested. /// </summary> /// <param name="command">The target <see cref="IRelayCommand"/> instance.</param> /// <param name="dummy">The dummy object used to intercept mutual invocation.</param> private static void CommandManager_RequerySuggested(IRelayCommand command, object dummy) { lock (dummy) { command.NotifyCanExecuteChanged(); } }
public MainViewModel(IEventBus eventBus, IVersionProvider versionProvider, IProjectService projectService, INewProjectDialogViewModelFactory newProjectDialogViewModelFactory, IEnumerable <Tool> tools, ICompositeDocumentFactory compositeDocumentFactory) { _versionProvider = versionProvider; _projectService = projectService; _newProjectDialogViewModelFactory = newProjectDialogViewModelFactory; _compositeDocumentFactory = compositeDocumentFactory; foreach (var tool in tools) { ToolsViewModels.Add(tool.CreateViewModel()); } _currentProjectName = CreateProperty <string>(nameof(CurrentProjectName)); _applicationTitle = CreateComputedProperty(nameof(ApplicationTitle), _currentProjectName, currentProjectName => { var prefix = string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentProjectName) ? string.Empty : $"{CurrentProjectName} - "; return($"{prefix}Geisha Editor {ApplicationVersion}"); }); NewProjectCommand = RelayCommand.Create(NewProject); OpenProjectCommand = RelayCommand.Create(OpenProject); _closeProjectCommand = RelayCommand.Create(CloseProject, CanCloseProject); SaveCommand = RelayCommand.Create(Save); ExitCommand = RelayCommand.Create(Exit); _projectService.CurrentProjectChanged += ProjectServiceOnCurrentProjectChanged; eventBus.RegisterEventHandler <OpenFileEditorRequestedEvent>(OpenFileEditorRequestedEventHandler); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ModalBase"/> class. /// </summary> public ModalBase() { mDialogWindow = new ModalWindow(); // Create the default close command by marking the modal as confirmed CloseCommand = new RelayCommand(p => mDialogWindow.DialogResult = true); }
public BookViewModel(IContactDataService dataService, IDialogService dialogService) { _dataService = dataService; _dialogService = dialogService; this.ContactsVM = new ContactsViewModel(dataService, dialogService); LoadContactsCommand = new RelayCommand(LoadContacts); LoadFavoritesCommand = new RelayCommand(LoadFavorites); }
public MainViewModel() { this.UserInfo = new User(); TabSwitchCommand = new RelayCommand <string>((text) => TabSwitchCmd(text)); SiderbarShowCommand = new RelayCommand(SiderbarShowCmd); // 程序加载时, 直接载入首页 TabSwitchCmd("HomePageView"); }
private void SetupCommands() { AddColorCommand = RelayCommandFactory.CreateRelayCommand(ExecuteAddColorCommand); RemoveColorCommand = RelayCommandFactory.CreateRelayCommand(ExecuteRemoveColorCommand); MoveUpCommand = RelayCommandFactory.CreateRelayCommand(ExecuteMoveUpCommand); MoveDownCommand = RelayCommandFactory.CreateRelayCommand(ExecuteMoveDownCommand); OkCommand = RelayCommandFactory.CreateRelayCommand(ExecuteOkCommand); }
public Game1(IRelayCommand MainProcess) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; if (MainProcess == null) throw new NullReferenceException("Game was not called by the controller"); this.MainProcess = MainProcess; graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; }
public AddChildViewModel() { AddChildCommand = new RelayCommand <Child>(AddChild); LoadImageFromFileCommand = new RelayCommand(LoadImageFromFile); CaptureImageFromCameraCommand = new RelayCommand(CaptureImageFromCamera); OpenImageChoosingCommand = new RelayCommand(OpenImageChoosing); RemoveImageCommand = new RelayCommand(RemoveImage); ChooseParentCommand = new RelayCommand <Parents>(ChooseParent); DetachParentCommand = new RelayCommand <Parents>(DetachParent); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TileViewModel"/> class /// with the specified row, column and state. /// </summary> /// <param name="row">The row in which this tile is in.</param> /// <param name="column">The column in which this tile is in.</param> /// <param name="state">The state of this tile.</param> public TileViewModel(int row, int column, int adjacentBombs, TileState state) { Row = row; Column = column; AdjacentBombs = adjacentBombs; State = state; UncoverCommand = new RelayCommand(p => OnTileUncovering()); ToggleMarkCommand = new RelayCommand(p => OnTileToggledMark()); }
public StartWindowViewModel(IWindowsManager windowsManager, IFileSystemViewModelFactory fileSystemViewModelFactory, IRelayCommandFactory commandFactory) : base(windowsManager) { _fileSystemViewModelFactory = fileSystemViewModelFactory; CreateDriveCommand = commandFactory.Create(createDriveExec); OpenDriveCommand = commandFactory.Create(openDriveExec); ExitCommand = commandFactory.Create(exitExec); }
public LoginViewModel() { // 传过来的参数是window对象 CloseWindowsCommand = new RelayCommand <object>(o => CloseWindowsCmd(o)); LoginCommand = new RelayCommand <object>(o => DoLogin(o)); this.Login = new User { UserName = "******", Password = "******" }; }
