protected override IEnumerator DoLoadAssetBundle(IProgressPromise <float, AssetBundle> promise) { if (this.BundleInfo.IsEncrypted) { promise.UpdateProgress(0f); promise.SetException(new NotSupportedException(string.Format("The data of the AssetBundle named '{0}' is encrypted,use the CryptographBundleLoader to load,please.", this.BundleInfo.Name))); yield break; } string path = this.GetAbsolutePath(); #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER if (this.Uri.Scheme.Equals("jar", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { promise.UpdateProgress(0f); promise.SetException(new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.It is not supported before the Unity3d 5.4.0 version.", this.BundleInfo.Name, path))); yield break; } #endif float weight = 0; long totalSize = this.BundleInfo.FileSize; if (this.IsRemoteUri()) { weight = WEIGHT; string fullname = BundleUtil.GetStorableDirectory() + this.BundleInfo.Filename; using (UnityWebRequest www = new UnityWebRequest(path)) { www.downloadHandler = new DownloadFileHandler(fullname); #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER www.SendWebRequest(); #else www.Send(); #endif while (!www.isDone) { if (www.downloadedBytes >= 0 && totalSize > 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(weight * (float)www.downloadedBytes / totalSize); } yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, www.error))); yield break; } path = fullname; } } AssetBundleCreateRequest request = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(path); while (!request.isDone) { promise.UpdateProgress(weight + (1 - weight) * request.progress); yield return(null); } var assetBundle = request.assetBundle; if (assetBundle == null) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.", this.BundleInfo.Name, path))); yield break; } promise.UpdateProgress(1f); promise.SetResult(assetBundle); }
protected virtual IEnumerator DoLoad <T>(IProgressPromise <float, T> promise, string name, IWindowManager windowManager = null) { name = Normalize(name); WeakReference weakRef; GameObject viewTemplateGo = null; try { if (this.templates.TryGetValue(name, out weakRef) && weakRef.IsAlive) { viewTemplateGo = (GameObject)weakRef.Target; //Check if the object is valid because it may have been destroyed. //Unmanaged objects,the weak caches do not accurately track the validity of objects. if (viewTemplateGo != null) { string goName =; } } } catch (Exception) { viewTemplateGo = null; } if (viewTemplateGo == null) { ResourceRequest request = Resources.LoadAsync <GameObject>(name); while (!request.isDone) { promise.UpdateProgress(request.progress); yield return(null); } viewTemplateGo = (GameObject)request.asset; if (viewTemplateGo != null) { viewTemplateGo.SetActive(false); this.templates[name] = new WeakReference(viewTemplateGo); } } if (viewTemplateGo == null || viewTemplateGo.GetComponent <T>() == null) { promise.UpdateProgress(1f); promise.SetException(new NotFoundException(name)); yield break; } GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(viewTemplateGo); =; T view = go.GetComponent <T>(); if (view == null) { GameObject.Destroy(go); promise.SetException(new NotFoundException(name)); } else { if (windowManager != null && view is IWindow) { (view as IWindow).WindowManager = windowManager; } promise.UpdateProgress(1f); promise.SetResult(view); } }
protected override IEnumerator DoLoadAssetBundle(IProgressPromise <float, AssetBundle> promise) { if (this.BundleInfo.IsEncrypted) { promise.UpdateProgress(0f); promise.SetException(new NotSupportedException(string.Format("The data of the AssetBundle named '{0}' is encrypted,use the CryptographBundleLoader to load,please.", this.BundleInfo.Name))); yield break; } string path = this.GetAbsoluteUri(); using (WWW www = useCache ? WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(path, this.BundleInfo.Hash) : new WWW(path)) { while (!www.isDone) { if (www.progress >= 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(www.progress); } yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, www.error))); yield break; } var assetBundle = www.assetBundle; if (assetBundle == null) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.", this.BundleInfo.Name, path))); yield break; } if (!useCache && this.IsRemoteUri()) { string fullname = BundleUtil.GetStorableDirectory() + this.BundleInfo.Filename; try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo(fullname); if (info.Exists) { info.Delete(); } if (!info.Directory.Exists) { info.Directory.Create(); } File.WriteAllBytes(info.FullName, www.bytes); } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsWarnEnabled) { log.WarnFormat("Save AssetBundle '{0}' to the directory '{1}' failed.Reason:{2}", this.BundleInfo.FullName, fullname, e); } } } promise.UpdateProgress(1f); promise.SetResult(assetBundle); } }
protected virtual IEnumerator DoDownloadManifest(string relativePath, IProgressPromise <Progress, BundleManifest> promise) { Progress progress = new Progress(); promise.UpdateProgress(progress); byte[] data; string path = this.GetAbsoluteUri(relativePath); #if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER using (UnityWebRequest www = new UnityWebRequest(path)) { www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER www.SendWebRequest(); #else www.Send(); #endif while (!www.isDone) { if (www.downloadProgress >= 0) { if (progress.TotalSize <= 0) { progress.TotalSize = (long)(www.downloadedBytes / www.downloadProgress); } progress.CompletedSize = (long)www.downloadedBytes; promise.UpdateProgress(progress); } yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(www.error)); yield break; } data =; } #else using (WWW www = new WWW(path)) { while (!www.isDone) { if (www.bytesDownloaded > 0f) { if (progress.TotalSize <= 0) { progress.TotalSize = (long)(www.bytesDownloaded / www.progress); } progress.CompletedSize = www.bytesDownloaded; promise.UpdateProgress(progress); } yield return(null); } progress.CompletedSize = www.bytesDownloaded; promise.UpdateProgress(progress); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(www.error)); yield break; } data = www.bytes; } #endif try { BundleManifest manifest = BundleManifest.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data)); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(BundleUtil.GetStorableDirectory() + relativePath); if (file.Exists) { FileInfo bakFile = new FileInfo(BundleUtil.GetStorableDirectory() + relativePath + ".bak"); if (bakFile.Exists) { bakFile.Delete(); } file.CopyTo(bakFile.FullName); } if (!file.Directory.Exists) { file.Directory.Create(); } File.WriteAllBytes(file.FullName, data); promise.SetResult(manifest); } catch (IOException e) { promise.SetException(e); } }
protected virtual IEnumerator DoDownloadFileAsync(ResourceInfo[] infos, IProgressPromise <ProgressInfo> promise) { long totalSize = 0; long downloadedSize = 0; List <ResourceInfo> downloadList = new List <ResourceInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) { var info = infos[i]; var fileInfo = info.FileInfo; if (info.FileSize < 0) { if (fileInfo.Exists) { info.FileSize = fileInfo.Length; } else { using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Head(this.GetAbsoluteUri(info.Path).AbsoluteUri)) { #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); #else yield return(www.Send()); #endif string contentLength = www.GetResponseHeader("Content-Length"); info.FileSize = long.Parse(contentLength); } } } totalSize += info.FileSize; if (fileInfo.Exists) { downloadedSize += info.FileSize; } else { downloadList.Add(info); } } ProgressInfo progressInfo = new ProgressInfo(); progressInfo.TotalCount = infos.Length; progressInfo.CompletedCount = infos.Length - downloadList.Count; progressInfo.TotalSize = totalSize; progressInfo.CompletedSize = downloadedSize; yield return(null); List <KeyValuePair <ResourceInfo, UnityWebRequest> > tasks = new List <KeyValuePair <ResourceInfo, UnityWebRequest> >(); for (int i = 0; i < downloadList.Count; i++) { ResourceInfo info = downloadList[i]; Uri path = info.Path; FileInfo fileInfo = info.FileInfo; if (!fileInfo.Directory.Exists) { fileInfo.Directory.Create(); } UnityWebRequest www = new UnityWebRequest(this.GetAbsoluteUri(path).AbsoluteUri); www.downloadHandler = new DownloadFileHandler(fileInfo); #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER www.SendWebRequest(); #else www.Send(); #endif tasks.Add(new KeyValuePair <ResourceInfo, UnityWebRequest>(info, www)); while (tasks.Count >= this.MaxTaskCount || (i == downloadList.Count - 1 && tasks.Count > 0)) { long tmpSize = 0; for (int j = tasks.