Exemple #1
        CreateSensitiveComposite(TpmPublic pub,
                                 ref byte[] keyData,
                                 out IPublicIdUnion publicId)
            ISensitiveCompositeUnion newSens = null;

            publicId = null;

            if (pub.type == TpmAlgId.Rsa)
                if (keyData != null)
                    Globs.Throw <ArgumentException>("Cannot specify key data for an RSA key");

                var newKeyPair = new RawRsa((pub.parameters as RsaParms).keyBits);

                // Put the key bits into the required structure envelopes
                newSens  = new Tpm2bPrivateKeyRsa(newKeyPair.Private);
                publicId = new Tpm2bPublicKeyRsa(newKeyPair.Public);
            else if (pub.type == TpmAlgId.Symcipher)
                var symDef = (SymDefObject)pub.parameters;
                if (symDef.Algorithm != TpmAlgId.Aes)
                    Globs.Throw <ArgumentException>("Unsupported symmetric algorithm");

                int keySize = (symDef.KeyBits + 7) / 8;
                if (keyData == null)
                    keyData = Globs.GetRandomBytes(keySize);
                else if (keyData.Length != keySize)
                    keyData = Globs.CopyData(keyData);
                    Globs.Throw <ArgumentException>("Wrong symmetric key length");
                newSens = new Tpm2bSymKey(keyData);
            else if (pub.type == TpmAlgId.Keyedhash)
                var      scheme  = (pub.parameters as KeyedhashParms).scheme;
                TpmAlgId hashAlg = scheme is SchemeHash ? (scheme as SchemeHash).hashAlg
                                 : scheme is SchemeXor  ? (scheme as SchemeXor).hashAlg
                                                        : pub.nameAlg;
                var digestSize = CryptoLib.DigestSize(hashAlg);

                if (keyData == null)
                    keyData = Globs.GetRandomBytes(digestSize);
                else if (keyData.Length <= CryptoLib.BlockSize(hashAlg))
                    keyData = Globs.CopyData(keyData);
                    Globs.Throw <ArgumentException>("HMAC key is too big");
                newSens = new Tpm2bSensitiveData(keyData);
                Globs.Throw <ArgumentException>("Unsupported key type");

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new asymmetric key based on the parameters in keyParms. The resulting key data is returned in structures
        /// suitable for incorporation in a TPMT_PUBLIC and TPMS_SENSITIVE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyParms"></param>
        /// <param name="publicParms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static ISensitiveCompositeUnion CreateSensitiveComposite(TpmPublic keyParms, out IPublicIdUnion publicParms)
            TpmAlgId keyAlgId = keyParms.type;
            ISensitiveCompositeUnion newSens;

            // Create the asymmetric key
            if (keyAlgId != TpmAlgId.Rsa)
                throw new Exception("Algorithm not supported");

            var newKeyPair = new RawRsa((keyParms.parameters as RsaParms).keyBits);

            // Put the key bits into the required structure envelopes
            newSens = new Tpm2bPrivateKeyRsa(newKeyPair.Private);
            publicParms = new Tpm2bPublicKeyRsa(newKeyPair.Public);
            return newSens;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new asymmetric key based on the parameters in keyParms. The resulting key data is returned in structures
        /// suitable for incorporation in a TPMT_PUBLIC and TPMS_SENSITIVE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyParms"></param>
        /// <param name="publicParms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static ISensitiveCompositeUnion CreateSensitiveComposite(TpmPublic keyParms, out IPublicIdUnion publicParms)
            TpmAlgId keyAlgId = keyParms.type;
            ISensitiveCompositeUnion newSens;

            // Create the asymmetric key
            if (keyAlgId != TpmAlgId.Rsa)
                Globs.Throw <ArgumentException>("Algorithm not supported");

            var newKeyPair = new RawRsa((keyParms.parameters as RsaParms).keyBits);

            // Put the key bits into the required structure envelopes
            newSens     = new Tpm2bPrivateKeyRsa(newKeyPair.Private);
            publicParms = new Tpm2bPublicKeyRsa(newKeyPair.Public);
Exemple #4
 ///<param name = "the_nameAlg">algorithm used for computing the Name of the object NOTE	The "+" indicates that the instance of a TPMT_PUBLIC may have a "+" to indicate that the nameAlg may be TPM_ALG_NULL.</param>
 ///<param name = "the_objectAttributes">attributes that, along with type, determine the manipulations of this object</param>
 ///<param name = "the_authPolicy">optional policy for using this key The policy is computed using the nameAlg of the object. NOTE Shall be the Empty Policy if no authorization policy is present.</param>
 ///<param name = "the_parameters">the algorithm or structure details(One of KeyedhashParms, SymcipherParms, RsaParms, EccParms, AsymParms)</param>
 ///<param name = "the_unique">the unique identifier of the structure For an asymmetric key, this would be the public key.(One of Tpm2bDigestKeyedhash, Tpm2bDigestSymcipher, Tpm2bPublicKeyRsa, EccPoint)</param>
 public TpmPublic(
 TpmAlgId the_nameAlg,
 ObjectAttr the_objectAttributes,
 byte[] the_authPolicy,
 IPublicParmsUnion the_parameters,
 IPublicIdUnion the_unique
     this.nameAlg = the_nameAlg;
     this.objectAttributes = the_objectAttributes;
     this.authPolicy = the_authPolicy;
     this.parameters = the_parameters;
     this.unique = the_unique;