private void TestPitchDetection(float[] buffer, IPitchDetector pitchDetector)
     for (int midiNoteNumber = 45; midiNoteNumber < 63; midiNoteNumber++)
         float freq = (float)(8.175 * Math.Pow(1.05946309, midiNoteNumber));
         SetFrequency(buffer, freq);
         float detectedPitch = pitchDetector.DetectPitch(buffer, buffer.Length);
         // since the autocorrelator works with a lag, give it two shots at the same buffer
         detectedPitch = pitchDetector.DetectPitch(buffer, buffer.Length);
         Console.WriteLine("Testing for {0:F2}Hz, got {1:F2}Hz", freq, detectedPitch);
         //Assert.AreEqual(detectedPitch, freq, 0.5);
 private void TestPitchDetection(float[] buffer, IPitchDetector pitchDetector)
     for (int midiNoteNumber = 45; midiNoteNumber < 63; midiNoteNumber++)
         float freq = (float)(8.175 * Math.Pow(1.05946309, midiNoteNumber));
         SetFrequency(buffer, freq);
         float detectedPitch = pitchDetector.DetectPitch(buffer, buffer.Length);
         // since the autocorrelator works with a lag, give it two shots at the same buffer
         detectedPitch = pitchDetector.DetectPitch(buffer, buffer.Length);
         Console.WriteLine("Testing for {0:F2}Hz, got {1:F2}Hz", freq, detectedPitch);
         //Assert.AreEqual(detectedPitch, freq, 0.5);
        public AutoTuneWaveProvider(IWaveProvider source, AutoTuneSettings autoTuneSettings)
            this.autoTuneSettings = autoTuneSettings;
            if (source.WaveFormat.SampleRate != 44100)
                throw new ArgumentException("AutoTune only works at 44.1kHz");
            if (source.WaveFormat.Encoding != WaveFormatEncoding.IeeeFloat)
                throw new ArgumentException("AutoTune only works on IEEE floating point audio data");
            if (source.WaveFormat.Channels != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("AutoTune only works on mono input sources");

            this.source = source;
            this.pitchDetector = new AutoCorrelator(source.WaveFormat.SampleRate);
            // alternative pitch detector:
            // this.pitchDetector = new FftPitchDetector(source.WaveFormat.SampleRate);
            this.pitchShifter = new SmbPitchShifter(Settings, source.WaveFormat.SampleRate);
            this.waveBuffer = new WaveBuffer(8192);
        public PitchGeneratorProvider(IWaveProvider sourceProvider, IPitchDetector leftPitchDetector, IPitchDetector rightPitchDetector, FloatDataStereoSplitter stereoSplitter, PitchResultSummaryWriter resultWriter)
            if (sourceProvider.WaveFormat.SampleRate != ChromesthesiaConfig.InputAudioSampleRate)
            throw new ArgumentException("This provider only works at 44.1kHz");
              if (sourceProvider.WaveFormat.Encoding != WaveFormatEncoding.IeeeFloat)
            throw new ArgumentException("This provider only works on IEEE floating point audio data");

              this.sourceProvider = sourceProvider;
              this.stereoSplitter = stereoSplitter;
              this.resultWriter = resultWriter;

              this.leftPitchDetector = leftPitchDetector;
              this.rightPitchDetector = rightPitchDetector;
        /// <summary>
        /// Instanciate a PitchWaveProvider
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Stream Source</param>
        /// <param name="ar">Pitch Reference</param>
        public PitchWaveProvider(IWaveProvider source, Pitch ar)
            if (source.WaveFormat.SampleRate != 44100)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pitch Detection only works at 44.1kHz");
            if (source.WaveFormat.Encoding != WaveFormatEncoding.IeeeFloat)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pitch Detection only works on IEEE floating point audio data");
            if (source.WaveFormat.Channels != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pitch Detection only works on mono input sources");

            this.source        = source;
            this.pitchDetector = new AutoCorrelator(source.WaveFormat.SampleRate);
            this.waveBuffer    = new WaveBuffer(8192);
            this.AR            = ar;
Exemple #6
        public AutoTuneWaveProvider(IWaveProvider source, AutoTuneSettings autoTuneSettings)
            this.autoTuneSettings = autoTuneSettings;
            if (source.WaveFormat.SampleRate != 44100)
                throw new ArgumentException("AutoTune only works at 44.1kHz");
            if (source.WaveFormat.Encoding != WaveFormatEncoding.IeeeFloat)
                throw new ArgumentException("AutoTune only works on IEEE floating point audio data");
            if (source.WaveFormat.Channels != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("AutoTune only works on mono input sources");

            this.source        = source;
            this.pitchDetector = new AutoCorrelator(source.WaveFormat.SampleRate);
            // alternative pitch detector:
            // this.pitchDetector = new FftPitchDetector(source.WaveFormat.SampleRate);
            this.pitchShifter = new SmbPitchShifter(Settings, source.WaveFormat.SampleRate);
            this.waveBuffer   = new WaveBuffer(8192);