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var task = tasks[j]; ResourceInfo _info = task.Key; UnityWebRequest _www = task.Value; if (!_www.isDone) { tmpSize += (long)Math.Max(0, _www.downloadedBytes);//the UnityWebRequest.downloadedProgress has a bug in android platform continue; } progressInfo.CompletedCount += 1; tasks.RemoveAt(j); downloadedSize += _info.FileSize; #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER if (_www.isNetworkError) #else if (_www.isNetworkError) #endif { promise.SetException(new Exception(_www.error)); if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.ErrorFormat("Downloads file '{0}' failure from the address '{1}'.Reason:{2}", _info.FileInfo.FullName, GetAbsoluteUri(_info.Path), _www.error); } _www.Dispose(); try { foreach (var kv in tasks) { kv.Value.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception) { } yield break; } _www.Dispose(); } progressInfo.CompletedSize = downloadedSize + tmpSize; promise.UpdateProgress(progressInfo); yield return(null); } } promise.SetResult(infos); }
protected virtual IEnumerator DoLoadBundle(IProgressPromise <float, IBundle[]> promise, BundleInfo[] bundleInfos, int priority) { List <IBundle> bundles = new List <IBundle>(); Exception exception = new Exception("unkown"); List <IProgressResult <float, IBundle> > bundleResults = new List <IProgressResult <float, IBundle> >(); for (int i = 0; i < bundleInfos.Length; i++) { try { DefaultBundle bundle = this.GetOrCreateBundle(bundleInfos[i], priority); IProgressResult <float, IBundle> bundleResult = bundle.Load(); bundleResult.Callbackable().OnCallback(r => { if (r.Exception != null) { exception = r.Exception; if (log.IsWarnEnabled) { log.WarnFormat("Loads Bundle failure! Error:{0}", r.Exception); } } else { bundles.Add(new InternalBundleWrapper((DefaultBundle)r.Result)); } }); if (!bundleResult.IsDone) { bundleResults.Add(bundleResult); } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; if (log.IsWarnEnabled) { log.WarnFormat("Loads Bundle '{0}' failure! Error:{1}", bundleInfos[i], e); } } } bool finished = false; float progress = 0f; int count = bundleResults.Count; while (!finished && count > 0) { yield return(null); progress = 0f; finished = true; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var result = bundleResults[i]; if (!result.IsDone) { finished = false; } progress += result.Progress; } promise.UpdateProgress(progress / count); } promise.UpdateProgress(1f); if (bundles.Count > 0) { promise.SetResult(bundles.ToArray()); } else { promise.SetException(exception); } }
protected override IEnumerator DoLoadAssetBundle(IProgressPromise <float, AssetBundle> promise) { if (this.BundleInfo.IsEncrypted) { promise.UpdateProgress(0f); promise.SetException(new NotSupportedException(string.Format("The data of the AssetBundle named '{0}' is encrypted,use the CryptographBundleLoader to load,please.", this.BundleInfo.Name))); yield break; } AssetBundle assetBundle; string path = this.GetAbsoluteUri(); #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER if (this.Uri.Scheme.Equals("jar", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { using (WWW www = useCache ? WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(path, this.BundleInfo.Hash) : new WWW(path)) { while (!www.isDone) { if (www.progress >= 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(www.progress); } yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, www.error))); yield break; } assetBundle = www.assetBundle; } } else #endif { #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER using (UnityWebRequest www = useCache ? UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(path, this.BundleInfo.Hash, 0) : UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(path)) { www.SendWebRequest(); #else using (UnityWebRequest www = useCache ? UnityWebRequest.GetAssetBundle(path, this.BundleInfo.Hash, 0) : UnityWebRequest.GetAssetBundle(path)) { www.Send(); #endif while (!www.isDone) { if (www.downloadProgress >= 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(www.downloadProgress); } yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, www.error))); yield break; } DownloadHandlerAssetBundle handler = (DownloadHandlerAssetBundle)www.downloadHandler; assetBundle = handler.assetBundle; } } if (assetBundle == null) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.", this.BundleInfo.Name, path))); yield break; } promise.UpdateProgress(1f); promise.SetResult(assetBundle); } }
protected override IEnumerator DoLoadAssetBundle(IProgressPromise <float, AssetBundle> promise) { if (!this.decryptor.AlgorithmName.Equals(this.BundleInfo.Encoding)) { promise.UpdateProgress(0f); promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("The encryption algorithm '{0}' and decryption algorithm '{1}' does not match when decrypts Assetbundle {2}. ", this.BundleInfo.Encoding, this.decryptor.AlgorithmName, this.BundleInfo.Name))); yield break; } byte[] chiperData = null; string path = this.GetAbsoluteUri(); #if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER using (UnityWebRequest www = new UnityWebRequest(path)) { www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER www.SendWebRequest(); #else www.Send(); #endif while (!www.isDone) { if (www.downloadProgress >= 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(www.downloadProgress * WEIGHT); } yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, www.error))); yield break; } chiperData =; } #elif UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER if (this.Uri.Scheme.Equals("jar", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { using (WWW www = new WWW(path)) { while (!www.isDone) { if (www.progress >= 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(www.progress * WEIGHT); } yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, www.error))); yield break; } chiperData = www.bytes; } } else { using (UnityWebRequest www = new UnityWebRequest(path)) { www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); www.Send(); while (!www.isDone) { if (www.downloadProgress >= 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(www.downloadProgress * WEIGHT); } yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, www.error))); yield break; } chiperData =; } } #else using (WWW www = new WWW(path)) { while (!www.isDone) { if (www.progress >= 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(www.progress * WEIGHT); } yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, www.error))); yield break; } chiperData = www.bytes; } #endif if (this.IsRemoteUri()) { string fullname = BundleUtil.GetStorableDirectory() + this.BundleInfo.Filename; try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo(fullname); if (info.Exists) { info.Delete(); } if (!info.Directory.Exists) { info.Directory.Create(); } File.WriteAllBytes(info.FullName, chiperData); } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsWarnEnabled) { log.WarnFormat("Save AssetBundle '{0}' to the directory '{1}' failed.Reason:{2}", this.BundleInfo.FullName, fullname, e); } } } byte[] textData = null; try { textData = this.decryptor.Decrypt(chiperData); } catch (Exception e) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to decrypt the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, e))); yield break; } AssetBundleCreateRequest request = AssetBundle.LoadFromMemoryAsync(textData); while (!request.isDone) { promise.UpdateProgress(WEIGHT + (1 - WEIGHT) * request.progress); yield return(null); } var assetBundle = request.assetBundle; if (assetBundle == null) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.", this.BundleInfo.Name, path))); yield break; } promise.UpdateProgress(1f); promise.SetResult(assetBundle); }
