Exemple #1
		/// <summary>Computes the squared error sum</summary>
		/// <returns>the squared error sum</returns>
		/// <param name='recommender'>the recommender to make predictions with</param>
		/// <param name='ratings'>the actual ratings</param>
		public static double ComputeSquaredErrorSum(this IRatingPredictor recommender, IRatings ratings)
			double sum = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < ratings.Count; i++)
				sum += Math.Pow(recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[i], ratings.Items[i]) - ratings[i], 2);
			return sum;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>Evaluates a rating predictor for RMSE, MAE, and NMAE</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For NMAE, see "Eigentaste: A Constant Time Collaborative Filtering Algorithm" by Goldberg et al.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
        /// <param name="ratings">Test cases</param>
        /// <returns>a Dictionary containing the evaluation results</returns>
        public static Dictionary<string, double> Evaluate(IRatingPredictor recommender, IRatings ratings)
            double rmse = 0;
            double mae  = 0;

            if (recommender == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("recommender");
            if (ratings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ratings");

            for (int index = 0; index < ratings.Count; index++)
                double error = (recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[index], ratings.Items[index]) - ratings[index]);

                rmse += error * error;
                mae  += Math.Abs(error);
            mae  = mae / ratings.Count;
            rmse = Math.Sqrt(rmse / ratings.Count);

            var result = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            result["RMSE"] = rmse;
            result["MAE"]  = mae;
            result["NMAE"] = mae / (recommender.MaxRating - recommender.MinRating);
            return result;
        /// <summary>Create a AdjustedCosine matrix from given data</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings">the ratings data</param>
        /// <param name="entity_type">the entity type, either USER or ITEM</param>
        /// <param name="shrinkage">a shrinkage parameter</param>
        /// <returns>the complete AdjustedCosine matrix</returns>
        static public CorrelationMatrix Create(IRatings ratings, EntityType entity_type, float shrinkage)
            AdjustedCosine cm;
            int            num_entities = 0;

            if (entity_type.Equals(EntityType.USER))
                num_entities = ratings.MaxUserID + 1;
            else if (entity_type.Equals(EntityType.ITEM))
                num_entities = ratings.MaxItemID + 1;
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown entity type: " + entity_type);

                cm = new AdjustedCosine(num_entities);
            catch (OverflowException)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Too many entities: " + num_entities);
            cm.shrinkage = shrinkage;
            cm.ComputeCorrelations(ratings, entity_type);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>Predict ratings (double precision)</summary>
 /// <param name="recommender">the recommender to use</param>
 /// <param name="ratings">the ratings to predict</param>
 /// <param name="writer">the writer object to write the predictions to</param>
 public static void PredictRatingsDouble(IRecommender recommender, IRatings ratings, BinaryWriter writer)
     for (int i = 0; i < ratings.Count; i++)
         writer.Write(recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[i], ratings.Items[i]).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
        /// <summary>Compute correlations between two entities for given ratings</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings">the rating data</param>
        /// <param name="entity_type">the entity type, either USER or ITEM</param>
        /// <param name="i">the ID of first entity</param>
        /// <param name="j">the ID of second entity</param>
        /// <param name="shrinkage">the shrinkage parameter</param>
        public static float ComputeCorrelation(IRatings ratings, EntityType entity_type, int i, int j, float shrinkage)
            if (i == j)
                return 1;

            IList<int> ratings1 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.ByUser[i] : ratings.ByItem[i];
            IList<int> ratings2 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.ByUser[j] : ratings.ByItem[j];

            // get common ratings for the two entities
            HashSet<int> e1 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.GetItems(ratings1) : ratings.GetUsers(ratings1);
            HashSet<int> e2 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.GetItems(ratings2) : ratings.GetUsers(ratings2);


            int n = e1.Count;
            if (n < 2)
                return 0;

            List<Ratings> ratings_by_other_entity = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.ByItem : ratings.ByUser;

            double sum_ij = 0;
            double sum_ii = 0;
            double sum_jj = 0;

            foreach (int other_entity_id in e1)
                double average_rating = ratings_by_other_entity[other_entity_id].Average;

                // get ratings
                double r1 = 0;
                double r2 = 0;
                if (entity_type == EntityType.USER)
                    r1 = ratings.Get(i, other_entity_id, ratings1);
                    r2 = ratings.Get(j, other_entity_id, ratings2);
                    r1 = ratings.Get(other_entity_id, i, ratings1);
                    r2 = ratings.Get(other_entity_id, j, ratings2);

                double dev_i = r1 - average_rating;
                double dev_j = r2 - average_rating;

                // update sums
                sum_ij += dev_i * dev_j;
                sum_ii += dev_i * dev_i;
                sum_jj += dev_j * dev_j;

            double denominator = Math.Sqrt( sum_ii * sum_jj );

            if (denominator == 0)
                return 0;
            double adjusted_cosine = sum_ij / denominator;

