/// <summary>
        /// Initializes this force-directed layout. Assumes that graph has some
        /// reasonable initial node positions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The graph to layout.</param>
        /// <param name="start_node">The node to start layout from.</param>
        public ForceDirectedLayout(IReadOnlyGraph<FDLNode, FDLEdge> graph, FDLNode start_node)
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("graph");
            if (start_node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("start_node");
            if (!graph.ContainsNode(start_node))
                throw new ArgumentException("start_node must be in this graph");

            //initialize nodes array to only the reachable nodes
            ArrayList n = new ArrayList(graph.NodeCount);
            Algorithms.Algorithms.BreadthFirstSearch(graph, start_node, null, delegate(FDLNode node){
            nodes = new FDLNode[n.Count];

            new_positions = new MutablePoint[nodes.Length];
            accels = new double[nodes.Length];

            //summarize constraints
            HashSet<FDLEdge> h = new HashSet<FDLEdge>();
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                foreach (FDLEdge edge in nodes[i].OutEdges)
                    DefaultEdge reverse = edge.Target.GetEdgeTo(edge.Source);
                    if(h.Contains(edge) || (reverse != null && h.Contains(reverse)))
            constraints = new FDLEdge[h.Count];
Exemple #2
        public static List <T> DijkstraSolve <T>(this IReadOnlyGraph <T> graph, T start, T end) where T : IEquatable <T>
            // not strictly necessary (DijkstraSolveWithInfo does the same), bu oh well, better safe than sorry :)
            graph.ThrowOnInvalidInput(start, end);

            return(graph.DijkstraSolveWithInfo(start, end).Path);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Throw if one of the input parameters is not a valid start node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <exception cref="Graph{T}.NodeNotFoundException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"></exception>
        private static void ThrowOnInvalidInput <T>(this IReadOnlyGraph <T> g, T start, T end) where T : IEquatable <T>
            if (!g.Contains(start))
                Logger.Error("Start node doesn't exist in graph!");
                throw new Graph <T> .NodeNotFoundException(start);

            if (!g.Contains(end))
                Logger.Error("End node doesn't exist in graph!");
                throw new Graph <T> .NodeNotFoundException(end);

            if (!g.NodeIsPassable(start))
                Logger.Error("Can't calculate path starting from impassable node.");
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            if (!g.NodeIsPassable(end))
                Logger.Error("Can't calculate path ending in impassable node.");
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a path between two points in the graph using the A* algorithm.
        /// If no path can be found, an empty list is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public static List <T> AStarSolve <T>(this IReadOnlyGraph <T> graph, T start, T end, ICalculator <T> calculator = null)
            where T : IEquatable <T>
            // validate input
            graph.ThrowOnInvalidInput(start, end);

            return(graph.AStarSolveWithInfo(start, end, calculator).Path);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a path between two points in the graph using the A* algorithm.
        /// A list of the visited nodes is also returned.
        /// If no path can be found, the <see cref="PathFindingResult{T}"/> will be empty, but no members will be null.
        /// <br/><see cref="PathFindingResult{T}"/> will contain the found path, the nodes that were queued to be evaluated
        /// (in <see cref="PathFindingResult{T}.OpenNodes"/>) and the nodes that were finally evaluated
        /// (in <see cref="PathFindingResult{T}.ClosedNodes"/>)
        /// </summary>
        public static PathFindingResult <T> AStarSolveWithInfo <T>(this IReadOnlyGraph <T> g, T start,
                                                                   T end, ICalculator <T> calculator = null)
            where T : IEquatable <T>
            g.ThrowOnInvalidInput(start, end);
            if (start.Equals(end))
                return(PathFindingResult <T> .Empty);

            // check if another calculator has been provided, if not choose the one from the graph
            calculator = calculator ?? g.Calculator;

