Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the function that is called to get your moves for each turn.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="igrid">This contains the board information - note that this contains GridSquare information only for squares I can see</param>
        /// <returns>A Command for this turn - Up, Down, Left or Right for my tank.</returns>
        public override ICommand GetTurnCommands(IPlayerWorldState igrid)
            MyWorldState = (PlayerWorldState)igrid; // the board
            UpdateMyMap();                          // update my map with the new squares seen
            fsm.Initialize(MyWorldState, MyMap);





            if (fsm.GetCommand() != null)
                WriteTrace("null Command");

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the commands for this turn
        /// </summary>
        public override ICommand GetTurnCommands(IPlayerWorldState igrid)
            myWorldState = (PlayerWorldState)igrid;

            // initialise my own copy of Board
            TheBoard = new Board(myWorldState);

            // reset the counter of boards evaluated
            BoardsEvaluated = 0;

            // No BestMove known yet - BestMove == null corresponds to passing the turn
            BestMove = new Move();

            // Search for the best move
            double alpha = GetGameResultDepthLimitedAlphaBeta(this.ID, 0, -1000.0, 1000.0);

            // Display the best move so far for debugging purposes
            if (BestMove.TheCommand == null)
                WriteTrace("Best Move - PASS - after " + BoardsEvaluated + " boards");
                WriteTrace("Best Move - " + BestMove + " - after " + BoardsEvaluated + " boards");

            // return the move
Exemple #3
        public override ICommand GetTurnCommands(IPlayerWorldState igrid)
            myWorldState = (PlayerWorldState)igrid;

            return(null); // Return the command “Do nothing at all!”
        public override ICommand GetTurnCommands(IPlayerWorldState igrid)
            MyWorldState = (PlayerWorldState)igrid;

            UpdateMyMap(); // update my "map" of squares seen to date

            // Write all of the properties of this player which are inherited from BasePlayer to the Trace Window
            WriteTrace("this.AITimePerGame: " + this.AITimePerGame);
            WriteTrace("this.AITimePerTurn: " + this.AITimePerTurn);
            WriteTrace("this.CPUTimeUsedSeconds: " + this.CPUTimeUsedSeconds);
            WriteTrace("this.ID: " + this.ID);
            WriteTrace("this.MaxNumOverTimeAITurns: " + this.MaxNumOverTimeAITurns);
            WriteTrace("this.MaxNumTurns: " + this.MaxNumTurns);
            WriteTrace("this.Name: " + this.Name);
            WriteTrace("this: " + this);

            // Write all of the properties of this player's PlayerWorldState to the Trace Window
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.CanSee(PlayerWorldState.Facing.Up,5,0,7,4,mygrid): " + MyWorldState.CanSee(PlayerWorldState.Facing.Up, 5, 0, 7, 4, MyMap));
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.EmptySquaresSeen: " + MyWorldState.EmptySquaresSeen);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.GridHeightInSquares: " + MyWorldState.GridHeightInSquares);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.GridWidthInSquares: " + MyWorldState.GridWidthInSquares);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.ID: " + MyWorldState.ID);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.Kills: " + MyWorldState.Kills);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.MaximumVisionDistance: " + MyWorldState.MaximumVisionDistance);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.MyFacing: " + MyWorldState.MyFacing);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.MyGridSquare: " + MyWorldState.MyGridSquare);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.MyVisibleSquares: ");
            foreach (GridSquare gs in MyWorldState.MyVisibleSquares)
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.PlayerCount: " + MyWorldState.PlayerCount);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.RockSquaresSeen: " + MyWorldState.RockSquaresSeen);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.Score: " + MyWorldState.Score);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.ScorePerEmptySquareSeen: " + MyWorldState.ScorePerEmptySquareSeen);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.ScorePerOpposingTankDestroyed: " + MyWorldState.ScorePerOpposingTankDestroyed);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.ScorePerRockSquareSeen: " + MyWorldState.ScorePerRockSquareSeen);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.ShotsFired: " + MyWorldState.ShotsFired);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState: " + MyWorldState);
            WriteTrace("MyWorldState.TurnNumber: " + MyWorldState.TurnNumber);

            WriteTrace("My Map:");

            // the command
            Command c = new Command(Command.Move.Up, true); // move up and shoot

Exemple #5
        public override ICommand GetTurnCommands(IPlayerWorldState igrid)
            //the Board
            WorldState = (PlayerWorldState)igrid;

            // Search for the best move
            Negamax NM = new Negamax(-1000.0, 1000.0, MaxDepth);

            // Make a working copy of the board, with me about to move
            GameBoard = new GameBoard(WorldState);

            // No BestMove known yet - BestMove == null corresponds to passing the turn
            BestMove = null;

            double alpha = NM.NegaMaxSearchFunction(GameBoard, 0, -1000.0, 1000.0, WorldState);

            BestMove = NM.NegaBest;

        public override ICommand GetTurnCommands(IPlayerWorldState igrid)
            myWorldState = (PlayerWorldState)igrid;
            // bot can only move, but not shoot
            // 0 - Up, 1-Down, 2- Left, 3-Right, 4-RotateLeft, 5-RotateRight, 6-Stay
            Random rand      = new Random();
            int    direction = rand.Next(7);

            for (int i = 0; i < myWorldState.MyVisibleSquares.Count; i++)
                WriteTrace(myWorldState.MyVisibleSquares[i] + " ");

            //WriteTrace("ScoreEmptySquare " + myWorldState.ScorePerEmptySquareSeen);
            //WriteTrace("ScoreTankDestroyed " + myWorldState.ScorePerOpposingTankDestroyed);
            //WriteTrace("ScoreRockSquare " + myWorldState.ScorePerRockSquareSeen);

            switch (direction)
            case 0: return(new Command(Command.Move.Up, false));

            case 1: return(new Command(Command.Move.Down, false));

            case 2: return(new Command(Command.Move.Left, false));

            case 3: return(new Command(Command.Move.Right, false));

            case 4: return(new Command(Command.Move.RotateLeft, false));

            case 5: return(new Command(Command.Move.RotateRight, false));

            case 6: return(new Command(Command.Move.Stay, false));