            return (float) adjusted_cosine * (n / (n + shrinkage));
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>Rate a given set of instances and write it to a TextWriter</summary>
 /// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
 /// <param name="ratings">test cases</param>
 /// <param name="user_mapping">an <see cref="EntityMapping"/> object for the user IDs</param>
 /// <param name="item_mapping">an <see cref="EntityMapping"/> object for the item IDs</param>
 /// <param name="writer">the TextWriter to write the predictions to</param>
 public static void WritePredictions(
     IRatingPredictor recommender,
     IRatings ratings,
     IEntityMapping user_mapping, IEntityMapping item_mapping,
     TextWriter writer)
     WritePredictions(recommender, ratings, user_mapping, item_mapping, "{0}\t{1}\t{2}", writer);
 public override void UpdateRatings(IRatings new_ratings)
     foreach (int user_id in new_ratings.AllUsers)
         Retrain(user_id, Ratings.ByUser[user_id]);
Exemple #8
 public override void UpdateRatings(IRatings ratings)
     foreach (int item_id in ratings.AllItems)
         Retrain(item_id, Ratings.ByItem[item_id]);
 public override void UpdateRatings(IRatings ratings)
     foreach (int user_id in ratings.AllUsers)
Exemple #10
 public override void UpdateRatings(IRatings ratings)
     foreach (int item_id in ratings.AllItems)
Exemple #11
 public WorksController(IGenres serv, IWorks serv1, IUsers serv2, IComments serv3, IRatings serv4)
     commentServ = serv3;
     userServ    = serv2;
     workServ    = serv1;
     genreServ   = serv;
     ratingServ  = serv4;
Exemple #12
 public override void AddRatings(IRatings ratings)
     for (int index = 0; index < ratings.Count; index++)
         data_user[ratings.Users[index], ratings.Items[index]] = true;
     foreach (int user_id in ratings.AllUsers)
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>Rate a given set of instances and write it to a file</summary>
 /// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
 /// <param name="ratings">test cases</param>
 /// <param name="user_mapping">an <see cref="EntityMapping"/> object for the user IDs</param>
 /// <param name="item_mapping">an <see cref="EntityMapping"/> object for the item IDs</param>
 /// <param name="filename">the name of the file to write the predictions to</param>
 public static void WritePredictions(
     IRatingPredictor recommender,
     IRatings ratings,
     IEntityMapping user_mapping, IEntityMapping item_mapping,
     string filename)
     WritePredictions(recommender, ratings, user_mapping, item_mapping, "{0}\t{1}\t{2}", filename);
        /// <summary>Create a CombinedRatings object from to existing IRatings objects</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings1">the first data set</param>
        /// <param name="ratings2">the second data set</param>
        public CombinedRatings(IRatings ratings1, IRatings ratings2)
            Users = new CombinedList<int>(ratings1.Users, ratings2.Users);
            Items = new CombinedList<int>(ratings1.Items, ratings2.Items);
            Values = new CombinedList<double>(ratings1, ratings2);

            MaxUserID = Math.Max(ratings1.MaxUserID, ratings2.MaxUserID);
            MaxItemID = Math.Max(ratings1.MaxItemID, ratings2.MaxItemID);
        /// <summary>Create a CombinedRatings object from to existing IRatings objects</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings1">the first data set</param>
        /// <param name="ratings2">the second data set</param>
        public CombinedRatings(IRatings ratings1, IRatings ratings2)
            Users  = new CombinedList <int>(ratings1.Users, ratings2.Users);
            Items  = new CombinedList <int>(ratings1.Items, ratings2.Items);
            Values = new CombinedList <double>(ratings1, ratings2);

            MaxUserID = Math.Max(ratings1.MaxUserID, ratings2.MaxUserID);
            MaxItemID = Math.Max(ratings1.MaxItemID, ratings2.MaxItemID);
        public RateColleagueController(IRepository<Person> personRepository, IRepository<PersonRating> personratingRepository, IRatings ratings)
            //_personRepository = new Repository<Person>();
            //_personratingRepository = new Repository<personrating>();

            _personRepository = personRepository;
            _personratingRepository = personratingRepository;
            _ratings = ratings;
Exemple #17
        public float ComputeCorrelation(IRatings ratings, EntityType entity_type, IList <Tuple <int, float> > entity_ratings, int j)
            IList <int> indexes2 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.ByUser[j] : ratings.ByItem[j];

            // get common ratings for the two entities
            var e1 = new HashSet <int>(from pair in entity_ratings select pair.Item1);
            var e2 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.GetItems(indexes2) : ratings.GetUsers(indexes2);

            var ratings1 = new Dictionary <int, float>();

            for (int index = 0; index < entity_ratings.Count; index++)
                if (e1.Contains(entity_ratings[index].Item1))
                    ratings1.Add(entity_ratings[index].Item1, entity_ratings[index].Item2);

            int n = e1.Count;

            if (n < 2)

            // single-pass variant
            double i_sum  = 0;
            double j_sum  = 0;
            double ij_sum = 0;
            double ii_sum = 0;
            double jj_sum = 0;

            foreach (int other_entity_id in e1)
                // get ratings
                float r1 = ratings1[other_entity_id];
                float r2 = 0;
                if (entity_type == EntityType.USER)
                    r2 = ratings.Get(j, other_entity_id, indexes2);
                    r2 = ratings.Get(other_entity_id, j, indexes2);

                // update sums
                i_sum  += r1;
                j_sum  += r2;
                ij_sum += r1 * r2;
                ii_sum += r1 * r1;
                jj_sum += r2 * r2;

            return(ComputeCorrelation(i_sum, j_sum, ii_sum, jj_sum, ij_sum, n));
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>Predict ratings for Track 1</summary>
 /// <param name="recommender">the recommender to use</param>
 /// <param name="ratings">the ratings to predict</param>
 /// <param name="writer">the writer object to write the predictions to</param>
 public static void PredictRatings(IRecommender recommender, IRatings ratings, BinaryWriter writer)
     for (int i = 0; i < ratings.Count; i++)
         double prediction         = recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[i], ratings.Items[i]);
         byte   encoded_prediction = (byte)(2.55 * prediction + 0.5);
Exemple #19
        public float ComputeCorrelation(IRatings ratings, EntityType entity_type, int i, int j)
            if (i == j)

            IList <int> indexes1 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.ByUser[i] : ratings.ByItem[i];
            IList <int> indexes2 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.ByUser[j] : ratings.ByItem[j];

            // get common ratings for the two entities
            var e1 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.GetItems(indexes1) : ratings.GetUsers(indexes1);
            var e2 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.GetItems(indexes2) : ratings.GetUsers(indexes2);


            int n = e1.Count;

            if (n < 2)

            // single-pass variant
            double i_sum  = 0;
            double j_sum  = 0;
            double ij_sum = 0;
            double ii_sum = 0;
            double jj_sum = 0;

            foreach (int other_entity_id in e1)
                // get ratings
                float r1 = 0;
                float r2 = 0;
                if (entity_type == EntityType.USER)
                    r1 = ratings.Get(i, other_entity_id, indexes1);
                    r2 = ratings.Get(j, other_entity_id, indexes2);
                    r1 = ratings.Get(other_entity_id, i, indexes1);
                    r2 = ratings.Get(other_entity_id, j, indexes2);

