public ListMachinesCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Listing");
     options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => environments.Add(v));
     options.Add("status=", string.Format("Status of Machines filter by ({0}). Can be specified many times.", string.Join(", ", StatusNames)), v => statuses.Add(v));
        protected DeploymentCommandBase(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            SpecificMachineNames = new List<string>();
            SkipStepNames = new List<string>();
            DeployToEnvironmentNames = new List<string>();
            TenantTags = new List<string>();
            Tenants = new List<string>();

            var options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add("progress", "[Optional] Show progress of the deployment", v => { showProgress = true; WaitForDeployment = true; noRawLog = true; });
            options.Add("forcepackagedownload", "[Optional] Whether to force downloading of already installed packages (flag, default false).", v => ForcePackageDownload = true);
            options.Add("waitfordeployment", "[Optional] Whether to wait synchronously for deployment to finish.", v => WaitForDeployment = true);
            options.Add("deploymenttimeout=", "[Optional] Specifies maximum time (timespan format) that the console session will wait for the deployment to finish(default 00:10:00). This will not stop the deployment. Requires --waitfordeployment parameter set.", v => DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.Parse(v));
            options.Add("cancelontimeout", "[Optional] Whether to cancel the deployment if the deployment timeout is reached (flag, default false).", v => CancelOnTimeout = true);
            options.Add("deploymentchecksleepcycle=", "[Optional] Specifies how much time (timespan format) should elapse between deployment status checks (default 00:00:10)", v => DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.Parse(v));
            options.Add("guidedfailure=", "[Optional] Whether to use Guided Failure mode. (True or False. If not specified, will use default setting from environment)", v => UseGuidedFailure = bool.Parse(v));
            options.Add("specificmachines=", "[Optional] A comma-separated list of machines names to target in the deployed environment. If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.", v => SpecificMachineNames.AddRange(v.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(m => m.Trim())));
            options.Add("force", "[Optional] If a project is configured to skip packages with already-installed versions, override this setting to force re-deployment (flag, default false).", v => ForcePackageRedeployment = true);
            options.Add("skip=", "[Optional] Skip a step by name", v => SkipStepNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("norawlog", "[Optional] Don't print the raw log of failed tasks", v => noRawLog = true);
            options.Add("rawlogfile=", "[Optional] Redirect the raw log of failed tasks to a file", v => rawLogFile = v);
            options.Add("v|variable=", "[Optional] Values for any prompted variables in the format Label:Value", ParseVariable);
            options.Add("deployat=", "[Optional] Time at which deployment should start (scheduled deployment), specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.", v => ParseDeployAt(v));
            options.Add("tenant=", "A tenant the deployment will be performed for; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard to deploy to tenants able to deploy.", t => Tenants.Add(t));
            options.Add("tenanttag=", "A tenant tag used to match tenants that the deployment will be performed for; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenant tags", tt => TenantTags.Add(tt));
        public CreateReleaseCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IPackageVersionResolver versionResolver)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            this.versionResolver = versionResolver;

            DeployToEnvironmentNames = new List<string>();
            DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

            var options = Options.For("Release creation");
            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] Channel to use for the new release.", v => ChannelName = v);
            options.Add("version=|releaseNumber=", "[Optional] Release number to use for the new release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add("packageversion=|defaultpackageversion=", "Default version number of all packages to use for this release.", v => versionResolver.Default(v));
            options.Add("package=", "[Optional] Version number to use for a package in the release. Format: --package={StepName}:{Version}", v => versionResolver.Add(v));
            options.Add("packagesFolder=", "[Optional] A folder containing NuGet packages from which we should get versions.", v => versionResolver.AddFolder(v));
            options.Add("releasenotes=", "[Optional] Release Notes for the new release.", v => ReleaseNotes = v);
            options.Add("releasenotesfile=", "[Optional] Path to a file that contains Release Notes for the new release.", ReadReleaseNotesFromFile);
            options.Add("ignoreexisting", "If a release with the version number already exists, ignore it", v => IgnoreIfAlreadyExists = true);
            options.Add("ignorechannelrules", "[Optional] Ignore package version matching rules", v => Force = true);
            options.Add("packageprerelease=", "[Optional] Pre-release for latest version of all packages to use for this release.", v => VersionPrerelease = v);

