private IProgramDescription GetProgramDescription(ProgramIdentifier programIdentifier, RomFormat format, string code)
            IProgramDescription programDescription = null;

            if (DefaultDescriptionsSource != null)
                // Try the strictest match first.
                programDescription = DefaultDescriptionsSource.FirstOrDefault(d => d.IsMatchingProgramDescription(programIdentifier, format, true, code));
                if (programDescription == null)
                    programDescription = DefaultDescriptionsSource.FirstOrDefault(d => d.IsMatchingProgramDescription(programIdentifier, format, true));
                if (programDescription == null)
                    programDescription = DefaultDescriptionsSource.FirstOrDefault(d => d.IsMatchingProgramDescription(programIdentifier, format, false));
                if (programDescription == null)
                    programDescription = DefaultDescriptionsSource.FirstOrDefault(d => d.IsMatchingProgramDescription(programIdentifier));
                if (programDescription == null)
                    programDescription = DefaultDescriptionsSource.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Crc == programIdentifier.DataCrc);
 private static void ValidateDescription(IProgramDescription expectedDescription, IProgramRomInformation actualInformation)
     Assert.Equal(expectedDescription.Name, actualInformation.Title);
     Assert.Equal(expectedDescription.ShortName, actualInformation.ShortName);
     Assert.Equal(expectedDescription.Vendor, actualInformation.Vendor);
     Assert.Equal(expectedDescription.Year, actualInformation.Year);
Exemple #3
 private static void BrowseAndDownload(object parameter)
     if (CanBrowseAndDownload(parameter))
         var selectedFile = INTV.Shared.Model.IRomHelpers.BrowseForRoms(false, Resources.Strings.BrowseAndLaunchInJzIntvCommand_BrowseDialogPrompt).FirstOrDefault();
         if (selectedFile != null)
             var rom = selectedFile.GetRomFromPath();
             IProgramDescription programDescription = null;
             if (rom != null)
                 var programInfo = rom.GetProgramInformation();
                 programDescription = new ProgramDescription(rom.Crc, rom, programInfo);
             if (programDescription != null)
                 var message = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Strings.BrowseAndLaunchInJzIntvCommand_Failed_MessageFormat, selectedFile);
                 OSMessageBox.Show(message, string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Strings.BrowseAndLaunchInJzIntvCommand_Failed_Title));
        private bool AddFromIProgramDescription(IProgramDescription programDescription, IProgramRomInformationBuilder programInformationBuilder)
            var built = programDescription != null;

            if (built)
                AddBasicData(programInformationBuilder, programDescription.Name, programDescription.Vendor, programDescription.Year, programDescription.ShortName);
        private IProgramInformation GetProgramInformation(IProgramDescription programDescription, ProgramIdentifier programIdentifier)
            var programInformation = programDescription == null ? null : programDescription.ProgramInformation;

            if ((DefaultInformationSource != null) && (programInformation == null))
                programInformation = DefaultInformationSource.FindProgram(programIdentifier);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares the instance to another <see cref="IProgramDescription"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">The other <see cref="IProgramDescription"/> to compare against.</param>
        /// <returns>If this instance and <paramref name="other"/> are considered equivalent, returns zero. A non-zero value indicates inequality.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Consider implementing the IComparable / IComparer / IEquatable / IEqualityComparer interfaces on ProgramDescription instead?
        /// Deficiency noted here: </remarks>
        private int CompareToIProgramDescription(IProgramDescription other)
            var result = 1;

            if (other != null)
                // Always use strict comparer.
                result = RomComparer.GetDefaultComparerForMode(RomComparison.Strict).Compare(Rom, ProgramInformation, other.Rom, other.ProgramInformation);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override bool IsRomCompatible(IProgramDescription programDescription)
            var isCompatible = programDescription.Features.Intellicart != IntellicartCC3Features.Incompatible;

            if (isCompatible)
                // Some LUIGI ROMs cannot run on Intellicart! - specifically, LUIGI ROMs that are LTO Flash!-only. Check for that.
                isCompatible = !programDescription.Rom.IsLtoFlashOnlyRom();
Exemple #8
        public void ProgramDescription_OperatorNullEquals_ReturnsFalse()
            var information = new TestProgramInformation();
            var crc         = 1u;
            var name        = "AgletMaster 5900";

            information.AddCrc(crc, name);

            var description           = new ProgramDescription(crc, null, information);
            IProgramDescription other = null;