                // update sums
                i_sum  += r1;
                j_sum  += r2;
                ij_sum += r1 * r2;
                ii_sum += r1 * r1;
                jj_sum += r2 * r2;

            return(ComputeCorrelation(i_sum, j_sum, ii_sum, jj_sum, ij_sum, n));
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>Compute correlations between two entities for given ratings</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings">the rating data</param>
        /// <param name="entity_type">the entity type, either USER or ITEM</param>
        /// <param name="i">the ID of first entity</param>
        /// <param name="j">the ID of second entity</param>
        /// <param name="shrinkage">the shrinkage parameter</param>
        public static float ComputeCorrelation(IRatings ratings, EntityType entity_type, int i, int j, float shrinkage)
            if (i == j)
                return 1;

            IList<int> ratings1 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.ByUser[i] : ratings.ByItem[i];
            IList<int> ratings2 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.ByUser[j] : ratings.ByItem[j];

            // get common ratings for the two entities
            HashSet<int> e1 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.GetItems(ratings1) : ratings.GetUsers(ratings1);
            HashSet<int> e2 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.GetItems(ratings2) : ratings.GetUsers(ratings2);


            int n = e1.Count;
            if (n < 2)
                return 0;

            // single-pass variant
            double i_sum = 0;
            double j_sum = 0;
            double ij_sum = 0;
            double ii_sum = 0;
            double jj_sum = 0;
            foreach (int other_entity_id in e1)
                // get ratings
                double r1 = 0;
                double r2 = 0;
                if (entity_type == EntityType.USER)
                    r1 = ratings.Get(i, other_entity_id, ratings1);
                    r2 = ratings.Get(j, other_entity_id, ratings2);
                    r1 = ratings.Get(other_entity_id, i, ratings1);
                    r2 = ratings.Get(other_entity_id, j, ratings2);

                // update sums
                i_sum  += r1;
                j_sum  += r2;
                ij_sum += r1 * r2;
                ii_sum += r1 * r1;
                jj_sum += r2 * r2;

            double denominator = Math.Sqrt( (n * ii_sum - i_sum * i_sum) * (n * jj_sum - j_sum * j_sum) );

            if (denominator == 0)
                return 0;
            double pmcc = (n * ij_sum - i_sum * j_sum) / denominator;

            return (float) pmcc * (n / (n + shrinkage));
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>Create a CombinedRatings object from to existing IRatings objects</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings1">the first data set</param>
        /// <param name="ratings2">the second data set</param>
        public CombinedRatings(IRatings ratings1, IRatings ratings2)
            Users  = new CombinedList <int>(ratings1.Users, ratings2.Users);
            Items  = new CombinedList <int>(ratings1.Items, ratings2.Items);
            Values = new CombinedList <float>(ratings1, ratings2);

            Scale     = new RatingScale(ratings1.Scale, ratings2.Scale);
            MaxUserID = Math.Max(ratings1.MaxUserID, ratings2.MaxUserID);
            MaxItemID = Math.Max(ratings1.MaxItemID, ratings2.MaxItemID);
		/// <summary>Create a CombinedRatings object from to existing IRatings objects</summary>
		/// <param name="ratings1">the first data set</param>
		/// <param name="ratings2">the second data set</param>
		public CombinedRatings(IRatings ratings1, IRatings ratings2)
			Users = new CombinedList<int>(ratings1.Users, ratings2.Users);
			Items = new CombinedList<int>(ratings1.Items, ratings2.Items);
			Values = new CombinedList<float>(ratings1, ratings2);

			Scale = new RatingScale(ratings1.Scale, ratings2.Scale);
			MaxUserID = Math.Max(ratings1.MaxUserID, ratings2.MaxUserID);
			MaxItemID = Math.Max(ratings1.MaxItemID, ratings2.MaxItemID);
 public PersonRateController(IRepository<Person> personRepository,IRepository<Team> teamRepository,IRepository<PersonRating> personratingRepository, IRatings ratings, IRatingPeriod ratingPeriod,IRepository<Configuration> config)
     _configRepository = config;
     _ratingPeriod = ratingPeriod;
     _personRepository = personRepository;
     _personratingRepository = personratingRepository;
     _teamRepository = teamRepository;
     _ratings = ratings;
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>Rate a given set of instances and write it to a TextWriter</summary>
        /// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
        /// <param name="ratings">test cases</param>
        /// <param name="writer">the TextWriter to write the predictions to</param>
        /// <param name="user_mapping">an <see cref="Mapping"/> object for the user IDs</param>
        /// <param name="item_mapping">an <see cref="Mapping"/> object for the item IDs</param>
        /// <param name="line_format">a format string specifying the line format; {0} is the user ID, {1} the item ID, {2} the rating</param>
        /// <param name="header">if specified, write this string at the start of the output</param>
        public static void WritePredictions(
            this IRecommender recommender,
            IRatings ratings,
            TextWriter writer,
            IMapping user_mapping = null,
            IMapping item_mapping = null,
            string line_format    = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}",
            string header         = null)
            if (user_mapping == null)
                user_mapping = new IdentityMapping();
            if (item_mapping == null)
                item_mapping = new IdentityMapping();

            if (header != null)

            if (line_format == "ranking")
                foreach (int user_id in ratings.AllUsers)
                    if (ratings.ByUser[user_id].Count > 0)
                            new List <int>(from index in ratings.ByUser[user_id] select ratings.Items[index]),
                            new int[] { },
                            user_mapping, item_mapping);
                for (int index = 0; index < ratings.Count; index++)
                            recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[index], ratings.Items[index])
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>Create a RatingsProxy object</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings">a ratings data structure</param>
        /// <param name="indices">an index list pointing to entries in the ratings</param>
        public RatingsProxy(IRatings ratings, IList<int> indices)
            Users  = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Users, indices);
            Items  = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Items, indices);
            Values = new ListProxy<double>(ratings, indices);