            options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add("deployto=", "[Optional] Environment to automatically deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
 public PushCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Package pushing");
     options.Add("package=", "Package file to push. Specify multiple packages by specifying this argument multiple times: \n--package package1 --package package2", package => Packages.Add(EnsurePackageExists(fileSystem, package)));
     options.Add("replace-existing", "If the package already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new package being pushed. You can pass this flag to overwrite the existing package.", replace => ReplaceExisting = true);
        public DummyApiCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            var options = Options.For("Dummy");
            options.Add("pill=", "Red or Blue. Blue, the story ends. Red, stay in Wonderland and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.", v => pill = v);
			log.Debug ("Pill: " + pill);
 public CreateEnvironmentCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Environment creation");
     options.Add("name=", "The name of the environment", v => EnvironmentName = v);
     options.Add("ignoreIfExists", "If the environment already exists, an error will be returned. Set this flag to ignore the error.", v => IgnoreIfExists = true);
 public ListLatestDeploymentsCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Listing");
     options.Add("project=", "Name of a project to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => projects.Add(v));
     options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => environments.Add(v));
        public PackCommand(ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            this.log = log;
            this.fileSystem = fileSystem;

            var common = optionGroups.For("Advanced options");
            common.Add("include=", "[Optional, Multiple] Add a file pattern to include, relative to the base path e.g. /bin/*.dll - if none are specified, defaults to **", v => includes.Add(v));
            common.Add("overwrite", "[Optional] Allow an existing package file of the same ID/version to be overwritten", v => overwrite = true);

            var nuget = optionGroups.For("NuGet packages");
            nuget.Add("author=", "[Optional, Multiple] Add an author to the package metadata; defaults to the current user", v => authors.Add(v));
            nuget.Add("title=", "[Optional] The title of the package", v => title = v);
            nuget.Add("description=", "[Optional] A description of the package; defaults to a generic description", v => description = v);
            nuget.Add("releaseNotes=", "[Optional] Release notes for this version of the package", v => releaseNotes = v);
            nuget.Add("releaseNotesFile=", "[Optional] A file containing release notes for this version of the package", v => releaseNotesFile = v);
            var basic = optionGroups.For("Basic options");
            basic.Add("id=", "The ID of the package; e.g. MyCompany.MyApp", v => id = v);
            basic.Add("format=", "Package format. Options are: NuPkg, Zip. Defaults to NuPkg, though we recommend Zip going forward.", fmt => packageBuilder = SelectFormat(fmt));
            basic.Add("version=", "[Optional] The version of the package; must be a valid SemVer; defaults to a timestamp-based version", v => version = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v) ? null : new SemanticVersion(v));
            basic.Add("outFolder=", "[Optional] The folder into which the generated NUPKG file will be written; defaults to '.'", v => outFolder = v);
            basic.Add("basePath=", "[Optional] The root folder containing files and folders to pack; defaults to '.'", v => basePath = v);

            packageBuilder = SelectFormat("nupkg");
 public DeleteReleasesCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Deletion");
     options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
     options.Add("minversion=", "Minimum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MinVersion = v);
     options.Add("maxversion=", "Maximum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MaxVersion = v);
     options.Add("whatif", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, releases won't actually be deleted, but will be listed as if simulating the command", v => WhatIf = true);
 public PromoteReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem, clientFactory)
     var options = Options.For("Release Promotion");
     options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
     options.Add("from=", "Name of the environment to get the current deployment from, e.g., Staging", v => FromEnvironmentName = v);
     options.Add("to=|deployto=", "Environment to deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
     options.Add("updateVariables", "Overwrite the variable snapshot for the release by re-importing the variables from the project", v => UpdateVariableSnapshot = true);
 public CreateProjectCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Project creation");
     options.Add("name=", "The name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
     options.Add("projectGroup=", "The name of the project group to add this project to. If the group doesn't exist, it will be created.", v => ProjectGroupName = v);
     options.Add("lifecycle=", "The name of the lifecycle that the project will use.", v=> LifecycleName = v);
     options.Add("ignoreIfExists", "If the project already exists, an error will be returned. Set this flag to ignore the error.", v => IgnoreIfExists = true);
 public CleanEnvironmentCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Cleanup");
     options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to clean up.", v => environmentName = v);
     options.Add("status=", "Status of Machines to clean up (Online, Offline, NeedsUpgrade, CalamariNeedsUpgrade, Disabled).", v =>
         Enum.TryParse(v, true, out status);
 public DeleteReleasesCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Deletion");
     options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
     options.Add("minversion=", "Minimum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MinVersion = v);
     options.Add("maxversion=", "Maximum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MaxVersion = v);
     options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] if specified, only releases associated with the channel will be deleted; specify this argument multiple times to target multiple channels.", v => ChannelNames.Add(v));
     options.Add("whatif", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, releases won't actually be deleted, but will be listed as if simulating the command", v => WhatIf = true);
        public PromoteReleaseCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            DeployToEnvironmentNames = new List<string>();

