Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to get cash draw buttons
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Cash draw buttons</returns>
        public CashDrawButton GetCashDrawButtons(string userCode, out ErrorMessage error)
            var dateStart = DateTime.Now;

            var offSet = _policyManager.LoadStoreInfo().OffSet;

            error = new ErrorMessage();
            var user = _loginManager.GetExistingUser(userCode);

            if (!Convert.ToBoolean(_policyManager.GetPol("U_TILLDRAW", user)))
                MessageType temp_VbStyle3 = (int)MessageType.Exclamation + MessageType.OkOnly;
                error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 38, 56, null, temp_VbStyle3);
                error.StatusCode   = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;

            var cashDrawButton = new CashDrawButton
                Coins = _cashService.GetCoins(),
                Bills = _cashService.GetBills()


Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks Whether User can Suspend or Unsuspend Transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userCode"></param>
        /// <param name="errorMessage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool CanUserSuspendSale(string userCode, out ErrorMessage errorMessage)
            errorMessage = new ErrorMessage();
            var user = _loginManager.GetUser(userCode);

            if (!Convert.ToBoolean(_policyManager.GetPol("U_SUSP", user)))
                errorMessage = new ErrorMessage
                    MessageStyle = new MessageStyle
                        Message     = "You are not authorised to Suspend or Unsuspend the Sale",
                        MessageType = (int)MessageType.Information + MessageType.OkOnly
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to add a stock Item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">UserCode</param>
        /// <param name="stockItem">Stock Item</param>
        /// <param name="taxCodes">List of tax codes</param>
        /// <param name="error">Error message</param>
        public void AddStockItem(string userName, StockItem stockItem, List <string> taxCodes, out ErrorMessage error)
            var dateStart = DateTime.Now;

            var offSet = _policyManager.LoadStoreInfo().OffSet;

            error = new ErrorMessage();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && _loginManager.GetUser(userName) != null)
                //var user = _userService.GetUser(userName);
                var user = _loginManager.GetUser(userName);

                var stockCode   = stockItem.StockCode;
                var canAddStock = _policyManager.GetPol("U_AddStock", user);
                if (!Convert.ToBoolean(canAddStock))
                    error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 39, 91, stockCode, (MessageType)((int)MessageType.Critical + (int)MessageType.OkOnly));
                    error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stockCode))
                    error.MessageStyle = new MessageStyle
                        Message     = "Stock code is required",
                        MessageType = MessageType.OkOnly
                    error.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stockItem.Description))
                    error.MessageStyle = new MessageStyle
                        Message     = "Description is required",
                        MessageType = MessageType.OkOnly
                    error.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable;
                if (Conversion.Val(stockItem.Price) <= 0)
                    error.MessageStyle = new MessageStyle
                        Message     = "Price should be more than 0",
                        MessageType = MessageType.OkOnly
                    error.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable;
                if (SetupTaxes(taxCodes, stockCode) == false)
                    error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 39, 96, stockCode, (MessageType)((int)MessageType.Critical + (int)MessageType.OkOnly));
                    error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Conflict;
                if (_stockService.GetStockItemByCode(stockCode, true) != null)
                    error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 39, 95, stockCode, (MessageType)((int)MessageType.Critical + (int)MessageType.OkOnly));
                    error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Conflict;
                if (_stockService.GetPluMast(stockCode) != null)
                    error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 39, 95, stockCode, (MessageType)((int)MessageType.Critical + (int)MessageType.OkOnly));
                    error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Conflict;
                _stockService.AddStockItem(stockItem, _policyManager.ELG_LOY);
                _stockService.AddStockPrice(stockCode, stockItem.Price);
                error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 10, 95, userName, (MessageType)((int)MessageType.Critical + (int)MessageType.OkOnly));
                error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Save Bottle return
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="brPayment">Br payment</param>
        /// <param name="userCode">User code</param>
        /// <param name="error">Error message</param>
        /// <param name="bottleReport">Report</param>
        /// <param name="openDrawer">Open drawer or not</param>
        public Sale SaveBottleReturn(BR_Payment brPayment,
                                     out ErrorMessage error, out Report bottleReport, out bool openDrawer)
            bottleReport = null;
            openDrawer   = false;
            var dateStart = DateTime.Now;

