public void NoMangleIPv6UnitTest()
            logger.LogDebug("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            SIPURI uri     = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI("sip:user@[2001:730:3ec2::10]:5060?Replaces=xyz");
            SIPURI mangled = SIPURI.Mangle(uri, IPSocket.Parse(""));


        public void NoMangleSameAddressUnitTest()
            logger.LogDebug("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            SIPURI uri     = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI("sip:[email protected]:5060?Replaces=xyz");
            SIPURI mangled = SIPURI.Mangle(uri, IPSocket.Parse(""));


        public void MangleReceiveOnIPv6UnitTest()
            logger.LogDebug("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            SIPURI uri     = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI("sip:[email protected]:5060?Replaces=xyz");
            SIPURI mangled = SIPURI.Mangle(uri, IPSocket.Parse("[2001:730:3ec2::10]:5090"));

            logger.LogDebug($"Mangled URI {mangled}.");

            Assert.Equal("sip:user@[2001:730:3ec2::10]:5090?Replaces=xyz", mangled.ToString());

        public void MangleNoPortUnitTest()
            logger.LogDebug("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            SIPURI uri     = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI("sip:[email protected]?Replaces=xyz");
            SIPURI mangled = SIPURI.Mangle(uri, IPSocket.Parse(""));

            logger.LogDebug($"Mangled URI {mangled}.");

            Assert.Equal("sip:[email protected]:5090?Replaces=xyz", mangled.ToString());

Exemple #5
        private static DNSResponse MatchIPAddress(string hostname)
                string host = null;
                int    port = 0;
                if (IPSocket.Parse(hostname, out host, out port))
                    DNSResponse result = new DNSResponse(IPAddress.Parse(host));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hostname))
                    hostname = hostname.Trim();

                    if (Regex.Match(hostname, @"(\d+\.){3}\d+(:\d+$|$)").Success)
                        string ipAddress = Regex.Match(hostname, @"(?<ipaddress>(\d+\.){3}\d+)(:\d+$|$)")
                        DNSResponse result = new DNSResponse(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress));
                    else if (Regex.Match(hostname, @"^\[?[:a-fA-F0-9]+\]?(:\d+$|$)",
                                         RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture).Success)
                        string ipAddress = Regex.Match(hostname, @"^\[?(?<ipaddress>([:a-fA-F0-9]+))\]?(:\d+$|$)",
                                                       RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture).Result("${ipaddress}");
                        DNSResponse result = new DNSResponse(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress));
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception DNSManager MatchIPAddress. " + excp);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises the association state based on the echoed cookie (the cookie that we sent
        /// to the remote party and was then echoed back to us). An association can only be initialised
        /// from a cookie prior to it being used and prior to it ever having entered the established state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cookie">The echoed cookie that was returned from the remote party.</param>
        public void GotCookie(SctpTransportCookie cookie)
            // The CookieEchoed state is allowed, even though a cookie should be creating a brand
            // new association rather than one that has already sent an INIT, in order to deal with
            // a race condition where both SCTP end points attempt to establish the association at
            // the same time using the same ports.
            if (_wasAborted || _wasShutdown)
                logger.LogWarning($"SCTP association cannot initialise with a cookie after an abort or shutdown.");
            else if (!(State == SctpAssociationState.Closed || State == SctpAssociationState.CookieEchoed))
                throw new ApplicationException($"SCTP association cannot initialise with a cookie in state {State}.");
                _sctpSourcePort      = cookie.SourcePort;
                _sctpDestinationPort = cookie.DestinationPort;
                VerificationTag      = cookie.Tag;
                ARwnd       = cookie.ARwnd;
                Destination = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookie.RemoteEndPoint) ?
                              IPSocket.Parse(cookie.RemoteEndPoint) : null;

                if (_dataReceiver == null)
                    _dataReceiver = new SctpDataReceiver(ARwnd, _defaultMTU, cookie.RemoteTSN);

                if (_dataSender == null)
                    _dataSender = new SctpDataSender(ID, this.SendChunk, _defaultMTU, cookie.TSN, cookie.RemoteARwnd);

                InitRemoteProperties(cookie.RemoteTag, cookie.RemoteTSN, cookie.RemoteARwnd);

                var cookieAckChunk = new SctpChunk(SctpChunkType.COOKIE_ACK);

        public void ParseTest()
            logger.LogDebug("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            string host = null;
            int    port = 0;

            string endpoint = "localhost:5060";

            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "localhost", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");

            endpoint = "host.domain.tld:5060";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "host.domain.tld", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");

            endpoint = "";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "[::1]:5060";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::1", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "[::ffff:]:5060";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::ffff:", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "localhost";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "localhost", "The host was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "host.domain.tld";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "host.domain.tld", "The host was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "[::1]";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::1", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "[::ffff:]";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::ffff:", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "::1";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::1", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "::ffff:";
            Assert.True(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid endpoint address");
            Assert.True(host == "::ffff:", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Invalid ip address");

            endpoint = "::ffff:127.0.0..1";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port));

            endpoint = "::ffff:";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port));

            endpoint = "127.0.0..1";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");

            endpoint = "127.0.0.";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");

            endpoint = "328.0.0.1";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");

            endpoint = "\0";
            Assert.False(IPSocket.Parse(endpoint, out host, out port), $"'{endpoint}' Valid endpoint address");
            Assert.False(IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host), $"'{endpoint}' Valid ip address");
        public void ParseEndpointTest()
            logger.LogDebug("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            System.Net.IPEndPoint ep = null;

            string endpoint = "localhost:5060";

            ep = IPSocket.Parse(endpoint);
            Assert.True(System.Net.IPAddress.IsLoopback(ep.Address), "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(ep.Port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "host.domain.tld:5060";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint));

            endpoint = "";
            ep       = IPSocket.Parse(endpoint);
            Assert.True(ep.Address.ToString() == "", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(ep.Port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "[::1]:5060";
            ep       = IPSocket.Parse(endpoint);
            Assert.True(ep.Address.ToString() == "::1", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(ep.Port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "[::ffff:]:5060";
            ep       = IPSocket.Parse(endpoint);
            Assert.True(ep.Address.ToString() == "::ffff:", "The host was not parsed correctly.");
            Assert.True(ep.Port == 5060, "The port was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "localhost";
            ep       = IPSocket.Parse(endpoint);
            Assert.True(System.Net.IPAddress.IsLoopback(ep.Address), "The host was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "host.domain.tld";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint));

            endpoint = "";
            ep       = IPSocket.Parse(endpoint);
            Assert.True(ep.Address.ToString() == "", "The host was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "[::1]";
            ep       = IPSocket.Parse(endpoint);
            Assert.True(ep.Address.ToString() == "::1", "The host was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "[::ffff:]";
            ep       = IPSocket.Parse(endpoint);
            Assert.True(ep.Address.ToString() == "::ffff:", "The host was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "::1";
            ep       = IPSocket.Parse(endpoint);
            Assert.True(ep.Address.ToString() == "::1", "The host was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "::ffff:";
            ep       = IPSocket.Parse(endpoint);
            Assert.True(ep.Address.ToString() == "::ffff:", "The host was not parsed correctly.");

            endpoint = "::ffff:127.0.0..1";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint));

            endpoint = "::ffff:";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint));

            endpoint = "127.0.0..1";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint));

            endpoint = "127.0.0.";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint));

            endpoint = "328.0.0.1";
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint));

            endpoint = "\0";
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => IPSocket.Parse(endpoint));