Exemple #1
        public bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Static site does not support drafts, cannot post.");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();
            remotePost = null;
            etag       = "";

            // Create a StaticSitePost on the provided post
            var ssgPost = new StaticSitePost(Config, post, !publish);

            if (ssgPost.FilePathById == null)
                // If we are publishing and there exists a draft with this ID, delete it.
                if (publish)
                    var filePath = new StaticSitePost(Config, post, true).FilePathById;
                    if (filePath != null)

                // Existing post could not be found to edit, call NewPost instead;
                NewPost(blogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish, out etag, out remotePost);

            // Set slug to existing slug on post
            ssgPost.Slug = post.Slug;

Exemple #2
        public async Task <PostResult> EditPost(BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish)
            // initialize result (for edits the id never changes)
            PostResult result         = new PostResult();
            var        editpostResult = new EditPostResult();

            result.PostId = post.Id;
                //apply any publishing filters and make the post
                using (new ContentFilterApplier(post, ClientOptions, ContentFilterMode.Publish))
                    // make the post
                    if (post.IsPage)
                        await BlogClient.EditPage(_settings.HostBlogId, post, publish, result.ETag, result.AtomRemotePost);
                        await BlogClient.EditPost(_settings.HostBlogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish, editpostResult);
                // note success
                _settings.LastPublishFailed = false;
            catch (BlogClientProviderException ex)
                if (ErrorIsInvalidPostId(ex))
                    return(await NewPost(post, newCategoryContext, publish));
                _settings.LastPublishFailed = true;

            // determine the date-published based on whether there was an override
            if (post.HasDatePublishedOverride)
                result.DatePublished = post.DatePublishedOverride;
                result.DatePublished = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // return result
Exemple #3
        public string NewPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Static site does not support drafts, cannot post.");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();
            remotePost = null;
            etag       = "";

            // Create a StaticSitePost on the provided post
            return(DoNewItem(new StaticSitePost(Config, post, !publish)));
Exemple #4
        public override async Task <bool> EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                //Debug.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();

            // call the method
            var result = await CallMethod("blogger.editPost",
                                          new XmlRpcString(APP_KEY),
                                          new XmlRpcString(post.Id),
                                          new XmlRpcString(Username),
                                          new XmlRpcString(Password, true),
                                          new XmlRpcBoolean(publish));

            return(result.InnerText.Trim() == "1");
Exemple #5
        public async Task <PostResult> NewPost(BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish)
            // initialize result
            PostResult result = new PostResult();

                using (new ContentFilterApplier(post, ClientOptions, ContentFilterMode.Publish))
                    // make the post
                    if (post.IsPage)
                        result.PostId = await BlogClient.NewPage(_settings.HostBlogId, post, publish, result.ETag,
                        result.PostId = await BlogClient.NewPost(_settings.HostBlogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish, result);

                // note success
                _settings.LastPublishFailed = false;
                _settings.LastPublishFailed = true;

            // determine the date-published based on whether there was an override
            if (post.HasDatePublishedOverride)
                result.DatePublished = post.DatePublishedOverride;
                result.DatePublished = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // return result
Exemple #6
        public override string NewPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();

            // call the method
            XmlNode result = CallMethod("blogger.newPost",
                                        new XmlRpcString(APP_KEY),
                                        new XmlRpcString(blogId),
                                        new XmlRpcString(Username),
                                        new XmlRpcString(Password, true),
                                        new XmlRpcBoolean(publish));

            // return the blog-id
Exemple #7
        public bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
            // The remote post is only meant to be used for blogs that use the Atom protocol.
            remotePost = null;

            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();

            var bloggerPost       = ConvertToGoogleBloggerPost(post);
            var updatePostRequest = GetService().Posts.Update(bloggerPost, blogId, post.Id);

            updatePostRequest.Publish = publish;

            var updatedPost = updatePostRequest.Execute();

            etag = updatedPost.ETag;
        public async Task <bool> EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, EditPostResult editPostResult)
            // The remote post is only meant to be used for blogs that use the Atom protocol.
            editPostResult.remotePost = null;

            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Debug.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();

            var bloggerPost       = ConvertToGoogleBloggerPost(post);
            var updatePostRequest = (await GetService()).Posts.Update(bloggerPost, blogId, post.Id);

            updatePostRequest.Publish = publish;

            var updatedPost = await updatePostRequest.ExecuteAsync();

            editPostResult.etag = updatedPost.ETag;
        public async Task <string> NewPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, PostResult postResult)
            // The remote post is only meant to be used for blogs that use the Atom protocol.
            postResult.AtomRemotePost = null;

            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Debug.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();

            var bloggerPost    = ConvertToGoogleBloggerPost(post);
            var newPostRequest = (await GetService()).Posts.Insert(bloggerPost, blogId);

            newPostRequest.IsDraft = !publish;

            var newPost = await newPostRequest.ExecuteAsync();

            postResult.ETag = newPost.ETag;
        public string NewPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();


            FixupBlogId(ref blogId);

            XmlDocument doc       = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement  entryNode = doc.CreateElement(_atomNS.Prefix, "entry", _atomNS.Uri);

