public string GetName(int level)
            IReadableColumn col = this.Document; // this may have the side effect that the object is tried to resolve, is this o.k.?

            if (col is Data.DataColumn)
                Altaxo.Data.DataTable table = Altaxo.Data.DataTable.GetParentDataTableOf((DataColumn)col);
                string tablename            = table == null ? string.Empty : table.Name + "\\";
                string collectionname       = table == null ? string.Empty : (table.PropertyColumns.ContainsColumn((DataColumn)col) ? "PropCols\\" : "DataCols\\");
                if (level <= 0)
                else if (level == 1)
                    return(tablename + ((DataColumn)col).Name);
                    return(tablename + collectionname + ((DataColumn)col).Name);
            else if (base._docNodePath != null)
                string path = _docNodePath.ToString();
                int    idx  = 0;
                if (level <= 0)
                    idx = path.LastIndexOf('/');
                    if (idx < 0)
                        idx = 0;

            else if (col != null)
 public string GetName(int level)
     return(_column == null ? string.Empty : _column.ToString());
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the information, indicating in <paramref name="hasTableChanged"/> whether the underlying data table has changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTableOfPlotItem">The data table of plot item.</param>
        /// <param name="groupNumberOfPlotItem">The group number of plot item.</param>
        /// <param name="hasTableChanged">If set to <c>true</c>, the data table has recently changed.</param>
        public void Update(DataTable dataTableOfPlotItem, int groupNumberOfPlotItem, bool hasTableChanged)
            bool hasChanged = false;

            if (!object.ReferenceEquals(_supposedDataTable, dataTableOfPlotItem))
                _supposedDataTable = dataTableOfPlotItem;
                hasChanged         = true;

            if (!(_supposedGroupNumber == groupNumberOfPlotItem))
                _supposedGroupNumber = groupNumberOfPlotItem;
                hasChanged           = true;

            if (null == _underlyingColumn)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn))
                    hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxText, string.Empty);
                    hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxState, _plotColumnBoxStateIfColumnIsMissing);
                    switch (_plotColumnBoxState)
                    case PlotColumnControlState.Normal:
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnToolTip, string.Empty);

                    case PlotColumnControlState.Warning:
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnToolTip, "Warning: it is highly recommended to set a column!");

                    case PlotColumnControlState.Error:
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnToolTip, "Error: it is mandatory to set a column!");
                    hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxText, _nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn);
                    hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnToolTip, string.Format("Column {0} can not be found in this table with this group number", _nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn));
                    hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxState, PlotColumnControlState.Error);
            else if (_underlyingColumn is DataColumn)
                var dcolumn          = (DataColumn)_underlyingColumn;
                var parentTable      = DataTable.GetParentDataTableOf(dcolumn);
                var parentCollection = DataColumnCollection.GetParentDataColumnCollectionOf(dcolumn);
                if (null == parentTable)
                    hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnToolTip, string.Format("This column is an orphaned data column without a parent data table", _nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn));
                    hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxState, PlotColumnControlState.Error);
                    if (parentCollection == null)
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxText, string.Format("Orphaned {0}", dcolumn.GetType().Name));
                        string columnName = parentCollection.GetColumnName(dcolumn);
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn, columnName);
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxText, columnName);
                else // UnderlyingColumn has a parent table
                    if (!object.ReferenceEquals(parentTable, dataTableOfPlotItem))
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxText, parentTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(dcolumn));
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnToolTip, string.Format("The column {0} is a data column with another parent data table: {1}", _nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn, parentTable.Name));
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxState, PlotColumnControlState.Warning);
                    else if (!(parentTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(dcolumn) == _supposedGroupNumber))
                        string columnName = parentTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(dcolumn);
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn, columnName);
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxText, columnName);
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnToolTip, string.Format("The column {0} is a data column with another group number: {1}", _nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn, parentTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(dcolumn)));
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxState, PlotColumnControlState.Warning);
                        string columnName = parentTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(dcolumn);
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn, columnName);
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxText, columnName);
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnToolTip, string.Format("UnderlyingColumn {0} of data table {1}", _nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn, parentTable.Name));
                        hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxState, PlotColumnControlState.Normal);
            else // UnderlyingColumn is not a DataColumn, but is something else
                hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn, null);
                hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxText, _underlyingColumn.FullName);
                hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnToolTip, string.Format("Independent data of type {0}: {1}", _underlyingColumn.GetType(), _underlyingColumn.ToString()));
                hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _plotColumnBoxState, PlotColumnControlState.Normal);

            // now the transformation
            if (null != _transformation)
                hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _transformationBoxText, _transformation.RepresentationAsOperator ?? _transformation.RepresentationAsFunction);
                hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _transformationToolTip, string.Format("Transforms the column data by the function f(x)={0}", _transformation.RepresentationAsFunction));
            else // transformation is null
                hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _transformationBoxText, string.Empty);
                hasChanged |= InternalSet(ref _transformationToolTip, "No transformation applied.");

            _isDirty |= hasChanged;
            _isDirty |= hasTableChanged;

            if (_isDirty)
                _isDirty = false;