protected override IEnumerator DoDownloadBundles(IProgressPromise <Progress, bool> promise, List <BundleInfo> bundles) { long totalSize = 0; long downloadedSize = 0; Progress progress = new Progress(); List <BundleInfo> list = new List <BundleInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < bundles.Count; i++) { var info = bundles[i]; totalSize += info.FileSize; if (BundleUtil.Exists(info)) { downloadedSize += info.FileSize; continue; } list.Add(info); } progress.TotalCount = bundles.Count; progress.CompletedCount = bundles.Count - list.Count; progress.TotalSize = totalSize; progress.CompletedSize = downloadedSize; yield return(null); List <KeyValuePair <BundleInfo, UnityWebRequest> > tasks = new List <KeyValuePair <BundleInfo, UnityWebRequest> >(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { BundleInfo bundleInfo = list[i]; UnityWebRequest www; if (useCache && !bundleInfo.IsEncrypted) { #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER www = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(GetAbsoluteUri(bundleInfo.Filename), bundleInfo.Hash, 0); #else www = UnityWebRequest.GetAssetBundle(GetAbsoluteUri(bundleInfo.Filename), bundleInfo.Hash, 0); #endif } else { www = new UnityWebRequest(GetAbsoluteUri(bundleInfo.Filename)); www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); } #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER www.SendWebRequest(); #else www.Send(); #endif tasks.Add(new KeyValuePair <BundleInfo, UnityWebRequest>(bundleInfo, www)); while (tasks.Count >= this.MaxTaskCount || (i == list.Count - 1 && tasks.Count > 0)) { long tmpSize = 0; for (int j = tasks.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var task = tasks[j]; BundleInfo _bundleInfo = task.Key; UnityWebRequest _www = task.Value; if (!_www.isDone) { tmpSize += (long)Math.Max(0, _www.downloadedBytes);//the UnityWebRequest.downloadedProgress has a bug in android platform continue; } progress.CompletedCount += 1; tasks.RemoveAt(j); downloadedSize += _bundleInfo.FileSize; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(_www.error)); if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.ErrorFormat("Downloads AssetBundle '{0}' failure from the address '{1}'.Reason:{2}", _bundleInfo.FullName, GetAbsoluteUri(_bundleInfo.Filename), _www.error); } yield break; } try { if (useCache && !bundleInfo.IsEncrypted) { AssetBundle bundle = ((DownloadHandlerAssetBundle)_www.downloadHandler).assetBundle; if (bundle != null) { bundle.Unload(true); } } else { string fullname = BundleUtil.GetStorableDirectory() + _bundleInfo.Filename; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(fullname); if (info.Exists) { info.Delete(); } if (!info.Directory.Exists) { info.Directory.Create(); } File.WriteAllBytes(info.FullName,; } } catch (Exception e) { promise.SetException(e); if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.ErrorFormat("Downloads AssetBundle '{0}' failure from the address '{1}'.Reason:{2}", _bundleInfo.FullName, GetAbsoluteUri(_bundleInfo.Filename), e); } yield break; } } progress.CompletedSize = downloadedSize + tmpSize; promise.UpdateProgress(progress); yield return(null); } } promise.SetResult(true); }
protected override IEnumerator DoDownloadBundles(IProgressPromise <Progress, bool> promise, List <BundleInfo> bundles) { long totalSize = 0; long downloadedSize = 0; Progress progress = new Progress(); List <BundleInfo> list = new List <BundleInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < bundles.Count; i++) { var info = bundles[i]; totalSize += info.FileSize; if (BundleUtil.Exists(info)) { downloadedSize += info.FileSize; continue; } list.Add(info); } progress.TotalCount = bundles.Count; progress.CompletedCount = bundles.Count - list.Count; progress.TotalSize = totalSize; progress.CompletedSize = downloadedSize; yield return(null); List <KeyValuePair <BundleInfo, WWW> > tasks = new List <KeyValuePair <BundleInfo, WWW> >(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { BundleInfo bundleInfo = list[i]; WWW www = (useCache && !bundleInfo.IsEncrypted) ? WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(GetAbsoluteUri(bundleInfo.Filename), bundleInfo.Hash) : new WWW(GetAbsoluteUri(bundleInfo.Filename)); tasks.Add(new KeyValuePair <BundleInfo, WWW>(bundleInfo, www)); while (tasks.Count >= this.MaxTaskCount || (i == list.Count - 1 && tasks.Count > 0)) { long tmpSize = 0; for (int j = tasks.