Exemple #1
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            // we want to check that none of the ids clash with existing ones
            var userExists     = context.StateExists <UserState, IUserAffinity, string>(UserId);
            var checkingExists = context.StateExists <AccountState, IAccountAffinity, Guid>(CheckingAccountId);
            var savingsExists  = context.StateExists <AccountState, IAccountAffinity, Guid>(SavingsAccountId);

            // we want to record a timestamp for the creation
            var timestamp = await context.ReadDateTimeUtcNow();

            if (await userExists)
                throw new Exception("user already exists");
            if (await checkingExists || await savingsExists)
                throw new Exception("account id already exists");

            await context.PerformEvent(new UserSignedUp()
                UserId             = UserId,
                FullName           = FullName,
                InitialCredentials = InitialCredentials,
                Timestamp          = timestamp,
                CheckingAccountId  = CheckingAccountId,
                SavingsAccountId   = SavingsAccountId,

Exemple #2
        #pragma warning restore S4144

        private async Task PublishContentEvent(
            IOrchestrationContext context,
            ContentEventType eventType)
            if (!_eventGridConfiguration.CurrentValue.PublishEvents)
                _logger.LogInformation("Event grid publishing is disabled. No events will be published.");

                IContentItemVersion contentItemVersion = eventType switch
                    ContentEventType.Published => _publishedContentItemVersion,
                    ContentEventType.Draft => _previewContentItemVersion,
                    _ => _neutralEventContentItemVersion

                string userId = _syncNameProvider.GetEventIdPropertyValue(

                ContentEvent contentEvent = new ContentEvent(context.ContentItem, userId, eventType);
                await _eventGridContentClient.Publish(contentEvent);
            catch (Exception publishException)
                _logger.LogError(publishException, "The event grid event could not be published.");
                await context.Notifier.Add("Warning: the event grid event could not be published. Composite apps might not show your changes.",
                                           "Exception", publishException, type : NotifyType.Warning);
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            Console.WriteLine($"Starting job for [{Start},{Start + Count})");

            // divide the search space evenly among workers
            var portionSize = ((ulong)Count + (NumberWorkers - 1)) / NumberWorkers;

            // create one task per worker
            var workertasks = new List <Task>();
            var pos         = Start;

            for (uint i = 0; i < NumberWorkers; i++)
                var nextportionsize = Math.Min((long)portionSize, (Start + Count) - pos);
                workertasks.Add(context.PerformOrchestration(new SearchWorker()
                    Target       = Target,
                    Start        = pos,
                    Count        = nextportionsize,
                    WorkerNumber = i
                pos += nextportionsize;

            await Task.WhenAll(workertasks);

            // read the results
            var collisions = await context.PerformRead(new GetResults());


            Console.WriteLine($"Finished job for [{Start},{Start + Count}), {collisions.Count()} collisions found: {string.Join(", ", collisions)}");

        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            await context.PerformOrchestration(new Initialization()
                NumberGenerators         = NumberGenerators,
                NumberGeneratorProcesses = NumberProcesses,
                Workload = Workload

            var time = await context.ReadDateTimeUtcNow();

            context.Logger.LogInformation($"Starting workload.");

            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            for (uint i = 0; i < NumberGenerators; i++)
                tasks.Add(context.PerformOrchestration(new RequestSequence()
                    GeneratorNumber  = i,
                    NumberRequests   = (NumberRequests + NumberGenerators - 1) / NumberGenerators,
                    OperationFactory = Workload,
                    StartTime        = time + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Stagger.TotalSeconds * i / NumberGenerators),
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            context.Logger.LogInformation($"Experiment complete.");


        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            // do an initial ping to all processes to make sure they are running
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            for (uint i = 0; i < NumberGeneratorProcesses; i++)
                tasks.Add(context.PerformOrchestration(new InitialPing()
                    ProcessId = i,
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            // initialize workload
            tasks = new List <Task>();
            for (uint i = 0; i < NumberGenerators; i++)
                tasks.Add(context.PerformOrchestration(new InitWorkload()
                    GeneratorNumber = i,
                    Workload        = Workload
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

