public static Point GetInsidePoint(IReadOnlyList<Point> points, Box boundingBox)
     var y = (boundingBox.MinY + boundingBox.MaxY) / 2;
     var xIntersections = new List<double>();
     var point1 = points.Last();
     foreach (var point2 in points)
         if ((y > point1.Y) != (y > point2.Y))
             xIntersections.Add((y - point2.Y) * (point1.X - point2.X) / (point1.Y - point2.Y) + point2.X);
         point1 = point2;
     Debugger.BreakWhen(xIntersections.Count == 0 || xIntersections.Count % 2 != 0);
     var x = (boundingBox.MinX + boundingBox.MaxX) / 2;
     var maxDelta = double.NegativeInfinity;
     for (var i = 0; i < xIntersections.Count - 1; i += 2)
         var delta = Math.Abs(xIntersections[i] - xIntersections[i + 1]);
         if (delta > maxDelta)
             x = (xIntersections[i] + xIntersections[i + 1]) / 2;
             maxDelta = delta;
     var point = new Point(x, y);
     #if DEBUG
     Debugger.BreakWhen(!PointInPolygonTest.Contains(points, point));
     return point;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConnectionSendingMessagesFailedEvent" /> struct.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectionId">The connection identifier.</param>
 /// <param name="requestIds">The request ids.</param>
 /// <param name="exception">The exception.</param>
 /// <param name="operationId">The operation identifier.</param>
 public ConnectionSendingMessagesFailedEvent(ConnectionId connectionId, IReadOnlyList<int> requestIds, Exception exception, long? operationId)
     _connectionId = connectionId;
     _requestIds = requestIds;
     _exception = exception;
     _operationId = operationId;
        public NamespaceViewModel(IReadOnlyList<DocumentedNamespace> namespaces)
            if (namespaces.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("No namespaces in list.");

            Data = namespaces[0];
            Name = Data.Name;

            var namespaceWithSummary = namespaces.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Summary != null);
            if (namespaceWithSummary != null)
                Summary = namespaceWithSummary.Summary;

            Classes = new List<DocumentedType>();
            Interfaces = new List<DocumentedType>();
            foreach (var @namespace in namespaces)
                var classes = @namespace.Types.Where(x => x.Definition.IsClass && !IsExtensionMethodClass(x)).ToArray();

                var interfaces = @namespace.Types.Where(x => x.Definition.IsInterface).ToArray();

            // For child namespaces, just get them from the first one
            // since they're going to be the same anyway.
            Namespaces = new List<DocumentedNamespace>();
            foreach (var childNamespace in Data.Tree.Children)
        internal static ColliderShape Compose(IReadOnlyList<IAssetColliderShapeDesc> descs)
            ColliderShape res = null;

            if (descs.Count == 1) //single shape case
                res = CreateShape(descs[0]);
                if (res == null) return null;
                res.IsPartOfAsset = true;
            else if (descs.Count > 1) //need a compound shape in this case
                var compound = new CompoundColliderShape();
                foreach (var desc in descs)
                    var subShape = CreateShape(desc);
                    if(subShape == null) continue;
                res = compound;
                res.IsPartOfAsset = true;

            return res;
        public IncludeExpressionVisitor(
            [NotNull] ISelectExpressionFactory selectExpressionFactory,
            [NotNull] IMaterializerFactory materializerFactory,
            [NotNull] ICommandBuilderFactory commandBuilderFactory,
            [NotNull] IRelationalAnnotationProvider relationalAnnotationProvider,
            [NotNull] ISqlQueryGeneratorFactory sqlQueryGeneratorFactory,
            [NotNull] IQuerySource querySource,
            [NotNull] IReadOnlyList<INavigation> navigationPath,
            [NotNull] RelationalQueryCompilationContext queryCompilationContext,
            [NotNull] IReadOnlyList<int> queryIndexes,
            bool querySourceRequiresTracking)
            Check.NotNull(selectExpressionFactory, nameof(selectExpressionFactory));
            Check.NotNull(materializerFactory, nameof(materializerFactory));
            Check.NotNull(commandBuilderFactory, nameof(commandBuilderFactory));
            Check.NotNull(relationalAnnotationProvider, nameof(relationalAnnotationProvider));
            Check.NotNull(sqlQueryGeneratorFactory, nameof(sqlQueryGeneratorFactory));
            Check.NotNull(querySource, nameof(querySource));
            Check.NotNull(navigationPath, nameof(navigationPath));
            Check.NotNull(queryCompilationContext, nameof(queryCompilationContext));
            Check.NotNull(queryIndexes, nameof(queryIndexes));

            _selectExpressionFactory = selectExpressionFactory;
            _materializerFactory = materializerFactory;
            _commandBuilderFactory = commandBuilderFactory;
            _relationalAnnotationProvider = relationalAnnotationProvider;
            _sqlQueryGeneratorFactory = sqlQueryGeneratorFactory;
            _querySource = querySource;
            _navigationPath = navigationPath;
            _queryCompilationContext = queryCompilationContext;
            _queryIndexes = queryIndexes;
            _querySourceRequiresTracking = querySourceRequiresTracking;
			public VariablePathResolvingStatus TryResolve(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> variables, out IAbsoluteFilePath resolvedPath,
				out IReadOnlyList<string> unresolvedVariables)
				Argument.IsNotNull(nameof(variables), variables);

				string path;

				if (!TryResolve(variables, out path, out unresolvedVariables))
					resolvedPath = null;

					return VariablePathResolvingStatus.UnresolvedVariable;

				if (!path.IsValidAbsoluteFilePath())
					resolvedPath = null;

					return VariablePathResolvingStatus.CannotConvertToAbsolutePath;

				resolvedPath = path.ToAbsoluteFilePath();

				return VariablePathResolvingStatus.Success;
Exemple #7
        public override IEnumerable<IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList<IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
            ImmutableArray<IDocument> commitDocuments = GetCommitDocuments(inputs, context);

            // Outputting commits as new documents
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_commitsMetadataKey))
                return commitDocuments;
            var test = commitDocuments.Select(x => x.Get<IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>>(GitKeys.Entries));

