Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string AddImage(IOTexture tex)
            var name     = tex.Name;
            var filePath = tex.FilePath;

            // create image node
            Image img = new Image()
                ID        = GetUniqueID(name + "-image"),
                Name      = name,
                Init_From = new Init_From()
                    Value = filePath

            // add image element to image library
            if (_collada.Library_Images == null)
                _collada.Library_Images = new Library_Images();

            if (_collada.Library_Images.Image == null)
                _collada.Library_Images.Image = new Image[0];

            Array.Resize(ref _collada.Library_Images.Image, _collada.Library_Images.Image.Length + 1);

            _collada.Library_Images.Image[_collada.Library_Images.Image.Length - 1] = img;

            // return id
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="texture"></param>
        private bool ReadEffectColorType(Profile_COMMON prof, FX_Common_Color_Or_Texture_Type type, out Vector4 color, out IOTexture texture)
            color   = Vector4.One;
            texture = null;

            if (type.Color != null)
                var c = type.Color.GetValues();
                color = new Vector4(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);

            if (type.Texture != null)
                // create diffuse texture
                texture = new IOTexture();

                var texid = type.Texture.Textures;

                // blender image lookup
                if (prof.New_Param != null)
                    var samp = prof.New_Param.FirstOrDefault(e => e.sID == type.Texture.Textures);
                    if (samp != null && samp.Data != null)
                        var samp2d = samp.Data.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == "sampler2D");
                        if (samp2d != null)
                            var src = FindChild(samp2d, "source");
                            if (src != null)
                                var surf = prof.New_Param.FirstOrDefault(e => e.sID == src.InnerText);
                                if (surf != null && surf.Data != null)
                                    var sur2d = surf.Data.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == "surface");
                                    if (sur2d != null)
                                        var init = FindChild(sur2d, "init_from");
                                        texid = init.InnerText;

                // lookup image from image library
                var image = _collada.Library_Images.Image.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ID == texid);
                if (image != null)
                    texture.Name     = image.Name;
                    texture.FilePath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.Init_From.Ref) ? image.Init_From.Value : image.Init_From.Ref;

            return(type.Color != null);
Exemple #3
        public IOModel GetIOModel()
            IOModel outModel = new IOModel();

            Mesh meshFile     = null;
            Matl materialFile = null;

            foreach (FileNode n in Parent.Nodes)
                if (n.Text.Equals(model.MeshString))
                    meshFile = ((NumsbhNode)n).mesh;
                if (n.Text.Equals(model.SkeletonFileName))
                    outModel.Skeleton = (RSkeleton)((SkelNode)n).GetRenderableNode();
                if (n.Text.Equals(model.MaterialFileNames[0].MaterialFileName))
                    materialFile = ((MatlNode)n).Material;

            Dictionary <string, int> indexByBoneName = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            if (outModel.Skeleton != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < outModel.Skeleton.Bones.Count; i++)
                    indexByBoneName.Add(outModel.Skeleton.Bones[i].Name, i);

            Dictionary <string, int> materialNameToIndex = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            if (materialFile != null)
                int materialIndex = 0;
                foreach (var entry in materialFile.Entries)
                    materialNameToIndex.Add(entry.ShaderLabel, materialIndex++);
                    IOMaterial material = new IOMaterial
                        Name = entry.ShaderLabel

                    foreach (var attr in entry.Attributes)
                        if (attr.ParamId == MatlEnums.ParamId.Texture0)
                            IOTexture dif = new IOTexture
                                Name = attr.DataObject.ToString()
                            material.DiffuseTexture = dif;

            if (meshFile != null)
                SsbhVertexAccessor vertexAccessor = new SsbhVertexAccessor(meshFile);
                    SsbhRiggingAccessor riggingAccessor = new SsbhRiggingAccessor(meshFile);
                    foreach (MeshObject obj in meshFile.Objects)
                        IOMesh outMesh = new IOMesh()
                            Name = obj.Name,

                        // get material
                        if (materialFile != null)
                            foreach (var entry in model.ModelEntries)
                                if (entry.MeshName.Equals(obj.Name) && entry.SubIndex == obj.SubMeshIndex)
                                    outMesh.MaterialIndex = materialNameToIndex[entry.MaterialLabel];

                        IOVertex[] vertices = new IOVertex[obj.VertexCount];
                        for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                            vertices[i] = new IOVertex();

                        foreach (MeshAttribute attr in obj.Attributes)
                            SsbhVertexAttribute[] values = vertexAccessor.ReadAttribute(attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name, 0, obj.VertexCount, obj);

                            if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("Position0"))
                                outMesh.HasPositions = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                    vertices[i].Position = new OpenTK.Vector3(values[i].X, values[i].Y, values[i].Z);
                            if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("Normal0"))
                                outMesh.HasNormals = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                    vertices[i].Normal = new OpenTK.Vector3(values[i].X, values[i].Y, values[i].Z);

