}             // proc Dispose

            public async Task <IOdetteFileWriter> CreateInFileAsync(IOdetteFile file, string userData)
                var incomingFile = String.Format("In coming file {0} ", OdetteFileImmutable.FormatFileName(file, userData));

                if (!service.IsInFileAllowed(file))
                    log.Info(incomingFile + "ignored");

                var fi = service.CreateInFileName(file, OdetteInFileState.Pending);

                // check if the file exists
                if (File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(fi.FullName, GetInFileExtention(OdetteInFileState.Received))) ||
                    File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(fi.FullName, GetInFileExtention(OdetteInFileState.PendingEndToEnd))) ||
                    File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(fi.FullName, GetInFileExtention(OdetteInFileState.Finished))))
                    throw new OdetteFileServiceException(OdetteAnswerReason.DuplicateFile, "File already exists.", false);

                // open the file to write
                var fileItem = await Task.Run(() => new FileItem(service, fi, file, true));

                fileItem.Log(log, incomingFile + "accepted");
                    return(await Task.Run(new Func <IOdetteFileWriter>(fileItem.OpenWrite)));
                catch (IOException e)
                    throw new OdetteFileServiceException(OdetteAnswerReason.UnspecifiedReason, e.Message, false, e);
            }             // func CreateInFile
        }         // func IsInFileAllowed

        /// <summary>Creates the file name, for the description, without state information.</summary>
        /// <param name="fileDescription"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string GetFileName(IOdetteFile fileDescription)
            if (fileDescription == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fileDescription");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileDescription.VirtualFileName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("VirtualFileName");
            if (fileDescription.FileStamp == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("FileStamp");

            return(fileDescription.SourceOrDestination + "#" +
                   fileDescription.VirtualFileName + "#" +
                   fileDescription.FileStamp.ToString(fileStampFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
        }         // func GetFileName
        }         // proc CallFileItemNotify


        #region -- Directory Helper ---------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>Checks if the file is receivable.</summary>
        /// <param name="fileDescription"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal bool IsInFileAllowed(IOdetteFile fileDescription)
            if (directoryIn == null)

            if (fileNameFilter == null || fileNameFilter.Length == 0)

            foreach (var cur in fileNameFilter)
                if (Procs.IsFilterEqual(fileDescription.VirtualFileName, cur))

        }         // func IsInFileAllowed
Exemple #4
 /// <summary></summary>
 /// <param name="file"></param>
 /// <param name="userData"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string FormatFileName(IOdetteFile file, string userData)
 => file.SourceOrDestination + "/" + file.VirtualFileName + "[userData=" + userData + "]";
            public FileItem(DirectoryFileServiceItem notifyTarget, FileInfo fileInfo, IOdetteFile file, bool createInfo)
                var fileDescription = file as IOdetteFileDescription;

                this.notifyTarget = new WeakReference <DirectoryFileServiceItem>(notifyTarget);
                this.fileInfo     = fileInfo;

                this.virtualFileName     = file.VirtualFileName;
                this.fileStamp           = file.FileStamp;
                this.sourceOrDestination = file.SourceOrDestination;

                var fiExtended = new FileInfo(GetExtendedFile());
                var readed     = false;

                if (!createInfo && fiExtended.Exists)
                    // read file
                    xExtentions = XDocument.Load(fiExtended.FullName);

                    // read description element
                    var xDescription = xExtentions.Root.Element("description") ?? new XElement("description");

                    // get the attributes
                    var stringFormat = xDescription.GetAttribute("format", "U");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringFormat))
                        format = OdetteFileFormat.Unstructured;
                        switch (Char.ToUpper(stringFormat[0]))
                        case 'T':
                            format = OdetteFileFormat.Text;

                        case 'F':
                            format = OdetteFileFormat.Fixed;

                        case 'V':
                            format = OdetteFileFormat.Variable;

