Exemple #1
        public string Binding()
            GridRequestParameters param = GridRequestParameters.Current;

            List <Context.MasterProduct> items = RepoProduct.FindAll(param.Skip, param.Take, (param.Sortings != null ? param.Sortings.ToList() : null), param.Filters);

            List <Product> ListModel = new List <Product>();

            foreach (Context.MasterProduct item in items)
                ListModel.Add(new Product(item));

            int total = RepoProduct.Count(param.Filters);

            return(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new { total = total, data = ListModel }));
        public IEnumerable <Product> GetFilteredProduct(Filter filter)
            if (filter.CurrentPage < 0 || filter.ItemsPrPage < 0)
                throw new InvalidDataException("CurrentPage and ItemsPage must be zero or above");
            if ((filter.CurrentPage - 1 * filter.ItemsPrPage) >= _productRepo.Count())
                throw new InvalidDataException("Index is out of bounds");