            var options = Options.For("Project creation");
            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("from=", "Name of the environment to get the current deployment from, e.g., Staging", v => FromEnvironmentName = v);
            options.Add("to=|deployto=", "Environment to deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
 public CreateChannelCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory) : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Create");
     options.Add("project=", "The name of the project in which to create the channel", p => projectName = p);
     options.Add("channel=", "The name of the channel to create", s => channelName = s);
     options.Add("description=", "[Optional] A description of the channel", d => channelDescription = d);
     options.Add("lifecycle=", "[Optional] if specified, the name of the lifecycle to use for promoting releases through this channel, otherwise this channel will inherit the project lifecycle", l => lifecycleName = l);
     options.Add("make-default-channel", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, set the new channel to be the default channel replacing any existing default channel", _ => makeDefaultChannel = true);
     options.Add("update-existing", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, updates the matching channel if it already exists, otherwise this command will fail if a matching channel already exists", _ => updateExisting = true);
        public ImportCommand(IImporterLocator importerLocator, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            this.importerLocator = importerLocator;

            var options = Options.For("Import");
            options.Add("type=", "The Octopus object type to import", v => Type = v);
            options.Add("filePath=", "The full path and name of the exported file", v => FilePath = v);
            options.Add("project=", "[Optional] The name of the project", v => Project = v);
            options.Add("dryRun", "[Optional] Perform a dry run of the import", v => DryRun = true);
 public CleanEnvironmentCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Cleanup");
     options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to clean up.", v => environmentName = v);
     options.Add("status=", $"Status of Machines clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.StatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => statuses.Add(v));
     options.Add("health-status=|healthstatus=", $"Health status of Machines to clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.HealthStatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => healthStatuses.Add(v));
     options.Add("disabled=", "[Optional] Disabled status filter of Machine to clean up.", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isDisabled));
     options.Add("calamari-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Calamari to clean up. By default ignores Calamari state.", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isCalamariOutdated));
     options.Add("tentacle-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Tentacle version to clean up. By default ignores Tentacle state", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isTentacleOutdated));
        public ExportCommand(IExporterLocator exporterLocator, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            this.exporterLocator = exporterLocator;

            var options = Options.For("Export");
            options.Add("type=", "The type to export", v => Type = v);
            options.Add("filePath=", "The full path and name of the export file", v => FilePath = v);
            options.Add("project=", "[Optional] Name of the project", v => Project = v);
            options.Add("name=", "[Optional] Name of the item to export", v => Name = v);
            options.Add("releaseVersion=", "[Optional] The version number, or range of version numbers to export", v => ReleaseVersion = v);
        public IImporter Find(string name, IOctopusRepository repository, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ILog log)
            name = name.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
            var found = (from t in typeof (ImporterLocator).Assembly.GetTypes()
                where typeof (IImporter).IsAssignableFrom(t)
                let attribute = (IImporterMetadata) t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (ImporterAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
                where attribute != null
                where attribute.Name == name
                select t).FirstOrDefault();

            return found == null ? null : (IImporter) lifetimeScope.Resolve(found, new TypedParameter(typeof (IOctopusRepository), repository), new TypedParameter(typeof (IOctopusFileSystem), fileSystem), new TypedParameter(typeof (ILog), log));
        public DeployReleaseCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            DeployToEnvironmentNames = new List<string>();
            DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

            var options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("deployto=", "Environment to deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("releaseNumber=|version=", "Version number of the release to deploy. Or specify --version=latest for the latest release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] Channel to use when getting the release to deploy", v => ChannelName = v);
        public DeployReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem, clientFactory)

            DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

            var options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("deployto=", "Environment to deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("releaseNumber=|version=", "Version number of the release to deploy. Or specify --version=latest for the latest release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] Channel to use when getting the release to deploy", v => ChannelName = v);
            options.Add("updateVariables", "Overwrite the variable snapshot for the release by re-importing the variables from the project", v => UpdateVariableSnapshot = true);
 public DeleteAutoDeployOverrideCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory octopusClientFactory) :
     base(octopusClientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Delete auto deploy release override");
     options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
         "Name of an environment the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple environments.",
         v => EnvironmentNames.Add(v));
         "[Optional] Name of a tenant the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard for all tenants.",
         t => TenantNames.Add(t));
         "[Optional] A tenant tag used to match tenants that the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenant tags",
         tt => TenantTags.Add(tt));
Exemple #23
        protected ApiCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
            this.log = log;
            this.fileSystem = fileSystem;