            Assert.False(other == description);
        private IProgramFeatures GetInitialProgramFeatures(IProgramDescription programDescription, IProgramInformation programInformation)
            IProgramFeatures initialProgramFeatures = null;

            if (programDescription != null)
                initialProgramFeatures = programDescription.Features;
            if ((initialProgramFeatures == null) && (programInformation != null))
                initialProgramFeatures = programInformation.Features;
Exemple #10
 private void RefreshProgramAvailabilityState(IProgramDescription description, IEnumerable <IPeripheral> peripherals, ProgramSupportFileState newState)
     using (var comparer = RomComparer.GetComparer(RomComparer.DefaultCompareMode))
         // Should we be using the comparer here?
         foreach (var program in Items.OfType <ProgramViewModel>().Where(p => (p.ProgramDescription.Crc == description.Crc) && (p.ProgramDescription.Rom.RomPath == description.Rom.RomPath)))
     foreach (var directory in Items.OfType <FolderViewModel>())
         directory.RefreshProgramAvailabilityState(description, peripherals, newState);
        private IProgramMetadata GetInitialProgramMetadatda(IProgramDescription programDescription, IProgramInformation programInformation)
            IProgramMetadata initialProgramMetadata = null;

            if ((programDescription != null) && (programDescription.Rom != null))
                initialProgramMetadata = programDescription.Rom.GetProgramMetadata();
            if ((initialProgramMetadata == null) && (programInformation != null))
                // Several implementations of IProgramInformation also implement IProgramMetadata.
                initialProgramMetadata = programInformation as IProgramMetadata;
Exemple #12
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public bool IsRomCompatible(IProgramDescription programDescription)
            var isCompatible = true;

            if (isCompatible)
                var isLtoOnly = programDescription.Rom.IsLtoFlashOnlyRom();
                if (IsValid)
                    isCompatible = programDescription.Rom.CanExecuteOnDevice(UniqueId);
                    isCompatible = !isLtoOnly;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if a given <see cref="IProgramDescription"/> is considered a match based on given criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="programDescription">An instance</param>
        /// <param name="programIdentifier">Provides the unique identifier that must match the value that can be determined from <paramref name="programDescription"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="romFormat">If this value is not <see cref="RomFormat.None"/>, then <paramref name="programDescription"/> must have the same ROM format to be a match.</param>
        /// <param name="cfgCrcMustMatch">If <paramref name="romFormat"/> matches and is <see cref="RomFormat.Bin"/>, and this value is <c>true</c>, the CRC of the CFG file must also match.</param>
        /// <param name="code">If specified (not <c>null</c> or empty), and it can be determined that <paramref name="programDescription"/> has a value, value is used in determining match.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if all of the specified criteria match the corresponding data in <paramref name="programDescription"/>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="programDescription"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown if <paramref name="programIdentifier"/> is invalid.</exception>
        public static bool IsMatchingProgramDescription(this IProgramDescription programDescription, ProgramIdentifier programIdentifier, RomFormat romFormat, bool cfgCrcMustMatch, string code)
            if (programDescription == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("programDescription");
            if (programIdentifier == ProgramIdentifier.Invalid)
                throw new ArgumentException("programIdentifier");

            var crcMatch        = programDescription.Crc == programIdentifier.DataCrc;
            var cfgCrcsMatch    = !cfgCrcMustMatch;
            var romFormatsMatch = romFormat == RomFormat.None; // don't care
            var codesMatch      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(code);

            if (programDescription.Rom != null)
                if (!romFormatsMatch)
                    romFormatsMatch = programDescription.Rom.MatchingRomFormat(romFormat, considerOriginalFormat: true);
                crcMatch = programDescription.Rom.MatchesProgramIdentifier(programIdentifier, cfgCrcMustMatch);
                if (cfgCrcMustMatch)
                    cfgCrcsMatch = crcMatch;

            // This may be nearly worthless -- how many XML ProgramInformation implementations are hooked to ProgramDescriptions -- don't they all end up being UserSpecifiedProgramInformation?
            if (!codesMatch && programDescription.ProgramInformation is IntvFunhouseXmlProgramInformation)
                codesMatch = ((IntvFunhouseXmlProgramInformation)programDescription.ProgramInformation).Code == code;
            var match = crcMatch && cfgCrcsMatch && romFormatsMatch && codesMatch;

