public override void DetectWebViewLoadFinishedEvent(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions) { UIApplicationState applicationState = application.ApplicationState; ((UnityUI_iOSViewController_UIWebView)MainViewController()).webView.LoadFinished += delegate { #if DEBUG log("************** WEBVIEW LOAD FINISHED"); #endif if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(8, 0)) { UIView.AnimationsEnabled = true; //enable again animation in all view (see UnityUI_iOSViewController_UIWebView#loadWebView for details) } // inform other weak delegates (if exist) about the web view finished event IPhoneServiceLocator.WebViewLoadingFinished(applicationState, launchOptions); // The NSDictionary options variable would contain any notification data if the user clicked the 'view' button on the notification // to launch the application. // This method processes these options from the FinishedLaunching. processLaunchOptions(launchOptions, true, applicationState); // Processing extra data received when launched externally (using custom scheme url) processLaunchData(); }; }
/* * public override void DecidePolicy (WKWebView webView, WKNavigationAction navigationAction, Action<WKNavigationActionPolicy> decisionHandler) * { * Console.WriteLine ("**** DecidePolicy****: " + navigationAction.Request); * * webView.LoadRequest (navigationAction.Request); // testing, it blocks the request load * * } */ public override void DidFinishNavigation(WKWebView webView, WKNavigation navigation) { #if DEBUG SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.GUI, "AppverseWKNavigationDelegate ************** WEBVIEW LOAD FINISHED"); #endif if (_appDelegate != null && _application != null) { UIApplicationState applicationState = _application.ApplicationState; // inform other weak delegates (if exist) about the web view finished event IPhoneServiceLocator.WebViewLoadingFinished(applicationState, _launchOptions); // The NSDictionary options variable would contain any notification data if the user clicked the 'view' button on the notification // to launch the application. // This method processes these options from the FinishedLaunching. _appDelegate.processLaunchOptions(_launchOptions, true, applicationState); // Processing extra data received when launched externally (using custom scheme url) _appDelegate.processLaunchData(); } else { #if DEBUG SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.GUI, "AppverseWKNavigationDelegate ************** Application Delegate is not accessible. Stop processing notifications and/or launch data"); #endif } }
/// <summary> /// Open Socket listener on specific port /// </summary> protected void openSocketListener(int port) { try { #if DEBUG log("[2] Opening Listener on port " + port + "..."); #endif if (httpServer == null) { httpServer = new HttpServer(new Server(port)); } socketOpened = true; #if DEBUG log("[2] Listener OPENED on port: " + httpServer.Server.Port); #endif // Adding Resource Handler. IPhoneResourceHandler resourceHandler = new IPhoneResourceHandler(ApplicationSource.FILE); //resourceHandler.Substitute = false; httpServer.Handlers.Add(resourceHandler); httpServer.Handlers.Add(new RemoteResourceHandler(IPhoneServiceLocator.GetInstance())); } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG log("[2] Cannot open internal server socket: " + ex.Message); #endif if (ex.GetType() == typeof(System.Net.Sockets.SocketException)) { System.Net.Sockets.SocketException socketException = ex as System.Net.Sockets.SocketException; //log ("[2] Socket exception: " + socketException.SocketErrorCode); if (socketException.SocketErrorCode == System.Net.Sockets.SocketError.AddressAlreadyInUse) { #if DEBUG log("[2] Address already in use; trying with next port..."); #endif this.openSocketListener(port + 1); } } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="System.Boolean"/> /// </returns> protected bool openSocketListener(NSDictionary settings) { bool socketOpened = false; try { int defaultIPCPort = AppDelegate.GetIPCDefaultPort(settings); #if DEBUG log("Opening Listener on port " + defaultIPCPort + "..."); #endif if (httpServer == null) { httpServer = new HttpServer(new Server(defaultIPCPort)); } socketOpened = true; #if DEBUG log("Listener OPENED on port: " + httpServer.Server.Port); #endif // Adding Resource Handler. IPhoneResourceHandler resourceHandler = new IPhoneResourceHandler(ApplicationSource.FILE); //resourceHandler.Substitute = false; httpServer.Handlers.Add(resourceHandler); // Adding Service URI Handler. httpServer.Handlers.Add(new IPhoneServiceURIHandler(IPhoneServiceLocator.GetInstance())); // Adding Remote Resource Handler. httpServer.Handlers.Add(new RemoteResourceHandler(IPhoneServiceLocator.GetInstance())); } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG log("Cannot open internal server socket: " + ex.Message); #endif } return(socketOpened); }
private bool performSecurityChecks() { if (securityChecksPerfomed) { #if DEBUG log("security checks already performed"); #endif return(securityChecksPassed); // if security checks already performed, return } #if DEBUG log("performing security checks..."); #endif // initialize variable securityChecksPassed = false; if (blockRooted) { #if DEBUG log("Checking device jailbroken (this app is not allowed to run in those devices)... "); #endif ISecurity securityService = (ISecurity)IPhoneServiceLocator.GetInstance().GetService("security"); bool IsDeviceModified = securityService.IsDeviceModified(); if (IsDeviceModified) { #if DEBUG log("Device is jailbroken. Application is blocked as per build configuration demand"); #endif UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { #if DEBUG log("Loading error page..."); #endif try { // loading error page from file system string basePath = IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().GetDefaultBasePath(); string htmlErrorPageFile = "file://" + basePath + DEFAULT_LOCKED_HTML; MainViewController().loadWebView(htmlErrorPageFile); } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG log("Unable to load error page on Appverse WebView. Exception message: " + ex.Message); #endif } }); this.DismissSplashScreen(); } else { securityChecksPassed = true; #if DEBUG log("Device is NOT jailbroken."); #endif } } else { securityChecksPassed = true; #if DEBUG log("This app could be used in jailbroken devices"); #endif } securityChecksPerfomed = true; return(securityChecksPassed); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the appverse context exposing data to the WebView Javascript DOM. /// </summary> private void InitializeAppverseContext() { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); try { #if DEBUG log("Before loading the main HTML, platform will expose some information directly to javascript..."); #endif IPhoneSystem systemService = (IPhoneSystem)IPhoneServiceLocator.GetInstance().GetService("system"); AbstractI18N i18nService = (AbstractI18N)IPhoneServiceLocator.GetInstance().GetService("i18n"); IIo ioService = (IIo)IPhoneServiceLocator.GetInstance().GetService("io"); // 1. Appverse Context ( UnityContext unityContext = systemService.GetUnityContext(); String unityContextJsonString = IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().JSONSerializeObjectData(unityContext); unityContextJsonString = "_AppverseContext = " + unityContextJsonString; this.EvaluateJavascript(unityContextJsonString); // 2. OS Info (Appverse.OSInfo) OSInfo osInfo = systemService.GetOSInfo(); String osInfoJsonString = IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().JSONSerializeObjectData(osInfo); osInfoJsonString = "_OSInfo = " + osInfoJsonString; this.EvaluateJavascript(osInfoJsonString); // 3. Hardware Info (Appverse.HardwareInfo) HardwareInfo hwInfo = systemService.GetOSHardwareInfo(); String hwInfoJsonString = IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().JSONSerializeObjectData(hwInfo); hwInfoJsonString = "_HwInfo = " + hwInfoJsonString; this.EvaluateJavascript(hwInfoJsonString); // 4. Get all configured localized keys (Appverse.i18n) Unity.Core.I18N.Locale[] supportedLocales = i18nService.GetLocaleSupported(); String localizedStrings = "_i18n = {}; _i18n['default'] = '" + i18nService.DefaultLocale + "'; "; String localeLiterals = ""; foreach (Unity.Core.I18N.Locale supportedLocale in supportedLocales) { ResourceLiteralDictionary literals = i18nService.GetResourceLiterals(supportedLocale); String literalsJsonString = IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().JSONSerializeObjectData(literals); localeLiterals = localeLiterals + " _i18n['" + supportedLocale.ToString() + "'] = " + literalsJsonString + "; "; } localizedStrings = localizedStrings + localeLiterals; this.EvaluateJavascript(localizedStrings); // 5. Current device locale Unity.Core.System.Locale currentLocale = systemService.GetLocaleCurrent(); String currentLocaleJsonString = IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().JSONSerializeObjectData(currentLocale); currentLocaleJsonString = "_CurrentDeviceLocale = " + currentLocaleJsonString; this.EvaluateJavascript(currentLocaleJsonString); // 6. Configured IO services endpoints IOService[] services = ioService.GetServices(); String servicesJsonString = "_IOServices = {}; "; foreach (IOService service in services) { String serviceJson = IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().JSONSerializeObjectData(service); servicesJsonString = servicesJsonString + " _IOServices['" + service.Name + "-" + IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().JSONSerializeObjectData(service.Type) + "'] = " + serviceJson + "; "; } this.EvaluateJavascript(servicesJsonString); IPhoneNet NetService = (IPhoneNet)IPhoneServiceLocator.GetInstance().GetService("net"); NetService.CheckConnectivity(); String netJsonString = "_NetworkStatus = " + NetService.getNetStatus(); this.EvaluateJavascript(netJsonString); } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG log("Unable to load Appverse Context. Exception message: " + ex.Message); #endif } stopwatch.Stop(); #if DEBUG log("# Time elapsed initializing Appverse Context: " + stopwatch.Elapsed); #endif }
private bool performSecurityChecks() { if (securityChecksPerfomed) { #if DEBUG log("security checks already performed"); #endif return(securityChecksPassed); // if security checks already performed, return } #if DEBUG log("performing security checks..."); #endif // initialize variable securityChecksPassed = false; if (blockRooted) { #if DEBUG log("Checking device jailbroken (this app is not allowed to run in those devices)... "); #endif ISecurity securityService = (ISecurity)IPhoneServiceLocator.GetInstance().GetService("security"); bool IsDeviceModified = securityService.IsDeviceModified(); if (IsDeviceModified) { #if DEBUG log("Device is jailbroken. Application is blocked as per build configuration demand"); #endif UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { #if DEBUG log("Loading error page..."); #endif try { string htmlErrorPageFile = IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().GetFileFullPath(DEFAULT_LOCKED_HTML); byte[] htmlErrorPageBytes = IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().GetResourceAsBinary(htmlErrorPageFile, true); NSData htmlErrorPageData = NSData.FromArray(htmlErrorPageBytes); string mimeType = "text/html"; string textEncodingName = "UTF-8"; MainViewController().loadWebViewData(htmlErrorPageData, mimeType, textEncodingName, new NSUrl("/")); } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG log("Unable to load error page on Appverse WebView. Exception message: " + ex.Message); #endif } }); this.DismissSplashScreen(); } else { securityChecksPassed = true; #if DEBUG log("Device is NOT jailbroken."); #endif } } else { securityChecksPassed = true; #if DEBUG log("This app could be used in jailbroken devices"); #endif } securityChecksPerfomed = true; return(securityChecksPassed); }