            MaxUserID = ratings.MaxUserID;
            MaxItemID = ratings.MaxItemID;
            MaxRating = ratings.MaxRating;
            MinRating = ratings.MinRating;
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>Create a RatingsProxy object</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings">a ratings data structure</param>
        /// <param name="indices">an index list pointing to entries in the ratings</param>
        public RatingsProxy(IRatings ratings, IList <int> indices)
            Users  = new ListProxy <int>(ratings.Users, indices);
            Items  = new ListProxy <int>(ratings.Items, indices);
            Values = new ListProxy <double>(ratings, indices);

            MaxUserID = ratings.MaxUserID;
            MaxItemID = ratings.MaxItemID;
            MaxRating = ratings.MaxRating;
            MinRating = ratings.MinRating;
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>Rate a given set of instances and write it to a file</summary>
 /// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
 /// <param name="ratings">test cases</param>
 /// <param name="filename">the name of the file to write the predictions to</param>
 /// <param name="user_mapping">an <see cref="Mapping"/> object for the user IDs</param>
 /// <param name="item_mapping">an <see cref="Mapping"/> object for the item IDs</param>
 /// <param name="line_format">a format string specifying the line format; {0} is the user ID, {1} the item ID, {2} the rating</param>
 /// <param name="header">if specified, write this string to the first line</param>
 public static void WritePredictions(
     this IRecommender recommender,
     IRatings ratings,
     string filename,
     IMapping user_mapping = null, IMapping item_mapping = null,
     string line_format    = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}",
     string header         = null)
     using (var writer = FileSystem.CreateStreamWriter(filename))
         WritePredictions(recommender, ratings, writer, user_mapping, item_mapping, line_format);
Exemple #28
		/// <summary>Rate a given set of instances and write it to a file</summary>
		/// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
		/// <param name="ratings">test cases</param>
		/// <param name="filename">the name of the file to write the predictions to</param>
		/// <param name="user_mapping">an <see cref="Mapping"/> object for the user IDs</param>
		/// <param name="item_mapping">an <see cref="Mapping"/> object for the item IDs</param>
		/// <param name="line_format">a format string specifying the line format; {0} is the user ID, {1} the item ID, {2} the rating</param>
		/// <param name="header">if specified, write this string to the first line</param>
		public static void WritePredictions(
			this IRecommender recommender,
			IRatings ratings,
			string filename,
			IMapping user_mapping = null, IMapping item_mapping = null,
			string line_format = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}",
			string header = null)
			using (var writer = FileSystem.CreateStreamWriter(filename))
				WritePredictions(recommender, ratings, writer, user_mapping, item_mapping, line_format);
Exemple #29
        /// <summary>Create a RatingsProxy object</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings">a ratings data structure</param>
        /// <param name="indices">an index list pointing to entries in the ratings</param>
        public RatingsProxy(IRatings ratings, IList<int> indices)
            this.indices = indices;

            Users  = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Users, indices);
            Items  = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Items, indices);
            Values = new ListProxy<float>(ratings, indices);

            MaxUserID = Users.Max();
            MaxItemID = Items.Max();
            Scale = ratings.Scale;
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>Create a RatingsProxy object</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings">a ratings data structure</param>
        /// <param name="indices">an index list pointing to entries in the ratings</param>
        public RatingsProxy(IRatings ratings, IList <int> indices)
            this.indices = indices;

            Users  = new ListProxy <int>(ratings.Users, indices);
            Items  = new ListProxy <int>(ratings.Items, indices);
            Values = new ListProxy <float>(ratings, indices);

            MaxUserID = Users.Max();
            MaxItemID = Items.Max();
            Scale     = ratings.Scale;
 public override void UpdateRatings(IRatings ratings)
     foreach (int user_id in ratings.AllUsers)
     foreach (int item_id in ratings.AllItems)
Exemple #32
 public override void AddRatings(IRatings ratings)
     for (int index = 0; index < ratings.Count; index++)
         data_item[ratings.Items[index], ratings.Users[index]] = true;
     foreach (int item_id in ratings.AllItems)
		public virtual void AddRatings(IRatings new_ratings)
			foreach (int user_id in new_ratings.AllUsers)
				if (user_id > MaxUserID)
			foreach (int item_id in new_ratings.AllItems)
				if (item_id > MaxItemID)

			for (int index = 0; index < new_ratings.Count; index++)
				Ratings.Add(new_ratings.Users[index], new_ratings.Items[index], new_ratings[index]);
Exemple #34
    static void LoadData(string data_dir)
        string training_file   = Path.Combine(data_dir, track2 ? "trainIdx2.txt"      : "trainIdx1.txt");
        string test_file       = Path.Combine(data_dir, track2 ? "testIdx2.txt"       : "testIdx1.txt");
        string validation_file = Path.Combine(data_dir, track2 ? "validationIdx2.txt" : "validationIdx1.txt");
        string track_file      = Path.Combine(data_dir, track2 ? "trackData2.txt"     : "trackData1.txt");
        string album_file      = Path.Combine(data_dir, track2 ? "albumData2.txt"     : "albumData1.txt");
        string artist_file     = Path.Combine(data_dir, track2 ? "artistData2.txt"    : "artistData1.txt");
        string genre_file      = Path.Combine(data_dir, track2 ? "genreData2.txt"     : "genreData1.txt");

        if (sample_data)
            training_file   = Path.Combine(data_dir, track2 ? "trainIdx2.firstLines.txt"      : "trainIdx1.firstLines.txt");
            test_file       = Path.Combine(data_dir, track2 ? "testIdx2.firstLines.txt"       : "testIdx1.firstLines.txt");
            validation_file = Path.Combine(data_dir, track2 ? "validationIdx2.firstLines.txt" : "validationIdx1.firstLines.txt");

        if (good_rating_prob)
            // read training data
            training_ratings = MyMediaLite.IO.KDDCup2011.Ratings.Read80Plus(training_file);

            // read validation data
            validation_ratings = MyMediaLite.IO.KDDCup2011.Ratings.Read80Plus(validation_file);
            // read training data
            training_ratings = MyMediaLite.IO.KDDCup2011.Ratings.Read(training_file);

