public static void MultistepOrderedAssertionsUsingRepeatedInOrder(
            IFoo fake,
            Exception exception,
            IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion)
            "Given a Fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 3"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(3));

            "When I use Repeated to assert that a call with argument 1 was made once exactly"
            .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once));

            "And then a call with argument 2"
            .x(() => lastAssertion = lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened()));

            "And then a call with argument 3 once exactly"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(3)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once))));

            "Then the assertions should pass"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeNull());
        public static void MultistepOrderedAssertionsInOrder(
            IFoo fake,
            Exception exception,
            IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion)
            "Given a Fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 3"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(3));

            "When I assert that a call with argument 1 was made exactly once"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once));

            "And then a call with argument 2"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened()));

            "And then a call with argument 3 exactly once"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(3)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once))));

            "Then the assertions should pass"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeNull());
        public static void MultistepOrderedAssertionsUsingRepeatedOutOfOrder(
            IFoo fake,
            Exception exception,
            IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion)
            "Given a Fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 3"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(3));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "When I use Repeated to assert that a call with argument 1 was made twice exactly"
            .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Twice));

            "And then a call with argument 2"
            .x(() => lastAssertion = lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened()));

            "And then that a call with argument 3 was made once exactly"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(3)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once))));

            "Then the last assertion should fail"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <ExpectationException>().WithMessage(@"

  Assertion failed for the following calls:
    'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1)' exactly twice
    'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 2)' once or more
    'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 3)' exactly once
  The calls were found but not in the correct order among the calls:
    1: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 3)
    2: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1) 2 times
    4: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 2)"));
        public static void OrderedAssertionWithCallCountConstraintFailureUsingRepeated(
            IFoo fake,
            IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a Fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "When I assert that a call with argument 2 was made"
            .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened());

            "And then that a call with argument 1 was made once exactly using Repeated"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once))));

            "Then the last assertion should fail"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <ExpectationException>());

            "And the message should say that the call to Bar(1) was found too many times"
            .x(() => exception.Message.Should().Be(@"

  Assertion failed for the following call:
    FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1)
  Expected to find it exactly once but found it twice among the calls:
    1: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1)
    2: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 2)
    3: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1)

        public void should_invoke_all_actions_in_order()
            var iterations = 10;
            var functions  = new List <Func <ILoggingBuilder, ILoggingBuilder> >();

            for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                functions.Add(A.Fake <Func <ILoggingBuilder, ILoggingBuilder> >());

            var logger = new OSPSuiteLogger(sut);

            logger.AddToLog("test", new LogLevel(), "testcategory");

            for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                IOrderableCallAssertion check = A.CallTo(() => functions[0].Invoke(A <ILoggingBuilder> .Ignored)).MustHaveHappened();
                for (var j = 1; j < iterations; j++)
                    check = check.Then(A.CallTo(() => functions[j].Invoke(A <ILoggingBuilder> .Ignored)).MustHaveHappened());
Exemple #6
        public static void OrderedAssertionOnCallThatCallsAnotherFakedMethod(
            ClassWithAMethodThatCallsASibling fake,
            IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a class with a method that calls another class method"
            .See <ClassWithAMethodThatCallsASibling>();

            "And a Fake of that type, configured to call base methods"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <ClassWithAMethodThatCallsASibling>(options => options.CallsBaseMethods()));

            "And I call the outer method"
            .x(() => fake.OuterMethod());

            "When I assert that the outer method was called"
            .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => fake.OuterMethod()).MustHaveHappened());

            "And then I assert that the inner method was called afterward"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() =>
                                                  lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.InnerMethod()).MustHaveHappened())));

            "Then the assertions pass"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeNull());
        public static void OrderedAssertionOnInterfacesWithCommonParent(ISomethingBaz baz, ISomethingQux qux, IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion, Exception exception)
            "Given a Fake baz"
            .x(() => baz = A.Fake <ISomethingBaz>());

            "And a Fake qux implementing an interface in common with baz"
            .x(() => qux = A.Fake <ISomethingQux>());

            "And a call on qux"
            .x(() => qux.QuxMethod());

            "And a call on baz"
            .x(() => baz.BazMethod());

            "When I assert that the qux call was made"
            .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => qux.QuxMethod()).MustHaveHappened());

            "And I make the same assertion again"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => qux.QuxMethod()).MustHaveHappened())));

            "Then the second assertion should fail"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <ExpectationException>());
        public static void MultistepOrderedAssertionsOutOfOrder(
            IFoo fake,
            Exception exception,
            IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion)
            "Given a Fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 3"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(3));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "When I assert that a call with argument 1 was made exactly twice"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Twice));

            "And then a call with argument 2"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened()));

            "And then that a call with argument 3 was made exactly once"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(3)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once))));

            "Then the last assertion should fail"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<ExpectationException>().WithMessage(@"

              Assertion failed for the following calls:
            'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(1)' repeated exactly twice
            'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(2)' repeated at least once
            'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(3)' repeated exactly once
              The calls were found but not in the correct order among the calls:
            1: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 3)
            2: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1) repeated 2 times
            4: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 2)"));
        public static void OrderedAssertionWithRepeatConstraintFailure(
            IFoo fake,
            IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a Fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "When I assert that a call with argument 2 was made"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened());

            "And then that a call with argument 1 was made exactly once"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once))));

            "Then the last assertion should fail"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<ExpectationException>());

            "And the message should say that the call to Bar(1) was found too many times"
                .x(() => exception.Message.Should().Be(@"

              Assertion failed for the following call:
              Expected to find it exactly once but found it #2 times among the calls:
            1: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1)
            2: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 2)
            3: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1)

        public static void OrderedAssertionOnInterfacesWithCommonParent(ISomethingBaz baz, ISomethingQux qux, IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion, Exception exception)
            "Given a Fake baz"
                .x(() => baz = A.Fake<ISomethingBaz>());

            "And a Fake qux implementing an interface in common with baz"
                .x(() => qux = A.Fake<ISomethingQux>());

            "And a call on qux"
                .x(() => qux.QuxMethod());

            "And a call on baz"
                .x(() => baz.BazMethod());

            "When I assert that the qux call was made"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => qux.QuxMethod()).MustHaveHappened());

            "And I make the same assertion again"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => qux.QuxMethod()).MustHaveHappened())));

            "Then the second assertion should fail"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<ExpectationException>());