Exemple #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Creation of the entity's graphics
            /// </summary>
            void ICommitGumpEntity.Create()
                #region page 1

                //	Page 1 - overview	 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                StringBuilder htmlSb = new StringBuilder("<basefont color=#FFCC00><center>City Overview - ").Append(GetCityNameString()).Append("</center></basefont>");
                m_Gump.AddHtml(170, 40, 409, 19, htmlSb.ToString(), (bool)false, (bool)false);                 //left

                htmlSb = new StringBuilder("<basefont color=white><p align=\"right\">City Leader :</p>");
                htmlSb.Append(("<p align=\"right\">Controlling Kin :</p>"));
                htmlSb.Append(("<p align=\"right\">Tax Rate :</p>"));
                htmlSb.Append(("<p align=\"right\">Beneficiaries :</p>"));
                htmlSb.Append(("<p align=\"right\">Treasury :</p>"));
                htmlSb.Append(("<p align=\"right\">City Guards :</p>"));


                m_Gump.AddHtml(175, 100, 205, 361, htmlSb.ToString(), (bool)false, (bool)false);                  //top

                htmlSb = new StringBuilder("<basefont color=gray><p>").Append(m_Gump.Data.CityLeader != null ? m_Gump.Data.CityLeader.Name : "Unknown").Append("</p>");
                htmlSb.AppendFormat("<p>{0}</p>", string.Format("{0:0%}", m_Gump.Data.TaxRate));
                htmlSb.AppendFormat("<p>{0}</p>", m_Gump.Data.BeneficiaryDataList.Count);
                htmlSb.AppendFormat("<p>{0}</P>", string.Format("{0:n}", m_Gump.Data.Treasury));
                htmlSb.AppendFormat("<p>{0}</p>", GetGuardTypeString());


                m_Gump.AddHtml(395, 100, 199, 361, htmlSb.ToString(), (bool)false, (bool)false);                 //right


Exemple #2
        public KinCityStatusGump()
            : base(25, 25)
            this.Closable   = true;
            this.Disposable = true;
            this.Dragable   = true;
            this.Resizable  = false;
            this.AddImage(1, 6, 1228);
            this.AddButton(25, 268, 247, 249, (int)Buttons.Ok, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder("<basefont color=gray><p><center>City Status</center></p><p>");

            foreach (KinFactionCities e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(KinFactionCities)))
                KinCityData cd = KinCityManager.GetCityData(e);
                if (cd == null)

                html.Append(string.Format("<P><STRONG>{0}</STRONG> : ", e.ToString()));

                if (cd.ControlingKin == IOBAlignment.None)
                    html.Append("Golem Controller King</P>");
                    html.Append(string.Format("{0}</P>", IOBSystem.GetIOBName(cd.ControlingKin)));
                    if (cd.GuardOption == KinCityData.GuardOptions.LordBritish)
                        html.Append("<p>Lord British is guarding this city.</p>");
                    foreach (KinCityData.BeneficiaryData vd in cd.BeneficiaryDataList)
                        html.Append(string.Format("<P> * {0}</P>", vd.Pm.Name));
            this.AddHtml(26, 40, 348, 214, html.ToString(), (bool)false, (bool)true);
Exemple #3
        public override void OnEnter(Mobile m)
            Region       left = null;
            PlayerMobile pm   = null;

            if (m is PlayerMobile)
                pm   = (PlayerMobile)m;
                left = pm.LastRegionIn;
            // wea: If this is an isolated region, we're going to send sparklies where
            // mobiles will disappear (this happens as part of an IsIsolatedFrom() check,
            // not explicit packet removal here) + a sound effect if we had to do this
            // also send an incoming packet to all players within the region.
            // ____
            // ||
            if (m_Controller.IsIsolated)
                if (m.Map != null)
                    int invissedmobiles = 0;

                    IPooledEnumerable eable = m.GetMobilesInRange(Core.GlobalMaxUpdateRange);

                    foreach (Mobile mir in eable)
                        // Regardless of whether this is mobile or playermobile,
                        // we need to send an incoming packet to each of the mobiles
                        // in the region

                        if (mir.Region == m.Region)
                            if (mir is PlayerMobile)
                                // We've just walked into this mobile's region, so send incoming packet
                                // if they're a playermobile

                                if (Utility.InUpdateRange(m.Location, mir.Location) && mir.CanSee(m))
                                    // Send incoming packet to player if they're online
                                    if (mir.NetState != null)
                                        mir.NetState.Send(new MobileIncoming(mir, m));
                            // They're in a different region, so localise sparklies
                            // to us if we're a player mobile
                            if (pm != null && mir.AccessLevel <= pm.AccessLevel)
                                Packet particles = new LocationParticleEffect(EffectItem.Create(mir.Location, mir.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x376A, 10, 10, 0, 0, 2023, 0);