            error = new ErrorMessage();
            var offSet       = _policyManager.LoadStoreInfo().OffSet;
            var userCode     = UserCode;
            var user         = _loginManager.GetExistingUser(userCode);
            var existingSale = _saleService.GetSaleByTillNumber(brPayment.TillNumber);

            if (existingSale != null && existingSale.Sale_Lines.Count > 0)
                error.MessageStyle = new MessageStyle
                    Message     = "Please finish current sale before bottle return.~Bottle Return",
                    MessageType = ExclamationOkMessageType
                error.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict;
            if (!_policyManager.GetPol("U_BOTTLERTN", user))
                error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 38, 57, null, ExclamationOkMessageType);
                error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;

            if (brPayment.Amount != 0)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(_policyManager.GetPol("BASECURR", null))))
                    error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 18, 61, null, CriticalOkMessageType);
                    error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

                if (brPayment.Amount > (decimal)Math.Abs(_policyManager.GetPol("U_BR_LIMIT", user)))
                    // Exceed the bottle return limit, Please get an authorized user!
                    error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 18, 62, null, CriticalOkMessageType);
                    error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;

                if (_policyManager.OPEN_DRAWER == "Every Sale")
                    openDrawer = true;
                var sale = new Sale
                    Sale_Totals = { Net = Convert.ToDecimal(brPayment.Amount) }
                var saleTotals = sale.Sale_Totals;
                _saleManager.SetGross(ref saleTotals, sale.Sale_Totals.Net);
                sale.Sale_Totals.Gross        = saleTotals.Gross;
                sale.Sale_Totals.TotalLabel   = saleTotals.TotalLabel;
                sale.Sale_Totals.SummaryLabel = saleTotals.SummaryLabel;
                sale.Register    = brPayment.RegisterNumber;
                sale.Sale_Change = 0;

                sale.TillNumber  = Convert.ToByte(brPayment.TillNumber);
                sale.Sale_Date   = DateTime.Now;
                sale.Sale_Tender = 0;
                sale.Sale_Change = 0;
                sale.Sale_Amount = 0;
                if (_policyManager.GetPol("Penny_Adj", null) && brPayment.Amount != 0)
                    sale.Sale_Totals.Penny_Adj = Helper.Calculate_Penny_Adj(Convert.ToDecimal(brPayment.Amount));
                    sale.Sale_Totals.Penny_Adj = 0;

                brPayment.Penny_Adj = sale.Sale_Totals.Penny_Adj;
                if (existingSale == null)
                    brPayment.Sale_Num = _saleManager.GetCurrentSaleNo(brPayment.TillNumber, userCode, out error);
                var tendBr = new Tenders();
                var tender = tendBr.Add(Convert.ToString(_policyManager.GetPol("BASECURR", null)),
                                        "Cash", 1, true, true, false, (short)1,
                                        Convert.ToString(_policyManager.GetPol("BASECURR", null)),
                                        false, 0, 0, 0.01, true, Convert.ToDouble(-brPayment.Amount),
                                        (short)1, true, false, "", "");
                _tenderManager.Set_Amount_Entered(ref tendBr, ref sale, tender, -brPayment.Amount);

                sale.Sale_Num  = Convert.ToInt32(brPayment.Sale_Num);
                sale.Sale_Type = "BTL RTN";
                var shiftNumber = _tillService.GetTill(brPayment.TillNumber).Shift;
                bottleReport = _receiptManager.Print_BottleReturn(brPayment, user.Name, DateTime.Today,
                                                                  DateTime.Now, sale.Register, (short)brPayment.TillNumber, shiftNumber);
                bottleReport.Copies = _policyManager.BottleReturnReceiptCopies;
                _saleManager.SaveSale(sale, userCode, ref tendBr, null);
                CacheManager.DeleteCurrentSaleForTill(sale.TillNumber, sale.Sale_Num);
                //_saleManager.Clear_Sale(sale.Sale_Num,sale.TillNumber, userCode, "", null, true, false, false, out msg);
                sale = _saleManager.InitializeSale(brPayment.TillNumber, brPayment.RegisterNumber, userCode, out error);
                //Update Sale object in Cache
                CacheManager.AddCurrentSaleForTill(sale.TillNumber, sale.Sale_Num, sale);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to update post pay
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newStatus">New status</param>
        /// <param name="error">Error message</param>
        public void UpdatePostPay(bool newStatus, out ErrorMessage error)
            var user = _loginManager.GetExistingUser(UserCode);