            // initialize the open and closed list
            // the closed list contains all nodes that we don't want to evaluate ever again, they are done
            var closed = new HashSet <AStarNode <T> >();
            // the open list contains the nodes that are queued up for evaluation at some point
            var open = new HashSet <AStarNode <T> >
                       // first we enqueue the provided start node, with an estimated distance of start to end
                       // it should be possible to make this float.maxValue instead
                new AStarNode <T>(start, distanceToFinish: g.Calculator.Distance(start, end))

            // we have nodes to evaluate
            while (open.Count > 0)
                // get most promising node
                var recordHolder = AStarGetMostPromisingNode(open);

                if (recordHolder == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The most promising node was null. This should never ever happen!");

                // check if the record node is the finish and return the corresponding data if it is
                if (recordHolder.Data.Equals(end))
                    return(new PathFindingResult <T>(BuildPath(recordHolder, closed),
                                                     new HashSet <T>(open.Select(x => x.Data)),
                                                     new HashSet <T>(closed.Select(x => x.Data))));

                // if we chose a node, we are kind of done with evaluating it again
                // (there are scenarios where that might be a good idea)

                // expand the record holder.
                AStarExpandNode(recordHolder, end, g.GetPassableConnections(recordHolder.Data), open, closed,
            // if we leave the loop (we have no nodes to evaluate), we have no path
            return(PathFindingResult <T> .Empty);
        /// <summary>
        /// Kind of the worst kind of pathfinding you can choose, ever.
        /// <br/>It will (eventually) return a path between <see cref="start"/> and <see cref="end"/> using a
        /// recursive algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public static List <T> RecursiveSolve <T>(this IReadOnlyGraph <T> graph, T start, T end) where T : IEquatable <T>
            graph.ThrowOnInvalidInput(start, end);

            Logger.Warn("This can take a while!");

            var path = RecursiveSolve(graph, start, end, new List <T>());

        /// <summary>
        /// The actual recursive method that is used to calculate the path.
        /// <br/>This method has an "artificial" recursion anchor at <see cref="MaxDepth"/> to
        /// prevent a <see cref="StackOverflowException"/>.
        /// It will simply stop recursing deeper after a depth higher than <see cref="MaxDepth"/>.
        /// <br/>Use cautiously :) it can take a while.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The graph to perform the operation on.</param>
        /// <param name="start">The start node of the problem</param>
        /// <param name="end">The end node.</param>
        /// <param name="pathTo">The current path to the start node.</param>
        /// <param name="depth">The current depth we are at.</param>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <returns>Returns the reverse path from <see cref="start"/> to <see cref="end"/></returns>
        private static List <T> RecursiveSolve <T>(IReadOnlyGraph <T> graph, T start, T end, List <T> pathTo, int depth = 0)
            where T : IEquatable <T>
            if (depth == MaxDepth)
                return(new List <T>());
            List <T> path = null;

            // In this case LINQ made it way more readable :) so we keep it
            // we only want to ask neighbors for a path, if they aren't in the path towards us
            // otherwise there would be some nasty infinite loops making this bad algorithm even worse
            foreach (var nb in graph.GetPassableConnections(start).Where(nb => !pathTo.Contains(nb)))
                // end and start have to be flipped because the path is built in reverse order
                if (nb.Equals(end))
                    return new List <T> {
                               end, start

                // hand the task of finding a path off to the neighbor
                var newPath = RecursiveSolve(graph, nb, end, new List <T>(pathTo)
                }, depth + 1);

                // the new path is only better if it exists, if there was no previous path, or
                // if it is shorter than the previous path
                if (newPath.Count > 0 && (path == null || newPath.Count < path.Count))
                    path = newPath;

