private void InitFields() { _transform = transform; try { _pirate = GetComponent <IPirate>(); } catch { throw new NullReferenceException("No component that implements the IFactoryLevel interface was found."); } try { _wheel = _spaceshipWheel.GetComponent <IWheel>(); } catch { throw new NullReferenceException("Wheel field must not be null."); } try { _motor = _spaceshipMotor.GetComponent <IMotor>(); } catch { throw new NullReferenceException("No component that implements the IMotor interface was found."); } }
private static void ensureRoverIsDeployed(IPirate pirate) { if (!pirate.IsDeployed()) { throw new ReportException("Rapor oluşturulamamıştır."); } }
public List <ICargo> DeliverCargo(IPirate pirate) { var tempCargo = _cargos; pirate.StealCargos(_cargos); _cargos.Clear(); return(tempCargo); }
public void SendCargo(IPirate pirate, Resource.Type resourceType) { var tempCargo = _cargoGenerator.GenerateCargo(resourceType, _minGeneratedResource, _maxGeneratedResource, MultiplierCalculator.CalculateGeneratedResourceMultiplier(_factoryLevel.GetLevel())); pirate.StealCargo(tempCargo); IsRobbed = true; }
private void Awake() { _pirate = _piratePrefab.GetComponent <IPirate>(); _guide = _pirateGuide.GetComponent <IPirateGuide>(); if (_pirate == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Pirate Prefab field ERROR. No component that implements the IPirate interface was found."); } if (_guide == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Pirate Guide field ERROR. No component that implements the IPirateGuide interface was found."); } if (_centralSun == null) { throw new Exception("Central Sun field must not be null."); } }
public void SetReceivers(IPirate _pirate, ISurface _Surface) { pirate = _pirate; Surface = _Surface; }
public void SetReceiver(IPirate _pirate) { pirate = _pirate; }