Exemple #6
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            Console.WriteLine($"Starting worker for [{Start},{Start+Count})");

            var pos = Start;

            while (pos < Start + Count)
                var nextportionsize = Math.Min(PortionSize, (Start + Count) - pos);
                var results         = await context.PerformActivity(new SearchPortion()
                    Target = Target,
                    Start  = pos,
                    Count  = nextportionsize,

                foreach (var c in results)
                    context.ForkEvent(new CollisionFoundEvent()
                        Collision = c
                pos += nextportionsize;

            await context.Finish();

            Console.WriteLine($"Worker finished [{Start},{Start + Count})");

        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            var targetCounter = GeneratorNumber % TotalNumberOfCounters;

            switch (Implementation)
            case CounterImplementation.EventBased:
                await context.PerformEvent(new Counter.Service.IncrementEvent()
                    CounterId = targetCounter,


            case CounterImplementation.UpdateBased:
                await context.PerformUpdate(new Counter.Service.IncrementUpdate()
                    CounterId = targetCounter,


Exemple #8
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            context.Logger.LogInformation($"Counter.TestSuite Start");

            await context.PerformOrchestration(new TestStates());

            await context.PerformOrchestration(new TestEvents());

            await context.PerformOrchestration(new TestEventsWithInit());

            await context.PerformOrchestration(new TestLocks());

            await Task.WhenAll(
                context.PerformOrchestration(new TestRandomActivityCount()),
                context.PerformOrchestration(new TestRandomActivityCount()),
                context.PerformOrchestration(new TestRandomActivityCount())

            await context.PerformOrchestration(new TestForks());

            var m = await context.PerformOrchestration(new SimpleLoadTest.Service.LoadTestOrchestration()
                Depth = 2, UseSmallerTest = true

            context.Logger.LogInformation($"volume: {m.Volume} machines: {string.Join(",", m.Hosts)}");

            context.Logger.LogInformation($"Counter.TestSuite End");

        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            await context.DelayBy(Delay);

            await context.PerformActivity(Activity);

Exemple #10
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            var read = await context.PerformRead(new GetBalance { Place = Place });

            await context.PerformUpdate(new SetBalance { Place = Place, NewBalance = read + 1 });

Exemple #11
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            await context.DelayBy(Delay);


Exemple #12
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            var random = await context.NewRandom();

            return(await context.PerformOrchestration(new ExecuteEventAt()
                Place = (Places)random.Next(3),
                Event = Event
        public async Task <bool> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            // perform authentication
            await context.PerformRead(new Authentication()
                UserId      = UserId,
                Credentials = Credentials

            // check all involved state so we can validate preconditions
            var t1 = context.PerformRead(new CheckAccount()
                AccountId = FromAccount
            var t2 = context.PerformRead(new CheckAccount()
                AccountId = ToAccount

            // get a timestamp
            var timestamp = await context.ReadDateTimeUtcNow();

            // wait for the checks to complete. This ensures both accounts exist.
            // (otherwise an exception is thrown)
            var fromAccount = await t1;
            var toAccount   = await t2;

            if (fromAccount == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($"no such account: {fromAccount}");
            if (toAccount == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($"no such account: {toAccount}");

            if (fromAccount.Owner != UserId)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("only owner of account can issue transfer");
            else if (fromAccount.Balance < Amount)
                await context.PerformEvent(new AmountTransferred()
                    TransferRequest = this,
                    Timestamp       = timestamp

        public Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            var startTime = DateTime.Now;

            context.ForkEvent(new PingEvent()
                Message = $"Ping!",

        protected override async Task Run(IOrchestrationContext context)
            await context.Finish();

            context.ForkUpdate(new IncrementThenRead()
                CounterId = 0

            await context.Finish();

            context.ForkUpdate(new IncrementThenRead()
                CounterId = 1
            context.ForkUpdate(new IncrementThenRead()
                CounterId = 2

            await context.Finish();

            for (uint i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                context.ForkUpdate(new IncrementThenRead()
                    CounterId = 100 + i

            var f1 = context.Finish();