                                if (pm.NetState != null && particles != null)

                    if (invissedmobiles > 0)
                        // Play a sound effect to go with it
                        if (pm.NetState != null)

                    if (pm != null)
            // ||
            // ____

            // if were leaving a house and entering the region(already in it) dont play the enter msg
            if (pm != null && pm.LastRegionIn is HouseRegion)

            if (m_Controller.ShowEnterMessage)
                m.SendMessage("You have entered {0}", this.Name);

                if (m_Controller.NoMurderZone)
                    m.SendMessage("This is a lawless area; you are freely attackable here.");

            if (m_Controller.OverrideMaxFollowers)
                m.FollowersMax = m_Controller.MaxFollowerSlots;

            if (m_Controller.PlayMusic)

            PlayerMobile IOBenemy = null;

            if (m is PlayerMobile)
                IOBenemy = (PlayerMobile)m;

            //if is a iob zone/region and a iob aligned mobile with a differnt alignment then the zone enters
            //find all players of the zones alignment and send them a message
            //plasma: refactored the send message code into its own method within KinSystem
            if (DateTime.Now >= m_Controller.m_Msg && m_Controller.IOBZone && m_Controller.ShowIOBMsg && IOBenemy != null && IOBenemy.IOBAlignment != IOBAlignment.None && IOBenemy.IOBAlignment != m_Controller.IOBAlign && m.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player)              //we dont want it announceing staff with iob kinship
                if (m_Controller.RegionName != null && m_Controller.RegionName.Length > 0)
                    KinSystem.SendKinMessage(m_Controller.IOBAlign, string.Format("Come quickly, the {0} are attacking {1}!",
                    KinSystem.SendKinMessage(m_Controller.IOBAlign, string.Format("Come quickly, the {0} are attacking your stronghold!",
                m_Controller.m_Msg = DateTime.Now + m_Controller.m_Delay;
            else if (DateTime.Now >= m_Controller.m_Msg && this is Engines.IOBSystem.KinCityRegion && IOBenemy != null && IOBenemy.IOBAlignment != IOBAlignment.None && IOBenemy.IOBAlignment != m_Controller.IOBAlign && m.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player)              //we dont want it announceing staff with iob kinship
                KinCityRegion r = KinCityRegion.GetKinCityAt(this.m_Controller);
                if (r != null)
                    KinCityData cd = KinCityManager.GetCityData(r.KCStone.City);
                    if (cd != null && cd.ControlingKin != IOBAlignment.None)
                        Engines.IOBSystem.KinSystem.SendKinMessage(cd.ControlingKin, string.Format("Come quickly, the {0} are attacking the City of {1}!",
                                                                                                   IOBSystem.GetIOBName(IOBenemy.IOBRealAlignment), cd.City.ToString()));
                        m_Controller.m_Msg = DateTime.Now + m_Controller.m_Delay;

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the vortex is sucessfully killed
        /// All the points calculation and processing happens here
        /// </summary>
        public void VortexDeath()
            CaptureData logData = new CaptureData();

            logData.City        = m_City.ToString();
            logData.CaptureTime = DateTime.Now;
            logData.LogTime     = DateTime.Now;

            //turn off expire timer
            if (m_Timer != null && m_Timer.Running)

            if (KinSystemSettings.OutputCaptureData)
                SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Vortex for the city of {0} has been destroyed", m_City.ToString()));

            Dictionary <PlayerMobile, double> individualCapturePoints                                   //dual purpose damage dictionary and capture points
                = new Dictionary <PlayerMobile, double>();
            Dictionary <IOBAlignment, int> kinDamageSpread                                              //kin damage spread dictionary
                = new Dictionary <IOBAlignment, int>();
            KinCapturePointList kinCapturePoints   = new KinCapturePointList();                         //final kin capture point list
            KinCapturePointList finalCapturePoints = new KinCapturePointList();                         //final individual capture point list

            IOBAlignment winningKin = IOBAlignment.None;                                                //Winning kin
            double       capturePointsPerVortexDamage = 0.0;                                            //Standardised capture points per vortex damage point
            double       capturePointsPerDefensePoint = 0.0;                                            //Standardised capture points per defense point
            double       totalCapturePoints           = 0.0;                                            //total capture points
            int          totalVortexDamage            = 0;                                              //total vortex damage