            // Outputting commit information for each document
            string repositoryLocation = GetRepositoryLocation(context);
            return inputs.AsParallel().Select(input =>
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Source))
                    return input;
                string relativePath = PathHelper.GetRelativePath(repositoryLocation, input.Source);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath))
                    return input;
                ImmutableArray<IDocument> inputCommitDocuments = commitDocuments
                    .Where(x => x.Get<IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>>(GitKeys.Entries).ContainsKey(relativePath))
                return context.GetDocument(input, new MetadataItems
                    new MetadataItem(_commitsMetadataKey, inputCommitDocuments)
        internal static string BuildMetricFilter(DateTime? startTime, DateTime? endTime, string timeGrain, IReadOnlyList<string> metricNames)
            var dateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ";
            var filter = "";
            if (metricNames != null && metricNames.Count > 0)
                if (metricNames.Count == 1)
                    filter = "name.value eq '" + metricNames[0] + "'";
                    filter = "(name.value eq '" + string.Join("' or name.value eq '", metricNames) + "')";

            if (startTime.HasValue)
                filter += string.Format("and startTime eq {0}", startTime.Value.ToString(dateTimeFormat));

            if (endTime.HasValue)
                filter += string.Format("and endTime eq {0}", endTime.Value.ToString(dateTimeFormat));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(timeGrain))
                filter += string.Format("and timeGrain eq duration'{0}'", timeGrain);

            return filter;
Exemple #9
 public IEnumerable<IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList<IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
     return inputs
        .Select(input =>
                object data = _data(input, context);
                if (data != null)
                    string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data,
                        _indenting ? Formatting.Indented : Formatting.None);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_destinationKey))
                        return context.GetDocument(input, result);
                    return context.GetDocument(input, new MetadataItems
                        {_destinationKey, result}
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.Error("Error serializing JSON for {0}: {1}", input.Source, ex.ToString());
            return input;
        .Where(x => x != null);
 public SqlForeignKeyConstraintExpression(string constraintName, IReadOnlyList<string> columnNames, SqlReferencesColumnExpression referencesColumnExpression)
     : base(typeof(void))
     this.ConstraintName = constraintName;
     this.ColumnNames = columnNames;
     this.ReferencesColumnExpression = referencesColumnExpression;
 /// <summary>
 /// ツイートを投稿する
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="t">ツイート本文</param>
 /// <param name="selectedPictures">選択された画像ファイルの List</param>
 public async void PostTweetAsync(string t, IReadOnlyList<StorageFile> selectedPictures)
     var mediaIds         =  await this.UploadPictures(selectedPictures);
     var replayToStatusId = this._replyToStatus?.Id;
     await this._tokens.Statuses.UpdateAsync(status => t, in_reply_to_status_id => replayToStatusId, media_ids => mediaIds);
     this._replyToStatus = null;
        public FairPartitionResolver(IReadOnlyList<string> collectionLinks)
            Guard.NotNull("collectionLinks", collectionLinks);

            this.collectionLinks = collectionLinks;
            this.random = new ThreadLocal<Random>(CreateNewRandom);
        public Task<PermissionSet> GetPermissions(IReadOnlyList<SignatureEvidence> authentication, LedgerPath path, bool recursiveOnly, string recordName)
            HashSet<string> identities = new HashSet<string>(authentication.Select(evidence => keyEncoder.GetPubKeyHash(evidence.PublicKey)), StringComparer.Ordinal);
            LedgerPath pathRecordName;

            // If the path is root and the record name is a tird-party asset owned by the current identity,
            // arbitrary modification of the balance is allowed
            if (LedgerPath.TryParse(recordName, out pathRecordName)
                && thirdPartyAssetPath.IsStrictParentOf(pathRecordName)
                && path.Segments.Count == 0
                && identities.Contains(pathRecordName.Segments[thirdPartyAssetPath.Segments.Count]))
                return Task.FromResult(new PermissionSet(accountNegative: Access.Permit));

            // Account /asset/p2pkh/[addr]/
            if (thirdPartyAssetPath.IsStrictParentOf(path)
                && path.Segments.Count == thirdPartyAssetPath.Segments.Count + 1
                && keyEncoder.IsP2pkh(path.Segments[path.Segments.Count - 1]))
                Access ownAccount = identities.Contains(path.Segments[path.Segments.Count - 1]) && recordName != DynamicPermissionLayout.AclResourceName
                    ? Access.Permit : Access.Unset;

                return Task.FromResult(new PermissionSet(
                    accountModify: Access.Permit,
                    accountCreate: Access.Permit,
                    accountSpend: ownAccount,
                    dataModify: ownAccount));
                return Task.FromResult(new PermissionSet());
            private SimpleDiagnostic(
                DiagnosticDescriptor descriptor,
                DiagnosticSeverity severity,
                int warningLevel,
                Location location,
                IEnumerable<Location> additionalLocations,
                object[] messageArgs,
                ImmutableDictionary<string, string> properties,
                bool isSuppressed)
                if ((warningLevel == 0 && severity != DiagnosticSeverity.Error) ||
                    (warningLevel != 0 && severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error))
                    throw new ArgumentException(nameof(warningLevel));

                if (descriptor == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(descriptor));

                _descriptor = descriptor;
                _severity = severity;
                _warningLevel = warningLevel;
                _location = location ?? Location.None;
                _additionalLocations = additionalLocations?.ToImmutableArray() ?? SpecializedCollections.EmptyReadOnlyList<Location>();
                _messageArgs = messageArgs ?? Array.Empty<object>();
                _properties = properties ?? ImmutableDictionary<string, string>.Empty;
                _isSuppressed = isSuppressed;
Exemple #15
        private SolutionState(
            BranchId branchId,
            int workspaceVersion,
            SolutionServices solutionServices,
            SolutionId id,
            string filePath,
            IEnumerable<ProjectId> projectIds,
            ImmutableDictionary<ProjectId, ProjectState> idToProjectStateMap,
            ImmutableDictionary<ProjectId, CompilationTracker> projectIdToTrackerMap,
            ImmutableDictionary<string, ImmutableArray<DocumentId>> linkedFilesMap,
            ProjectDependencyGraph dependencyGraph,
            VersionStamp version,
            Lazy<VersionStamp> lazyLatestProjectVersion)
            _branchId = branchId;
            _workspaceVersion = workspaceVersion;
            _id = id;
            _filePath = filePath;
            _solutionServices = solutionServices;
            _projectIds = projectIds.ToImmutableReadOnlyListOrEmpty();
            _projectIdToProjectStateMap = idToProjectStateMap;
            _projectIdToTrackerMap = projectIdToTrackerMap;
            _linkedFilesMap = linkedFilesMap;
            _dependencyGraph = dependencyGraph;
            _version = version;
            _lazyLatestProjectVersion = lazyLatestProjectVersion;