            // read validation data
            validation_ratings = MyMediaLite.IO.KDDCup2011.Ratings.Read(validation_file);

        // combine training and validation ratings
        complete_ratings = new CombinedRatings(training_ratings, validation_ratings);

        // read test data
        test_data = MyMediaLite.IO.KDDCup2011.Ratings.ReadTest(test_file);

        if (track2)
            validation_candidates = MyMediaLite.IO.KDDCup2011.Ratings.ReadTest(Path.Combine(data_dir, sample_data ? "validationCandidatesIdx2.firstLines.txt" : "validationCandidatesIdx2.txt"));

        // read item data
        if (recommender is IKDDCupRecommender)
            var kddcup_recommender = recommender as IKDDCupRecommender;
            kddcup_recommender.ItemInfo = MyMediaLite.IO.KDDCup2011.Items.Read(track_file, album_file, artist_file, genre_file, 1);
Exemple #35
        // TODO as soon as we drop support for Mono 2.6, use default arguments
        /// <summary>Rate a given set of instances and write it to a TextWriter</summary>
        /// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
        /// <param name="ratings">test cases</param>
        /// <param name="user_mapping">an <see cref="EntityMapping"/> object for the user IDs</param>
        /// <param name="item_mapping">an <see cref="EntityMapping"/> object for the item IDs</param>
        /// <param name="line_format">a format string specifying the line format; {0} is the user ID, {1} the item ID, {2} the rating</param>
        /// <param name="writer">the TextWriter to write the predictions to</param>
        public static void WritePredictions(
			IRatingPredictor recommender,
			IRatings ratings,
			IEntityMapping user_mapping, IEntityMapping item_mapping,
		    string line_format,
			TextWriter writer)
            for (int index = 0; index < ratings.Count; index++)
                                 recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[index], ratings.Items[index]).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Exemple #36
        /// <summary>Rate a given set of instances and write it to a file</summary>
        /// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
        /// <param name="ratings">test cases</param>
        /// <param name="user_mapping">an <see cref="EntityMapping"/> object for the user IDs</param>
        /// <param name="item_mapping">an <see cref="EntityMapping"/> object for the item IDs</param>
        /// <param name="line_format">a format string specifying the line format; {0} is the user ID, {1} the item ID, {2} the rating</param>
        /// <param name="filename">the name of the file to write the predictions to</param>
        public static void WritePredictions(
			IRatingPredictor recommender,
			IRatings ratings,
			IEntityMapping user_mapping, IEntityMapping item_mapping,
		    string line_format,
			string filename)
            if (filename.Equals("-"))
                WritePredictions(recommender, ratings, user_mapping, item_mapping, line_format, Console.Out);
                using ( var writer = new StreamWriter(filename) )
                    WritePredictions(recommender, ratings, user_mapping, item_mapping, line_format, writer);
        internal void Init(IRatings ratings, bool IsPostBack)
            _view = ratings;
            //if (_webContext.CurrentUser == null)
            //    _view.CanSetRating(false);
            //else if (Rating.HasRatedBefore(_view.SystemObjectID, _view.SystemObjectRecordID, _webContext.CurrentUser.AccountID))
            //    _view.CanSetRating(false);
            //    _view.CanSetRating(true);

            _view.SetCurrentRating(Rating.GetCurrentRating(_view.SystemObjectID, _view.SystemObjectRecordID));

Exemple #38
		public float ComputeCorrelation(IRatings ratings, EntityType entity_type, int i, int j)
			if (i == j)
				return 1;

			IList<int> indexes1 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.ByUser[i] : ratings.ByItem[i];
			IList<int> indexes2 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.ByUser[j] : ratings.ByItem[j];

			// get common ratings for the two entities
			var e1 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.GetItems(indexes1) : ratings.GetUsers(indexes1);
			var e2 = (entity_type == EntityType.USER) ? ratings.GetItems(indexes2) : ratings.GetUsers(indexes2);


			int n = e1.Count;
			if (n < 2)
				return 0;

			// single-pass variant
			double i_sum = 0;
			double j_sum = 0;
			double ij_sum = 0;
			double ii_sum = 0;
			double jj_sum = 0;
			foreach (int other_entity_id in e1)
				// get ratings
				float r1 = 0;
				float r2 = 0;
				if (entity_type == EntityType.USER)
					r1 = ratings.Get(i, other_entity_id, indexes1);
					r2 = ratings.Get(j, other_entity_id, indexes2);
					r1 = ratings.Get(other_entity_id, i, indexes1);
					r2 = ratings.Get(other_entity_id, j, indexes2);

				// update sums
				i_sum  += r1;
				j_sum  += r2;
				ij_sum += r1 * r2;
				ii_sum += r1 * r1;
				jj_sum += r2 * r2;

			return ComputeCorrelation (i_sum, j_sum, ii_sum, jj_sum, ij_sum, n);
Exemple #39
        /// <summary>Display dataset statistics</summary>
        /// <param name="train">the training data</param>
        /// <param name="test">the test data</param>
        /// <param name="user_attributes">the user attributes</param>
        /// <param name="item_attributes">the item attributes</param>
        /// <param name="display_overlap">if set true, display the user/item overlap between train and test</param>
        public static string Statistics(
            this IRatings train, IRatings test    = null,
            List <IBooleanMatrix> user_attributes = null, List <IBooleanMatrix> item_attributes = null,
            bool display_overlap = false)
            // training data stats
            int    num_users   = train.AllUsers.Count;
            int    num_items   = train.AllItems.Count;
            long   matrix_size = (long)num_users * num_items;
            long   empty_size  = (long)matrix_size - train.Count;
            double sparsity    = (double)100L * empty_size / matrix_size;
            string s           = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "training data: {0} users, {1} items, {2} ratings, sparsity {3,0:0.#####}\n", num_users, num_items, train.Count, sparsity);

            if (train is ITimedRatings)
                var time_train = train as ITimedRatings;
                s += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "rating period: {0} to {1}\n", time_train.EarliestTime, time_train.LatestTime);