            var options = optionGroups.For("Common options");
            options.Add("server=", "The base URL for your Octopus server - e.g., http://your-octopus/", v => serverBaseUrl = v);
            options.Add("apiKey=", "Your API key. Get this from the user profile page.", v => apiKey = v);
            options.Add("user="******"[Optional] Username to use when authenticating with the server.", v => username = v);
            options.Add("pass="******"[Optional] Password to use when authenticating with the server.", v => password = v);
            options.Add("configFile=", "[Optional] Text file of default values, with one 'key = value' per line.", v => ReadAdditionalInputsFromConfigurationFile(v));
            options.Add("debug", "[Optional] Enable debug logging", v => enableDebugging = true);
            options.Add("ignoreSslErrors", "[Optional] Set this flag if your Octopus server uses HTTPS but the certificate is not trusted on this machine. Any certificate errors will be ignored. WARNING: this option may create a security vulnerability.", v => ignoreSslErrors = true);
            options.Add("enableServiceMessages", "[Optional] Enable TeamCity service messages when logging.", v => log.EnableServiceMessages());
        public PackCommand(ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            this.log = log;
            this.fileSystem = fileSystem;

            options = new OptionSet
                {"id=", "The ID of the package; e.g. MyCompany.MyApp", v => id = v},
                {"overwrite", "[Optional] Allow an existing package file of the same ID/version to be overwritten", v => overwrite = true},
                {"include=", "[Optional, Multiple] Add a file pattern to include, relative to the base path e.g. /bin/*.dll - if none are specified, defaults to **", v => includes.Add(v)},
                {"basePath=", "[Optional] The root folder containing files and folders to pack; defaults to '.'", v => basePath = v},
                {"outFolder=", "[Optional] The folder into which the generated NUPKG file will be written; defaults to '.'", v => outFolder = v},
                {"version=", "[Optional] The version of the package; must be a valid SemVer; defaults to a timestamp-based version", v => version = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v) ? null : new SemanticVersion(v) },
                {"author=", "[Optional, Multiple] Add an author to the package metadata; defaults to the current user", v => authors.Add(v)},
                {"title=", "[Optional] The title of the package", v => title = v},
                {"description=", "[Optional] A description of the package; defaults to a generic description", v => description = v},
                {"releaseNotes=", "[Optional] Release notes for this version of the package", v => releaseNotes = v},
                {"releaseNotesFile=", "[Optional] A file containing release notes for this version of the package", v => releaseNotesFile = v}
        public CreateReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IPackageVersionResolver versionResolver, IReleasePlanBuilder releasePlanBuilder, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem, clientFactory)
            this.releasePlanBuilder = releasePlanBuilder;
            DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

            var options = Options.For("Release creation");
            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("defaultpackageversion=|packageversion=", "Default version number of all packages to use for this release. Override per-package using --package.", versionResolver.Default);
            options.Add("version=|releaseNumber=", "[Optional] Release number to use for the new release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] Channel to use for the new release. Omit this argument to automatically select the best channel.", v => ChannelName = v);
            options.Add("package=", "[Optional] Version number to use for a package in the release. Format: --package={StepName}:{Version}", v => versionResolver.Add(v));
            options.Add("packagesFolder=", "[Optional] A folder containing NuGet packages from which we should get versions.", v => versionResolver.AddFolder(v));
            options.Add("releasenotes=", "[Optional] Release Notes for the new release.", v => ReleaseNotes = v);
            options.Add("releasenotesfile=", "[Optional] Path to a file that contains Release Notes for the new release.", ReadReleaseNotesFromFile);
            options.Add("ignoreexisting", "[Optional, Flag] Don't create this release if there is already one with the same version number.", v => IgnoreIfAlreadyExists = true);
            options.Add("ignorechannelrules", "[Optional, Flag] Create the release ignoring any version rules specified by the channel.", v => IgnoreChannelRules = true);
            options.Add("packageprerelease=", "[Optional] Pre-release for latest version of all packages to use for this release.", v => VersionPreReleaseTag = v);
            options.Add("whatif", "[Optional, Flag] Perform a dry run but don't actually create/deploy release.", v => WhatIf = true);

            options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add("deployto=", "[Optional] Environment to automatically deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
Exemple #26
        public CreateWorkerPoolCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("WorkerPool creation");

            options.Add <string>("name=", "The name of the worker pool.", v => WorkerPoolName = v);
            options.Add <bool>("ignoreIfExists", "If the pool already exists, an error will be returned. Set this flag to ignore the error.", v => IgnoreIfExists = true);
 public PackageVersionResolver(Serilog.ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     this.log        = log;
     this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
Exemple #28
        public CleanEnvironmentCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            var options = Options.For("Cleanup");

