/// <summary>
        /// Decompiles an Xml node back into an <see cref="AlgorithmDefinition"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithmNode">The <see cref="XNode"/> representing the
        /// <see cref="AlgorithmDefinition"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="AlgorithmDefinition"/> object represented by
        /// the provided Xml.</returns>
        public AlgorithmDefinition DecompileAlgorithm(XNode algorithmNode)
            if (algorithmNode.NodeType != System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw new ArgumentException("An XElement is required");

            object              paramObj = null;
            XElement            element  = (XElement)algorithmNode;
            XAttribute          nameAttr = element.Attribute("name");
            string              name     = nameAttr.Value;
            AlgorithmDefinition d        = new AlgorithmDefinition(name, new Property[] { });
            XNode propertyNode           = element.FirstNode;

            if (propertyNode != null && propertyNode.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element)
                if (_factories.ContainsKey(name) == false)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown process provided");

                XElement propElement            = (XElement)propertyNode;
                IPipelineXmlInterpreter factory = _factories[name];
                d.ParameterObject = factory.CreateObject(propElement);

        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches the <see cref="IPipelineXmlInterpreter"/> for a given
        /// process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processName">The name of the process to fetch
        /// the <see cref="IPipelineXmlInterpreter"/> for.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="IPipelineXmlInterpreter"/> capable
        /// of saving or restoring the state of the associated
        /// process.</returns>
        public IPipelineXmlInterpreter FetchInterpreter(string processName)
            IPipelineXmlInterpreter interpreter = null;

            if (processName != null && _interpreters.ContainsKey(processName))
                _interpreters.TryGetValue(processName, out interpreter);

        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the incoming valid type in this repo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type to register</param>
        private void _registerType(Type type)
                PipelineXmlOriginatorAttribute attr =
                        typeof(PipelineXmlOriginatorAttribute)) as PipelineXmlOriginatorAttribute;
                Type pluginType = attr.PluginType;
                AlgorithmAttribute pluginAttr =
                    pluginType.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(AlgorithmAttribute)) as AlgorithmAttribute;
                string pluginID = pluginAttr.PluginName;

                IPipelineXmlInterpreter interpreter = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IPipelineXmlInterpreter;
                _interpreters.Add(pluginID, interpreter);
            catch (Exception e)
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs Xml using the <see cref="AlgorithmDefinition"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="definition">The <see cref="AlgorithmDefinition"/>
        /// detailing the process and its properties.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="XElement"/> representing the
        /// <see cref="AlgorithmDefinition"/>.</returns>
        public XElement Build(AlgorithmDefinition definition)
            string     algName = definition.AlgorithmName;
            XAttribute name    = new XAttribute("name", algName);

            if (definition.ParameterObject != null)
                if (_factories.ContainsKey(algName) == false)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown algorithm provided");

                IPipelineXmlInterpreter factory = _factories[algName];
                var props = factory.CreateXml(definition.ParameterObject);
                return(new XElement("algorithm", name, props));
                return(new XElement("algorithm", name));