            // test data stats
            if (test != null)
                num_users   = test.AllUsers.Count;
                num_items   = test.AllItems.Count;
                matrix_size = (long)num_users * num_items;
                empty_size  = (long)matrix_size - test.Count;                  // TODO depends on the eval scheme whether this is correct
                sparsity    = (double)100L * empty_size / matrix_size;
                s          += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "test data:     {0} users, {1} items, {2} ratings, sparsity {3,0:0.#####}\n", num_users, num_items, test.Count, sparsity);
                if (test is ITimedRatings)
                    var time_test = test as ITimedRatings;
                    s += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "rating period: {0} to {1}\n", time_test.EarliestTime, time_test.LatestTime);

            // count and display the overlap between train and test
            if (display_overlap && test != null)
                int      num_new_users = 0;
                int      num_new_items = 0;
                TimeSpan seconds       = Wrap.MeasureTime(delegate() {
                    num_new_users = test.AllUsers.Except(train.AllUsers).Count();
                    num_new_items = test.AllItems.Except(train.AllItems).Count();
                s += string.Format("{0} new users, {1} new items ({2} seconds)\n", num_new_users, num_new_items, seconds);

            return(s + Statistics(user_attributes, item_attributes));
Exemple #40
        static Dictionary <string, float> Evaluate(IRatingPredictor recommender, IRatings ratings, IList <int> indices)
            if (indices.Count == 0)

            double rmse = 0;
            double mae  = 0;
            double cbd  = 0;

            if (recommender is ITimeAwareRatingPredictor && ratings is ITimedRatings)
                var time_aware_recommender = recommender as ITimeAwareRatingPredictor;
                var timed_ratings          = ratings as ITimedRatings;
                foreach (int index in indices)
                    float prediction = time_aware_recommender.Predict(timed_ratings.Users[index], timed_ratings.Items[index], timed_ratings.Times[index]);
                    float error      = prediction - ratings[index];

                    rmse += error * error;
                    mae  += Math.Abs(error);
                    cbd  += ComputeCBD(ratings[index], prediction, ratings.Scale.Min, ratings.Scale.Max);
                foreach (int index in indices)
                    float prediction = recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[index], ratings.Items[index]);
                    float error      = prediction - ratings[index];

                    rmse += error * error;
                    mae  += Math.Abs(error);
                    cbd  += ComputeCBD(ratings[index], prediction, ratings.Scale.Min, ratings.Scale.Max);
            mae  = mae / indices.Count;
            rmse = Math.Sqrt(rmse / indices.Count);
            cbd  = cbd / indices.Count;

            var result = new Dictionary <string, float>();

            result["RMSE"] = (float)rmse;
            result["MAE"]  = (float)mae;
            result["NMAE"] = (float)mae / (recommender.MaxRating - recommender.MinRating);
            result["CBD"]  = (float)cbd;
		public virtual void UpdateRatings(IRatings new_ratings)
			for (int i = 0; i < new_ratings.Count; i++)
				int user_id = new_ratings.Users[i];
				int item_id = new_ratings.Items[i];
				float rating = new_ratings[i];

				int index;
				if (Ratings.TryGetIndex(user_id, item_id, out index))
					Ratings[index] = rating;
					throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot update rating for user {0} and item {1}: No such rating exists.", user_id, item_id));
Exemple #42
        // TODO as soon as we drop support for Mono 2.6, use default arguments

        /// <summary>Rate a given set of instances and write it to a TextWriter</summary>
        /// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
        /// <param name="ratings">test cases</param>
        /// <param name="user_mapping">an <see cref="EntityMapping"/> object for the user IDs</param>
        /// <param name="item_mapping">an <see cref="EntityMapping"/> object for the item IDs</param>
        /// <param name="line_format">a format string specifying the line format; {0} is the user ID, {1} the item ID, {2} the rating</param>
        /// <param name="writer">the TextWriter to write the predictions to</param>
        public static void WritePredictions(
            IRatingPredictor recommender,
            IRatings ratings,
            IEntityMapping user_mapping, IEntityMapping item_mapping,
            string line_format,
            TextWriter writer)
            for (int index = 0; index < ratings.Count; index++)
                                 recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[index], ratings.Items[index]).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Exemple #43
        public void TestRead()
            var reader = new StringReader(@"5951,50,5,2001-01-01

            IRatings data = TimedRatingData.Read(reader);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, data.Count);
Exemple #44
        public void TestRead()
            var reader = new StringReader(@"5951::50::5::881250949

            IRatings data = MovieLensRatingData.Read(reader, null, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, data.Count);
Exemple #45
		/// <summary>Display dataset statistics</summary>
		/// <param name="train">the training data</param>
		/// <param name="test">the test data</param>
		/// <param name="user_attributes">the user attributes</param>
		/// <param name="item_attributes">the item attributes</param>
		/// <param name="display_overlap">if set true, display the user/item overlap between train and test</param>
		public static string Statistics(
			this IRatings train, IRatings test = null,
			IBooleanMatrix user_attributes = null, IBooleanMatrix item_attributes = null,
			bool display_overlap = false)
			// training data stats
			int num_users = train.AllUsers.Count;
			int num_items = train.AllItems.Count;
			long matrix_size = (long) num_users * num_items;
			long empty_size  = (long) matrix_size - train.Count;
			double sparsity = (double) 100L * empty_size / matrix_size;
			string s = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "training data: {0} users, {1} items, {2} ratings, sparsity {3,0:0.#####}\n", num_users, num_items, train.Count, sparsity);
			if (train is ITimedRatings)
				var time_train = train as ITimedRatings;
				s += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "rating period: {0} to {1}\n", time_train.EarliestTime, time_train.LatestTime);

			// test data stats
			if (test != null)
				num_users = test.AllUsers.Count;
				num_items = test.AllItems.Count;
				matrix_size = (long) num_users * num_items;
				empty_size  = (long) matrix_size - test.Count; // TODO depends on the eval scheme whether this is correct
				sparsity = (double) 100L * empty_size / matrix_size;
				s += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "test data:     {0} users, {1} items, {2} ratings, sparsity {3,0:0.#####}\n", num_users, num_items, test.Count, sparsity);
				if (test is ITimedRatings)
					var time_test = test as ITimedRatings;
					s += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "rating period: {0} to {1}\n", time_test.EarliestTime, time_test.LatestTime);