Exemple #16
 public IEnumerable<IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList<IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
     foreach (IDocument input in inputs)
         string path = _path(input);
         if (path != null)
             path = Path.Combine(context.InputFolder, path);
             string fileRoot = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
             if (fileRoot != null && Directory.Exists(fileRoot))
                 foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(fileRoot, Path.GetFileName(path), _searchOption).Where(x => _where == null || _where(x)))
                     string content = File.ReadAllText(file);
                     context.Trace.Verbose("Read file {0}", file);
                     yield return input.Clone(content, new Dictionary<string, object>
                         {MetadataKeys.SourceFileRoot, fileRoot},
                         {MetadataKeys.SourceFileBase, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)},
                         {MetadataKeys.SourceFileExt, Path.GetExtension(file)},
                         {MetadataKeys.SourceFileName, Path.GetFileName(file)},
                         {MetadataKeys.SourceFileDir, Path.GetDirectoryName(file)},
                         {MetadataKeys.SourceFilePath, file},
                         {MetadataKeys.RelativeFilePath, Path.Combine(PathHelper.GetRelativePath(context.InputFolder, file))}
        public virtual RawSqlCommand Build(string sql, IReadOnlyList<object> parameters)
            Check.NotEmpty(sql, nameof(sql));
            Check.NotNull(parameters, nameof(parameters));

            var relationalCommandBuilder = _relationalCommandBuilderFactory.Create();

            var substitutions = new string[parameters.Count];

            var parameterNameGenerator = _parameterNameGeneratorFactory.Create();

            var parameterValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            for (var i = 0; i < substitutions.Length; i++)
                var parameterName = parameterNameGenerator.GenerateNext();

                substitutions[i] = _sqlGenerationHelper.GenerateParameterName(parameterName);


                parameterValues.Add(parameterName, parameters[i]);

            // ReSharper disable once CoVariantArrayConversion
            sql = string.Format(sql, substitutions);

            return new RawSqlCommand(
        private static void PrintDayStats(IReadOnlyList<DateTime> dates)
            var totalMinutesIn = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0);
            var totalMinutesOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0);

            DateTime lastDate = dates[0];

            var isIn = false;
            for (int i = 1; i < dates.Count; i++)
                var instance = dates[i];
                isIn = !isIn;
                if (isIn)
                    totalMinutesIn = totalMinutesIn.Add(instance.Subtract(lastDate));
                    totalMinutesOut = totalMinutesOut.Add(instance.Subtract(lastDate));
                lastDate = instance;
            Console.WriteLine("Total minutes in: {0}, out: {1}, extra: {2}", totalMinutesIn, totalMinutesOut, totalMinutesIn.Subtract(Day));
            _overtime = _overtime.Add(totalMinutesIn.Subtract(Day));
Exemple #19
    static SAMER08F()
        int[] squareCounts = new int[_limit + 1];
        squareCounts[0] = 0;
        squareCounts[1] = 1;
        squareCounts[2] = 5;

        for (int n = 3; n <= _limit; ++n)
            // Add the parent square as a whole.
            squareCounts[n] += 1;

            // Add the squares that touch only one of the parent square's four corners.
            // For example, growing from the top left for n = 3 there's square n = 1, and square n = 2, and this repeats for each corner.
            squareCounts[n] += 4 * (n - 1);

            // Add the squares that touch the parent square's edge but don't touch one of the parent square's four corners.
            // For example, for n = 4 there's two unused edge squares on each side, from the first there's two (n = 1, n = 2) second there's one (n = 1).
            // In general, for each side there's n - 2 squares to start from, the first gives n - 2 squares, the second n - 3 squares, etc, to one.
            squareCounts[n] += 4 * SumFromOneUntil(n - 2);

            // Add the counts from interior square (touching no edges or corners) of dimension n - 2.
            squareCounts[n] += squareCounts[n - 2];

        _squareCounts = squareCounts;
Exemple #20
        public IEnumerable<IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList<IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
            List<IDocument> results = new List<IDocument>();
            IEnumerable<IDocument> documents = inputs;
            foreach (Tuple<DocumentConfig, IModule[]> condition in _conditions)
                // Split the documents into ones that satisfy the predicate and ones that don't
                List<IDocument> handled = new List<IDocument>();
                List<IDocument> unhandled = new List<IDocument>();
                foreach (IDocument document in documents)
                    if (condition.Item1 == null || condition.Item1.Invoke<bool>(document, context))

                // Run the modules on the documents that satisfy the predicate
                results.AddRange(context.Execute(condition.Item2, handled));

                // Continue with the documents that don't satisfy the predicate
                documents = unhandled;

            // Add back any documents that never matched a predicate

            return results;
        public WebSocketRfc6455(Stream clientStream, WebSocketListenerOptions options, IPEndPoint local, IPEndPoint remote, WebSocketHttpRequest httpRequest, IReadOnlyList<IWebSocketMessageExtensionContext> extensions)
            if (clientStream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("clientStream");

            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("options");

            if (local == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("local");

            if (remote == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("remote");

            if (extensions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("extensions");

            if (httpRequest == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("httpRequest");

            _remoteEndpoint = remote;
            _localEndpoint = local;
            _httpRequest = httpRequest;