            // If there is a path we want to add start to it (living off our neighbors work)

            return(path ?? new List <T>());
Exemple #8
        public static PathFindingResult <T> DijkstraSolveWithInfo <T>(this IReadOnlyGraph <T> g, T start, T end)
            where T : IEquatable <T>
            g.ThrowOnInvalidInput(start, end);
            if (start.Equals(end))
                return(PathFindingResult <T> .Empty);

            var startNode = new DijkstraNode <T>(start, currentPathLength: 0f);
            // we have visited the start node already and thus don't need to again
            var visited = new HashSet <DijkstraNode <T> > {
            // we also want to add it to the open set though, to have a node to evaluate the neighbors from
            var open = new HashSet <DijkstraNode <T> > {

            while (open.Count > 0)
                // get the node that has the shortest saved path to the start node
                // TODO refactor into function (Finding best node)
                var curr = GetNearestNode(open);

                // if the best node is actually the finish: hooray lucky day, return it
                if (curr.Data.Equals(end))
                    return(new PathFindingResult <T>(BuildPath(curr, visited),
                                                     new HashSet <T>(open.Select(x => x.Data)),
                                                     new HashSet <T>(visited.Select(x => x.Data))));

                // the just evaluated node isn't open for evaluation again, we were to pushy :(
                // we have in fact just visited it
                // expand this node
                DijkstraExpandNode(curr, g.GetPassableConnections(curr.Data), open, visited, g.Calculator);
            // we haven't found a path
            return(PathFindingResult <T> .Empty);
        /// <summary>
        /// Use iterative BFS to find a path between <paramref name="start"/> and <paramref name="end"/>.
        /// This method will also return the visited nodes in the process.
        /// <br/>The returned <see cref="PathFindingResult{T}"/> will contain the path
        /// (in <see cref="PathFindingResult{T}.Path"/>), and the visited nodes
        /// (in <see cref="PathFindingResult{T}.OpenNodes"/>).
        /// <see cref="PathFindingResult{T}.ClosedNodes"/> will be empty as that is not applicable here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The graph to operate on</param>
        /// <param name="start">The node to start searching from</param>
        /// <param name="end">The node that is the finish</param>
        public static PathFindingResult <T> IterativeBfsSolveWithInfo <T>(this IReadOnlyGraph <T> graph, T start, T end)
            where T : IEquatable <T>
            // in BFS nodes are evaluated in order of appearance, so a Queue makes sense
            var nodesToCheck = new Queue <Node <T> >();

            nodesToCheck.Enqueue(new Node <T>(start));

            // These will be the visited nodes so we don't visit stuff multiple times (no loops either)
            var visited = new HashSet <Node <T> > {
                new Node <T>(start)

            while (nodesToCheck.Count > 0)
                var currentNode = nodesToCheck.Dequeue();
                var neighbors   = graph.GetPassableConnections(currentNode.Data);
                foreach (var nb in neighbors)
                    // create a dummy node to check if it is the end and if we need to add it.
                    // This works (also Contains()), because we have overriden Equals() and GetHashCode() accordingly
                    var node = new Node <T>(nb, currentNode.Data);
                    if (nb.Equals(end))
                        return(new PathFindingResult <T>(BuildPath(node, visited),
                                                         new HashSet <T>(visited.Select(x => x.Data)),
                                                         new HashSet <T>()));

                    // Add() returns true, if the element is successfully added (no duplicates because hashset) :)
                    if (visited.Add(node))

            // TODO should we warn?
            Logger.Warn("No path found!");
            return(PathFindingResult <T> .Empty);
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the iterative bfs algorithm to find a path between <paramref name="start"/> and <paramref name="end"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The graph to solve on</param>
        /// <param name="start">The start node</param>
        /// <param name="end">The end node</param>
        /// <exception cref="Graph{T}.NodeNotFoundException">This will be thrown if either
        /// start or end are in the graph.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">This will be thrown when one of
        /// the nodes is not passable at the time of asking (politely of course)</exception>
        public static List <T> IterativeBfsSolve <T>(this IReadOnlyGraph <T> graph, T start, T end) where T : IEquatable <T>
            graph.ThrowOnInvalidInput(start, end);

            return(graph.IterativeBfsSolveWithInfo(start, end).Path);