			// count and display the overlap between train and test
			if (display_overlap && test != null)
				int num_new_users = 0;
				int num_new_items = 0;
				TimeSpan seconds = Wrap.MeasureTime(delegate() {
					num_new_users = test.AllUsers.Except(train.AllUsers).Count();
					num_new_items = test.AllItems.Except(train.AllItems).Count();
				s += string.Format("{0} new users, {1} new items ({2} seconds)\n", num_new_users, num_new_items, seconds);

			return s + Statistics(user_attributes, item_attributes);
Exemple #46
        public void TestReadIgnoreLine()
            var reader = new StringReader(@"# first line
5951,50,5,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,223,5,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,260,5,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,293,5,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,356,4,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,364,3,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,457,3,2001-01-01 00:00:00

            IRatings data = TimedRatingData.Read(reader, null, null, TestRatingFileFormat.WITH_RATINGS, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, data.Count);
Exemple #47
        public void TestTimeStamp()
            var reader = new StringReader(@"# first line

            IRatings data = TimedRatingData.Read(reader, null, null, TestRatingFileFormat.WITH_RATINGS, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, data.Count);
Exemple #48
        public void TestReadIgnoreLine()
            var reader = new StringReader(@"# first line

            IRatings data = RatingData.Read(reader, null, null, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, data.Count);
        public void TestReadIgnoreLine()
            var reader = new StringReader(@"# first line
5951,50,5,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,223,5,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,260,5,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,293,5,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,356,4,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,364,3,2001-01-01 00:00:00
5951,457,3,2001-01-01 00:00:00

            IRatings data = StaticRatingData.Read(reader, 7, null, null, RatingType.FLOAT, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, data.Count);
Exemple #50
		/// <summary>Performs user-wise fold-in evaluation, but instead of folding in perform a complete re-training with the new data</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// This method can be quite slow.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>the evaluation results</returns>
		/// <param name='recommender'>a rating predictor capable of performing a user fold-in</param>
		/// <param name='update_data'>the rating data used to represent the users</param>
		/// <param name='eval_data'>the evaluation data</param>
		static public RatingPredictionEvaluationResults EvaluateFoldInCompleteRetraining(this RatingPredictor recommender, IRatings update_data, IRatings eval_data)
			double rmse = 0;
			double mae  = 0;
			double cbd  = 0;

			int rating_count = 0;
			foreach (int user_id in update_data.AllUsers)
				if (eval_data.AllUsers.Contains(user_id))
					var local_recommender = (RatingPredictor) recommender.Clone();

					var known_ratings = new RatingsProxy(update_data, update_data.ByUser[user_id]);
					local_recommender.Ratings = new CombinedRatings(recommender.Ratings, known_ratings);

					var items_to_rate = (from index in eval_data.ByUser[user_id] select eval_data.Items[index]).ToArray();
					var predicted_ratings = recommender.Recommend(user_id, candidate_items:items_to_rate);

					foreach (var pred in predicted_ratings)
						float prediction = pred.Item2;
						float actual_rating = eval_data.Get(user_id, pred.Item1, eval_data.ByUser[user_id]);
						float error = prediction - actual_rating;

						rmse += error * error;
						mae  += Math.Abs(error);
						cbd  += Eval.Ratings.ComputeCBD(actual_rating, prediction, recommender.MinRating, recommender.MaxRating);

			mae  = mae / rating_count;
			rmse = Math.Sqrt(rmse / rating_count);
			cbd  = cbd / rating_count;

			var result = new RatingPredictionEvaluationResults();
			result["RMSE"] = (float) rmse;
			result["MAE"]  = (float) mae;
			result["NMAE"] = (float) mae / (recommender.MaxRating - recommender.MinRating);
			result["CBD"]  = (float) cbd;
			return result;
Exemple #51
        /// <summary>Create a RatingsProxy object</summary>
        /// <param name="ratings">a ratings data structure</param>
        /// <param name="indices">an index list pointing to entries in the ratings</param>
        public RatingsProxy(IRatings ratings, IList<int> indices)
            this.indices = indices;

            Users  = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Users, indices);
            Items  = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Items, indices);
            Values = new ListProxy<float>(ratings, indices);

            MaxUserID = -1;
            MaxItemID = -1;
            MaxRating = ratings.MaxRating;
            MinRating = ratings.MinRating;

            foreach (int index in indices)
                if (ratings.Users[index] > MaxUserID)
                    MaxUserID = ratings.Users[index];
                if (ratings.Items[index] > MaxItemID)
                    MaxItemID = ratings.Items[index];
Exemple #52
		/// <summary>Evaluates a rating predictor for RMSE, (N)MAE, and CBD</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///   <para>
		///     See http://recsyswiki.com/wiki/Root_mean_square_error and http://recsyswiki.com/wiki/Mean_absolute_error
		///   </para>
		///   <para>
		///     For NMAE, see the paper by Goldberg et al.
		///   </para>
		///   <para>
		///     For CBD (capped binomial deviance), see http://www.kaggle.com/c/ChessRatings2/Details/Evaluation
		///   </para>
		///   <para>
		///     If the recommender can take time into account, and the rating dataset provides rating times,
		///     this information will be used for making rating predictions.
		///   </para>
		///   <para>
		///     Literature:
		///     <list type="bullet">
		///       <item><description>
		///         Ken Goldberg, Theresa Roeder, Dhruv Gupta, and Chris Perkins:
		///         Eigentaste: A Constant Time Collaborative Filtering Algorithm.
		///         nformation Retrieval Journal 2001.
		///         http://goldberg.berkeley.edu/pubs/eigentaste.pdf
		///       </description></item>
		///     </list>
		///   </para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
		/// <param name="test_ratings">test cases</param>
		/// <param name="training_ratings">the training examples</param>
		/// <returns>a Dictionary containing the evaluation results</returns>
		static public RatingPredictionEvaluationResults Evaluate(this IRatingPredictor recommender, IRatings test_ratings, IRatings training_ratings = null)
			if (recommender == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("recommender");
			if (test_ratings == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("ratings");