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var task = tasks[j]; BundleInfo _bundleInfo = task.Key; WWW _www = task.Value; if (!_www.isDone) { tmpSize += Math.Max(0, (long)(_www.progress * _bundleInfo.FileSize)); continue; } progress.CompletedCount += 1; tasks.RemoveAt(j); downloadedSize += _bundleInfo.FileSize; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(_www.error)); if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.ErrorFormat("Downloads AssetBundle '{0}' failure from the address '{1}'.Reason:{2}", _bundleInfo.FullName, GetAbsoluteUri(_bundleInfo.Filename), _www.error); } yield break; } try { if (useCache && !_bundleInfo.IsEncrypted) { AssetBundle bundle = _www.assetBundle; if (bundle != null) { bundle.Unload(true); } } else { string fullname = BundleUtil.GetStorableDirectory() + _bundleInfo.Filename; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(fullname); if (info.Exists) { info.Delete(); } if (!info.Directory.Exists) { info.Directory.Create(); } File.WriteAllBytes(info.FullName, _www.bytes); } } catch (Exception e) { promise.SetException(e); if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.ErrorFormat("Downloads AssetBundle '{0}' failure from the address '{1}'.Reason:{2}", _bundleInfo.FullName, GetAbsoluteUri(_bundleInfo.Filename), e); } yield break; } } progress.CompletedSize = downloadedSize + tmpSize; promise.UpdateProgress(progress); yield return(null); } } promise.SetResult(true); }
protected virtual IEnumerator DoLoadAssetsToMapAsync <T>(IProgressPromise <float, Dictionary <string, T> > promise, params string[] paths) where T : Object { Dictionary <string, T> results = new Dictionary <string, T>(); Dictionary <string, List <string> > groups = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); Dictionary <string, string> assetNameAndPathMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>(); List <string> bundleNames = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < paths.Length; i++) { var path = paths[i]; AssetPathInfo pathInfo = this.pathInfoParser.Parse(path); if (pathInfo == null || pathInfo.BundleName == null) { if (log.IsWarnEnabled) { log.WarnFormat("Not found the AssetBundle or parses the path info '{0}' failure.", path); } continue; } var asset = this.GetCache <T>(path); if (asset != null) { if (!results.ContainsKey(path)) { results.Add(path, asset); } continue; } List <string> list = null; if (!groups.TryGetValue(pathInfo.BundleName, out list)) { list = new List <string>(); groups.Add(pathInfo.BundleName, list); bundleNames.Add(pathInfo.BundleName); } if (!list.Contains(pathInfo.AssetName)) { list.Add(pathInfo.AssetName); assetNameAndPathMapping[pathInfo.AssetName] = path; } } if (bundleNames.Count <= 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(1f); promise.SetResult(results); yield break; } IProgressResult <float, IBundle[]> bundleResult = this.LoadBundle(bundleNames.ToArray(), 0); float weight = bundleResult.IsDone ? 0f : DEFAULT_WEIGHT; bundleResult.Callbackable().OnProgressCallback(p => promise.UpdateProgress(weight * p)); yield return(bundleResult.WaitForDone()); if (bundleResult.Exception != null) { promise.SetException(bundleResult.Exception); yield break; } Dictionary <string, IProgressResult <float, Dictionary <string, T> > > assetResults = new Dictionary <string, IProgressResult <float, Dictionary <string, T> > >(); IBundle[] bundles = bundleResult.Result; for (int i = 0; i < bundles.Length; i++) { using (IBundle bundle = bundles[i]) { if (!groups.ContainsKey(bundle.Name)) { continue; } List <string> assetNames = groups[bundle.Name]; if (assetNames == null || assetNames.Count < 0) { continue; } IProgressResult <float, Dictionary <string, T> > assetResult = bundle.LoadAssetsToMapAsync <T>(assetNames.ToArray()); assetResult.Callbackable().OnCallback(ar => { if (ar.Exception != null) { return; } foreach (var kv in ar.Result) { string key = assetNameAndPathMapping[kv.Key]; var value = kv.Value; if (!results.ContainsKey(key)) { results.Add(key, value); } } }); assetResults.Add(bundle.Name, assetResult); } } if (assetResults.Count < 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(1f); promise.SetResult(results); yield break; } bool finished = false; float progress = 0f; int assetCount = assetResults.Count; do { yield return(waitForSeconds); finished = true; progress = 0f; var assetEnumerator = assetResults.GetEnumerator(); while (assetEnumerator.MoveNext()) { var kv = assetEnumerator.Current; var assetResult = kv.Value; if (!assetResult.IsDone) { finished = false; } progress += (1f - weight) * assetResult.Progress / assetCount; } promise.UpdateProgress(weight + progress); } while (!finished); promise.UpdateProgress(1f); promise.SetResult(results); }
