/// <summary> /// Called by the unmanaged socket server when a peer intializes the connection. /// This method determines the used rpc protocol and then calls <see cref="M:Photon.SocketServer.ApplicationBase.CreatePeer(Photon.SocketServer.InitRequest)">CreatePeer</see>. /// </summary> /// <param name="nativePeer">The photon peer.</param> /// <param name="data"> The data.</param> /// <param name="channelCount">The number of channels that will be used by this peer. </param> void IPhotonApplication.OnInit(IPhotonPeer nativePeer, byte[] data, byte channelCount) { try { InitRequest request; PhotonCounter.InitPerSec.Increment(); if (operationDataLogger.IsDebugEnabled) { operationDataLogger.DebugFormat("OnInit - ConnID={0}, data=({1} bytes) {2}", new object[] { nativePeer.GetConnectionID(), data.Length, BitConverter.ToString(data) }); } if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.DebugFormat("OnInit - ConnID={0}, IP {1} on port {2}, type = {3}", new object[] { nativePeer.GetConnectionID(), nativePeer.GetRemoteIP(), nativePeer.GetLocalPort(), nativePeer.GetListenerType() }); } if (nativePeer.GetListenerType() == ListenerType.HTTPListener) { string str = ""; if (data.Length > 7) { str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 7, data.Length - 7); log.DebugFormat("OnInit - {0}", new object[] { str }); } log.DebugFormat("OnInit - HttpPeer cnnected. " + str, new object[0]); if (str.Contains("json")) { request = new InitRequest("LiteLobby", new Version(0, 3, 6), JsonProtocol.Instance); } else { request = new InitRequest("LiteLobby", new Version(0, 3, 6), GpBinaryByteProtocolV16.HeaderV2Instance); } } else if (nativePeer.GetListenerType() == ListenerType.WebSocketListener) { if (!Protocol.TryParseWebSocketInitRequest(data, this.ApplicationName, Versions.DefaultWebsocketPeerVersion, out request)) { log.Warn("OnInit - Failed to parse init request for WebSocket peer: {0}" + data); nativePeer.DisconnectClient(); return; } } else if (!Protocol.TryParseInitRequest(data, out request)) { if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { if (data.Length == 0) { log.Debug("OnInit - Data must contain at least one byte."); } else { log.DebugFormat("OnInit - Failed to parse init request with protocol {0}", new object[] { data[0] }); } } nativePeer.DisconnectClient(); return; } request.PhotonPeer = nativePeer; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(this.CreatePeerInternal), request); } catch (Exception exception) { log.Error(exception); throw; } }
public Clientpeer(IRpcProtocol _protocol, IPhotonPeer _unmanagedPeer) : base(_protocol, _unmanagedPeer) { defaultdata = new Defaultdata(); defaultdata.defaultid = this.GetHashCode().ToString(); defaultdata.defaultname = "connected use|" + _unmanagedPeer.GetRemoteIP() + " "; }
public UnityClient(IRpcProtocol protocol, IPhotonPeer unmanagedPeer) : base(protocol, unmanagedPeer) { Log.Debug("Client ip:" + unmanagedPeer.GetRemoteIP()); Position = new Vector3Net(0, 0, 0); }
public UnityClient(IRpcProtocol protocol, IPhotonPeer unmanagedPeer) : base(protocol, unmanagedPeer) { log.Debug("Player connection ip:" + unmanagedPeer.GetRemoteIP()); }
public UnityClient(IRpcProtocol protocol, IPhotonPeer unmanagedPeer) : base(protocol, unmanagedPeer) { Log.Info("Player connection ip: " + unmanagedPeer.GetRemoteIP()); charactersHealths = new Dictionary <string, byte>(); setUpdateStatsTimer(); }
public UnityClient(IRpcProtocol protocol, IPhotonPeer unmanagedPeer) : base(protocol, unmanagedPeer) { Log.Debug("Client ip:" + unmanagedPeer.GetRemoteIP()); }
public Client(IRpcProtocol protocol, IPhotonPeer peer) : base(protocol, peer) { m_log.Debug("New client: " + peer.GetRemoteIP()); }