public MyScreenLogic(IService service, IViewBox viewBox) { _service = service; _viewBox = viewBox; Title = "My screen"; BrowseCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecuteBrowseCommand) { Name = "..." }; }
public ContactsViewModel(IContactDataService dataService, IDialogService dialogService) { _dataService = dataService; _dialogService = dialogService; AddCommand = new RelayCommand(Add); EditCommand = new RelayCommand(Edit); DeleteCommand = new RelayCommand(Delete); UpdateCommand = new RelayCommand(Update); SaveCommand = new RelayCommand(Save); BrowseImageCommand = new RelayCommand(BrowseImage); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="SubscriptionData"/> instance with the specified parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="command">The <see cref="IRelayCommand"/> instance in use.</param> /// <param name="dummy">T</param> /// <param name="commandManagerHandler">The <see cref="EventHandler"/> for <see cref="CommandManager"/>.</param> /// <param name="commandHandler">The <see cref="EventHandler"/> for <see cref="IRelayCommand"/>.</param> public SubscriptionData( IRelayCommand command, object dummy, EventHandler commandManagerHandler, EventHandler commandHandler) { Command = command; Dummy = dummy; CommandManagerHandler = commandManagerHandler; CommandHandler = commandHandler; }
public SetupPage() { InitializeComponent(); SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested += OnBackRequested; if (ViewHelper.IsIot) { GoBack = new RelayCommand(NavigateBack); } SaveAsDefault = new RelayCommand(async() => await ExecuteSaveAsDefault()); _viewModel = new SetupViewModel(this); DataContext = _viewModel; }
// Constructor public ConfigurationViewModel() { _alarmRepository = new AlarmRepository(); _panelsRepository = new PanelRepository(); _alarmMapping = _alarmRepository.GetAllAlarmMapping().ToObservableCollection(); ConfigureConnectionsCommand = new RelayCommand(ConfigureConnections, CanConfigure); AlarmMapCommand = new RelayCommand(MapAlarm, CanMapAlarm); RemoveAlarmMapCommand = new RelayCommand(RemoveAlarmMap); SaveCommand = new RelayCommand(SaveAlarmMapping); dialogService = new DialogService(); LoadData(); }
public MonitorPage() { InitializeComponent(); SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested += OnBackRequested; if (ViewHelper.IsIot) { GoBack = new RelayCommand(NavigateBack); } if (DesignMode.DesignMode2Enabled) { ViewModel = new MonitorViewModelDesignData(); DataContext = ViewModel; } }
public ActiveTrackViewModel( Sound s, IRelayCommand <Sound> removeCommand, IMixMediaPlayerService player, IUserSettings userSettings) { Guard.IsNotNull(s, nameof(s)); Guard.IsNotNull(player, nameof(player)); Guard.IsNotNull(removeCommand, nameof(removeCommand)); Guard.IsNotNull(userSettings, nameof(userSettings)); _userSettings = userSettings; Sound = s; _player = player; RemoveCommand = removeCommand; Volume = _userSettings.Get($"{Sound.Id}:volume", 100d); }
public DirectoryCleaner() { directoriesToRemove = new ObservableCollection <string> { "bin", "obj" }; removedDirectories = new ObservableCollection <string>(); SelectCommand = new RelayCommand(() => SelectDirectory()); AddDirectoryToRemoveCommand = new RelayCommand <string>((t) => AddDirectoryToRemove(t)); CleanCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Clean(), () => BaseDirectory != null) .ObserveProperty(() => BaseDirectory); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ApplicationViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public ApplicationViewModel() { // Listen for user settings changed UserSettings.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { // If the application theme was changed, make sure to update it across the application if (e.PropertyName.Equals(nameof(UserSettingsViewModel.Theme))) { OnThemeChanged(UserSettings.Theme); } }; ChangeThemeCommand = new RelayCommand(p => { // Change to the non-current theme UserSettings.Theme = UserSettings.Theme == ApplicationTheme.Light ? ApplicationTheme.Dark : ApplicationTheme.Light; }); }
public TeamStatisticsViewModel(ITeamClient teamClient, IStatisticsClient statisticsClient, ITimerService timerService, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, ICacheService cacheService) { _teamClient = teamClient; _statisticsClient = statisticsClient; timerService.Start(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), OnRefresh); _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; _cacheService = cacheService; Func<Boolean> canExecute = () => { var password = new NetworkCredential(string.Empty, TeamPassword).Password; return !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TeamName) && !TeamName.Contains(" ") && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password) && !password.Contains(" "); }; AcceptExistingTeamCommand = new RelayCommand(OnAcceptExistingTeam, canExecute); CreateNewTeamCommand = new RelayCommand(OnCreateNewTeam, canExecute); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GamePageViewModel"/> class with /// the specified game settings. /// </summary> /// <param name="parameter">The game settings.