            for (uint i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                context.ForkUpdate(new IncrementThenRead()
                    CounterId = 200 + i

            var f2 = context.Finish();

            for (uint i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                context.ForkUpdate(new IncrementThenRead()
                    CounterId = 300 + i

            await Task.WhenAll(f1, f2);

            await context.Finish();
Exemple #16
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            var config = context.GetConfiguration <HelloWorldTestConfiguration>()
                         ?? new HelloWorldTestConfiguration();

            for (int i = 0; i < config.NumberRepetitions; i++)
                await context.PerformOrchestration(new HelloWorldOrchestration());

        public static async Task DelayBy(this IOrchestrationContext context, TimeSpan delay)
            if (delay != TimeSpan.Zero)
                var currentTime = await context.ReadDateTimeUtcNow();

                await context.PerformActivity(new Extensions.StableDelay()
                    TargetTime = currentTime + delay,
Exemple #18
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            context.Logger.LogInformation($"Counter.TestSuite Start");

            //await context.PerformOrchestration(new TestRandomActivityCount());
            await context.PerformOrchestration(new TestForks());

            await context.PerformOrchestration(new TestForks());

            context.Logger.LogInformation($"Counter.TestSuite End");

        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                context.ForkOrchestration(new CopyBlob()
                    From = $"A{i}", To = $"B{i}"

            await context.Finish();

Exemple #20
        protected override async Task Run(IOrchestrationContext context)
            await context.PerformOrchestration(new LockedMultiEventOrchestration()
                AccountIds = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 },
                Places     = new Places[] { Places.B, Places.C }

            await context.PerformOrchestration(new LockedMultiEventOrchestration()
                AccountIds = new int[] { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 },
                Places     = new Places[] { Places.B }
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            // account does not exist yet
            var exists = await context.StateExists <AccountState, IAccountAffinity, Guid>(AccountId);

            Assert.Equal(false, exists);

            // thus reads and withdraws must fail
                await context.PerformRead(new ReadBalance()
                    AccountId = AccountId

                Assert.Fail("KeyNotFoundException expected");
            catch (KeyNotFoundException) { }
                await context.PerformUpdate(new TryWithdraw()
                    AccountId = AccountId, Amount = 2

                Assert.Fail("KeyNotFoundException expected");
            catch (KeyNotFoundException) { }

            // deposit should succeed and create the account
            await context.PerformUpdate(new Deposit()
                AccountId = AccountId, Amount = 1

            // account does now exist
            exists = await context.StateExists <AccountState, IAccountAffinity, Guid>(AccountId);

            Assert.Equal(true, exists);

            // account contains correct balance
            var amount = await context.PerformRead(new ReadBalance()
                AccountId = AccountId

            Assert.Equal(11, amount);

Exemple #22
 static void BurnUnneededValues(IEnumerable <IEvent> initialEvents, IOrchestrationContext context)
     foreach (var @event in initialEvents)
         if (@event is GuidGenerated)
         if (@event is DateTimeRetrieved)
Exemple #23
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            context.Logger.LogTrace($"Harness.RequestSequence {GeneratorNumber} Start");

            await context.DelayUntil(StartTime);

            for (uint i = 0; i < NumberRequests; i++)
                await context.PerformOrchestration(OperationFactory.GenerateRequest(GeneratorNumber, i));

            context.Logger.LogTrace($"Harness.RequestSequence {GeneratorNumber} Done");

        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            State = new TState();  // start with default constructor

            if (Singleton)
                await((IInitialize <TKey>)State).OnInitialize((IInitializationContext)context, PartitionKey.Key);

Exemple #25
        async Task IOrchestration.Execute(object input, IOrchestrationContext context, IEnumerable <IEvent> events, ICallSerializer serializer)
            this._serializer = serializer;
            this._context    = context;
            _recorded        = new Queue <IEvent>(events);

            await Execute((TInput)input).ConfigureAwait(false);

