Exemple #1
        // check a numberic field for decimals
        private void btnDecimalsCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (cboCheckDecimals.SelectedIndex == -1)
                    MessageBox.Show("You must select a field to check.", "Select Field", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                // show the cursor as busy
                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                // query for layer's specified field looking for decimals
                IQueryFilter arcQFilter = new QueryFilter();
                arcQFilter.WhereClause = ""; // strActiveComboBox + " not like '%.0000%'";

                ITable   arcTable   = (ITable)clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer;
                IDataset arcDataset = (IDataset)clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer;

                if (arcDataset.Workspace.WorkspaceFactory.WorkspaceType == esriWorkspaceType.esriLocalDatabaseWorkspace)
                    // fgdb
                    MessageBox.Show("This function has not been coded to work on a file geodatabase... yet.  Talk to Greg Bunce.", "Not on FGDB", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                else if (arcDataset.Workspace.WorkspaceFactory.WorkspaceType == esriWorkspaceType.esriRemoteDatabaseWorkspace)
                    arcQFilter.WhereClause = cboCheckDecimals.Text.ToString() + " not like '%.0000%'";
                    // shapefile
                    MessageBox.Show("This function has not been coded to work on a shapefile... yet.  Talk to Greg Bunce.", "Not on Shapefile", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                // select the records that have decimals
                ISelectionSet arcSelSet = arcTable.Select(arcQFilter, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionNormal, arcDataset.Workspace);

                ISelectFeaturesOperation arcSeleFeatOperation;
                arcSeleFeatOperation              = new SelectFeaturesOperationClass();
                arcSeleFeatOperation.ActiveView   = clsGlobals.pActiveView;
                arcSeleFeatOperation.Layer        = clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer;
                arcSeleFeatOperation.SelectionSet = arcSelSet;

                //perform the operation
                clsGlobals.pMxDocument.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, null);

                IOperationStack arcOperationStack = clsGlobals.pMxDocument.OperationStack;

                clsGlobals.pMxDocument.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Message: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Source: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Source + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Location:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace,
                                "Push Utrans Roads to SGID!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
Exemple #2
        // select all the records from the specified field that have null or blank values
        private void btnSelectBlankNulls_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // clear the progress bar, in case it has been used before
                pBar.Value = 1;

                if (cboChooseFields.SelectedIndex == -1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a field from the dropdown list", "Must Select Field", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                //show the cursor as busy
                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                // cast the layer to itable interface b/c it makes use of the layer's definition query or join, if any.. and does the select based on that
                ITable arcTable = (ITable)clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer;

                IDataset     arcDataset     = (IDataset)clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer;
                IQueryFilter arcQueryFilter = new QueryFilter();
                arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = null;

                // check what type of layer this is, to determine the query syntax
                if (arcDataset.Workspace.WorkspaceFactory.WorkspaceType == esriWorkspaceType.esriFileSystemWorkspace)
                    //check the field type, look for either text or double/integer to determine what type of query to set up
                    if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)
                        if (chkNullOnly.Checked == true)
                            arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = "\"" + cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + "\" is null";
                            arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = "\"" + cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + "\" is null or \"" + cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + "\" = ''";
                    else if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble)
                        arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = "\"" + cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + "\" is null";
                    else if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger)
                        arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = "\"" + cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + "\" is null";
                    else if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger)
                        arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = "\"" + cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + "\" is null";
                        MessageBox.Show("You're asking to do a query on a field type that is not supported by this code.  If you need this field type to be supported talk to Greg Bunce.  He will make it happen.", "Not Supported Field Type", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (arcDataset.Workspace.WorkspaceFactory.WorkspaceType == esriWorkspaceType.esriLocalDatabaseWorkspace)
                    //check the field type, look for either text or double/integer to determine what type of query to set up
                    if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)
                        if (chkNullOnly.Checked == true)
                            arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null";
                            arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null or " + cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " = ''";
                    else if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble)
                        arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null";
                    else if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger)
                        arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null";
                    else if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger)
                        arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null";
                        MessageBox.Show("You're asking to do a query on a field type that is not supported by this code.  If you need this field type to be supported talk to Greg Bunce.  He will make it happen.", "Not Supported Field Type", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (arcDataset.Workspace.WorkspaceFactory.WorkspaceType == esriWorkspaceType.esriRemoteDatabaseWorkspace)
                    //check the field type, look for either text or double/integer to determine what type of query to set up
                    if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)
                        if (chkNullOnly.Checked == true)
                            arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null";
                            arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null or (" + "LTRIM(RTRIM(" + cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + ")) = '')";
                    else if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble)
                        arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null";
                    else if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger)
                        arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null";
                    else if (clsPushSgidStaticClass.GetArcGisFieldType(cboChooseFields.Text) == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger)
                        arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null";
                        MessageBox.Show("You're asking to do a query on a field type that is currently not supported by this code.  If you need this field type to be supported talk to Greg Bunce.  He will make it happen.", "Not Supported Field Type", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                // select the records that have nulls or blanks
                ISelectionSet arcSelSet = arcTable.Select(arcQueryFilter, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionNormal, arcDataset.Workspace);