            error = new ErrorMessage();
            var  blEnabled = !newStatus;
            var  offSet    = _policyManager.LoadStoreInfo().OffSet;
            bool stateOn;

                stateOn = TCPAgent.Instance.IsConnected;
                stateOn = false;
            if (!stateOn)
                if (blEnabled)
                    //        MsgBox ("Communication problem, Cannot turn off PostPay!~Turn Off PostPay Error!")
                    error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 12, 60, null, MessageType.OkOnly);
                    error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
                    error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 12, 61, null, MessageType.OkOnly);
                    error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
            if (!_policyManager.GetPol("U_AD_PI", user))
                error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 12, 92, null, MessageType.OkOnly);
                error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;
                // Get a user who is authorized to turn on/off post pay

            //cmdPostPay.Enabled = false;
            var strSend = blEnabled ? "Isd0" : "Isd1";

            var response = "";

            var timeIn = (float)DateAndTime.Timer;

            TCPAgent.Instance.Send_TCP(ref strSend, true);

            while (!(DateAndTime.Timer - timeIn > Variables.gPumps.CommunicationTimeOut))
                var strBuffer = Convert.ToString(TCPAgent.Instance.NewPortReading);
                WriteToLogFile("TCPAgent.PortReading: " + strBuffer + " from waiting " + strSend);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strBuffer))
                    var strRemain = "";
                    modStringPad.SplitResponse(strBuffer, strSend, ref response, ref strRemain); //strBuffer<>""
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))                                         //got what we are waiting
                        TCPAgent.Instance.PortReading = strRemain;                               //& ";" & TCPAgent.PortReading
                        WriteToLogFile("modify PortReading from PostPay On/Off: " + strRemain);
                if (DateAndTime.Timer < timeIn)
                    timeIn = (float)DateAndTime.Timer;

            if (Strings.Left(response, 6) != strSend + "OK") //response is not Isd0OK / Isd1OK
                if (blEnabled)
                    error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 12, 60, null, MessageType.OkOnly);
                    error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
                    error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 12, 61, null, MessageType.OkOnly);
                    error.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
                // Return to current user

            // cmdPostPay.Enabled = true;
            WriteToLogFile("PostPay was set to " + newStatus + " by the user " + user.Code + " " + user.Name + ". Return to current user " + user.Code + " " + user.Name);
            // Return to current user
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to get request string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cc">Credit card</param>
        /// <param name="sale">Sale</param>
        /// <param name="trnType">Transaction type</param>
        /// <param name="cardType">Card type</param>
        /// <param name="amount">Amount</param>
        /// <param name="authCode">Auth code</param>
        /// <returns>Request string</returns>
        public string GetRequestString(ref Credit_Card cc, Sale sale, string trnType, string cardType, float amount,
                                       string authCode)
            string str = "";
            short  pos = 0;

            //string strOptionalData;

            switch (trnType.Trim())
            case "SwipeInside":
                str = str + trnType.Trim() + "," + cardType.Trim() + ",";
                str = str + amount.ToString().Trim() + ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";

            case "EODTerminal":     //authcode as terminal ID - changed on 06/19/02 'Sajan
                str = str + trnType.Trim() + "," + cardType.Trim() + ",1,,,,," + authCode.Trim() + ",,,,,,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";

            case "CloseBatchInside":
                if (Strings.UCase(Convert.ToString(_policyManager.BankSystem)) == "GLOBAL")
                    if (cardType == "NoDebit")     //Added by Mina - For no trans debit
                        str = str + trnType.Trim() + "," + cardType.Trim() + ",1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";
                        str = str + trnType.Trim() + ",,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";
                    str = str + trnType.Trim() + ",,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";

            case "InitDebitInside":
                str = str + trnType.Trim() + "," + cardType.Trim() + ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";

