public void CompleteProductInsert()
            const string original = "TestFiles\\4walls1floorSite.ifc";

            using (var model = new IO.Memory.MemoryModel(ef2x3))
                var errs = model.LoadStep21(original);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, errs);
                using (model.BeginEntityCaching())
                    using (model.BeginInverseCaching())
                        var products = model.Instances.OfType <IfcProduct>();
                        using (var iModel = new IO.Memory.MemoryModel(ef2x3))
                            var map = new XbimInstanceHandleMap(model, iModel);
                            using (var txn = iModel.BeginTransaction("Insert copy"))
                                var w = new Stopwatch();
                                iModel.InsertCopy(products, true, false, map);

                                var copies = Path.ChangeExtension(original, ".copy.ifc");
                                using (var f = File.Create(copies))

                            // use all caching we can for this
                            using (iModel.BeginEntityCaching())
                                using (iModel.BeginInverseCaching())
                                    // number of products should be the same
                                    var origProdCount = model.Instances.CountOf <IfcProduct>();
                                    var prodCount     = iModel.Instances.CountOf <IfcProduct>();
                                    Assert.AreEqual(origProdCount, prodCount);

                                    // number of geometry representations should be the same
                                    var origRepCount = model.Instances.CountOf <IfcProductRepresentation>();
                                    var repCount     = model.Instances.CountOf <IfcProductRepresentation>();
                                    Assert.AreEqual(origRepCount, repCount);

                                    // number of geometry representations should be the same
                                    var origRepItemCount = model.Instances.CountOf <IfcRepresentationItem>();
                                    var repItemCount     = model.Instances.CountOf <IfcRepresentationItem>();
                                    Assert.AreEqual(origRepItemCount, repItemCount);

                                    // number of representation items in every product should be the same
                                    foreach (var product in model.Instances.OfType <IfcProduct>())
                                        var iProduct = map[new XbimInstanceHandle(product)].GetEntity() as IfcProduct;

                                        var count  = product.Representation?.Representations.SelectMany(r => r.Items).Count();
                                        var iCount = iProduct.Representation?.Representations.SelectMany(r => r.Items).Count();

                                        Assert.AreEqual(count, iCount);