                ISelectFeaturesOperation arcSeleFeatOperation;
                arcSeleFeatOperation              = new SelectFeaturesOperationClass();
                arcSeleFeatOperation.ActiveView   = clsGlobals.pActiveView;
                arcSeleFeatOperation.Layer        = clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer;
                arcSeleFeatOperation.SelectionSet = arcSelSet;

                //perform the operation
                clsGlobals.pMxDocument.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, null);

                IOperationStack arcOperationStack = clsGlobals.pMxDocument.OperationStack;

                clsGlobals.pMxDocument.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, null);

                ////IFeatureLayer arcFeatLayer = clsGlobals.pGFlayer;
                //IFeatureLayerDefinition arcFeatureLayerDef = (IFeatureLayerDefinition)clsGlobals.pGFlayer;
                //string strExistingDefQuery = arcFeatureLayerDef.DefinitionExpression;

                //// select the records that have nulls or blanks
                //IQueryFilter arcQueryFilter = new QueryFilter();
                //arcQueryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + strExistingDefQuery + ") AND " + cboChooseFields.Text.ToString().Trim() + " is null";

                //IDataset arcDataset = (IDataset)clsGlobals.pGFlayer.FeatureClass;
                //ISelectionSet arcSelSet = clsGlobals.pGFlayer.FeatureClass.Select(arcQueryFilter,esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionNormal, arcDataset.Workspace);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Message: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Source: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Source + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Location:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace,
                                "Push Utrans Roads to SGID error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
        private void AddQALayerToActiveView(IMap map, IFeatureClass SourceLineFeatureClass, IFeatureClass SourcePolygonFeatureClass,
                                            string layerPathFile, double metersPerUnit, bool bIsBefore1022, bool bFabricIsInGCS)
            if (map == null || layerPathFile == null || !layerPathFile.EndsWith(".lyr"))

            // Create a new GxLayer
            IGxLayer gxLayer = new GxLayerClass();
            IGxFile  gxFile  = (IGxFile)gxLayer;

            // Set the path for where the layerfile is located on disk
            gxFile.Path = layerPathFile;

            // Test if we have a valid layer and add it to the map
            if (!(gxLayer.Layer == null))
                if (!(gxLayer.Layer is ICompositeLayer))
                ICompositeLayer pCompLyr = (ICompositeLayer)gxLayer.Layer;
                for (int i = 0; i < pCompLyr.Count; i++)
                    ILayer pLyr = pCompLyr.get_Layer(i);
                    if (pLyr is IFeatureLayer)
                        IFeatureLayer pFlyr = (IFeatureLayer)pLyr;
                        //now update the definition query
                        IFeatureLayerDefinition pFeatLyrDef = (IFeatureLayerDefinition)pFlyr;
                        string sLyrName = pFlyr.Name;
                        bool   bExc     = false;
                        if (sLyrName.Contains("Minus"))
                            pFlyr.FeatureClass = SourceLineFeatureClass;
                            bExc = false;

                            //ILayerFields pLayerFields = pFlyr as ILayerFields;
                            //First turn off all layers
                            //for (int kk = 0; kk < pLayerFields.FieldCount; kk++)
                            //  IFieldInfo pFieldInfo = pLayerFields.get_FieldInfo(kk);
                            //  pFieldInfo.Visible = false;