            Connection = new WebSocketConnectionRfc6455(clientStream, options);
            _extensions = extensions;
 private static List<SectionTime> Calculate(IReadOnlyList<IAnimationSection> animationSections, DateTime startTime)
     return animationSections
         .Scan(new SectionTime(null, startTime), (acc, section) => new SectionTime(section, acc.EndTime + section.Duration))
Exemple #23
        public IEnumerable<IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList<IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
            if (_modules != null)
                Dictionary<string, object> metadata = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                // Execute the modules for each input document
                if (_forEachDocument)
                    return inputs.Select(input =>
                        foreach (IDocument result in context.Execute(_modules, new[] { input }))
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in result)
                                metadata[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
                        return input.Clone(metadata);

                // Execute the modules once and apply to each input document
                foreach (IDocument result in context.Execute(_modules))
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in result)
                        metadata[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
                return inputs.Select(input => input.Clone(metadata));

            return inputs.Select(x => x.Clone(new [] { new KeyValuePair<string, object>(_key, _metadata.GetValue(x, context)) }));
        public static void Save(IReadOnlyList<Contribution> contributions)
            Guard.AgainstNullArgument(nameof(contributions), contributions);

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter("contributions.txt", false))
                foreach (var group in contributions.Select(contribution => contribution.Group).Distinct())
                    writer.Write("\t" + @group);


                foreach (var login in contributions.Select(contribution => contribution.Login).Distinct())
                    foreach (var group in contributions.Select(contribution => contribution.Group).Distinct())
                        var contribution =
                                candidate => candidate.Group == @group && candidate.Login == login);

                            "\t" +
                            (contribution?.Score.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ?? "0"));

 // constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BulkWriteOperationResult" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="requestCount">The request count.</param>
 /// <param name="processedRequests">The processed requests.</param>
 protected BulkWriteOperationResult(
     int requestCount,
     IReadOnlyList<WriteRequest> processedRequests)
     _requestCount = requestCount;
     _processedRequests = processedRequests;
        public IBusControl CreateServiceBus(MassTransitOptions options, IReadOnlyList<Action<IReceiveEndpointConfigurator>> commandSubscriptions, IReadOnlyList<Action<IReceiveEndpointConfigurator>> eventSubscriptions)
            return Bus.Factory.CreateUsingInMemory(cfg =>

                if (commandSubscriptions.Any())
                    cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(options.CommandQueueNameStrategy.GetQueueName(), endpoint =>

                        foreach (var subscription in commandSubscriptions)

                if (eventSubscriptions.Any())
                    cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(options.EventQueueNameStrategy.GetQueueName(), endpoint =>

                        foreach (var subscription in eventSubscriptions)
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new SteinerTabViewModel.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tree">The (not null) SkillTree instance to operate on.</param>
 /// <param name="dialogCoordinator">The <see cref="IDialogCoordinator"/> used to display dialogs.</param>
 /// <param name="dialogContext">The context used for <paramref name="dialogCoordinator"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="runCallback">The action that is called when RunCommand is executed.</param>
 public SteinerTabViewModel(SkillTree tree, IDialogCoordinator dialogCoordinator, object dialogContext,
     Action<GeneratorTabViewModel> runCallback)
     : base(tree, dialogCoordinator, dialogContext, 1, runCallback)
     DisplayName = L10n.Message("Tagged Nodes");
     SubSettings = new[] {ExcludeCrossed};
 public static void AddImplements(this TypeBuilder builder, IReadOnlyList<TypeStructure> imp)
     foreach (var v in imp)
        public async Task<IList<Mutation>> Validate(ParsedMutation mutation, IReadOnlyList<SignatureEvidence> authentication, IReadOnlyDictionary<AccountKey, AccountStatus> accounts)
            await ValidateAccountMutations(mutation.AccountMutations, accounts, authentication);
            await ValidateDataMutations(mutation.DataRecords, authentication);

            return new Mutation[0];
 public RSessionEvaluation(IReadOnlyList<IRContext> contexts, IRExpressionEvaluator evaluator, CancellationToken ct) {
     Contexts = contexts;
     _evaluator = evaluator;
     _tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
     _ct = ct;
     ct.Register(() => _tcs.TrySetCanceled());
 public BasketViewModel(IReadOnlyList <BasketLineItem> basketLineItems)
     this.BasketLineItems = basketLineItems;
Exemple #32
        private TableFormula createTableFormulaFrom(TableFormulaParameter <IDistributedParameter> parameter, IReadOnlyList <ParameterDistributionMetaData> allDistributionsWithAgeStrictBiggerThanOriginData)
            if (allDistributionsWithAgeStrictBiggerThanOriginData.Count == 0)

            var tableFormula = _formulaFactory.CreateDistributedTableFormula();

            updateTableFormulaFrom(tableFormula, parameter.Parameter);
            tableFormula.Percentile = parameter.Percentile;

            if (parameter.PercentileIsInvalid)
                throw new PKSimException(PKSimConstants.Error.CannotCreateAgingSimulationWithInvalidPercentile(_fullPathDisplayResolver.FullPathFor(parameter.Parameter), parameter.Percentile));

            //0 because of the offset with age
            tableFormula.AddPoint(0, parameter.Value, DistributionMetaData.From(parameter.Parameter));

            foreach (var scaledDistribution in scaleDistributions(parameter, allDistributionsWithAgeStrictBiggerThanOriginData))
                var age   = ageWithOffsetInMin(scaledDistribution.Age, parameter.OriginData.Age.Value);
                var value = valueFrom(scaledDistribution, parameter.Percentile);
                tableFormula.AddPoint(age, value, DistributionMetaData.From(scaledDistribution));

        public bool TryGetProjectRestoreInfo(string name, out DependencyGraphSpec projectRestoreInfo, out IReadOnlyList <IAssetsLogMessage> additionalMessages)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new ArgumentException(CommonResources.Argument_Cannot_Be_Null_Or_Empty, nameof(name));

            projectRestoreInfo = null;
            additionalMessages = null;

