  *  Instantiate a new ProbeOutputImageDecoder
  *  @param output The source of probedata from which to generate image data.
 public BModeOutputImageDecoder(IProbeOutput output)
     UltrasoundDebug.Assert(null != output, "Null probe output used in constructor", this);
     drawColor    = Color.white;
     probeOutput  = output;
     imageEffects = new List <IImagePostProcessor>();
Exemple #2
    /// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Some input validation
        UltrasoundDebug.Assert(NumberOfScanlines > 0,
                               "Number of scanlines should be a positive integer",
                               this, true);
        UltrasoundDebug.Assert(PointsPerScanline > 0,
                               "Points per scanline should be a positive integer",
                               this, true);
        UltrasoundDebug.Assert(ArcSizeInDegrees >= 0 && ArcSizeInDegrees <= 180f,
                               "Arc size should be between 0 and 180 degrees.",
                               this, true);
        UltrasoundDebug.Assert(MinDistance > 0,
                               "Min distance should be greater than 0",
                               this, true);
        UltrasoundDebug.Assert(MaxDistance > 0,
                               "Max distance should be greater than 0",
                               this, true);
        UltrasoundDebug.Assert(MinDistance < MaxDistance,
                               "Min distance should be smaller than max distance",
                               this, true);

        output     = new HorayProbeOutput(this.gameObject);
        dataSource = new HorayProbe(this.gameObject, output);
Exemple #3
     *	Instantiate a new HorayProbe.
     *	@param probe The GameObject that represents the scanning array.
     *	@param output An IProbeOutput to pass information to.
    public HorayProbe(GameObject probe, IProbeOutput output)
        UltrasoundDebug.Assert(null != probe,
                               "Null probe GameObject passed to HorayProbe constructor.",
        UltrasoundDebug.Assert(null != output,
                               "Null IProbeOutput passed to HorayProbe constructor.",
        if (null == probe.GetComponent <HorayBehavior>())
            string str =
                "The probe object used to instantiate this class " +
                "does not have the required HorayBehavior script.";
        this.probeGameObject = probe;
        this.output          = output;
        this.culler          = new HorayOrganCuller();