                            // Flip UVs vertically for export.
                            if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("map1"))
                                outMesh.HasUV0 = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                    vertices[i].UV0 = new OpenTK.Vector2(values[i].X, 1 - values[i].Y);
                            if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("uvSet"))
                                outMesh.HasUV1 = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                    vertices[i].UV1 = new OpenTK.Vector2(values[i].X, 1 - values[i].Y);
                            if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("uvSet1"))
                                outMesh.HasUV2 = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                    vertices[i].UV2 = new OpenTK.Vector2(values[i].X, 1 - values[i].Y);
                            if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("uvSet2"))
                                outMesh.HasUV3 = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                    vertices[i].UV3 = new OpenTK.Vector2(values[i].X, 1 - values[i].Y);
                            if (attr.AttributeStrings[0].Name.Equals("colorSet1"))
                                outMesh.HasColor = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                    vertices[i].Color = new OpenTK.Vector4(values[i].X, values[i].Y, values[i].Z, values[i].W) / 127f;

                        // Fix SingleBinds
                        if (outModel.Skeleton != null && !obj.ParentBoneName.Equals(""))
                            int parentIndex = outModel.Skeleton.GetBoneIndex(obj.ParentBoneName);
                            if (parentIndex != -1)
                                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                                    vertices[i].Position      = OpenTK.Vector3.TransformPosition(vertices[i].Position, outModel.Skeleton.Bones[parentIndex].WorldTransform);
                                    vertices[i].Normal        = OpenTK.Vector3.TransformNormal(vertices[i].Normal, outModel.Skeleton.Bones[parentIndex].WorldTransform);
                                    vertices[i].BoneIndices.X = indexByBoneName[obj.ParentBoneName];
                                    vertices[i].BoneWeights.X = 1;
                                    outMesh.HasBoneWeights    = true;

                        // Apply Rigging
                        SsbhVertexInfluence[] influences = riggingAccessor.ReadRiggingBuffer(obj.Name, (int)obj.SubMeshIndex);

                        foreach (SsbhVertexInfluence influence in influences)
                            outMesh.HasBoneWeights = true;

                            // Some influences refer to bones that don't exist in the skeleton.
                            // _eff bones?
                            if (!indexByBoneName.ContainsKey(influence.BoneName))

                            if (vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.X == 0)
                                vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneIndices.X = indexByBoneName[influence.BoneName];
                                vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.X = influence.Weight;
                            else if (vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.Y == 0)
                                vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneIndices.Y = indexByBoneName[influence.BoneName];
                                vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.Y = influence.Weight;
                            else if (vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.Z == 0)
                                vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneIndices.Z = indexByBoneName[influence.BoneName];
                                vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.Z = influence.Weight;
                            else if (vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.W == 0)
                                vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneIndices.W = indexByBoneName[influence.BoneName];
                                vertices[influence.VertexIndex].BoneWeights.W = influence.Weight;

                        outMesh.Indices.AddRange(vertexAccessor.ReadIndices(0, obj.IndexCount, obj));

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="tex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private FX_Common_Color_Or_Texture_Type GenerateTextureInfo(string sid, Vector4 color, IOTexture tex)
            return(new FX_Common_Color_Or_Texture_Type()
                Color = new IONET.Collada.Core.Lighting.Color()
                    sID = sid, Value_As_String = $"{color.X} {color.Y} {color.Z} {color.W}"

                Texture = tex != null && _settings.ExportTextureInfo ?
                          new IONET.Collada.FX.Custom_Types.Texture()
                    Textures = AddImage(tex),
                    TexCoord = "CHANNEL0",
                } :
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="tex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private FX_Common_Color_Or_Texture_Type GenerateTextureInfo(string sid, Vector4 color, IOTexture tex, List <New_Param> textureParams)
            FX.Custom_Types.Texture texData = null;

            if (tex != null)
                var surfaceString = AddImage(tex);

                var doc = new XmlDocument();

                var surfacenode = doc.CreateElement("surface", "http://www.collada.org/2005/11/COLLADASchema");
                surfacenode.SetAttribute("type", "2D");
                var init_node = doc.CreateElement("init_from", "http://www.collada.org/2005/11/COLLADASchema");
                init_node.InnerText = surfaceString;

                textureParams.Add(new New_Param()
                    sID  = surfaceString + "_surface",
                    Data = new XmlElement[] { surfacenode }

                var samplernode = doc.CreateElement("sampler2D", "http://www.collada.org/2005/11/COLLADASchema");
                var sourceNode  = doc.CreateElement("source", "http://www.collada.org/2005/11/COLLADASchema");
                sourceNode.InnerText = surfaceString + "_surface";

                textureParams.Add(new New_Param()
                    sID  = surfaceString + "_sampler",
                    Data = new XmlElement[] { samplernode }

                texData = new IONET.Collada.FX.Custom_Types.Texture()
                    Textures = surfaceString + "_sampler",
                    TexCoord = "CHANNEL0",

            return(new FX_Common_Color_Or_Texture_Type()
                Color = new IONET.Collada.Core.Lighting.Color()
                    sID = sid, Value_As_String = $"{color.X} {color.Y} {color.Z} {color.W}"

                Texture = _settings.ExportTextureInfo ? texData : null