            CacheEntry cacheEntry;

            if (TryGetCacheEntry(name, out cacheEntry))
                projectRestoreInfo = cacheEntry.ProjectRestoreInfo;
                additionalMessages = cacheEntry.AdditionalMessages;

            return(projectRestoreInfo != null);
        public bool AddProjectRestoreInfo(ProjectNames projectNames, DependencyGraphSpec projectRestoreInfo, IReadOnlyList <IAssetsLogMessage> additionalMessages)
            if (projectNames == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(projectNames));

            if (projectNames.FullName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(projectNames.FullName));


                if (!_projectNamesCache.ContainsKey(projectNames.FullName))

                    addEntryFactory: k => new CacheEntry
                    ProjectRestoreInfo = projectRestoreInfo,
                    AdditionalMessages = additionalMessages
                    updateEntryFactory: (k, e) =>
                    e.ProjectRestoreInfo = projectRestoreInfo;
                    e.AdditionalMessages = additionalMessages;


        public new async Task SendMailAsync(MailMessage message)
            if (_disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("SmtpClientEx");

            if (DeliveryMethod == SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_host))
                    if (_dnsClient == null)
                        _dnsClient = new DnsClient();

                    IReadOnlyList <string> mxServers = await _dnsClient.ResolveMXAsync(message.To[0].Host);

                    if (mxServers.Count > 0)
                        _host = mxServers[0];
                        _host = message.To[0].Host;

                    _port       = 25;
                    Credentials = null;

                if (_proxy == null)
                    if (_enableSslWrapper)
                        EndPoint remoteEP = EndPointExtension.GetEndPoint(_host, _port);

                        if ((_tunnelProxy != null) && !_tunnelProxy.RemoteEndPoint.Equals(remoteEP))
                            _tunnelProxy = null;

                        if ((_tunnelProxy == null) || _tunnelProxy.IsBroken)
                            IPEndPoint ep = await remoteEP.GetIPEndPointAsync();

                            Socket socket = new Socket(ep.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                            await socket.ConnectAsync(ep);

                            _tunnelProxy = new TunnelProxy(socket, remoteEP, _enableSslWrapper, _ignoreCertificateErrors);

                        base.Host = _tunnelProxy.TunnelEndPoint.Address.ToString();
                        base.Port = _tunnelProxy.TunnelEndPoint.Port;
                        base.Host = _host;
                        base.Port = _port;

                    await base.SendMailAsync(message);
                    EndPoint remoteEP = EndPointExtension.GetEndPoint(_host, _port);

                    if ((_tunnelProxy != null) && !_tunnelProxy.RemoteEndPoint.Equals(remoteEP))
                        _tunnelProxy = null;

                    if ((_tunnelProxy == null) || _tunnelProxy.IsBroken)
                        _tunnelProxy = await _proxy.CreateTunnelProxyAsync(remoteEP, _enableSslWrapper, _ignoreCertificateErrors);

                    base.Host = _tunnelProxy.TunnelEndPoint.Address.ToString();
                    base.Port = _tunnelProxy.TunnelEndPoint.Port;

                    await base.SendMailAsync(message);
                await base.SendMailAsync(message);
 public SyntaxTreeDeclarationInfo(VersionStamp version, IReadOnlyList<DeclaredSymbolInfo> declaredSymbolInfos)
     : base(version)
     DeclaredSymbolInfos = declaredSymbolInfos;
Exemple #37
        private Func <OriginData, (double mean, double deviation)> distributionSamplesFor(IReadOnlyList <ParameterDistributionMetaData> distributions)
            var knownSamples = from distribution in distributions
                               select new
                Mean = new Sample(distribution.Age, distribution.Mean),
                Std  = new Sample(distribution.Age, distribution.Deviation),

            knownSamples = knownSamples.ToList();

            return((originData) =>
                double mean = _interpolation.Interpolate(knownSamples.Select(item => item.Mean), originData.Age.Value);
                double deviation = _interpolation.Interpolate(knownSamples.Select(item => item.Std), originData.Age.Value);

                return (mean, deviation);
Exemple #38
        private IReadOnlyList <ParameterDistributionMetaData> scaleDistributions(TableFormulaParameter <IDistributedParameter> parameter, IReadOnlyList <ParameterDistributionMetaData> distributionsToScale)
            //Retrieve the mean height parameter for the given origin data
            var originData          = parameter.OriginData;
            var individualParameter = parameter.Parameter;

            bool needHeightScaling = needScaling(originData, individualParameter);

            if (!needHeightScaling)

            var(meanHeight, currentHeight, currentPercentile, heightDistributionSamples) = heightDistributionsFor(originData);

            //same height, not need to scale
            if (ValueComparer.AreValuesEqual(meanHeight, currentHeight))

            //is used in order to retrieve the percentile
            double alpha = individualParameter.ParentContainer.Parameter(CoreConstants.Parameters.ALLOMETRIC_SCALE_FACTOR).Value;

            var currentOriginData = originData.Clone();
            var scaledParameterDistributionMetaData = new List <ParameterDistributionMetaData>();

            foreach (var originDistributionMetaData in distributionsToScale)
                var distributionMetaData = ParameterDistributionMetaData.From(originDistributionMetaData);
                currentOriginData.Age = originDistributionMetaData.Age;

                var(mean, deviation) = heightDistributionSamples(currentOriginData);
                double heightAtPercentile = valueFrom(DistributionTypes.Normal, mean, deviation, currentPercentile);
                double hrelForAge         = heightAtPercentile / mean;

                scaleDistributionMetaData(distributionMetaData, hrelForAge, alpha);

Exemple #39
 private IReadOnlyList <ParameterDistributionMetaData> allDistributionsWithAgeStrictBiggerThanOriginData(
     IReadOnlyList <ParameterDistributionMetaData> distributionsForMale,
     IReadOnlyList <ParameterDistributionMetaData> distributionsForFemale, OriginData originData)
     return(allDistributionsFor(distributionsForMale, distributionsForFemale, originData, x => x.Age > originData.Age));
Exemple #40
        private TableFormula createTableFormulaFrom(IDistributedParameter individualParameter, IReadOnlyList <ParameterDistributionMetaData> allDistributionsWithAgeStrictBiggerThanOriginData)
            var parameter = new TableFormulaParameter <IDistributedParameter>
                OriginData = _baseOriginData,
                Parameter  = individualParameter,
                Value      = individualParameter.Value,
                Percentile = individualParameter.Percentile

            return(createTableFormulaFrom(parameter, allDistributionsWithAgeStrictBiggerThanOriginData));
Exemple #41
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public bool IsProcessorCompatible(IReadOnlyList <ITfsProcessingConfig> otherProcessors)
Exemple #42
        private TableFormula createMoleculeOntogenyTableFormula(IParameter ontogenyFactor, OriginData originData, IReadOnlyList <Sample> allOntogenies)
            //null is ok here. It's the default value for formula in ParameterStartValue
            if (allOntogenies.Count == 0)

            var tableFormula = _formulaFactory.CreateTableFormula();

            updateTableFormulaFrom(tableFormula, ontogenyFactor);