            options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to clean up.", v => environmentName = v);
            options.Add("status=", "Status of Machines to clean up (Online, Offline, NeedsUpgrade, CalamariNeedsUpgrade, Disabled).", v =>
                Enum.TryParse(v, true, out status);
 public ListProjectsCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
        public DeleteAutoDeployOverrideCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory octopusClientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider) :
            base(octopusClientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Delete auto deploy release override");

            options.Add <string>("project=", "Name of the project.", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add <string>("environment=",
                                 "Name of an environment the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple environments.",
                                 v => EnvironmentNames.Add(v),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("tenant=",
                                 "[Optional] Name of a tenant the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard for all tenants.",
                                 t => TenantNames.Add(t),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("tenantTag=",
                                 "[Optional] A tenant tag used to match tenants that the override will apply to. Specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenant tags",
                                 tt => TenantTags.Add(tt),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            deletedDeplomentOverrides = new List <Tuple <EnvironmentResource, TenantResource, DeletedOutcome> >();
Exemple #31
 public PowershellCompletionInstaller(ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, string[] executablePaths)
     : base(commandOutputProvider, fileSystem, executablePaths)
Exemple #32
 public ProjectExporter(IOctopusAsyncRepository repository, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ILogger log)
     : base(repository, fileSystem, log)
     actionTemplateRepository = new ActionTemplateRepository(repository.Client);
        public RunRunbookCommand(
            IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory,
            IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem,
            IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory,
            ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider,
            ExecutionResourceWaiter.Factory executionResourceWaiterFactory) : base(clientFactory,
            this.executionResourceWaiterFactory = executionResourceWaiterFactory;
            var options = Options.For("Run Runbook");

            options.Add <string>("project=",
                                 "Name or ID of the project that contains the Runbook. This is required.",
                                 v => ProjectNameOrId = v);

            options.Add <string>("runbook=",
                                 "Name or ID of the runbook. If the name is supplied, the project parameter must also be specified.",
                                 v => RunbookNameOrId = v);

            options.Add <string>("environment=",
                                 "Name or ID of the environment to run in, e.g ., 'Production' or 'Environments-1'; specify this argument multiple times to run in multiple environments.",
                                 v => EnvironmentNamesOrIds.Add(v),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <string>("snapshot=",
                                 "[Optional] Name or ID of the snapshot to run. If not supplied, the command will attempt to use the published snapshot.",
                                 v => Snapshot = v);

            options.Add <bool>("forcePackageDownload",
                               "[Optional] Whether to force downloading of already installed packages (flag, default false).",
                               v => ForcePackageDownload = true);

            options.Add <bool>("guidedFailure=",
                               "[Optional] Whether to use Guided Failure mode. (True or False. If not specified, will use default setting from environment)",
                               v => GuidedFailure = v);

            options.Add <string>("specificMachines=",
                                 "[Optional] A comma-separated list of machine names to target in the specified environment/s. If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.",
                                 v => IncludedMachineIds.AddRange(v.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                                                  .Select(m => m.Trim())),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <string>("excludeMachines=",
                                 "[Optional] A comma-separated list of machine names to exclude in the specified environment/s. If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.",
                                 v => ExcludedMachineIds.AddRange(v.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                                                  .Select(m => m.Trim())),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <string>("tenant=",
                                 "[Optional] Run a runbook on the tenant with this name or ID; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard to deploy to all tenants who are ready for this release (according to lifecycle).",
                                 v => TenantNamesOrIds.Add(v),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <string>("tenantTag=",
                                 "[Optional] Run a runbook on the tenants matching this tag; specify this argument multiple times to build a query/filter with multiple tags, just like you can in the user interface.",
                                 v => TenantTagNames.Add(v),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <string>("skip=",
                                 "[Optional] Skip a step by name",
                                 v => StepNamesToSkip.Add(v),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <DateTimeOffset>("runAt=",
                                         "[Optional] Time at which runbook run should start (scheduled run), specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.",
                                         v => RunAt = v);

            options.Add <DateTimeOffset>("noRunAfter=",
                                         "[Optional] Time at which scheduled runbook run should expire, specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.",
                                         v => NoRunAfter = v);

            options.Add <string>("v|variable=",
                                 "[Optional] Specifies the value for a prompted variable in the format Name:Value. For JSON values, embedded quotation marks should be escaped with a backslash.",
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <bool>("waitForRun",
                               "[Optional] Whether to wait synchronously for deployment to finish.",
                               v => WaitForRun = true);

            options.Add <bool>("progress",
                               "[Optional] Show progress of the runbook run",
                               v =>
                Progress   = true;
                WaitForRun = true;
                NoRawLog   = true;