                            format = OdetteFileFormat.Unstructured;

                    maximumRecordSize = xDescription.GetAttribute("maximumRecordSize", 0);
                    fileSize          = xDescription.GetAttribute("fileSize", -1L);
                    if (fileSize < 0)
                        fileSize = fileInfo.Length / 1024;                         // 1ks
                        if ((fileInfo.Length & 0x3FF) != 0)

                    fileSizeUnpacked = xDescription.GetAttribute("fileSizeUnpacked", fileSize);
                    description      = xDescription.Value ?? String.Empty;

                    readed = true;

                if (!readed)                 // create the new info xml
                    this.format            = fileDescription?.Format ?? OdetteFileFormat.Unstructured;
                    this.maximumRecordSize = fileDescription?.MaximumRecordSize ?? 0;
                    this.fileSize          = fileDescription?.FileSize ?? (fileInfo.Exists ? fileInfo.Length : 0);
                    this.fileSizeUnpacked  = fileDescription?.FileSizeUnpacked ?? fileSize;
                    this.description       = fileDescription?.Description ?? String.Empty;

                    // create extented attributes
                    xExtentions = new XDocument(
                        new XDeclaration("1.0", Encoding.Default.WebName, "yes"),
                        new XElement("oftp",
                                     new XElement("description",
                                                  new XAttribute("format", format),
                                                  new XAttribute("maximumRecordSize", maximumRecordSize),
                                                  new XAttribute("fileSize", fileSize),
                                                  new XAttribute("fileSizeUnpacked", fileSizeUnpacked),
                                                  new XText(description)

                    if (!fiExtended.Exists)

                // optional information for send
                xSendInfo = xExtentions.Root.Element("send") ?? new XElement("send");
            }             // ctor
 /// <summary>Builds the file name with state extention.</summary>
 /// <param name="file"></param>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal FileInfo CreateOutFileName(IOdetteFile file, OdetteOutFileState state)
 => new FileInfo(Path.Combine(directoryOut.FullName, GetFileName(file) + GetOutFileExtention(state)));
Exemple #7
		} // proc CallFileItemNotify


		#region -- Directory Helper -------------------------------------------------------

		/// <summary>Checks if the file is receivable.</summary>
		/// <param name="fileDescription"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		internal bool IsInFileAllowed(IOdetteFile fileDescription)
			if (directoryIn == null)
				return false;

			if (fileNameFilter == null || fileNameFilter.Length == 0)
				return true;

			foreach (var cur in fileNameFilter)
				if (ProcsDE.IsFilterEqual(fileDescription.VirtualFileName, cur))
					return true;

			return false;
		} // func IsInFileAllowed
Exemple #8
		} // func IsInFileAllowed

		/// <summary>Creates the file name, for the description, without state information.</summary>
		/// <param name="fileDescription"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private static string GetFileName(IOdetteFile fileDescription)
			if (fileDescription == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("fileDescription");
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileDescription.VirtualFileName))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("VirtualFileName");
			if (fileDescription.FileStamp == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("FileStamp");

			return fileDescription.Originator + "#" +
				fileDescription.VirtualFileName + "#" +
				fileDescription.FileStamp.ToString(FileStampFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
		} // func GetFileName
Exemple #9
			} // proc Dispose

			public IOdetteFileWriter CreateInFile(IOdetteFile file, string userData)
				var incomingFile = String.Format("In coming file {0} ", OdetteFileMutable.FormatFileName(file, userData));
				if (!service.IsInFileAllowed(file))
					log.Info(incomingFile + "ignored");
					return null;

				var fi = service.CreateInFileName(file, OdetteInFileState.Pending);

				// check if the file exists
				if (File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(fi.FullName, GetInFileExtention(OdetteInFileState.Received))) ||
					File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(fi.FullName, GetInFileExtention(OdetteInFileState.PendingEndToEnd))) ||
					File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(fi.FullName, GetInFileExtention(OdetteInFileState.Finished))))
					throw new OdetteFileServiceException(OdetteAnswerReason.DuplicateFile, "File already exists.", false);