			var all_indices = Enumerable.Range(0, test_ratings.Count).ToArray();
			var results = new RatingPredictionEvaluationResults(Evaluate(recommender, test_ratings, all_indices));
			if (training_ratings != null)
				var new_user_indices = (from index in all_indices
				                        where test_ratings.Users[index] > training_ratings.MaxUserID || training_ratings.CountByUser[test_ratings.Users[index]] == 0
				                        select index).ToArray();
				results.NewUserResults = Evaluate(recommender, test_ratings, new_user_indices);
				var new_item_indices = (from index in all_indices
				                        where test_ratings.Items[index] > training_ratings.MaxItemID || training_ratings.CountByItem[test_ratings.Items[index]] == 0 select index).ToArray();
				results.NewItemResults = Evaluate(recommender, test_ratings, new_item_indices);
				results.NewUserNewItemResults = Evaluate(recommender, test_ratings, Enumerable.Intersect(new_user_indices, new_item_indices).ToArray());
			return results;
		/// <summary>Online evaluation for rating prediction</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Every rating that is tested is added to the training set afterwards.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
		/// <param name="ratings">Test cases</param>
		/// <returns>a Dictionary containing the evaluation results</returns>
		static public RatingPredictionEvaluationResults EvaluateOnline(this IRatingPredictor recommender, IRatings ratings)
			if (recommender == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("recommender");
			if (ratings == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("ratings");

			var incremental_recommender = recommender as IIncrementalRatingPredictor;
			if (incremental_recommender == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("recommender must be of type IIncrementalRatingPredictor");

			double rmse = 0;
			double mae  = 0;
			double cbd  = 0;

			// iterate in random order
			foreach (int index in ratings.RandomIndex)
				float prediction = recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[index], ratings.Items[index]);
				float error = prediction - ratings[index];

				rmse += error * error;
				mae  += Math.Abs(error);
				cbd  += Eval.Ratings.ComputeCBD(ratings[index], prediction, recommender.MinRating, recommender.MaxRating);

				incremental_recommender.AddRatings(new RatingsProxy(ratings, new int[] { index }));
			mae  = mae / ratings.Count;
			rmse = Math.Sqrt(rmse / ratings.Count);
			cbd  = cbd / ratings.Count;

			var result = new RatingPredictionEvaluationResults();
			result["RMSE"] = (float) rmse;
			result["MAE"]  = (float) mae;
			result["NMAE"] = (float) mae / (recommender.MaxRating - recommender.MinRating);
			result["CBD"]  = (float) cbd;
			return result;
		/// <summary>Computes the logistic loss sum</summary>
		/// <returns>the logistic loss sum</returns>
		/// <param name='recommender'>the recommender to make predictions with</param>
		/// <param name='ratings'>the actual ratings</param>
		/// <param name='min_rating'>the minimal rating</param>
		/// <param name='rating_range_size'>the size of the rating range: max_rating - min_rating</param>
		public static double ComputeSum(
			this IRatingPredictor recommender,
			IRatings ratings,
			float min_rating, float rating_range_size)
			double sum = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < ratings.Count; i++)
				double prediction = recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[i], ratings.Items[i]);

				// map into [0, 1] interval
				prediction = (prediction - min_rating) / rating_range_size;
				if (prediction < 0.0)
					prediction = 0.0;
				if (prediction > 1.0)
					prediction = 1.0;
				double actual_rating = (ratings[i] - min_rating) / rating_range_size;

				sum -= (actual_rating) * Math.Log(prediction);
				sum -= (1 - actual_rating) * Math.Log(1 - prediction);
			return sum;
Exemple #55
		/// <summary>Rate a given set of instances and write it to a TextWriter</summary>
		/// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
		/// <param name="ratings">test cases</param>
		/// <param name="writer">the TextWriter to write the predictions to</param>
		/// <param name="user_mapping">an <see cref="Mapping"/> object for the user IDs</param>
		/// <param name="item_mapping">an <see cref="Mapping"/> object for the item IDs</param>
		/// <param name="line_format">a format string specifying the line format; {0} is the user ID, {1} the item ID, {2} the rating</param>
		/// <param name="header">if specified, write this string at the start of the output</param>
		public static void WritePredictions(
			this IRecommender recommender,
			IRatings ratings,
			TextWriter writer,
			IMapping user_mapping = null,
			IMapping item_mapping = null,
			string line_format = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}",
			string header = null)
			if (user_mapping == null)
				user_mapping = new IdentityMapping();
			if (item_mapping == null)
				item_mapping = new IdentityMapping();

			if (header != null)

			if (line_format == "ranking")
				foreach (int user_id in ratings.AllUsers)
					if (ratings.ByUser[user_id].Count > 0)
							new List<int>(from index in ratings.ByUser[user_id] select ratings.Items[index]),
							new int[] { },
							user_mapping, item_mapping);
				for (int index = 0; index < ratings.Count; index++)
						recommender.Predict(ratings.Users[index], ratings.Items[index]).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Exemple #56
		public override void UpdateRatings(IRatings ratings)
			foreach (int item_id in ratings.AllItems)
Exemple #57
 public override void AddRatings(IRatings ratings)
 /// <summary>Compute the correlations for a given entity type from a rating dataset</summary>
 /// <param name="ratings">the rating data</param>
 /// <param name="entity_type">the EntityType - either USER or ITEM</param>
 public virtual void ComputeCorrelations(IRatings ratings, EntityType entity_type)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
 public override void UpdateRatings(IRatings ratings)
     foreach (int user_id in ratings.AllUsers)
     foreach (int item_id in ratings.AllItems)
 public override void AddRatings(IRatings ratings)
     lock (this) {
         base.AddRatings (ratings);
         foreach (int user_id in ratings.AllUsers)
             RetrainUser (user_id);
         foreach (int item_id in ratings.AllItems)
             RetrainItem (item_id);