public static void Init周辺機器()//TODO: { Flags.Initializing周辺機器 = true; Target.OpenPort();//COM1のため、無条件でOKとする 判定はしない //EPX64Sの初期化 bool StopEpx64 = false; Task.Run(() => { //IOボードの初期化 io = new EPX64R(); while (true) { if (Flags.StopInit周辺機器) { break; } Flags.StateEpx64 =;//0111 1111 ※P7入力 その他出力 if (Flags.StateEpx64) { //IOボードのリセット(出力をすべてLする) ResetIo(); break; } Sleep(500); } StopEpx64 = true; }); //ファンクションジェネレータの初期化 bool StopWavGen = false; Task.Run(() => { while (true) { if (Flags.StopInit周辺機器) { break; } Flags.StateWavGen = WaveFormGenerator.Initialize(); if (Flags.StateWavGen) { break; } Thread.Sleep(400); } StopWavGen = true; }); //HIOKI7012の初期化 bool Stop7012 = false; Task.Run(() => { while (true) { if (Flags.StopInit周辺機器) { break; } Flags.State7012 = HIOKI7012.Init7012(); if (Flags.State7012) { HIOKI7012.StopSource(); break; } Sleep(500); } Stop7012 = true; }); //USBシリアル変換器を使うので、通信がかち合わないように順番に初期化を行う //マルチメータの初期化 //オシロスコープの初期化 bool Stop323x = false; bool Stop5107B = false; osc = new DS_5107B(); Task.Run(() => { while (true) { if (Flags.StopInit周辺機器 || (Flags.State323x && Flags.State5107B)) { break; } if (!Flags.State323x) { Flags.State323x = Hioki3239.Init323x(); } if (!Flags.State5107B) { Flags.State5107B = osc.Init(); if (Flags.State5107B) { osc.SetBasicConf(); } } Sleep(500); } Stop323x = Stop5107B = true; }); Task.Run(() => { while (true) { CheckAll周辺機器フラグ(); //EPX64Sの初期化の中で、K100、K101の溶着チェックを行っているが、これがNGだとしてもInit周辺機器()は終了する var IsAllStopped = StopEpx64 && Stop7012 && Stop5107B && Stop323x && StopWavGen; if (Flags.AllOk周辺機器接続 || IsAllStopped) { break; } Thread.Sleep(400); } Flags.Initializing周辺機器 = false; }); }
public void ConnectOscilloscope(IOscilloscope osc) { oscilloscope = osc; }
private void ENET_Constructor() { string FG_IP = ""; string OSCOPE_IP = ""; // #Saved IP Addresses, do not edit // FGIP= // OSIP= if (File.Exists("enet.cfg")) { string[] configInput = File.ReadAllLines("enet.cfg"); if (configInput.Length < 3) { // someone messed with the config file >:( FG_IP = ""; OSCOPE_IP = ""; // set to default IP } else { FG_IP = configInput[1].Substring(5); // get the actual IP strings from config file OSCOPE_IP = configInput[2].Substring(5); } } IPInputWindow IPWindow = new IPInputWindow(); IPWindow.FunctionGenIPInputBox.Text = FG_IP; IPWindow.OscilloscopeIPInputBox.Text = OSCOPE_IP; IPWindow.ShowDialog(); FG_IP = IPWindow.FunctionGenIPInputBox.Text; OSCOPE_IP = IPWindow.OscilloscopeIPInputBox.Text; // get the results after the user clicked okay File.WriteAllText("enet.cfg", "#Saved IP Addresses, do not edit\nFGIP=" + FG_IP + "\nOSIP=" + OSCOPE_IP); // write the user's specified IP addresses // to the file, where they can be read from again. string FG_VISA = "TCPIP0::" + FG_IP + "::inst0::INSTR"; // generate the two VISA ids for devices at the given IP addresses string OSCOPE_VISA = "TCPIP0::" + OSCOPE_IP + "::inst0::INSTR"; IOscilloscope tempScope = VISAOscilloscope.TryOpen(OSCOPE_VISA); IFunctionGenerator tempFG = VISAFunctionGenerator.TryOpen(FG_VISA); // attempt to open the devices at the specified IP addresses if (tempFG == null) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not open function generator at " + FG_IP, appName, MessageBoxButton.OK); switch (result) { case MessageBoxResult.OK: // there's only one case ExitAll(); // let the user try again without exiting probably, but we'll do that logic in a sec return; } } if (tempScope == null) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not open oscilloscope at " + OSCOPE_IP, appName, MessageBoxButton.OK); switch (result) { case MessageBoxResult.OK: // there's only one case ExitAll(); // let the user try again without exiting probably, but we'll do that logic in a sec return; } } // if we made it down here, both the scope and function generator are initialized, so we can set the global variables and return from this function fg = tempFG; scope = tempScope; // yay! }