            options.Add <TimeSpan>("runTimeout=",
                                   "[Optional] Specifies maximum time (timespan format) that the console session will wait for the runbook run to finish (default 00:10:00). This will not stop the run. Requires --waitForRun parameter to be set.",
                                   v => RunTimeout = v);

            options.Add <bool>("cancelOnTimeout",
                               "[Optional] Whether to cancel the runbook run if the run timeout is reached (flag, default false).",
                               v => CancelOnTimeout = true);

            options.Add <TimeSpan>("runCheckSleepCycle=",
                                   "[Optional] Specifies how much time (timespan format) should elapse between runbook run status checks (default 00:00:10)",
                                   v => RunCheckSleepCycle = v);

            options.Add <bool>("noRawLog",
                               "[Optional] Don't print the raw log of failed tasks",
                               v => NoRawLog = true);

            options.Add <string>("rawLogFile=",
                                 "[Optional] Redirect the raw log of failed tasks to a file",
                                 v => RawLogFile = v);
        public ListLatestDeploymentsCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, Serilog.ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            var options = Options.For("Listing");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of a project to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => projects.Add(v));
            options.Add("environment=", "Name of an environment to filter by. Can be specified many times.", v => environments.Add(v));
 public ProjectExporter(IOctopusRepository repository, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ILog log)
     : base(repository, fileSystem, log)
     actionTemplateRepository = new ActionTemplateRepository(repository.Client);
        public CreateChannelCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory) : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            var options = Options.For("Create");

            options.Add("project=", "The name of the project in which to create the channel", p => projectName = p);
            options.Add("channel=", "The name of the channel to create", s => channelName = s);
            options.Add("description=", "[Optional] A description of the channel", d => channelDescription = d);
            options.Add("lifecycle=", "[Optional] if specified, the name of the lifecycle to use for promoting releases through this channel, otherwise this channel will inherit the project lifecycle", l => lifecycleName = l);
            options.Add("make-default-channel", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, set the new channel to be the default channel replacing any existing default channel", _ => makeDefaultChannel = true);
            options.Add("update-existing", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, updates the matching channel if it already exists, otherwise this command will fail if a matching channel already exists", _ => updateExisting = true);
 public CreateOctoPackPackage(IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
 public ListProjectsCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
Exemple #39
 public FileSystemImporter(IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ILog log)
     this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
     this.log        = log;
Exemple #40
 public ReleaseExporter(IOctopusAsyncRepository repository, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ILogger log) :
     base(repository, fileSystem, log)
Exemple #41
 protected BaseExporter(IOctopusAsyncRepository repository, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ILogger log)
     this.Log           = log;
     this.Repository    = repository;
     FileSystemExporter = new FileSystemExporter(fileSystem, log);
Exemple #42
 public ListEnvironmentsCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
Exemple #43
 public ZipPackageBuilder(IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, Serilog.ILogger log)
     this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
     this.log        = log;
Exemple #44
        public DeployReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider, ExecutionResourceWaiter.Factory executionResourceWaiterFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory, fileSystem, clientFactory, commandOutputProvider, executionResourceWaiterFactory)
            var options = Options.For("Deployment");

            options.Add <string>("project=", "Name or ID of the project.", v => ProjectNameOrId = v);
            options.Add <string>("deployTo=", "Name or ID of the environment to deploy to, e.g., 'Production' or 'Environments-1'; specify this argument multiple times to deploy to multiple environments.", v => DeployToEnvironmentNamesOrIds.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("releaseNumber=|version=", "Version number of the release to deploy. Or specify --version=latest for the latest release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add <string>("channel=", "[Optional] Name or ID of the channel to use when getting the release to deploy.", v => ChannelNameOrId = v);
            options.Add <bool>("updateVariables", "Overwrite the variable snapshot for the release by re-importing the variables from the project.", v => UpdateVariableSnapshot = true);
        public DummyApiCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            var options = Options.For("Dummy");

            options.Add("pill=", "Red or Blue. Blue, the story ends. Red, stay in Wonderland and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.", v => pill = v);
            log.Debug("Pill: " + pill);
Exemple #46
 public ShellCompletionInstaller(ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     this.commandOutputProvider = commandOutputProvider;
     this.fileSystem            = fileSystem;
Exemple #47
 public NuGetPackageBuilder(IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
     this.fileSystem            = fileSystem;
     this.commandOutputProvider = commandOutputProvider;
     files = new List <string>();
        public CleanEnvironmentCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Cleanup");