</param> public GamePageViewModel(GameSettings gameSettings) { // Initialize the stopwatch and run the timer that will update the time every second mStopWatch = new Stopwatch(); mTimer = new Timer(1000); mTimer.Elapsed += (o, e) => ElapsedTime = mStopWatch.Elapsed; // Create the game field and listen for when the game is started and is over GameField = new GameFieldViewModel(gameSettings); GameField.GameStarted += (o, e) => { // Start measuring the time when the game starts mStopWatch.Start(); mTimer.Start(); }; GameField.GameOver += async(o, e) => { // Stop measuring the time when the game is over mStopWatch.Stop(); mTimer.Stop(); // Show a modal with content based on the game result ConfirmModalViewModel modalViewModel; if (e.PlayerWon) { modalViewModel = new ConfirmModalViewModel("Congratulations", "You successfully finished the game", "OK"); } else { modalViewModel = new ConfirmModalViewModel("Game Over", "You clicked on a bomb", "OK"); } // And wait until the modal is exited var modalService = IoC.Get <IModalService>(); await modalService.ShowConfirmModal(modalViewModel); // Handle game over OnGameOver(); }; ExitCommand = new RelayCommand(p => OnGameOver()); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StartPageViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public StartPageViewModel() { // Set up the commands DecreaseWidthCommand = new RelayCommand(p => GameSettingsViewModel.FieldWidth--); IncreaseWidthCommand = new RelayCommand(p => GameSettingsViewModel.FieldWidth++); DecreaseHeightCommand = new RelayCommand(p => GameSettingsViewModel.FieldHeight--); IncreaseHeightCommand = new RelayCommand(p => GameSettingsViewModel.FieldHeight++); BeginnerDifficultyCommand = new RelayCommand(p => GameSettingsViewModel = GameSettingsViewModel.BeginnerDifficulty); IntermediateDifficultyCommand = new RelayCommand(p => GameSettingsViewModel = GameSettingsViewModel.IntermediateDifficulty); ExpertDifficultyCommand = new RelayCommand(p => GameSettingsViewModel = GameSettingsViewModel.ExpertDifficulty); PlayCommand = new RelayCommand(p => { var router = IoC.Get <IRouter>(); var argument = new GameSettings(GameSettingsViewModel.FieldWidth, GameSettingsViewModel.FieldHeight, GameSettingsViewModel.NumberOfBombs); router.NavigateTo(Routes.GamePageRoute, argument); }); }
public BotDeploymentViewModel(IArenaClient arenaClient, IBotClient botClient, IDeploymentClient deploymentClient, IScriptClient scriptClient, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IFileExplorerService fileExplorerService, IFileService fileService, ITimerService timerService, ICacheService cacheService) { _arenaClient = arenaClient; _botClient = botClient; _deploymentClient = deploymentClient; _scriptClient = scriptClient; _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; _fileExplorerService = fileExplorerService; _fileService = fileService; _cacheService = cacheService; timerService.Start(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), RefreshArenas); SubscribeEvents(eventAggregator); SaveScriptCommand = new RelayCommand(OnSaveScript); LoadScriptCommand = new RelayCommand(OnLoadScript); ValidateBotScriptCommand = new RelayCommand(OnValidateBotScript); DeployBotCommand = new RelayCommand(OnDeployBot, () => SelectedArena != null && ScriptValid && (TimeUntilNextAllowedDeployment <= TimeSpan.Zero && (BotPhysicalHealth + BotStamina <= SelectedArena.MaximumPoints) /*|| CurrentTeam.Predator*/)); }
public ButtonBinder(Button button, IRelayCommand command, Func <object> getParameter = null, bool bindName = true, ToolTip toolTip = null, string toolTipText = null) { _button = button; _command = command; _getParameter = getParameter; _bindName = bindName; _toolTip = toolTip; _toolTipText = toolTipText; _button.Enabled = _command.CanExecute(getParameter?.Invoke()); if (_bindName) { _button.Text = _command.Name; } toolTip?.SetToolTip(_button, toolTipText ?? _command.Name); _button.Click += OnButtonClick; _command.CanExecuteChanged += OnCommandCanExecuteChanged; _command.PropertyChanged += OnCommandPropertyChanged; _button.Disposed += OnButtonDisposed; }
public ViewModel() { this.EnterCommand = new RelayCommand(EnterCommandExecuted, CanExecuteEnterCommand); this.MyList = new ObservableCollection <string>(); }
public IDialogBoxLauncherCommand Action(Action act, Func<bool> canExecute) { OnActionField = new RelayCommand(act, canExecute); return this; }
private void RegisterCommands() { CloseCommand = new RelayCommand(p => Close()); CheckinCommand = new RelayCommand(p => Checkin(), p => CanCheckin); CheckoutCommand = new RelayCommand(p => Checkout(), p => CanCheckout); StartProcessCommand = new RelayCommand(p => StartProcess(), p => CanStartProcess); }