            OrchestrationEnded end;

            if (TryPop(out end) == false)
        public static async Task DelayUntil(this IOrchestrationContext context, DateTime utcTime)
            if (utcTime.Kind != DateTimeKind.Utc)
                throw new ArgumentException("must use UTC time", nameof(utcTime));
            if ((utcTime - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalMilliseconds > int.MaxValue)
                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(utcTime), "The scheduled time cannot be later than Int32.MaxValue milliseconds from now");

            await context.PerformActivity(new Extensions.StableDelay()
                TargetTime = utcTime,
Exemple #27
        protected override async Task Run(IOrchestrationContext context)
            await context.PerformEvent(new MultiEventThree()
                Places = Places, AccountIds = AccountIds

            foreach (var a in AccountIds)
                var result1 = await context.PerformRead(new ReadBalance1()
                    AccountId = a

                var result2 = await context.PerformRead(new ReadBalance2()
                    AccountId = a

                Assert.Equal(101, result1);
                Assert.Equal(101, result2);

            foreach (var p in Places)
                var result = await context.PerformUpdate(new SetBalance()
                    Place = p, NewBalance = 1000
            foreach (var p in Places)
                var result = await context.PerformRead(new GetBalance()
                    Place = p

                Assert.Equal(1000, result);
            foreach (var p in Places)
                var result = await context.PerformUpdate(new SetBalance()
                    Place = p, NewBalance = 0
Exemple #28
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            var nearbyArea = AvailableDriver.CurrentAvailability.Value.GetNearbyAreas();

            RiderEvent candidate = null;

            foreach (var location in nearbyArea)
                candidate = await context.PerformRead(new GetAvailableRider()
                    Location = location

                if (candidate != null)

            if (candidate == null)
                // there are no matches. So we just wait until someone joins and gets matched to us.

                var result = await context.PerformOrchestration(new TryFinalizeMatch()
                    AvailableDriver = AvailableDriver,
                    AvailableRider  = candidate

                if (result == TryFinalizeMatch.Response.DriverRemainsUnmatched)
                    // retry in order to find another match
            catch (TransactionException)
                // transaction ran into trouble for some reason... retry this orchestration

Exemple #29
        public async Task <UnitType> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            await context.PerformOrchestration(new Initialization()
                NumberGenerators         = NumberGenerators,
                NumberGeneratorProcesses = NumberGeneratorProcesses,
                Workload = Workload

            for (uint i = 0; i < NumberGenerators; i++)
                // schedule events to stop load generation after the test duration
                context.ScheduleLocalUpdate(Duration, new StopGenerator()
                    GeneratorNumber = i

            var DelayBetweenRequests = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(NumberGenerators / Rate);

            context.Logger.LogInformation($"Starting workload.");

            for (uint i = 0; i < NumberGenerators; i++)
                var stagger = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i / Rate);
                context.ScheduleLocalUpdate(stagger, new GeneratorIteration()
                    GeneratorNumber      = i,
                    Iteration            = 0,
                    DelayBetweenRequests = DelayBetweenRequests,
                    Workload             = Workload,

            await context.DelayBy(Duration);

            context.Logger.LogInformation($"Entering Cooldown.");

            await context.DelayBy(Cooldown);

            context.Logger.LogInformation($"Experiment complete.");


        public async Task <Response> Execute(IOrchestrationContext context)
            // (re-)check availability state of both
            var t1 = context.PerformRead(new GetDriverState()
                DriverId = AvailableDriver.DriverId
            var t2 = context.PerformRead(new GetRiderState()
                RiderId = AvailableRider.RiderId
            var t3 = context.NewGuid();

            var driverAvailability = (await t1).Availability;
            var riderAvailability  = (await t2).Availability;
            var rideId             = await t3;

            if (riderAvailability == null && driverAvailability != null)
            else if (driverAvailability == null && riderAvailability != null)
            else if (driverAvailability == null && riderAvailability == null)
                await context.PerformEvent(new RideMatchedEvent()
                    DriverId       = AvailableDriver.DriverId,
                    DriverLocation = AvailableDriver.CurrentAvailability.Value,
                    RiderId        = AvailableRider.RiderId,
                    RiderLocation  = AvailableRider.CurrentAvailability.Value,
                    RideId         = rideId