                            SetLabelExpressionOnFeatureLayer(pFlyr, out bExc);
                            if (bExc || bFabricIsInGCS)
                                int jj = pFlyr.FeatureClass.FindField("ComputedMinusObserved");
                                if (jj > -1)
                                    string sVal     = (0.1 / metersPerUnit).ToString("0.00");
                                    string sCminusO = pFlyr.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(jj).Name;
                                    pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = sCminusO + " > " + sVal + " AND " + sCminusO + " < " + sVal;

                                    //IFieldInfo pFieldInfo = pLayerFields.get_Field(jj) as IFieldInfo;
                                    //pFieldInfo.Visible = true;
                            string s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            int    iField = SourceLineFeatureClass.FindField("ArcLength");
                            if (iField > -1)
                                //IFieldInfo pFieldInfo = pLayerFields.get_Field(iField) as IFieldInfo;
                                //pFieldInfo.Visible = true;

                                string s2 = SourceLineFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"ArcLength\"", s2);
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("ArcLength", s2);

                            s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            iField = SourceLineFeatureClass.FindField("Distance");
                            if (iField > -1)
                                //IFieldInfo pFieldInfo = pLayerFields.get_Field(iField) as IFieldInfo;
                                //pFieldInfo.Visible = true;

                                string s2 = SourceLineFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"Distance\"", s2);
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("Distance", s2);

                            s = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("Shape_Length", SourceLineFeatureClass.LengthField.Name);
                        else if (sLyrName.Contains("Parcel"))
                        { //In 10.1 start editing crashes if the definition query in these layers that use POWER function is present.
                          //Can test if the release is 10.1 and knock out the def query, or else exclude the layers.

                            string s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            int    iField = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.FindField("MiscloseDistance");
                            string s2     = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"MiscloseDistance\"", s2);
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("MiscloseDistance", s2);

                            s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            iField = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.FindField("ShapeStdErrorE");
                            s2     = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"ShapeStdErrorE\"", s2);
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("ShapeStdErrorE", s2);

                            s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            iField = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.FindField("ShapeStdErrorN");
                            s2     = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"ShapeStdErrorN\"", s2);
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("ShapeStdErrorN", s2);

                            pFlyr.FeatureClass = SourcePolygonFeatureClass;
                            SetLabelExpressionOnFeatureLayer(pFlyr, out bExc);

                            if (s.ToLower().Contains("power") && bIsBefore1022)
                            {//remove the def query CR278039
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = "";
                gxLayer.Layer.Name = "QA Symbology";

                IMxDocument         pMXDoc    = ArcMap.Document;
                IOperationStack     pOpSt     = pMXDoc.OperationStack;
                IAddLayersOperation pAddLyrOp = new AddLayersOperationClass();
                pAddLyrOp.SetDestinationInfo(0, map, null);
                pAddLyrOp.Name = "Add Fabric QA Layer";
                IOperation pOp = (IOperation)pAddLyrOp;
Exemple #4
        private void AddQALayerToActiveView(IMap map, IFeatureClass SourceLineFeatureClass, IFeatureClass SourcePolygonFeatureClass,
                                            string layerPathFile, double metersPerUnit, bool bIsBefore1022, bool bFabricIsInGCS)
            if (map == null || layerPathFile == null || !layerPathFile.EndsWith(".lyr"))

            IWorkspace pWS         = SourceLineFeatureClass.FeatureDataset.Workspace;
            bool       bIsPostGres = false;

            if (pWS.Type != esriWorkspaceType.esriLocalDatabaseWorkspace)
                IDatabaseConnectionInfo2 connectionInfo2 = (IDatabaseConnectionInfo2)(pWS);
                bIsPostGres = (connectionInfo2.ConnectionDBMS == esriConnectionDBMS.esriDBMS_PostgreSQL);

            // Create a new GxLayer
            IGxLayer gxLayer = new GxLayerClass();
            IGxFile  gxFile  = (IGxFile)gxLayer;

            // Set the path for where the layerfile is located on disk
            gxFile.Path = layerPathFile;

            // Test if we have a valid layer and add it to the map
            if (!(gxLayer.Layer == null))
                if (!(gxLayer.Layer is ICompositeLayer))
                ICompositeLayer pCompLyr = (ICompositeLayer)gxLayer.Layer;
                for (int i = 0; i < pCompLyr.Count; i++)
                    ILayer pLyr = pCompLyr.get_Layer(i);
                    if (pLyr is IFeatureLayer)
                        IFeatureLayer pFlyr = (IFeatureLayer)pLyr;
                        //now update the definition query
                        IFeatureLayerDefinition pFeatLyrDef = (IFeatureLayerDefinition)pFlyr;
                        string sLyrName = pFlyr.Name;
                        bool   bExc     = false;
                        if (sLyrName.Contains("Minus"))
                            pFlyr.FeatureClass = SourceLineFeatureClass;
                            bExc = false;