            //0 because of the offset with age
            tableFormula.AddPoint(0, ontogenyFactor.Value);

            foreach (var ontogenyForAge in allOntogenies)
                var age = ageWithOffsetInMin(ontogenyForAge.X, originData.Age.Value);
                tableFormula.AddPoint(age, ontogenyForAge.Y);

            tableFormula.UseDerivedValues = false;

 public PagedResult(IReadOnlyList <TEntity> items, string?paginationToken)
     Items           = items;
     PaginationToken = paginationToken;
Exemple #44
        public async Task ReadAsync()
            this.RaiseProgressUpdate(0, null);

            int totalFileCount = await FileUtil.GetFilesCountInAllDirectoriesAsync(this.RootFolder);

            int progressStep          = totalFileCount / 1000;
            int filesAlreadyProcessed = 0;
            int filesAlreadyProcessedTillLastProgressUpdate = progressStep + 1; // set so that we get status update as soon as we start updating the DB

            async Task directorySearch(StorageFolder rootFolder)
                // recursively search through all folders
                IReadOnlyList <StorageFolder> folders = await rootFolder.GetFoldersAsync(Windows.Storage.Search.CommonFolderQuery.DefaultQuery);

                foreach (StorageFolder folder in folders)
                    await directorySearch(folder);

                using (MusicLibraryContext dbContext = new MusicLibraryContext())
                    // get all files in directory
                    foreach (StorageFile file in await rootFolder.GetFilesAsync())

                        // continue for sound files only
                        if (allowedExtensions.Contains(file.FileType.ToUpperInvariant()))
                            Song song;

                            Mp3Stream tagStream = new Id3.Mp3Stream(await file.OpenStreamForReadAsync());
                            bool      anySongTags;
                            Id3Tag[]  songTags = null;
                                songTags    = tagStream.GetAllTags();
                                anySongTags = songTags.Length > 0;
                            catch (Exception e)
                                anySongTags = false;

                            if (anySongTags)
                                Id3Tag songTag = songTags[0];

                                // search for an existing artist by name
                                Artist artist = Artist.CreateOrFind(dbContext, songTag.Artists.Value);

                                // search for an existing album by name and artist
                                Album album = Album.CreateOrFind(dbContext, songTag.Album, artist.ArtistId);

                                // search for an existing song by path
                                song = Song.CreateOrFind(dbContext, file.Path);

                                // set reference to the album
                                song.Album = album;

                                // load other simpler properties
                                if (songTag.Year.IsAssigned)
                                    song.Year = songTag.Year.AsDateTime.Value.Year;

                                if (songTag.Track.IsAssigned)
                                    song.Track = songTag.Track.AsInt.Value;

                                song.Title   = songTag.Title;
                                song.Genre   = songTag.Genre;
                                song.Comment = string.Join(", ", songTag.Comments);

                                // insert/update to DB

                                // save image to localappdata
                                if (songTag.Pictures.Any())
                                    await SongImageUtil.SaveImageAsync(song.SongId, songTag.Pictures.First().PictureData, songTag.Pictures.First().MimeType);
                                song = Song.CreateOrFind(dbContext, file.Path);

                                song.Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Path);

                                // insert/update to DB

                            // update progress
                            if (filesAlreadyProcessedTillLastProgressUpdate > progressStep)
                                filesAlreadyProcessedTillLastProgressUpdate = 0;
                                this.RaiseProgressUpdate((float)filesAlreadyProcessed / totalFileCount, song);

            if (totalFileCount > 0)
                await directorySearch(this.RootFolder);
 internal KeyVaultPrivateEndpointConnectionListResult(IReadOnlyList <KeyVaultPrivateEndpointConnectionData> value, string nextLink)
     Value    = value;
     NextLink = nextLink;
Exemple #46
 public CompositeCallCredentials(CallCredentials[] credentials)
     GrpcPreconditions.CheckArgument(credentials.Length >= 2, "Composite credentials object can only be created from 2 or more credentials.");
     this.credentials = new List <CallCredentials>(credentials).AsReadOnly();
Exemple #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes an instance of <see cref="CommandInput"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public CommandInput(string commandName, IReadOnlyList <CommandOptionInput> options)
     : this(commandName, EmptyDirectives, options)
Exemple #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes an instance of <see cref="CommandInput"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public CommandInput(IReadOnlyList <CommandOptionInput> options)
     : this(null, options)
        private async void UpdateSearch(string enteredText, string locationText, bool restrictToExtent = false)
            // Clear any existing markers.

            // Return gracefully if the textbox is empty or the geocoder isn't ready.
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(enteredText) || _geocoder == null) { return; }

            // Create the geocode parameters.
            GeocodeParameters parameters = new GeocodeParameters();

            // Get the MapPoint for the current search location.
            MapPoint searchLocation = await GetSearchMapPoint(locationText);

            // Update the geocode parameters if the map point is not null.
            if (searchLocation != null)
                parameters.PreferredSearchLocation = searchLocation;

            // Update the search area if desired.
            if (restrictToExtent)
                // Get the current map extent.
                Geometry extent = MyMapView.VisibleArea;

                // Update the search parameters.
                parameters.SearchArea = extent;

            // Show the progress bar.
            MyProgressBar.IsVisible = true;

            // Get the location information.
            IReadOnlyList<GeocodeResult> locations = await _geocoder.GeocodeAsync(enteredText, parameters);

            // Stop gracefully and show a message if the geocoder does not return a result.
            if (locations.Count < 1)
                MyProgressBar.IsVisible = false; // 1. Hide the progress bar.
                ShowStatusMessage("No results found"); // 2. Show a message.
                return; // 3. Stop.

