Exemple #1
 public Space(string id, bool system, string parentOrgId, string parentSpaceId, string name, string nameSystem, string nameSystemFull, IOrg parentOrg, ISpace parentSpace) :
     base(id, system, parentSpaceId, nameSystem, nameSystemFull, parentSpace)
     ParentOrgId = parentOrgId;
     Name        = name;
     ParentOrg   = parentOrg;
Exemple #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetOrg(Guid guid)
            IOrg org = await m_org_provider.GetOrg(guid);

            if (org == null)

            return(Ok(new OrgModel(org)));
Exemple #3
        protected void btnAddOrUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int      orgId     = Convert.ToInt32(ddlOrg.SelectedValue);
            int      accountId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAccount.SelectedValue);
            IOrg     org       = Provider.Data.Org.GetOrg(orgId);
            IAccount acct      = Provider.Data.Account.GetAccount(accountId);

            if (org != null && acct != null)
                var util = new OrgRechargeUtility(DateTime.Now, Provider);
                util.Enable(org, acct);
Exemple #4
        public Org(IOrg org) : base(org)
            Rating = org.Rating;

            if (org.Address != null)
                Address = new Address(org.Address);

            if (org.Locations != null && org.Locations.Any())
                Locations = org.Locations.Select(x => new Location(x)).OrderBy(x => x.ReorderLevel).ToArray();
Exemple #5
 private void AssertOrg(IOrg o)
     Assert.AreEqual(17, o.OrgID);
     Assert.AreEqual("University of Michigan", o.OrgName);
     Assert.AreEqual(18, o.DefClientAddressID);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, o.DefBillAddressID);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, o.DefShipAddressID);
     Assert.AreEqual(true, o.NNINOrg);
     Assert.AreEqual(true, o.PrimaryOrg);
     Assert.AreEqual(true, o.OrgActive);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, o.OrgTypeID);
     Assert.AreEqual("U of Michigan (US)", o.OrgTypeName);
     Assert.AreEqual(5, o.ChargeTypeID);
     Assert.AreEqual("UMich", o.ChargeTypeName);
     Assert.AreEqual(67, o.ChargeTypeAccountID);
        public IAccount GetRechargeAccount(IOrg org, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            IAccount result = null;

            var or = Provider.Billing.OrgRecharge.GetOrgRecharge(org.OrgID, startDate, endDate);

            if (or == null)
                IChargeType ct = Provider.Data.Org.GetChargeType(org.ChargeTypeID);
                result = Provider.Data.Account.GetAccount(ct.AccountID); //no recharge account specified for this org so use the default from ChargeType
                result = Provider.Data.Account.GetAccount(or.AccountID);

        public IOrgRecharge Enable(IOrg org, IAccount acct)
            //first get the existing entity if there is one
            var existing = Provider.Billing.OrgRecharge.GetOrgRecharge(org.OrgID);

            if (existing != null)
                //we don't need to do anything if Org and Account are the same
                if (existing.AccountID == acct.AccountID)

                //disable existing
                existing.DisableDate = Now;

            //add a new one
            var result = Provider.Billing.OrgRecharge.AddOrgRecharge(org.OrgID, acct.AccountID, Now, Now);

Exemple #8
        public OrgModel(IOrg org) : base(org)
            Rating = org.Rating;

            ReorderLevel = org.ReorderLevel;

            if (org.Address != null)
                Address = new AddressModel(org.Address);

            Cellular = org.Cellular;
            Phone    = org.Phone;
            Email    = org.Email;
            Skype    = org.Skype;

            Description = org.Description;
            Uri         = org.Uri;

            if (org.Locations != null && org.Locations.Any())
                Locations = org.Locations.Select(x => new LocationModel(x)).ToList();
Exemple #9
        public ActionResult Edit(int orgId, int accountId)
            var currentOrg = DataSession.Single <Org>(orgId);

            if (currentOrg == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { orgId }));

            var model = new AccountEditModel
                AccountID  = accountId,
                CurrentOrg = currentOrg

            var fundingSources = DataSession.Query <FundingSource>().OrderBy(x => x.FundingSourceName).ToList();

            model.FundingSources = fundingSources;

            var technicalFields = DataSession.Query <TechnicalField>().OrderBy(x => x.TechnicalFieldName).ToList();

            model.TechnicalFields = technicalFields;

            var specialTopics = DataSession.Query <SpecialTopic>().OrderBy(x => x.SpecialTopicName).ToList();

            model.SpecialTopics = specialTopics;

            Account acct = null;

            if (accountId > 0)
                acct = DataSession.Single <Account>(accountId);

                if (acct == null && accountId > 0)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { orgId }));

                if (acct.Org.OrgID != orgId)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { orgId }));

                model.AccountName = acct.Name;