            options.Add <string>("environment=", "Name of an environment to clean up.", v => environmentName = v);
            options.Add <MachineModelStatus>("status=", $"Status of Machines clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.StatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => statuses.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <MachineModelHealthStatus>("health-status=|healthStatus=", $"Health status of Machines to clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.HealthStatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => healthStatuses.Add(v), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <bool>("disabled=", "[Optional] Disabled status filter of Machine to clean up.", v => isDisabled = v);
            options.Add <bool>("calamari-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Calamari to clean up. By default ignores Calamari state.", v => isCalamariOutdated         = v);
            options.Add <bool>("tentacle-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Tentacle version to clean up. By default ignores Tentacle state.", v => isTentacleOutdated = v);
        public DeleteReleasesCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Deletion");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("minversion=", "Minimum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MinVersion = v);
            options.Add("maxversion=", "Maximum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MaxVersion = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] if specified, only releases associated with the channel will be deleted; specify this argument multiple times to target multiple channels.", v => ChannelNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("whatif", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, releases won't actually be deleted, but will be listed as if simulating the command", v => WhatIf = true);
Exemple #50
        public CleanWorkerPoolCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("WorkerPool Cleanup");

            options.Add("workerpool=", "Name of a worker pool to clean up.", v => poolName = v);
            options.Add("health-status=", $"Health status of Workers to clean up ({string.Join(", ", HealthStatusProvider.HealthStatusNames)}). Can be specified many times.", v => healthStatuses.Add(v));
            options.Add("disabled=", "[Optional] Disabled status filter of Worker to clean up.", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isDisabled));
            options.Add("calamari-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Calamari to clean up. By default ignores Calamari state.", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isCalamariOutdated));
            options.Add("tentacle-outdated=", "[Optional] State of Tentacle version to clean up. By default ignores Tentacle state", v => SetFlagState(v, ref isTentacleOutdated));
 public ListEnvironmentsCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILog log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
     : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
Exemple #52
        public PromoteReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem, clientFactory)
            var options = Options.For("Release Promotion");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("from=", "Name of the environment to get the current deployment from, e.g., Staging", v => FromEnvironmentName = v);
            options.Add("to=|deployto=", "Environment to deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
 public DumpDeploymentsCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
     : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
     var options = Options.For("Dumper");
     options.Add("filePath=", "The full path and name of the export file", delegate(string v) { filePath = v; });
        public BuildInformationCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Build information pushing");

            options.Add <string>("package-id=", "The ID of the package. Specify multiple packages by specifying this argument multiple times: \n--package-id 'MyCompany.MyApp' --package-id 'MyCompany.MyApp2'.", packageId => PackageIds.Add(packageId), allowsMultiple: true);
            options.Add <string>("version=", "The version of the package; defaults to a timestamp-based version.", v => Version = v);
            options.Add <string>("file=", "Octopus Build Information Json file.", file => File = file);
            options.Add <OverwriteMode>("overwrite-mode=", $"Determines behavior if the package already exists in the repository. Valid values are {Enum.GetNames(typeof(OverwriteMode)).ReadableJoin()}. Default is {DefaultOverwriteMode}.", mode => OverwriteMode = mode);

            pushedBuildInformation = new List <OctopusPackageVersionBuildInformationMappedResource>();
Exemple #55
        public CreateReleaseCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IPackageVersionResolver versionResolver, IReleasePlanBuilder releasePlanBuilder, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem, clientFactory)
            this.releasePlanBuilder         = releasePlanBuilder;
            DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

            var options = Options.For("Release creation");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("defaultpackageversion=|packageversion=", "Default version number of all packages to use for this release. Override per-package using --package.", versionResolver.Default);
            options.Add("version=|releaseNumber=", "[Optional] Release number to use for the new release.", v => VersionNumber = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] Channel to use for the new release. Omit this argument to automatically select the best channel.", v => ChannelName = v);
            options.Add("package=", "[Optional] Version number to use for a step or package in the release. Format: --package={StepNameOrPackageId}:{Version}", v => versionResolver.Add(v));
            options.Add("packagesFolder=", "[Optional] A folder containing NuGet packages from which we should get versions.", v => { v.CheckForIllegalPathCharacters("packagesFolder"); versionResolver.AddFolder(v); });
            options.Add("releasenotes=", "[Optional] Release Notes for the new release. Styling with Markdown is supported.", v => ReleaseNotes = v);
            options.Add("releasenotesfile=", "[Optional] Path to a file that contains Release Notes for the new release. Supports Markdown files.", ReadReleaseNotesFromFile);
            options.Add("ignoreexisting", "[Optional, Flag] Don't create this release if there is already one with the same version number.", v => IgnoreIfAlreadyExists = true);
            options.Add("ignorechannelrules", "[Optional, Flag] Create the release ignoring any version rules specified by the channel.", v => IgnoreChannelRules        = true);
            options.Add("packageprerelease=", "[Optional] Pre-release for latest version of all packages to use for this release.", v => VersionPreReleaseTag            = v);
            options.Add("whatif", "[Optional, Flag] Perform a dry run but don't actually create/deploy release.", v => WhatIf = true);

