Exemple #1
        protected override IEnumerable <Entity> ExecuteInternal(IDictionary <string, DataSource> dataSources, IQueryExecutionOptions options, IDictionary <string, Type> parameterTypes, IDictionary <string, object> parameterValues)
            PagesRetrieved = 0;

            if (!dataSources.TryGetValue(DataSource, out var dataSource))
                throw new NotSupportedQueryFragmentException("Missing datasource " + DataSource);

            ReturnFullSchema = false;
            var schema = GetSchema(dataSources, parameterTypes);

            // Apply any variable conditions
            if (parameterValues != null)
                if (_parameterizedConditions == null)

                foreach (var param in parameterValues)
                    if (_parameterizedConditions.TryGetValue(param.Key, out var condition))
                        condition.SetValue(param.Value, options);


            var mainEntity = FetchXml.Items.OfType <FetchEntityType>().Single();
            var name       = mainEntity.name;
            var meta       = dataSource.Metadata[name];

            if (!(Parent is PartitionedAggregateNode))
                options.Progress(0, $"Retrieving {GetDisplayName(0, meta)}...");

            // Get the first page of results

            // Ensure we reset the page number & cookie for subsequent executions
            if (_resetPage)
                FetchXml.page         = _startingPage;
                FetchXml.pagingcookie = null;
                _startingPage = FetchXml.page;
                _resetPage    = true;

            var res = dataSource.Connection.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(Serialize(FetchXml)));


            var count = res.Entities.Count;

            // Aggregate queries return up to 5000 records and don't provide a method to move on to the next page
            // Throw an exception to indicate the error to the caller
            if (AllPages && FetchXml.aggregateSpecified && FetchXml.aggregate && count == 5000 && FetchXml.top != "5000" && !res.MoreRecords)
                throw new FaultException <OrganizationServiceFault>(new OrganizationServiceFault {
                    ErrorCode = -2147164125, Message = "AggregateQueryRecordLimitExceeded"

            // Aggregate queries with grouping on lookup columns don't provide reliable paging as the sorting is done by the name of the related
            // record, not the guid. Non-aggregate queries can also be sorted on the primary key as a tie-breaker.
            if (res.MoreRecords && FetchXml.aggregateSpecified && FetchXml.aggregate && ContainsSortOnLookupAttribute(dataSource.Metadata, Entity.name, Entity.Items, out var lookupAttr))
                throw new InvalidPagingException($"{lookupAttr.name} is a lookup attribute - paging with a sort order on this attribute is not reliable.");

            foreach (var entity in res.Entities)
                OnRetrievedEntity(entity, schema, options, dataSource.Metadata);
                yield return(entity);

            // Move on to subsequent pages
            while (AllPages && res.MoreRecords && options.ContinueRetrieve(count))
                if (!(Parent is PartitionedAggregateNode))
                    options.Progress(0, $"Retrieved {count:N0} {GetDisplayName(count, meta)}...");

                if (FetchXml.page == null)
                    FetchXml.page = "2";
                    FetchXml.page = (Int32.Parse(FetchXml.page, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + 1).ToString();

                FetchXml.pagingcookie = res.PagingCookie;

                var nextPage = dataSource.Connection.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(Serialize(FetchXml)));

                foreach (var entity in nextPage.Entities)
                    OnRetrievedEntity(entity, schema, options, dataSource.Metadata);
                    yield return(entity);

                count += nextPage.Entities.Count;
                res    = nextPage;
Exemple #2
 public void RetrievingNextPage()