            AccountEdit acctEdit;

            IAccount a = acct.CreateModel <IAccount>();
            IOrg     o = currentOrg.CreateModel <IOrg>();

            if (Session["AccountEdit"] == null)
                InitAccountEdit(a, o);
                acctEdit = (AccountEdit)Session["AccountEdit"];

                if (acctEdit.OrgID != currentOrg.OrgID || acctEdit.AccountID != accountId)
                    InitAccountEdit(a, o);

            acctEdit = (AccountEdit)Session["AccountEdit"];

            model.AvailableManagers = AccountEditUtility.GetAvailableManagers(acctEdit);

            model.IsChartFieldOrg = AccountChartFields.IsChartFieldOrg(o);

Exemple #10
        private void InitAccountEdit(IAccount acct, IOrg org)
            AccountEdit acctEdit = new AccountEdit();

            // null means adding a new account

            if (acct != null)
                acctEdit.OrgID            = acct.OrgID;
                acctEdit.AccountID        = acct.AccountID;
                acctEdit.AccountName      = acct.AccountName;
                acctEdit.AccountNumber    = acct.AccountNumber;
                acctEdit.AccountTypeID    = acct.AccountTypeID;
                acctEdit.FundingSourceID  = acct.FundingSourceID;
                acctEdit.Managers         = AccountEditUtility.GetManagerEdits(acct.AccountID);
                acctEdit.ShortCode        = acct.ShortCode.Trim();
                acctEdit.SpecialTopicID   = acct.SpecialTopicID;
                acctEdit.TechnicalFieldID = acct.TechnicalFieldID;
                acctEdit.InvoiceNumber    = acct.InvoiceNumber;
                acctEdit.InvoiceLine1     = acct.InvoiceLine1;
                acctEdit.InvoiceLine2     = acct.InvoiceLine2;
                acctEdit.PoEndDate        = acct.PoEndDate;
                acctEdit.PoInitialFunds   = acct.PoInitialFunds;
                acctEdit.PoRemainingFunds = acct.PoRemainingFunds;

                acctEdit.Addresses = new Dictionary <string, AddressEdit>
                    { "billing", AccountEditUtility.GetAddressEdit(acct.BillAddressID) },
                    { "shipping", AccountEditUtility.GetAddressEdit(acct.ShipAddressID) }

                if (AccountChartFields.IsChartFieldOrg(org))
                    var cf = ServiceProvider.Current.Data.Account.GetChartFields(acct);
                    acctEdit.ChartFields = new AccountChartFieldEdit()
                        Account    = cf.Account,
                        Fund       = cf.Fund,
                        Department = cf.Department,
                        Program    = cf.Program,
                        Class      = cf.Class,
                        Project    = cf.Project,
                        ShortCode  = cf.ShortCode
                acctEdit.OrgID     = org.OrgID;
                acctEdit.Managers  = new List <AccountManagerEdit>();
                acctEdit.Addresses = new Dictionary <string, AddressEdit>
                    { "billing", AccountEditUtility.GetAddressEdit(org.DefBillAddressID) },
                    { "shipping", AccountEditUtility.GetAddressEdit(org.DefShipAddressID) }
                acctEdit.AccountTypeID = 1;

                if (AccountChartFields.IsChartFieldOrg(org))
                    acctEdit.ChartFields = new AccountChartFieldEdit();

            Session["AccountEdit"] = acctEdit;
Exemple #11
 public static bool IsChartFieldOrg(IOrg org)
     return(org.OrgTypeID == 1);
Exemple #12
 public DataType(string id, bool system, string orgId, string parentSpaceId, string name, string namePlural, string nameSystem, string nameSystemPlural, string nameSystemFull, IEnumerable <IDataProperty> properties, IEnumerable <IDataRelation> relations, IEnumerable <IDataRow> rows, IOrg parentOrg, ISpace parentSpace) :
     base(id, system, orgId, name, parentOrg)
     ParentSpaceId    = parentSpaceId;
     NamePlural       = namePlural;
     NameSystem       = nameSystem;
     NameSystemPlural = nameSystemPlural;
     NameSystemFull   = nameSystemFull;
     Properties       = properties;
     Relations        = relations;
     Rows             = rows;
     ParentSpace      = parentSpace;
Exemple #13
 public Org(string id, bool system, string orgId, string name, string nameShort, string nameShortFull, IEnumerable <IOrg> orgs, IOrg parentOrg) :
     base(id, system, orgId, name, parentOrg)
     NameShort     = nameShort;
     NameShortFull = nameShortFull;
     Orgs          = orgs;
Exemple #14
 public OrgChild(string id, bool system, string orgId, string name, IOrg parentOrg) : base(id, name)
     System      = system;
     ParentOrgId = orgId;
     ParentOrg   = parentOrg;