                if (trnType == "VoidInside")
                    str = trnType.Trim() + "," + cardType.Trim() + ",1,";
                    str = trnType.Trim() + "," + cardType.Trim() + ",1,";
                str = str + Convert.ToString(sale.Sale_Num) + ",,,";
                if (Strings.UCase(Convert.ToString(_policyManager.BankSystem)) == "GLOBAL")
                    if (trnType == "VoidInside" || trnType.ToUpper() == "SAFVOIDINSIDE") //Added by Mina : UCase(TrnType) = "SAFVOIDINSIDE"
                        str = str + Convert.ToString(sale.Void_Num) + ",,";              //void refnum
                        str = str + ",,";     //void refnum
                    if (trnType == "VoidInside")
                        str = str + Convert.ToString(sale.Void_Num) + ",,";     //void refnum
                        str = str + ",,";     //void refnum
                if (_policyManager.Version == "US")                   //Behriooz Oct25-05
                    str = str + amount.ToString("0.00").Trim() + ","; //    CStr(Int(Abs(Amount * 100)))) & ","
                    str = str + (double.Parse(amount.ToString("0.00")) * 100).ToString().Trim() + ",";     //    CStr(Int(Abs(Amount * 100)))) & ","
                str = str + _creditCardManager.Language(ref cc).Substring(0, 1) + ",,";
                //the following lines were added by Sajan
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc.Track2))
                    pos = (short)(cc.Track2.IndexOf("?") + 1);
                var track2 = "";
                if (pos != 0)
                    track2 = cc.Track2.Substring(0, pos - 1);
                    track2 = cc.Track2 ?? "";
                pos = (short)(track2.IndexOf(";") + 1);
                if (pos != 0)
                    track2 = track2.Substring(pos + 1 - 1);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc.Track2))
                    track2 = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc.Cardnumber) ? string.Empty : cc.Cardnumber.Trim()) + "=" +
                             (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc.Expiry_Date) ? string.Empty : cc.Expiry_Date.Trim());
                str = str + track2 + ",,,";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authCode))
                    if (_policyManager.EMVVersion)
                        str = str + authCode + ",,,,,";
                        //shiny end - EMVVERSION
                        str = str + authCode + ",,,,";
                    str = str + ",,,,,Y";

                if (cc.Crd_Type == "F")
                    str = str + ",";
                    str = str + _creditCardManager.ProductCodes(sale.TillNumber) + ",,";
                    str = str + cc.Vechicle_Number + ",";
                    str = Convert.ToString((string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc.ID_Number) ? str + cc.Driver_Number : str + cc.ID_Number) + ",");
                    str = str + cc.Odometer_Number + ",,,";
                    str = str + cc.TerminalType + ",,";     // Terminal Type

                    string temp_Policy_Name = "USE_PINPAD";
                    str = str + Convert.ToString(_policyManager.GetPol(temp_Policy_Name, null)) + ",";

                    if (_policyManager.USE_PINPAD)
                        str = str + Convert.ToString(cc.AskDriverNo) + ",";
                        str = str + Convert.ToString(cc.AskIdentificationNo) + ",";
                        str = str + Convert.ToString(cc.AskOdometer) + ",";
                        str = str + Convert.ToString(cc.AskVechicle) + ",";
                        str = str + Convert.ToString(cc.AskProdRestrictCode) + ",";
                        str = str + "False,False,False,False,False,";
                    str = str + cc.UsageCode + ",";     // Nicolette, Jan 27 added a extra comma to match the number of commas send to STPS
                    str = str + new string(',', 16);
                // Nicolette end
                //Shiny Nov9, 2009'EMVVERSION
                if (_policyManager.EMVVersion)     //- only needed for credit
                    //                    str = str & IIf(cc.ManualCardProcess, "M", "") & ","
                    str = str + Convert.ToString(cc.ManualCardProcess ? "M85" : "") + ",";     //  - added the POs trans timeout 85  to passing to TPS with Farhad's instruction
                //shiny end
                //   to assign optional data profile for any debit or credit card selected
                // for EMV version, TPS will drop th unnecessary optional data string sent by POS
                // debit cards are included because the cashier might select debit but the customer inserts a credit card
                if (cc.Crd_Type == "F" || cc.Crd_Type == "C" || cc.Crd_Type == "D")     //   added Or cc.Crd_Type = "C" for Crevier Visa
                    TenderCard tenderCard = _cardService.LoadTenderCard(cc.CardCode);
                    Build_OptDataString(sale, ref cc, ref tenderCard);     //   optional data for fleet cards
                    str = str + "," + cc.OptDataString;
                    str = str + ",";
            var returnValue = str;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get all Sales
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <SaleHead> GetAllSales(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            var dateStart = DateTime.Now;