            //First, cycle thru the vortex's damage list and populate individual and kin damage dictionaries
            foreach (DamageEntry de in m_Vortex.DamageEntries)
                PlayerMobile pm = null;
                //Check this is a real factioner or a factioner's pet
                if (de.Damager is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)de.Damager).IsRealFactioner)
                    pm = ((PlayerMobile)de.Damager);
                else if (de.Damager is BaseCreature)
                    BaseCreature bc = ((BaseCreature)de.Damager);
                    if (bc.ControlMaster != null && bc.ControlMaster is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)bc.ControlMaster).IsRealFactioner)
                        pm = ((PlayerMobile)bc.ControlMaster);
                    else if (bc.Summoned && bc.SummonMaster != null && bc.SummonMaster is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)bc.SummonMaster).IsRealFactioner)
                        pm = ((PlayerMobile)bc.SummonMaster);

                if (pm == null)

                //add this player and the damage to the dictionary, to be converted into capture points in the next stage
                if (individualCapturePoints.ContainsKey(pm))
                    individualCapturePoints[pm] += de.DamageGiven;
                    individualCapturePoints.Add(pm, de.DamageGiven);

                //keep running total of all damage
                totalVortexDamage += de.DamageGiven;

                //also add this damage to the kin dictionary for later
                if (!kinDamageSpread.ContainsKey(pm.IOBRealAlignment))
                    kinDamageSpread.Add(pm.IOBRealAlignment, de.DamageGiven);
                    kinDamageSpread[pm.IOBRealAlignment] += de.DamageGiven;

            //add anyone else from the defense points into the damage list, with 0 damage
            foreach (PlayerMobile pm in m_DefensePoints.Keys)
                if (!individualCapturePoints.ContainsKey(pm))
                    individualCapturePoints.Add(pm, 0.0);

            //add up defense points, this will act as the total amount of capture points avaliable
            foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerMobile, double> pair in m_DefensePoints)
                totalCapturePoints += pair.Value;

            //Make sure we have at least 1 capture point to work with
            if (totalCapturePoints == 0)
                totalCapturePoints = 1;

            //standardise each damage point of the vortex damage so the vortex is worth KinSystemSettings % of the points
            capturePointsPerVortexDamage = ((totalCapturePoints * KinSystemSettings.VortexCaptureProportion) / totalVortexDamage);

            //the remainder contributes to defenders
            capturePointsPerDefensePoint = ((totalCapturePoints * (1.0 - KinSystemSettings.VortexCaptureProportion) / totalCapturePoints));

            //output data thus far to local GM's journal
            if (KinSystemSettings.OutputCaptureData)
                //Individual damage
                SendMessageToLocalGM("Individual damage to vortex:");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerMobile, double> kvp in individualCapturePoints)
                    Player p = new Player(kvp.Key);
                    p.Value = kvp.Value;
                    SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Player {0} inflicted {1} points of damage", kvp.Key.Name, kvp.Value));

                //Total damage
                SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Total damage inflicted on vortex: {0}", totalVortexDamage));
                logData.TotalVortexDamage = totalVortexDamage;
                //Damage split by Kin
                SendMessageToLocalGM("Kin damage to vortex:");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <IOBAlignment, int> kvp in kinDamageSpread)
                    StringDoublePair k = new StringDoublePair();
                    k.Name  = kvp.Key.ToString();
                    k.Value = kvp.Value;
                    SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Kin {0} inflicted {1} points of damage", kvp.Key.ToString(), kvp.Value));
                //Individual defense points
                SendMessageToLocalGM("Individual defense points earnt:");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerMobile, double> kvp in m_DefensePoints)
                    Player p = new Player(kvp.Key);
                    p.Value = kvp.Value;
                    SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Player {0} earnt {1} defense points", kvp.Key.Name, kvp.Value));

                //Total defense points
                SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Total defense (capture) points earnt: {0}", totalCapturePoints));
                logData.TotalCapturePoints = totalCapturePoints;

                //Calculated points
                SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Capture points per vortex damage : {0}", capturePointsPerVortexDamage));
                SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Capture points per defense point : {0}", capturePointsPerDefensePoint));

            //Reformat the individual list into capture points.
            List <PlayerMobile> pms = new List <PlayerMobile>();           //Temp list

            foreach (PlayerMobile pm in individualCapturePoints.Keys)

            foreach (PlayerMobile pm in pms)
                //reformat damage points
                individualCapturePoints[pm] *= capturePointsPerVortexDamage;
                if (m_DefensePoints.ContainsKey(pm))
                    //Add any more capture points from defense
                    individualCapturePoints[pm] += (m_DefensePoints[pm] * capturePointsPerDefensePoint);
                //add this player's total capture points towards kin total
                kinCapturePoints.AddPoints(pm.IOBRealAlignment, individualCapturePoints[pm]);