				// open the file to write
				var fileItem = new FileItem(service, fi, file, true);
				fileItem.Log(log, incomingFile + "accepted");
					return fileItem.OpenWrite();
				catch (IOException e)
					throw new OdetteFileServiceException(OdetteAnswerReason.UnspecifiedReason, e.Message, false, e);
			} // func CreateInFile
Exemple #10
			public FileItem(DirectoryFileServiceItem notifyTarget, FileInfo fileInfo, IOdetteFile file, bool createInfo)
				var fileDescription = file as IOdetteFileDescription;

				this.notifyTarget = new WeakReference<DirectoryFileServiceItem>(notifyTarget);
				this.fileInfo = fileInfo;

				this.virtualFileName = file.VirtualFileName;
				this.fileStamp = file.FileStamp;
				this.originator = file.Originator;

				var fiExtended = new FileInfo(GetExtendedFile());
				var readed = false;
				if (!createInfo && fiExtended.Exists)
					// read file
					xExtentions = XDocument.Load(fiExtended.FullName);

					// read description element
					var xDescription = xExtentions.Root.Element("description") ?? new XElement("description");

					// get the attributes
					var stringFormat = xDescription.GetAttribute("format", "U");
					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringFormat))
						format = OdetteFileFormat.Unstructured;
						switch (Char.ToUpper(stringFormat[0]))
							case 'T':
								format = OdetteFileFormat.Text;
							case 'F':
								format = OdetteFileFormat.Fixed;
							case 'V':
								format = OdetteFileFormat.Variable;
								format = OdetteFileFormat.Unstructured;

					maximumRecordSize = xDescription.GetAttribute("maximumRecordSize", 0);
					fileSize = xDescription.GetAttribute("fileSize", -1L);
					if (fileSize < 0)
						fileSize = fileInfo.Length / 1024; // 1ks
						if ((fileInfo.Length & 0x3FF) != 0)

					fileSizeUnpacked = xDescription.GetAttribute("fileSizeUnpacked", fileSize);
					description = xDescription.Value ?? String.Empty;

					readed = true;

				if (!readed) // create the new info xml
					this.format = fileDescription?.Format ?? OdetteFileFormat.Unstructured;
					this.maximumRecordSize = fileDescription?.MaximumRecordSize ?? 0;
					this.fileSize = fileDescription?.FileSize ?? (fileInfo.Exists ? fileInfo.Length : 0);
					this.fileSizeUnpacked = fileDescription?.FileSizeUnpacked ?? fileSize;
					this.description = fileDescription?.Description ?? String.Empty;

					// create extented attributes
					xExtentions = new XDocument(
						new XDeclaration("1.0", Encoding.Default.WebName, "yes"),
						new XElement("oftp",
							new XElement("description",
								new XAttribute("format", format),
								new XAttribute("maximumRecordSize", maximumRecordSize),
								new XAttribute("fileSize", fileSize),
								new XAttribute("fileSizeUnpacked", fileSizeUnpacked),
								new XText(description)

					if (!fiExtended.Exists)

				// optional information for send
				xSendInfo = xExtentions.Root.Element("send") ?? new XElement("send");
			} // ctor
Exemple #11
		} // func CreateInFileName

		/// <summary>Builds the file name with state extention.</summary>
		/// <param name="file"></param>
		/// <param name="state"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		internal FileInfo CreateOutFileName(IOdetteFile file, OdetteOutFileState state)
			return new FileInfo(Path.Combine(directoryOut.FullName, GetFileName(file) + GetOutFileExtention(state)));
		} // func CreateOutFileName
Exemple #12
		} // proc Dispose


		#region -- File service proxy implementation --------------------------------------

		/// <summary>Create/Overrides/Resumes a new odette file, to receive.</summary>
		/// <param name="fileDescription"></param>
		/// <param name="userData"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public IOdetteFileWriter CreateInFile(IOdetteFile file, string userData)
			foreach (var s in services)
				var inFile = s.CreateInFile(file, userData);
				if (inFile != null)
					return inFile;
			return null;
		} // func CreateInFile
Exemple #13
		public static string FormatFileName(IOdetteFile file, string userData)
			=> file.Originator + "/" + file.VirtualFileName + "[userData=" + userData + "]";