            DateTime saleDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-Convert.ToInt16(_policyManager.GetPol("RES_DAYS", null)));


            return(_returnSaleService.GetAllSales(saleDate, _policyManager.TIMEFORMAT, pageIndex, pageSize));
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks User ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">Username</param>
        /// <param name="password">Password</param>
        /// <param name="posId">POS Id</param>
        /// <param name="unauthorizedAccess">Unauthorized access</param>
        /// <param name="message">Error</param>
        /// <returns>True or false</returns>
        private bool CheckUserId(string userName, string password, int posId,
                                 bool unauthorizedAccess, out ErrorMessage message)
            var returnValue = true;

            message = new ErrorMessage();
            //var user = _userService.GetUser(userName);
            var user = CacheManager.GetUser(userName) ?? _userService.GetUser(userName);

            var encryptionManager = new EncryptionManager();

            if (user != null)
                //Add user in Cache
                CacheManager.AddUser(userName, user);
                var offSet = _policyManager.LoadStoreInfo().OffSet;
                if (_policyManager.LogUnlimit == false)
                    //User cannot log on to more than one register unless it is a Trainer
                    if (user.User_Group.Code != "Trainer" && !unauthorizedAccess)
                        var result = _loginService.CheckLoggedinUserPos(userName, posId);

                        if (result)
                            message = new ErrorMessage
                                MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 30, 95, null, CriticalOkMessageType)
                if (!Convert.ToBoolean(_policyManager.GetPol("U_SELL", user)))
                    //TIMsgbox "You are not authorized to sell products", _
                    //vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "No Authorization"
                    message = new ErrorMessage
                        MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 30, 92, null, CriticalOkMessageType)
                //End - SV

                if (!Convert.ToBoolean(_policyManager.GetPol("U_REQ_PW", user)))
                if (password != encryptionManager.DecryptText(user.epw) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                    message = new ErrorMessage
                        MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 30, 91, null, CriticalOkMessageType)
                    returnValue = false;
                //TIMsgbox "UserID " & txtUserid.Text & " does not exist.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "No Such User", Me
                var offSet = _policyManager.LoadStoreInfo().OffSet;
                message = new ErrorMessage
                    MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 30, 93, userName, CriticalOkMessageType)
                returnValue = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to adjust lines
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payPump">Pay at pump</param>
        /// <param name="thisLine">Sale line</param>
        /// <param name="newLine">New line</param>
        /// <param name="remove">Remove or not</param>
        /// <returns>True or false</returns>
        internal bool Adjust_Lines(ref PayAtPump payPump, ref Sale_Line thisLine, bool
                                   newLine, bool remove = false)
            bool returnValue = false;

            // Get the pricing for that many products
            float[,] spr = null;
            Sale_Line ss       = default(Sale_Line);
            float     saleQty  = 0;
            short     saleLin  = 0;
            Sale_Line New_Line = default(Sale_Line);
            short     n        = 0;
            short     m;
            short     nDel = 0;
            bool      Fd;
            bool      Can_Combine  = false;
            bool      Combined     = false;
            short     Lines_Needed = 0;
            short     ns;
            short     nL;
            bool      Combine_Policy = false;

            Combine_Policy = Convert.ToBoolean(_policyManager.COMBINE_LINE);

            returnValue = true;

            // If the incoming line is New then include it's quantity in the count. If it isn't
            // then the quantity will be included in the following loop.
            saleQty = Convert.ToSingle(newLine ? thisLine.Quantity : 0);
            if (remove)
                saleQty = Convert.ToSingle(-thisLine.Quantity);
            saleLin = Convert.ToInt16(newLine ? 1 : 0);

            // Compute the total quantity of the item in the sale and the number of lines
            // on which it appears.
            foreach (Sale_Line tempLoopVarSLine in payPump.Sale_Lines)
                var sLine = tempLoopVarSLine;
                if (thisLine.Stock_Code != sLine.Stock_Code)
                saleQty = saleQty + sLine.Quantity;
            ns = (short)(saleQty < 0 ? -1 : 1);

            // Call 'PQuantity' to build the array of prices and quantities to be used for this
            // item.