 private static void DownloadRom(IntellicartViewModel intellicart, IProgramDescription program)
     if (program != null)
         var isCompatible = intellicart.Model.IsRomCompatible(program);
         if (!isCompatible)
             var message = string.Format(Resources.Strings.DownloadCommand_IncompatibleRom_Message_Format, program.Name);
             isCompatible = OSMessageBox.Show(message, Resources.Strings.DownloadCommand_IncompatibleRom_Title, OSMessageBoxButton.YesNo) == OSMessageBoxResult.Yes;
         if (isCompatible)
             if ((program != null) && (program.Rom != null) && !program.Rom.Validate())
                 OSMessageBox.Show(string.Format(Resources.Strings.DownloadCommand_Missing_Message_Format, program.Name, program.Rom.RomPath), string.Format(Resources.Strings.DownloadCommand_Failed_Title_Format, program.Name));
                 intellicart.Model.DownloadRom(program.Name, program.Rom, OnDownloadError);
Exemple #15
 public ProgramRunner(IResumeMediator resumeMediator, IProgramDescription programDescription, ILogger <ProgramRunner> logger)
     _resumeMediator     = resumeMediator;
     _programDescription = programDescription;
     _logger             = logger;
Exemple #16
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public abstract bool IsRomCompatible(IProgramDescription programDescription);
Exemple #17
 public override bool IsRomCompatible(IProgramDescription programDescription)
Exemple #18
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override bool IsRomCompatible(IProgramDescription programDescription)
     return(programDescription.Features.Ecs != EcsFeatures.Incompatible);
Exemple #19
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public bool IsRomCompatible(IProgramDescription programDescription)
     // TODO: Perhaps this is not actually always the case. E.g. the standard GROM may not work for Tutorvision games?
Exemple #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Marks all items that refer to the given description as available.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="description">The program description to mark as available.</param>
 /// <param name="peripherals">The peripherals attached to the system, used for compatibility checks.</param>
 public void MarkProgramAvailable(IProgramDescription description, IEnumerable <IPeripheral> peripherals)
     RefreshProgramAvailabilityState(description, peripherals, ProgramSupportFileState.None);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if a given <see cref="IProgramDescription"/> is considered a match based on given criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="programDescription">An instance</param>
        /// <param name="programIdentifier">Provides the unique identifier that must match the value that can be determined from <paramref name="programDescription"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="romFormat">If this value is not <see cref="RomFormat.None"/>, then <paramref name="programDescription"/> must have the same ROM format to be a match.</param>
        /// <param name="cfgCrcMustMatch">If <paramref name="romFormat"/> matches and is <see cref="RomFormat.Bin"/>, and this value is <c>true</c>, the CRC of the CFG file must also match.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if all of the specified criteria match the corresponding data in <paramref name="programDescription"/>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="programDescription"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown if <paramref name="programIdentifier"/> is invalid.</exception>
        public static bool IsMatchingProgramDescription(this IProgramDescription programDescription, ProgramIdentifier programIdentifier, RomFormat romFormat, bool cfgCrcMustMatch)
            var match = IsMatchingProgramDescription(programDescription, programIdentifier, romFormat, cfgCrcMustMatch, null);

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the validation state of the given support file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="whichFile">Which file to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="crc">If non-zero, the CRC of the program ROM to compare against if validating the ROM file.</param>
        /// <param name="programDescription">The program description being validated (if applicable).</param>
        /// <param name="peripherals">The peripherals attached to the system, used for compatibility checks.</param>
        /// <param name="connectedPeripheralsHistory">The peripherals that have been attached to the system over time.</param>
        /// <param name="reportIfModified">If <c>true</c>, check if the file has been modified, not just whether it exists.</param>
        /// <returns>The updated state of the file.</returns>
        public ProgramSupportFileState ValidateSupportFile(ProgramFileKind whichFile, uint crc, IProgramDescription programDescription, IEnumerable <IPeripheral> peripherals, IEnumerable <IPeripheral> connectedPeripheralsHistory, bool reportIfModified)
            var validationState = ProgramSupportFileState.None;

