private void DecodeEntry(GraphNode parentNode, object newSubObject, IParserOutput output, EmbeddedFile file)
            // decode the node and add it to the parent:

            // first determine the exact type of node
            if (newSubObject is Field)
                parentNode.Add(ParseField(newSubObject as Field, file));
            else if (newSubObject is Align)
                // align to the specified boundary
                parentNode.Add(ParseAlignment(newSubObject as Align, file));
            else if (newSubObject is NamedType)
                GraphNode complexNode = parentNode.Add(ParseNamedType(newSubObject as NamedType, file));

                // look up the specified type
                TypeDef definition = m_mapping.GetTypeDefByName((newSubObject as NamedType).TypeName);
                foreach (object subEbtry in definition.Items)
                    DecodeEntry(complexNode, subEbtry, output, file);
            else if (newSubObject is Vector)
                GraphNode vectorNode = parentNode.Add(ParseVector(newSubObject as Vector, file));

                // determine the length of the vector
                // this is done by examining the contents of the 'length' field
                // for now, we assume that all lengths are stored in a sister field of the vector, that
                // has appeared previously
                string    indexFieldName = (newSubObject as Vector).Length;
                GraphNode amountNode     = parentNode.GetNamedField(indexFieldName);
                if (amountNode == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unable to find named field {0}", indexFieldName));

                int length = Convert.ToInt32(amountNode.Value);

                // parse for the specified amount of times
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    DecodeEntry(vectorNode, (newSubObject as Vector).Item, output, file);
                throw new Exception("Unknown type of filter object");
        public object Parse(JsonReader reader)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");

            // Fault-in an AST strategy if one wasn't supplied thus far.

            if (_output == null)
                _output = new ParserOutput();

            return reader.DeserializeNext(_output);
        private object Parse()
            // Fault-in an AST strategy if one wasn't supplied thus far.

            if (_output == null)
                _output = new ParserOutput();

            // Parse and return the next object found.

            return NextObject();
        public FileGraph ApplyFilterToFile(EmbeddedFile file, string filterName,
                                           IParserOutput output)
            if (file == null || filterName == null || output == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid parameters specified.");

            // lookup the filter with the specified name
            DataFileDef filter = m_mapping.GetFilterByName(filterName);

            if (filter == null)
                output.HandleFatalError("The specified filter does not exist.");

            FileGraph graph = new FileGraph(file.FileId);

                // open the input file

                // create a root node in the graph
                graph.RootNode = new GraphNode("Root node", NodeType.Complex, file.Position);
                foreach (object filterObject in filter.Items)
                    DecodeEntry(graph.RootNode, filterObject, output, file);
                graph.RootNode.FilePositionEnd = file.Position;

            catch (Exception ex)
                output.HandleFatalError("Unexpected exception: " + ex.Message);
 public DelimitedListParser(IParserOutput output)
     _output = output;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the next object from JSON data using a give type 
        /// system.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual object DeserializeNext(IParserOutput output)
            if (output == null)
                output = new ParserOutput();


            switch (Token)
                case JsonToken.String: return output.ToStringPrimitive(Text);
                case JsonToken.Number: return output.ToNumberPrimitive(Text);
                case JsonToken.Boolean : return Text == JsonReader.FalseText ? output.FalsePrimitive : output.TruePrimitive;
                case JsonToken.Null : return output.NullPrimitive;

                case JsonToken.Array :

                    while (ReadToken() != JsonToken.EndArray)
                    return output.EndArray();

                case JsonToken.Object :

                    while (ReadToken() != JsonToken.EndObject)
                        if (Token != JsonToken.Member)
                            throw new JsonException("Expecting member.");

                        string name = Text;

                        output.ObjectPut(name, DeserializeNext(output));
                    return output.EndObject();

                case JsonToken.EOF : throw new JsonException("Unexpected EOF.");
                default : throw new JsonException(string.Format("{0} not expected.", this.Token));
        public virtual object DeserializeNext(IParserOutput output)
            if (output == null)
                output = new ParserOutput();


            if (TokenClass == JsonTokenClass.String)
                return output.ToStringPrimitive(ReadString());
            else if (TokenClass == JsonTokenClass.Number)
                return output.ToNumberPrimitive(ReadNumber().ToString());
            else if (TokenClass == JsonTokenClass.Boolean)
                return ReadBoolean();
            else if (TokenClass == JsonTokenClass.Null)
                return output.NullPrimitive;
            else if (TokenClass == JsonTokenClass.Array)
                while (TokenClass != JsonTokenClass.EndArray)
                return output.EndArray();
            else if (TokenClass == JsonTokenClass.Object)

                while (TokenClass != JsonTokenClass.EndObject)
                    string name = ReadMember();
                    output.ObjectPut(name, DeserializeNext(output));
                return output.EndObject();
                throw new JsonException(string.Format("{0} not expected.", TokenClass));
 public JsonParser(IParserOutput output)
     _output = output;
 public JsonParser(IParserOutput output)
     _index = 0;
     _source = string.Empty;
     _output = output;