            //Free up temp list!
            pms.Clear(); pms = null;

            //Sort kin capture points (desc)

            //More output data
            if (KinSystemSettings.OutputCaptureData)
                SendMessageToLocalGM("Total individual capture points:");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerMobile, double> kvp in individualCapturePoints)
                    Player p = new Player(kvp.Key);
                    p.Value = kvp.Value;
                    SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Player {0} earnt {1} total capture points", kvp.Key.Name, kvp.Value));

                SendMessageToLocalGM("Total kin capture points:");
                foreach (KinCapturePoints points in kinCapturePoints)
                    StringDoublePair k = new StringDoublePair();
                    k.Name  = points.Obj.ToString();
                    k.Value = points.Points;
                    SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Kin {0} earnt {1} total capture points", points.Obj.ToString(), points.Points));

            //Now find a winner - but the winning kin must also have done at least x% of the vortex damage
            for (int i = 0; i < kinCapturePoints.Count; ++i)
                IOBAlignment kin = IOBAlignment.None;
                if (kinCapturePoints[i].Obj is IOBAlignment)
                    kin = (IOBAlignment)kinCapturePoints[i].Obj;

                int damage = 0;

                if (kinDamageSpread.ContainsKey(kin))
                    damage = kinDamageSpread[kin];
                    damage = 0;

                if (damage >= (totalVortexDamage * KinSystemSettings.VortexMinDamagePercentage))
                    //found our winner
                    winningKin = kin;
                    if (KinSystemSettings.OutputCaptureData)
                        SendMessageToLocalGM(string.Format("Kin {0} would have won, but didn't do enough damage to the vortex", kin.ToString()));

            logData.WinningKin = winningKin.ToString();

            if (winningKin == IOBAlignment.None || winningKin == IOBAlignment.Healer || winningKin == IOBAlignment.OutCast)
                //this shouldn't really happen.
                //Hand city over to golem controllers
                KinCityManager.TransferOwnership(m_City, IOBAlignment.None, null);

            //Find and move all of this kin into the final capture point list
            foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerMobile, double> pair in individualCapturePoints)
                if (pair.Key.IOBRealAlignment == winningKin)
                    finalCapturePoints.AddPoints(pair.Key, pair.Value);

            //woo sanity
            if (finalCapturePoints.Count == 0)
                //this should never happen.
                //Hand city over to golem controllers
                KinCityManager.TransferOwnership(m_City, IOBAlignment.None, null);

            //Sort capture points list desc

            int totalBenes = 0;

            //now we want the top x% of this list to act as beneficiaries for the town, with a cap
            if (finalCapturePoints.Count < KinSystemSettings.BeneficiaryCap)
                totalBenes = finalCapturePoints.Count;
                //plasma: removing the qualification % for now, it's too inhibitive with a little amount of players.
                totalBenes = KinSystemSettings.BeneficiaryCap;
                //totalBenes = (int)Math.Round((double)finalCapturePoints.Count * KinSystemSettings.BeneficiaryQualifyPercentage, 0);
                //Should never happen, but possible depending on the KinSystemSettings variables
                if (totalBenes < 1)
                    totalBenes = 1;

            //Send message to winners
            List <PlayerMobile> winners = new List <PlayerMobile>();

            for (int i = 0; i < totalBenes; ++i)
                winners.Add(finalCapturePoints[i].Obj as PlayerMobile);

            //Send message to all
            KinSystem.SendKinMessage(string.Format("The City of {0} has fallen to the {1}! ", m_City.ToString(), winningKin == IOBAlignment.None ? "Golem Controller Lord" : IOBSystem.GetIOBName(winningKin)));

            winners.ForEach(delegate(PlayerMobile pm)
                pm.SendMessage("You have qualified as a beneficiary of {0}.  Head to the city's control board to vote for a City leader.", m_City.ToString());

            if (KinSystemSettings.OutputCaptureData)
                SendMessageToLocalGM("Final beneficiaries of town:");
                foreach (PlayerMobile pm in winners)
                    Player p = new Player(pm);

            //Hand city over to the kin and its beneficiaries
            KinCityManager.TransferOwnership(m_City, winningKin, winners);


            if (KinSystemSettings.OutputCaptureData)

            //Fianlly set the base next vortex spawn time for this city/sigil