            switch (whichFile)
            case ProgramFileKind.Rom:
                var isValid = Rom.Validate();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RomImagePath))
                    var previousValidationState = ProgramSupportFileState.None;
                    _supportFileStates.TryGetValue(whichFile, out previousValidationState);
                    if (!StreamUtilities.FileExists(RomImagePath))
                        validationState = ProgramSupportFileState.Missing;
                        if (AlternateRomImagePaths.Any(p => StreamUtilities.FileExists(p)))
                            validationState = ProgramSupportFileState.MissingWithAlternateFound;
                    else if (reportIfModified)
                        isValid = _programRom.IsValid;
                        if (crc != 0)
                            // In some cases, the CRC provided is actually Rom.Crc, so if they match, recompute the CRC.
                            var cfgCrc = 0u;
                            isValid = (Rom.Crc == crc) && (crc == GetRefreshedCrcForRom(RomImagePath, RomConfigurationFilePath, out cfgCrc) && (Rom.CfgCrc == cfgCrc));
                        validationState = isValid ? ProgramSupportFileState.PresentAndUnchanged : ProgramSupportFileState.PresentButModified;
                    switch (validationState)
                    case ProgramSupportFileState.PresentAndUnchanged:
                    case ProgramSupportFileState.None:
                        // Treat a ROM file's missing or modified state as higher priority to report than peripheral-related information.
                        // This bit of code is entirely LTO Flash!-specific in its assumptions. If there should ever be other
                        // peripheral-specific needs to address here, a larger architectural change may be necessary. While the
                        // language of the states here is neutral, the basis of this check is not.
                        var rom = programDescription == null ? Rom : programDescription.Rom;
                        var requiresPeripheral = rom.IsLtoFlashOnlyRom();
                        if (requiresPeripheral)
                            var isUniversallyCompatible          = rom.GetTargetDeviceUniqueId() == LuigiScrambleKeyBlock.AnyLTOFlashId;
                            var matchesPeripheralInDeviceHistory = isUniversallyCompatible || ((connectedPeripheralsHistory != null) && (connectedPeripheralsHistory.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsRomCompatible(programDescription)) != null));
                            var canRunOnConnected = isUniversallyCompatible || ((peripherals != null) && (peripherals.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsRomCompatible(programDescription)) != null));

                            if (peripherals == null)
                                // If previous validation state was due to peripheral, retain it, since we don't
                                // have any peripherals to check against.
                                if (validationState != previousValidationState)
                                    switch (previousValidationState)
                                    case ProgramSupportFileState.RequiredPeripheralAvailable:
                                    case ProgramSupportFileState.RequiredPeripheralIncompatible:
                                    case ProgramSupportFileState.RequiredPeripheralNotAttached:
                                    case ProgramSupportFileState.RequiredPeripheralUnknown:
                                        validationState = previousValidationState;

                                    case ProgramSupportFileState.None:
                                        validationState = matchesPeripheralInDeviceHistory ? ProgramSupportFileState.RequiredPeripheralNotAttached : ProgramSupportFileState.RequiredPeripheralUnknown;

                                        // TODO: Decide if the following is a bug:
                                        // 0: Presume a scrambled (unique) LUIGI, no device or device history provided (null)
                                        // 1. Initially ROM's file is missing, but its alternate is found - this caches the 'MissingButAlternateFound' state
                                        // 2. Update ROM to use alternate path as primary path
                                        // 3. Re-validate
                                        // At this point, the "Present and unmodified" state is used -- despite the ROM requiring
                                        // a specific device.
                                        // Why is this considered correct at this time?
                                        // a) When no devices or device history are give (nulls), it's impossible to know. So just use the simple state of he file.
                                        // b) It MAY be a bug that, if we pass in EMPTY peripheral / history lists that we should consider something different... but
                                        //    then again, should we report 'unknown peripheral' at that time? Or would reporting 'not attached' be better?
                                        //    What about 'universally' scrambled ROMs? Using 'not attached' may be more accurate then as well...
                                        // The case of scrambled ROMs likely needs more careful consideration generally...
                                if (peripherals.Any())
                                    if (canRunOnConnected)
                                        validationState = ProgramSupportFileState.RequiredPeripheralAvailable;
                                        validationState = ProgramSupportFileState.RequiredPeripheralIncompatible;
                                    validationState = matchesPeripheralInDeviceHistory ? ProgramSupportFileState.RequiredPeripheralNotAttached : ProgramSupportFileState.RequiredPeripheralUnknown;


                // TODO: Implement remaining validation code.
            _supportFileStates[whichFile] = validationState;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if a given <see cref="IProgramDescription"/> is considered a match based on given criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="programDescription">An instance</param>
        /// <param name="programIdentifier">Provides the unique identifier that must match the value that can be determined from <paramref name="programDescription"/>.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if all of the specified criteria match the corresponding data in <paramref name="programDescription"/>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="programDescription"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown if <paramref name="programIdentifier"/> is invalid.</exception>
        public static bool IsMatchingProgramDescription(this IProgramDescription programDescription, ProgramIdentifier programIdentifier)
            var match = IsMatchingProgramDescription(programDescription, programIdentifier, RomFormat.None, false, null);