protected virtual IEnumerator DoLoadBundleAndDependencies(IProgressPromise <float, IBundle> promise) { this.startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; List <IProgressResult <float, AssetBundle> > results = new List <IProgressResult <float, AssetBundle> >(); BundleLoader currLoader = manager.GetOrCreateBundleLoader(this.BundleInfo, this.Priority); currLoader.Retain(); loaders.Add(currLoader); IProgressResult <float, AssetBundle> currResult = currLoader.LoadAssetBundle(); if (!currResult.IsDone) { results.Add(currResult); } var dependencies = manager.GetOrCreateDependencies(this.BundleInfo, true, this.Priority); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.Count; i++) { var dependency = dependencies[i]; dependency.Retain(); this.loaders.Add(dependency); var result = dependency.LoadAssetBundle(); if (!result.IsDone) { results.Add(result); } } bool finished = false; float progress = 0f; float timeProgress = 0f; int count = results.Count; while (!finished && count > 0) { yield return(null); progress = 0f; finished = true; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var result = results[i]; if (!result.IsDone) { finished = false; } progress += result.Progress; } timeProgress = TIME_PROGRESS_WEIGHT * Mathf.Atan(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.startTime) * 2 / Mathf.PI; promise.UpdateProgress(timeProgress + (1.0f - TIME_PROGRESS_WEIGHT) * progress / count); } promise.UpdateProgress(1f); yield return(null); if (currResult.Exception != null) { promise.SetException(currResult.Exception); } else { this.assetBundle = currResult.Result; promise.SetResult(this); } }
protected virtual IEnumerator DoLoadAssetBundleFromStream(IProgressPromise <float, AssetBundle> promise) { if (!this.decryptor.AlgorithmName.Equals(this.BundleInfo.Encoding)) { promise.UpdateProgress(0f); promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("The encryption algorithm '{0}' and decryption algorithm '{1}' does not match when decrypts Assetbundle {2}. ", this.BundleInfo.Encoding, this.decryptor.AlgorithmName, this.BundleInfo.Name))); yield break; } string path = this.GetAbsoluteUri(); long totalSize = this.BundleInfo.FileSize; float weight = WEIGHT; if (this.IsRemoteUri()) { string fullname = BundleUtil.GetStorableDirectory() + this.BundleInfo.Filename; using (UnityWebRequest www = new UnityWebRequest(path)) { www.downloadHandler = new DownloadFileHandler(fullname); www.SendWebRequest(); while (!www.isDone) { if (www.downloadedBytes >= 0 && totalSize > 0) { promise.UpdateProgress(weight * (float)www.downloadedBytes / totalSize); } yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, www.error))); yield break; } path = fullname; } } else { weight = 0f; path = this.GetAbsolutePath(); } AssetBundleCreateRequest request = null; Stream stream = null; try { stream = FileUtil.OpenRead(path); request = AssetBundle.LoadFromStreamAsync(decryptor.Decrypt(stream)); } catch (Exception e) { if (stream != null) { stream.Close(); } promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to decrypt the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.Error:{2}", this.BundleInfo.Name, path, e))); yield break; } while (!request.isDone) { promise.UpdateProgress(weight + (1 - weight) * request.progress); yield return(null); } var assetBundle = request.assetBundle; if (assetBundle == null) { promise.SetException(new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load the AssetBundle '{0}' at the address '{1}'.", this.BundleInfo.Name, path))); yield break; } promise.UpdateProgress(1f); promise.SetResult(assetBundle); }