            spr     = PQuantity(thisLine, saleQty);
            saleQty = Math.Abs((short)saleQty);

            if (thisLine.Price_Number > 1)
                // If Price_Number > 1 then it is NOT regular price.
                if (newLine)
                    foreach (Sale_Line tempLoopVarSs in payPump.Sale_Lines)
                        ss = tempLoopVarSs;
                        if (ss.Stock_Code == thisLine.Stock_Code)
                            string temp_Policy_Name = "COMBINE_LINE";
                            Can_Combine = Combine_Policy && _policyManager.GetPol(temp_Policy_Name, thisLine) && (!thisLine.Gift_Certificate) && ss.price == thisLine.price & ss.Quantity > 0 & thisLine.Quantity > 0 & ss.Discount_Rate == thisLine.Discount_Rate && ss.Serial_No == "" && thisLine.Serial_No == "" && ss.Discount_Type == thisLine.Discount_Type;

                            if (!Can_Combine)
                            ss.Quantity = ss.Quantity + thisLine.Quantity;
                            ss.Amount   = (decimal)(ss.Quantity * ss.price);
                            returnValue = false;
                    thisLine.Amount = (decimal)(thisLine.Quantity * thisLine.price);
                // Price_Code = 1 means that this is based on regular price.
                if (thisLine.Price_Type == 'R')
                    if (newLine)
                        foreach (Sale_Line tempLoopVarSs in payPump.Sale_Lines)
                            ss = tempLoopVarSs;
                            if (ss.Stock_Code == thisLine.Stock_Code)
                                var temp_Policy_Name2 = "COMBINE_LINE";
                                Can_Combine = Combine_Policy && _policyManager.GetPol(temp_Policy_Name2, thisLine) && (!thisLine.Gift_Certificate) && ss.price == thisLine.price & ss.Quantity > 0 & thisLine.Quantity > 0 & ss.Discount_Rate == thisLine.Discount_Rate && ss.Serial_No == "" && thisLine.Serial_No == "" && ss.Discount_Type == thisLine.Discount_Type;

                                if (!Can_Combine)
                                ss.Quantity = ss.Quantity + thisLine.Quantity;
                                ss.Amount   = (decimal)(ss.Quantity * ss.price);
                                returnValue = false;
                        thisLine.Amount = (decimal)(thisLine.Quantity * thisLine.price);
                else if (thisLine.Price_Type == 'F')
                    // "F" - First Unit Pricing
                    if (newLine)
                        foreach (Sale_Line tempLoopVarSs in payPump.Sale_Lines)
                            ss = tempLoopVarSs;
                            // Assign the computed prices to each item in the sale.
                            if (ss.Stock_Code == thisLine.Stock_Code)
                                Line_Price(ref payPump, ref ss, (double)(Convert.ToDecimal(spr[1, 2])));
                                ss.Amount = (decimal)(ss.Quantity * ss.price);

                        foreach (Sale_Line tempLoopVarSs in payPump.Sale_Lines)
                            ss = tempLoopVarSs;

                            if (ss.Stock_Code == thisLine.Stock_Code)
                                var temp_Policy_Name3 = "COMBINE_LINE";
                                Can_Combine = Combine_Policy && _policyManager.GetPol(temp_Policy_Name3, thisLine) && (!thisLine.Gift_Certificate) && (decimal)ss.price == Convert.ToDecimal(spr[1, 2]) && ss.Quantity > 0 & thisLine.Quantity > 0 & ss.Discount_Rate == thisLine.Discount_Rate && ss.Serial_No == "" && thisLine.Serial_No == "" && ss.Discount_Type == thisLine.Discount_Type;

                                Line_Price(ref payPump, ref ss, (double)(Convert.ToDecimal(spr[1, 2])));
                                if (Can_Combine && !Combined)
                                    Line_Quantity(ref payPump, ref ss, ss.Quantity + thisLine.Quantity, false);
                                    Combined = true;
                                ss.Amount = (decimal)(ss.Quantity * ss.price);

                        if (Combined)
                            returnValue = false;
                            thisLine.price  = (double)(Convert.ToDecimal(spr[1, 2]));
                            thisLine.Amount = (decimal)(thisLine.Quantity * thisLine.price);
                        if (thisLine.Price_Number == 1)
                            thisLine.price = (double)(Convert.ToDecimal(spr[1, 2]));
                        thisLine.Amount = (decimal)(thisLine.Quantity * thisLine.price);
                else if (thisLine.Price_Type == 'S')
                    // "S" - Sale Pricing
                    if (newLine)
                        Combined = false;
                        foreach (Sale_Line tempLoopVarSs in payPump.Sale_Lines)
                            ss = tempLoopVarSs;

