Exemple #1
        public static FObjectExport ReadEntry(IOMemoryStream ms, UassetFile f)
            //Read in
            FObjectExport g = new FObjectExport();

            g.entryLocation = ms.position;
            g.id            = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown1      = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown2      = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown3      = ms.ReadInt();
            g.type          = ms.ReadNameTableEntry(f);
            g.unknown4      = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown5      = ms.ReadInt();
            g.LengthOffset  = (int)ms.position;
            g.dataLength    = ms.ReadInt();
            g.dataLocation  = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown6      = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown7      = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown8      = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown9      = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown10     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown11     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown12     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown13     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown14     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown15     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown16     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown17     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown18     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown19     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown20     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown21     = ms.ReadInt();
            g.unknown22     = ms.ReadInt();

            long lastPos = ms.position;

            ms.position = g.dataLocation;
            g.data      = ms.ReadBytes(g.dataLength);
            ms.position = lastPos;

            g.uassetFile = f;

Exemple #2
        public DotArkEmbededBinaryData(IOMemoryStream ms)
            //First, read the path.
            path = ms.ReadUEString();
            //Now, read the parts. This seems to be split up into part -> blob -> inner blob
            int parts = ms.ReadInt();

            data = new byte[parts][][];
            //Loop through each of the parts
            for (int i = 0; i < parts; i++)
                int      blobs    = ms.ReadInt();
                byte[][] partData = new byte[blobs][];

                for (int j = 0; j < blobs; j++)
                    int blobSize = ms.ReadInt() * 4; //Array of 32 bit integers.
                    partData[j] = ms.ReadBytes(blobSize);

                data[i] = partData;
Exemple #3
        public static void ProcessImages(List <string> readErrors, DeltaExportPatch patch)
            //Clean up any old and bad paths
            Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up old image conversions...");
            if (Directory.Exists("./Lib/UModel/in_temp/"))
                Directory.Delete("./Lib/UModel/in_temp/", true);
            if (Directory.Exists("./Lib/UModel/out_temp/"))
                Directory.Delete("./Lib/UModel/out_temp/", true);

            //Make structre

            //Get the queue
            var queue = patch.queued_images;

            //First, we copy all packages to a temporary path with their index
            Console.WriteLine($"Now copying {queue.Count} images...");
            for (int i = 0; i < queue.Count; i++)
                string source = queue[i].pathname;
                File.Copy(source, $"./Lib/UModel/in_temp/{i}.uasset");

            //Now, run the conversion
            Console.WriteLine("Now converting images using UModel...");
            Process p = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo
                Arguments        = "",
                FileName         = "go.bat",
                WorkingDirectory = "Lib\\UModel\\",
                UseShellExecute  = true


            //Now, load and process these images
            int ok = 0;

            Console.WriteLine($"Now processing {queue.Count} images...");
            for (int i = 0; i < queue.Count; i += 1)
                QueuedImage q      = queue[i];
                bool        status = false;

                    //Get the directory. It's a little janky, as files are stored in subdirs
                    string[] results = Directory.GetFiles($"./Lib/UModel/out_temp/{i}/");
                    if (results.Length != 1)
                        throw new Exception("None or too many results found for image.");

                    //Open FileStream on this
                    using (FileStream imgStream = new FileStream(results[0], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        //Now, begin reading the TGA data https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truevision_TGA
                        IOMemoryStream imgReader = new IOMemoryStream(imgStream, true);
                        imgReader.position += 3 + 5; //Skip intro, it will always be known
                        imgReader.ReadShort();       //Will always be 0
                        imgReader.ReadShort();       //Will aways be 0
                        short width      = imgReader.ReadShort();
                        short height     = imgReader.ReadShort();
                        byte  colorDepth = imgReader.ReadByte();

                        //Now, we can begin reading image data
                        //This appears to be bugged for non-square images right now.
                        using (Image <Rgba32> img = new Image <Rgba32>(width, height))
                            //Read file
                            byte[] channels;
                            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                                    if (colorDepth == 32)
                                        //Read four channels
                                        channels = imgReader.ReadBytes(4);

                                        //Set pixel
                                        img[x, width - y - 1] = new Rgba32(channels[2], channels[1], channels[0], channels[3]);
                                    else if (colorDepth == 24)
                                        //Read three channels
                                        channels = imgReader.ReadBytes(3);

                                        //Set pixel
                                        img[x, width - y - 1] = new Rgba32(channels[2], channels[1], channels[0]);

                            //Apply mods
                            if (q.mods == ImageModifications.White)

                            //Save original image
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                                ms.Position = 0;
                                patch.asset_manager.Upload(Program.config.GetProfile().upload_images + q.hiId + FORMAT_TYPE, ms);

                            //Now, downscale
                            img.Mutate(x => x.Resize(64, 64));

                            //Save thumbnail
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                                img.SaveAsPng(ms, new PngEncoder
                                    CompressionLevel = 9
                                ms.Position = 0;
                                patch.asset_manager.Upload(Program.config.GetProfile().upload_images + q.loId + FORMAT_TYPE, ms);

                            status = true;
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Failed to process image {q.classname} with error {ex.Message}");
                    readErrors.Add($"Failed to process image {q.classname} with error {ex.Message} {ex.StackTrace}");