            // Create the GraphicsOverlay so that results can be drawn on the map.
            GraphicsOverlay resultOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();

            // Add each address to the map.
            foreach (GeocodeResult location in locations)
                // Get the Graphic to display.
                Graphic point = await GraphicForPoint(location.DisplayLocation);

                // Add the specific result data to the point.
                point.Attributes["Match_Title"] = location.Label;

                // Get the address for the point.
                IReadOnlyList<GeocodeResult> addresses = await _geocoder.ReverseGeocodeAsync(location.DisplayLocation);

                // Add the first suitable address if possible.
                if (addresses.Any())
                    point.Attributes["Match_Address"] = addresses.First().Label;

                // Add the Graphic to the GraphicsOverlay.

            // Hide the progress bar.
            MyProgressBar.IsVisible = false;

            // Add the GraphicsOverlay to the MapView.

            // Update the map viewpoint.
            await MyMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(resultOverlay.Extent, 50);
Exemple #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes an instance of <see cref="CommandInput"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public CommandInput(string commandName, IReadOnlyList <string> directives, IReadOnlyList <CommandOptionInput> options)
     CommandName = commandName; // can be null
     Directives  = directives.GuardNotNull(nameof(directives));
     Options     = options.GuardNotNull(nameof(options));
Exemple #51
        // Забираем у всего сервера роль игры, выпиливаем всех из скрытого канала
        public static async Task <bool> Wipe(bool fullWipe = false)
                Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
                await Print("Wipe(): ПРОЦЕДУРА ЗАПУЩЕНА...");

                if (Logovo != null)
                    await Print("Wipe(): Запущено удаление канала логова...");
                    await RemoveLogovo();
                    await Print($"Wipe(): Выполнено за {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} сек.");


                IReadOnlyList <DiscordMember> members = null;
                if (fullWipe)
                    await Print("Wipe(): Получаю список пользователей сервера...");

                    members = await Config.Guild.GetAllMembersAsync();
                    await Print($"Wipe(): Выполнено за {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} сек.");


                    await Print("Wipe(): Открываю доступ в главный канал...");
                    await DisableMod();
                    await Print($"Wipe(): Выполнено за {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} сек.");

                    await Print("Wipe(): Получаю список игроков...");

                    members = Game.Players.Keys.ToList();
                    await Print($"Wipe(): Выполнено за {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} сек.");


                await Print("Wipe(): Удаляю роли у всех пользователей с ролью мафии...");

                foreach (DiscordMember member in members)
                    if (member.Roles.ToList().Contains(Config.RoleMain))
                        await member.RevokeRoleAsync(Config.RoleMain);

                        await Task.Delay(2000);
                await Print($"Wipe(): Выполнено за {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} сек.");


                await Print("Wipe(): ПРОЦЕДУРА ЗАВЕРШЕНА!");

            catch (Exception)
        protected override decimal?ComputeByIndexImpl(IReadOnlyList <decimal> mappedInputs, int index)
            var bb = _bb[index];

            return((bb.UpperBand - bb.LowerBand) / bb.MiddleBand * 100);
Exemple #53
 public Task SendToAllExcept(string message, IReadOnlyList<string> excludedIds)
     return Clients.AllExcept(excludedIds).Send(message);
Exemple #54
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the <see cref="CsClass"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="isLoaded">Flag that determines if the model was loaded.</param>
 /// <param name="hasErrors">Flag that determine if errors were found creating the model.</param>
 /// <param name="loadedFromSource">Flag that determines if the model was loaded from source code or from an existing library.</param>
 /// <param name="language">The target language the model was generated from.</param>
 /// <param name="members">The members assigned to this container.</param>
 /// <param name="baseClass">The class model that is base class of this class.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceDocument">The source document that was used to build this model. This is optional parameter and can be null.</param>
 /// <param name="modelStore">Optional the lookup storage for models created during the compile or lookup of the model.</param>
 /// <param name="modelErrors">Optional the error that occured while creating the model.</param>
 /// <param name="attributes">List of the attributes assigned to this model.</param>
 /// <param name="isGeneric">Flag that determines if the container is a generic definition.</param>
 /// <param name="hasStrongTypesInGenerics">Flag that determines if the generics use strong type definitions.</param>
 /// <param name="genericParameters">Generic parameters assigned to the container.</param>
 /// <param name="genericTypes">Target types for the generic parameters assigned to the container.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceFiles">List of the fully qualified paths to the source code files this model is defined in.</param>
 /// <param name="hasDocumentation">Flag that determines if the model has XML documentation assigned to it.</param>
 /// <param name="documentation">The xml documentation assigned to the model.</param>
 /// <param name="lookupPath">The fully qualified model lookup path for this model.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the model.</param>
 /// <param name="ns">The namespace the container belongs to.</param>
 /// <param name="parentPath">The fully qualified lookup path for the parent model to this one.</param>
 /// <param name="security">The security scope assigned to this model.</param>
 /// <param name="inheritedInterfaces">The interfaces that are inherited by this container.</param>
 /// <param name="isStatic">Flag that determines if the model is static.</param>
 /// <param name="isAbstract">Flag that determines if the model is abstract.</param>
 /// <param name="isSealed">Flag that determines if the model is sealed.</param>
 protected CsClass(bool isLoaded, bool hasErrors, bool loadedFromSource, SourceCodeType language,
     IReadOnlyList<CsAttribute> attributes, bool isGeneric, bool hasStrongTypesInGenerics,
     IReadOnlyList<CsGenericParameter> genericParameters, IReadOnlyList<CsType> genericTypes, IReadOnlyList<string> sourceFiles,
     bool hasDocumentation, string documentation, string lookupPath, string name, string ns, string parentPath, 
     CsSecurity security, IReadOnlyList<CsInterface> inheritedInterfaces, IReadOnlyList<CsMember> members,
     bool isStatic, bool isAbstract, bool isSealed, CsClass baseClass, string sourceDocument = null, 
     ModelStore<ICsModel> modelStore = null, IReadOnlyList<ModelLoadException> modelErrors = null)
     : base(isLoaded, hasErrors, loadedFromSource, language, CsModelType.Class, attributes, 
         isGeneric, hasStrongTypesInGenerics, genericParameters, genericTypes, sourceFiles, hasDocumentation,
         documentation, lookupPath, name, ns, parentPath, CsContainerType.Class, security, inheritedInterfaces, 
         members, sourceDocument, modelStore, modelErrors)
     _isStatic = isStatic;
     _isAbstract = isAbstract;
     _isSealed = isSealed;
     _baseClass = baseClass;
Exemple #55
 public Task GroupExceptSendMethod(string groupName, string message, IReadOnlyList<string> excludedIds)
     return Clients.GroupExcept(groupName, excludedIds).SendAsync("Send", message);
Exemple #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Renderes the given historic coverages as PNG image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="historicCoverages">The historic coverages.</param>
        /// <returns>The image in PNG format.</returns>
        public static byte[] RenderHistoryChart(IReadOnlyList <HistoricCoverage> historicCoverages)
            using (Image <Rgba32> image = new Image <Rgba32>(1450, 150))
                using (MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream())
                    var grayPen = Pens.Dash(Color.LightGray, 1);
                    var redPen  = Pens.Solid(Color.ParseHex("cc0000"), 2);
                    var bluePen = Pens.Solid(Color.ParseHex("1c2298"), 2);