                            SetLabelExpressionOnFeatureLayer(pFlyr, out bExc);
                            if (bExc || bFabricIsInGCS)
                                int jj = pFlyr.FeatureClass.FindField("ComputedMinusObserved");
                                if (jj > -1)
                                    string sVal     = (0.1 / metersPerUnit).ToString("0.00");
                                    string sCminusO = pFlyr.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(jj).Name;
                                    pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = "(" + sCminusO + " > " + sVal + " OR " + sCminusO + " < -" + sVal + ") AND (" + sCminusO + " IS NOT NULL)";

                                    if (bIsPostGres)
                                        pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = "(((st_length(shape) - distance) > " + sVal +
                                                                           " OR (st_length(shape) - distance) < -" + sVal + " OR (distance - st_length(shape)) > " + sVal +
                                                                           " OR  (distance - st_length(shape)) < -" + sVal +
                                                                           ") AND (radius IS NULL AND (densifytype IS NULL OR densifytype <> 3))  AND category <> 4) OR ( ( ((st_length(shape) - arclength) > " + sVal +
                                                                           " OR (st_length(shape) - arclength) < -" + sVal + ")    OR (arclength - st_length(shape)) > " + sVal +
                                                                           " OR  (arclength - st_length(shape)) < -" + sVal + ") AND ( NOT arclength IS NULL ) )"; //this is query for ST_Geometry as well as PG_Geometry

                            string s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            int    iField = SourceLineFeatureClass.FindField("ArcLength");
                            if (iField > -1)
                                string s2 = SourceLineFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"ArcLength\"", s2);
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("ArcLength", s2);

                            s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            iField = SourceLineFeatureClass.FindField("Category");
                            if (iField > -1)
                                string s2 = SourceLineFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"Category\"", s2);
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("Category", s2);

                            s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            iField = SourceLineFeatureClass.FindField("Radius");
                            if (iField > -1)
                                string s2 = SourceLineFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"Radius\"", s2);
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("Radius", s2);

                            s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            iField = SourceLineFeatureClass.FindField("Distance");
                            if (iField > -1)
                                string s2 = SourceLineFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"Distance\"", s2);
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("Distance", s2);

                            s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            iField = SourceLineFeatureClass.FindField("DensifyType");
                            if (iField > -1)
                                string s2 = SourceLineFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"DensifyType\"", s2);
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("DensifyType", s2);

                            s = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"Shape_Length\"", SourceLineFeatureClass.LengthField.Name);
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("Shape_Length", SourceLineFeatureClass.LengthField.Name);
                        else if (sLyrName.Contains("Parcel"))
                        { //In 10.1 start editing crashes if the definition query in these layers that use POWER function is present.
                          //Can test if the release is 10.1 and knock out the def query, or else exclude the layers.

                            string s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            int    iField = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.FindField("MiscloseDistance");
                            string s2     = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"MiscloseDistance\"", s2);
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("MiscloseDistance", s2);

                            s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            iField = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.FindField("ShapeStdErrorE");
                            s2     = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"ShapeStdErrorE\"", s2);
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("ShapeStdErrorE", s2);

                            s      = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
                            iField = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.FindField("ShapeStdErrorN");
                            s2     = SourcePolygonFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"ShapeStdErrorN\"", s2);
                            pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("ShapeStdErrorN", s2);

                            pFlyr.FeatureClass = SourcePolygonFeatureClass;
                            SetLabelExpressionOnFeatureLayer(pFlyr, out bExc);

                            if (s.ToLower().Contains("power") && bIsBefore1022)
                            {//remove the def query CR278039
                                pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = "";
                gxLayer.Layer.Name = "QA Symbology";

                IMxDocument         pMXDoc    = ArcMap.Document;
                IOperationStack     pOpSt     = pMXDoc.OperationStack;
                IAddLayersOperation pAddLyrOp = new AddLayersOperationClass();
                pAddLyrOp.SetDestinationInfo(0, map, null);
                pAddLyrOp.Name = "Add Fabric QA Layer";
                IOperation pOp = (IOperation)pAddLyrOp;