                //Now, add to persistent storage
                patch.persist.external_assets.Add(new DeltaExportBranchExternalAsset
                    name     = q.name,
                    patch    = patch.tag,
                    sha1     = q.sha1,
                    time     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    id_hires = q.hiId,
                    id_lores = q.loId,
                    ok       = status
            Log.WriteSuccess("ImageTool", $"Processed and uploading {ok}/{queue.Count} images.");

            //Clean up any old and bad paths
            Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up...");
            if (Directory.Exists("./Lib/UModel/in_temp/"))
                Directory.Delete("./Lib/UModel/in_temp/", true);
            if (Directory.Exists("./Lib/UModel/out_temp/"))
                Directory.Delete("./Lib/UModel/out_temp/", true);
Exemple #4
        public UassetFile(byte[] data, string fullPath)
            Fullpath = fullPath;
            Filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Fullpath);

            //Create a stream
            stream = new IOMemoryStream(new MemoryStream(data), true);

            stream.position = 0;

            var signature = stream.ReadUInt();

            // Check for the file's signature.
            if (signature != UNREAL_ASSET_MAGIC)
                TKContext.LogError("The file provided is not a valid uasset file.");

            Version = stream.ReadUInt();

            UnkOffset = stream.ReadInt();

            PackageGroup = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes(0x4));


            PackageFlags = stream.ReadUInt();
            NamesCount   = stream.ReadInt();
            NamesOffset  = stream.ReadInt();


            ExportsCount  = stream.ReadInt();
            ExportsOffset = stream.ReadInt();

            ImportsCount  = stream.ReadInt();
            ImportsOffset = stream.ReadInt();


            UnkOffset2 = stream.ReadInt();


            NamesCount2 = stream.ReadInt();


            UnkOffset3      = stream.ReadInt();
            EndOfFileOffset = stream.ReadInt();

            UnkOffset4 = stream.ReadInt();

            stream.position = NamesOffset;

            NamesTable = stream.ReadFNameEntries(NamesCount, UE4Version.UE4__4_14);

            for (int i = 0; i < NamesCount; i++)
                TKContext.DebugLog("UassetFile", $"Name Table Entry {i}", NamesTable[i].Name, ConsoleColor.Yellow);

            TKContext.LogInner("INFO", $"Uasset names count is {NamesCount}");

            //Starts directly after the name table. Assume we're already there
            ImportsTable = new FObjectImport[ImportsCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < ImportsCount; i++)
                FObjectImport h = FObjectImport.ReadEntry(stream, this);
                ImportsTable[i] = h;
                DebugDump($"FObjectImport {i} @ {h.startPos}", ConsoleColor.Blue, "cType", h.coreType, "u1", h.unknown1.ToString(), "oType", h.objectType, "u2", h.unknown2.ToString(), "i", h.index.ToString(), "name", h.name, "u4", h.unknown4.ToString());

            TKContext.LogInner("INFO", $"Uasset import table size is {ImportsCount}");

            //Starts directly after the referenced GameObject table. Assume we're already there
            ExportsTable = new FObjectExport[ExportsCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < ExportsCount; i++)
                ExportsTable[i] = FObjectExport.ReadEntry(stream, this);
                DebugDump($"FObjectExport {i} @ {ExportsTable[i].entryLocation}", ConsoleColor.Magenta, "id", ExportsTable[i].id.ToString(), "u2", ExportsTable[i].unknown2.ToString(),
                          "u3", ExportsTable[i].unknown3.ToString(), "type", ExportsTable[i].type, "u4", ExportsTable[i].unknown4.ToString(), "u5", ExportsTable[i].unknown5.ToString(),
                          "length", ExportsTable[i].dataLength.ToString(), "location", ExportsTable[i].dataLocation.ToString(), "u6", ExportsTable[i].unknown6.ToString(), "u7",
                          ExportsTable[i].unknown7.ToString(), "u8", ExportsTable[i].unknown8.ToString(), "u9", ExportsTable[i].unknown9.ToString(), "u10", ExportsTable[i].unknown10.ToString(), "u11", ExportsTable[i].unknown11.ToString(),
                          "u12", ExportsTable[i].unknown12.ToString(), "u13", ExportsTable[i].unknown13.ToString(), "u14", ExportsTable[i].unknown14.ToString(), "u15", ExportsTable[i].unknown15.ToString(),
                          "u16", ExportsTable[i].unknown16.ToString(), "u17", ExportsTable[i].unknown17.ToString(), "u18", ExportsTable[i].unknown18.ToString(), "u19", ExportsTable[i].unknown19.ToString(),
                          "u20", ExportsTable[i].unknown20.ToString(), "u21", ExportsTable[i].unknown21.ToString(), "u22", ExportsTable[i].unknown22.ToString());

            TKContext.LogInner("INFO", $"Uasset export table size is {ExportsCount}");

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                stream.position = 0;

                FileData = ms.ToArray();
 public override void Read(IOMemoryStream ms, UAssetFile f)
     //Not really sure how this works....this is just what my original program written 6 months ago does
     data = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ReadBytes(length));
Exemple #6
 public byte[] GetSerializedData(IOMemoryStream ms)
     ms.position = dataLocation;