                    var redBrush  = Brushes.Solid(Color.ParseHex("cc0000"));
                    var blueBrush = Brushes.Solid(Color.ParseHex("1c2298"));

                    int numberOfLines = historicCoverages.Count;

                    if (numberOfLines == 1)
                        numberOfLines = 2;

                    float totalWidth = 1445 - 50;
                    float width      = totalWidth / (numberOfLines - 1);

                    float totalHeight = 115 - 15;

                    image.Mutate(ctx =>

                        ctx.DrawLines(grayPen, new PointF(50, 115), new PointF(1445, 115));
                        ctx.DrawLines(grayPen, new PointF(50, 90), new PointF(1445, 90));
                        ctx.DrawLines(grayPen, new PointF(50, 65), new PointF(1445, 65));
                        ctx.DrawLines(grayPen, new PointF(50, 40), new PointF(1445, 40));
                        ctx.DrawLines(grayPen, new PointF(50, 15), new PointF(1445, 15));

                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLines; i++)
                            ctx.DrawLines(grayPen, new PointF(50 + (i * width), 15), new PointF(50 + (i * width), 115));

                        for (int i = 1; i < historicCoverages.Count; i++)
                            float x1 = 50 + ((i - 1) * width);
                            float y1 = 15 + (((100 - (float)historicCoverages[i - 1].CoverageQuota.GetValueOrDefault()) * totalHeight) / 100);

                            float x2 = 50 + (i * width);
                            float y2 = 15 + (((100 - (float)historicCoverages[i].CoverageQuota.GetValueOrDefault()) * totalHeight) / 100);

                            ctx.DrawLines(redPen, new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2));

                        if (historicCoverages.Any(h => h.BranchCoverageQuota.HasValue))
                            for (int i = 1; i < historicCoverages.Count; i++)
                                float x1 = 50 + ((i - 1) * width);
                                float y1 = 15 + (((100 - (float)historicCoverages[i - 1].BranchCoverageQuota.GetValueOrDefault()) * totalHeight) / 100);

                                float x2 = 50 + (i * width);
                                float y2 = 15 + (((100 - (float)historicCoverages[i].BranchCoverageQuota.GetValueOrDefault()) * totalHeight) / 100);

                                ctx.DrawLines(bluePen, new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2));

                        for (int i = 0; i < historicCoverages.Count; i++)
                            float x1 = 50 + (i * width);
                            float y1 = 15 + (((100 - (float)historicCoverages[i].CoverageQuota.GetValueOrDefault()) * totalHeight) / 100);

                            ctx.Fill(redBrush, new EllipsePolygon(x1, y1, 3));

                        if (historicCoverages.Any(h => h.BranchCoverageQuota.HasValue))
                            for (int i = 0; i < historicCoverages.Count; i++)
                                float x1 = 50 + (i * width);
                                float y1 = 15 + (((100 - (float)historicCoverages[i].BranchCoverageQuota.GetValueOrDefault()) * totalHeight) / 100);

                                ctx.Fill(blueBrush, new EllipsePolygon(x1, y1, 3));

                            var font = SystemFonts.CreateFont("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                            var textGraphicsOptions = new TextGraphicsOptions();
                            textGraphicsOptions.TextOptions.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                            ctx.DrawText(textGraphicsOptions, "100", font, Color.Gray, new PointF(38, 5));
                            ctx.DrawText(textGraphicsOptions, "75", font, Color.Gray, new PointF(38, 30));
                            ctx.DrawText(textGraphicsOptions, "50", font, Color.Gray, new PointF(38, 55));
                            ctx.DrawText(textGraphicsOptions, "25", font, Color.Gray, new PointF(38, 80));
                            ctx.DrawText(textGraphicsOptions, "0", font, Color.Gray, new PointF(38, 105));
                        catch (SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.FontFamilyNotFoundException)
                            // Font 'Arial' may not be present on Linux

                    image.Save(output, new PngEncoder());
Exemple #57
 public Task SendToMultipleUsers(IReadOnlyList<string> userIds, string message)
     return Clients.Users(userIds).Send(message);
Exemple #58
 public Task SendToMultipleGroups(string message, IReadOnlyList<string> groupNames)
     return Clients.Groups(groupNames).SendAsync("Send", message);
 public static byte[] Slice(this IReadOnlyList<byte> lst, int begin, int len)
     byte[] res = new byte[len];
     for(int i=0; i<len; i++) res[i] = lst[begin + i];
     return res;
Exemple #60
 public Task SendToMultipleClients(string message, IReadOnlyList<string> connectionIds)
     return Clients.Clients(connectionIds).SendAsync("Send", message);