            options = Options.For("Deployment");
            options.Add("deployto=", "[Optional] Environment to automatically deploy to, e.g., Production", v => DeployToEnvironmentNames.Add(v));
Exemple #56
        public PreventReleaseProgressionCommand(IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Preventing release progression.");

            options.Add <string>("project=", "Name or ID of the project", v => ProjectNameOrId = v);
            options.Add <string>("version=|releaseNumber=", "Release version/number", v => ReleaseVersionNumber = v);
            options.Add <string>("reason=", "Reason to prevent this release from progressing to next phase", v => ReasonToPrevent = v);
        protected DeploymentCommandBase(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            SpecificMachineNames     = new List <string>();
            SkipStepNames            = new List <string>();
            DeployToEnvironmentNames = new List <string>();
            TenantTags       = new List <string>();
            Tenants          = new List <string>();
            promotionTargets = new List <DeploymentPromotionTarget>();

            var options = Options.For("Deployment");

            options.Add("progress", "[Optional] Show progress of the deployment", v => { showProgress = true; WaitForDeployment = true; noRawLog = true; });
            options.Add("forcepackagedownload", "[Optional] Whether to force downloading of already installed packages (flag, default false).", v => ForcePackageDownload = true);
            options.Add("waitfordeployment", "[Optional] Whether to wait synchronously for deployment to finish.", v => WaitForDeployment = true);
            options.Add("deploymenttimeout=", "[Optional] Specifies maximum time (timespan format) that the console session will wait for the deployment to finish(default 00:10:00). This will not stop the deployment. Requires --waitfordeployment parameter set.", v => DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.Parse(v));
            options.Add("cancelontimeout", "[Optional] Whether to cancel the deployment if the deployment timeout is reached (flag, default false).", v => CancelOnTimeout = true);
            options.Add("deploymentchecksleepcycle=", "[Optional] Specifies how much time (timespan format) should elapse between deployment status checks (default 00:00:10)", v => DeploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle = TimeSpan.Parse(v));
            options.Add("guidedfailure=", "[Optional] Whether to use Guided Failure mode. (True or False. If not specified, will use default setting from environment)", v => UseGuidedFailure = bool.Parse(v));
            options.Add("specificmachines=", "[Optional] A comma-separated list of machines names to target in the deployed environment. If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.", v => SpecificMachineNames.AddRange(v.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(m => m.Trim())));
            options.Add("force", "[Optional] If a project is configured to skip packages with already-installed versions, override this setting to force re-deployment (flag, default false).", v => ForcePackageRedeployment = true);
            options.Add("skip=", "[Optional] Skip a step by name", v => SkipStepNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("norawlog", "[Optional] Don't print the raw log of failed tasks", v => noRawLog             = true);
            options.Add("rawlogfile=", "[Optional] Redirect the raw log of failed tasks to a file", v => rawLogFile = v);
            options.Add("v|variable=", "[Optional] Values for any prompted variables in the format Label:Value. For JSON values, embedded quotation marks should be escaped with a backslash.", ParseVariable);
            options.Add("deployat=", "[Optional] Time at which deployment should start (scheduled deployment), specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.", v => ParseDeployAt(v));
            options.Add("tenant=", "Create a deployment for this tenant; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard to deploy to all tenants who are ready for this release (according to lifecycle).", t => Tenants.Add(t));
            options.Add("tenanttag=", "Create a deployment for tenants matching this tag; specify this argument multiple times to build a query/filter with multiple tags, just like you can in the user interface.", tt => TenantTags.Add(tt));
 public PowershellCompletionInstaller(ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem) : base(commandOutputProvider, fileSystem)
 public NuGetPackageBuilder(IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ILog log)
     this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
     this.log = log;
        public CreateProjectCommand(IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider)
            : base(clientFactory, repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            var options = Options.For("Project creation");

            options.Add("name=", "The name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("projectGroup=", "The name of the project group to add this project to. If the group doesn't exist, it will be created.", v => ProjectGroupName = v);
            options.Add("lifecycle=", "The name of the lifecycle that the project will use.", v => LifecycleName = v);
            options.Add("ignoreIfExists", "If the project already exists, an error will be returned. Set this flag to ignore the error.", v => IgnoreIfExists = true);