                            if (ss.Stock_Code == thisLine.Stock_Code)
                                var temp_Policy_Name4 = "COMBINE_LINE";
                                Can_Combine = Combine_Policy && _policyManager.GetPol(temp_Policy_Name4, thisLine) && (!thisLine.Gift_Certificate) && (decimal)ss.price == Convert.ToDecimal(spr[1, 2]) && ss.Quantity > 0 & thisLine.Quantity > 0 & ss.Discount_Rate == thisLine.Discount_Rate && ss.Serial_No == "" && thisLine.Serial_No == "" && ss.Discount_Type == thisLine.Discount_Type;

                                Line_Price(ref payPump, ref ss, (double)(Convert.ToDecimal(spr[1, 2])));
                                if (Can_Combine && !Combined)
                                    Line_Quantity(ref payPump, ref ss, ss.Quantity + thisLine.Quantity, false);
                                    Combined = true;
                                ss.Amount = (decimal)(ss.Quantity * ss.price);

                        if (Combined)
                            returnValue = false;
                            thisLine.price  = (double)(Convert.ToDecimal(spr[1, 2]));
                            thisLine.Amount = (decimal)(thisLine.Quantity * thisLine.price);
                        if (thisLine.Price_Number == 1)
                            thisLine.price = (double)(Convert.ToDecimal(spr[1, 2]));
                        thisLine.Amount = (decimal)(thisLine.Quantity * thisLine.price);
                else if (thisLine.Price_Type == 'X' || thisLine.Price_Type == 'I')
                    // "X" - X for Pricing;      "I" - Incremental Pricing

                    // Compute how many lines are needed by counting the number of prices
                    // that the 'PQuantity' routine set.
                    Lines_Needed = (short)0;
                    for (n = 1; n <= (spr.Length - 1); n++)
                        if (spr[n, 1] != 0)

                    nDel = (short)0;

                    // Remove Lines if there are more than we need ...
                    if (Lines_Needed < saleLin)
                        if (newLine)
                            // Don't add the incoming line. That reduces the number we need to
                            // delete by 1.
                            nDel = (short)1;
                        if (nDel < saleLin - Lines_Needed)
                            foreach (Sale_Line tempLoopVarSs in payPump.Sale_Lines)
                                ss = tempLoopVarSs;
                                if (ss.Stock_Code == thisLine.Stock_Code)
                                    //Me.Remove_a_Line SS.Line_Num, False
                                    if (nDel == saleLin - Lines_Needed)

                        // Add lines if there are not enough.
                    else if (Lines_Needed > saleLin)
                        for (n = saleLin; n <= Lines_Needed - 1; n++)
                            New_Line = new Sale_Line
                                PLU_Code      = thisLine.PLU_Code,
                                Discount_Type = thisLine.Discount_Type,
                                Discount_Rate = thisLine.Discount_Rate,
                                Line_Num      = (short)(payPump.Sale_Lines.Count + 1)
                            var user = _loginManager.GetExistingUser(payPump.UserCode);
                            Add_a_Line(ref payPump, user, New_Line, false);

                    // Set the pricing on each line
                    n = (short)0;
                    foreach (Sale_Line tempLoopVarSs in payPump.Sale_Lines)
                        ss = tempLoopVarSs;
                        if (ss.Stock_Code == thisLine.Stock_Code)

                            Line_Price(ref payPump, ref ss, (double)(Convert.ToDecimal(spr[n, 2])));
                            Line_Quantity(ref payPump, ref ss, Convert.ToInt16(spr[n, 1]), false);
                            ss.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(spr[n, 3]);
                            saleQty   = saleQty - System.Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt16(spr[n, 1]));

                    // Set the quantity on the new line
                    if (saleQty != 0)
                        thisLine.Quantity = saleQty;

                        thisLine.price = (double)(Convert.ToDecimal(spr[n, 2]));

                        thisLine.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(spr[n, 3]);
                        returnValue     = true;
                        returnValue = false;
