Exemple #1
#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
        public override async Task IndexFrame(IPmCaptureProcessorBlockBase captureProcessorBlockBase)
        /// <summary>
        ///     Fill L3, L4, L7 offsets and other useful information related to IP fragmentation or TCP reassembling
        ///     BEAWARE Runns in Parallel
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Everything went fine ? true : false</returns>
        public virtual async Task IndexFrame(IPmCaptureProcessorBlockBase captureProcessorBlockBase)
                this.PmCaptureRefId = this.PmCapture.Id;
                //TODO: After Packet.Extract refactor, what is current efficiency of this method?
                var packet = this.PmPacket;
                this.L3Offset = this.L2Offset + packet.PacketHeaderOffset;
                this.L4Offset = this.L2Offset + packet.SegmentHeaderOffset;
                //Verify that L4Payload has some data, if not then leave L7Offset uninitialized
                //TODO: Vesely - What about frames with L4Payload + padding? For them IncludedLength shoud be recounted!
                this.L7Offset = packet.SegmentPayloadLength != 0 ? this.L2Offset + packet.SegmentPayloadOffset : -1;

                this.IpProtocol = packet.ProtocolIdentifier;

                //Create virtual frame from tunel protocol payload
                switch (packet.ProtocolIdentifier)
                case IPProtocolType.IP:
                case IPProtocolType.TCP:
                case IPProtocolType.UDP:
                    this.SrcAddress = packet.SourceAddress;
                    this.DstAddress = packet.DestinationAddress;

                case IPProtocolType.GRE:
                    await captureProcessorBlockBase.CreateAndAddToMetaFramesVirtualFrame(this, packet);


                //Possible 6in4
                case IPProtocolType.IPV6:
                    this.SrcAddress = packet.SourceAddress;
                    this.DstAddress = packet.DestinationAddress;
                    if (packet.IpVersion == IpVersion.IPv4)
                        await captureProcessorBlockBase.CreateAndAddToMetaFramesVirtualFrame(this, packet);

                    //Possible Teredo
                    // TODO: Looooot of exceptions
                    //case IPProtocolType.UDP:
                    //	if(packet.IpVersion == IpVersion.IPv4) { this.CreateAndAddToMetaFramesVirtualFrame(this, packet); }

                    //	break;
                this.SrcPort = packet.SourceTransportPort;
                this.DstPort = packet.DestinationTransportPort;

                this.Ipv4FIdentification = packet.Ipv4Identification;
                this.Ipv4FMf             = packet.Ipv4MFbit;
                this.Ipv4FragmentOffset  = packet.Ipv4FragmentOffset;

                this.TcpFAck = packet.TcpFAck;
                this.TcpFCwr = packet.TcpFCwr;
                this.TcpFEce = packet.TcpFEce;
                this.TcpFFin = packet.TcpFFin;
                // TODO: PacketDotNet can't read NS
                this.TcpFNs                   = false; // packet.TcpFNs;
                this.TcpFPsh                  = packet.TcpFPsh;
                this.TcpFRst                  = packet.TcpFRst;
                this.TcpFSyn                  = packet.TcpFSyn;
                this.TcpFUrg                  = packet.TcpFUrg;
                this.TcpSequenceNumber        = packet.TcpSequenceNumber;
                this.TcpAcknowledgementNumber = packet.TcpAcknowledgmentNumber;

                this.L7PayloadLength = packet.SegmentPayloadLength;
            catch (Exception ex) //TODO To general, it would be better to catch more and specific exceptions
                this.IsMalformed = true;
                //todo fix
                //"PmCaptureProcessorBase Cannot parse frame: " + (this.FrameIndex) + " in file: " + this.GetFileName() +
                //    ". It is marked as malformed!", ex);
                PmConsolePrinter.PrintError("Cannot parse frame: " + (this.FrameIndex) + " in file: " + this.PmCapture.FileInfo.Name + ". It is marked as malformed!\n" + ex.Message);