            Populate(post, null, entryNode, publish);

            string slug = null;

            if (Options.SupportsSlug)
                slug = post.Slug;

            WebHeaderCollection responseHeaders;
            Uri         uri    = new Uri(blogId);
            XmlDocument result = xmlRestRequestHelper.Post(
                ref uri,
                new HttpRequestFilter(new NewPostRequest(this, slug).RequestFilter),
                out responseHeaders);

            etag = FilterWeakEtag(responseHeaders["ETag"]);
            string location = responseHeaders["Location"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
                throw new BlogClientInvalidServerResponseException("POST", "The HTTP response was missing the required Location header.", "");
            if (location != responseHeaders["Content-Location"] || result == null)
                Uri locationUri = new Uri(location);
                WebHeaderCollection getResponseHeaders;
                result = xmlRestRequestHelper.Get(ref locationUri, RequestFilter, out getResponseHeaders);
                etag   = FilterWeakEtag(getResponseHeaders["ETag"]);

            remotePost = (XmlDocument)result.Clone();
            Parse(result.DocumentElement, true, uri);

            if (Options.SupportsNewCategories)
                foreach (BlogPostCategory category in post.NewCategories)

 protected virtual bool AttemptEditPostRecover(Exception e, string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
     etag       = null;
     remotePost = null;
        public virtual bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();


            FixupBlogId(ref blogId);

            XmlDocument doc       = post.AtomRemotePost;
            XmlElement  entryNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/atom:entry", _nsMgr) as XmlElement;

            // No documentUri is needed because we ensure xml:base is set on the root
            // when we retrieve from XmlRestRequestHelper
            Populate(post, null, entryNode, publish);
            string etagToMatch = FilterWeakEtag(post.ETag);

                    Uri uri = PostIdToPostUri(post.Id);
                    WebHeaderCollection responseHeaders;
                    xmlRestRequestHelper.Put(ref uri, etagToMatch, RequestFilter, ENTRY_CONTENT_TYPE, doc, _clientOptions.CharacterSet, true, out responseHeaders);
                catch (WebException we)
                    if (we.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)
                        if (((HttpWebResponse)we.Response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed)
                            if (etagToMatch != null && etagToMatch.Length > 0)

                                string currentEtag = GetEtag(UrlHelper.SafeToAbsoluteUri(PostIdToPostUri(post.Id)));

                                if (currentEtag != null && currentEtag.Length > 0 &&
                                    currentEtag != etagToMatch)
                                    if (ConfirmOverwrite())
                                        etagToMatch = currentEtag;
                                        goto retry;
                                        throw new BlogClientOperationCancelledException();
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!AttemptEditPostRecover(e, blogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish, out etag, out remotePost))
                    // convert to a provider exception if this is a 404 (allow us to
                    // catch this case explicitly and attempt a new post to recover)
                    if (e is WebException)
                        WebException    webEx    = e as WebException;
                        HttpWebResponse response = webEx.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                        if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                            throw new BlogClientProviderException("404", e.Message);

                    // no special handling, just re-throw

            Uri getUri = PostIdToPostUri(post.Id);
            WebHeaderCollection getResponseHeaders;

            remotePost = xmlRestRequestHelper.Get(ref getUri, RequestFilter, out getResponseHeaders);
            etag       = FilterWeakEtag(getResponseHeaders["ETag"]);
            Trace.Assert(remotePost != null, "After successful PUT, remote post could not be retrieved");

            if (Options.SupportsNewCategories)
                foreach (BlogPostCategory category in post.NewCategories)

Exemple #13
 protected virtual bool AttemptEditPostRecover(Exception e, string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, EditPostResult result)
     result.etag       = null;
     result.remotePost = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Edit an existing entry
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blog">blog</param>
        /// <param name="postId">post id</param>
        /// <param name="account">account to post to</param>
        /// <param name="entry">entry to post</param>
        /// <param name="publish">publish now?</param>
        /// <returns>was the entry successfully edited</returns>
        public override bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();

            bool addCategoriesOutOfBand = AddCategoriesIfNecessary(blogId, post, newCategoryContext);

            bool result;
            if (Options.SupportsCategoriesInline)
                result = MetaweblogEditPost(blogId, post, publish);
                if (Options.SupportsHierarchicalCategories)
                    MovableTypeSetPostCategories(post.Id, ArrayHelper.Concat(post.Categories, post.NewCategories));
                result = MovableTypeEditPost(blogId, post, publish);

            // if we succeeded then note addition of categories if appropriate
            if (!addCategoriesOutOfBand)
                foreach (BlogPostCategory category in post.NewCategories)

            return result;
        public bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
            // The remote post is only meant to be used for blogs that use the Atom protocol.
            remotePost = null;

            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();

            var bloggerPost = ConvertToGoogleBloggerPost(post);
            var updatePostRequest = GetService().Posts.Update(bloggerPost, blogId, post.Id);
            updatePostRequest.Publish = publish;

            var updatedPost = updatePostRequest.Execute();
            etag = updatedPost.ETag;
            return true;
 public Task <bool> EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, EditPostResult result)
     result.etag       = null;
     result.remotePost = null;
     return(EditPost(blogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish));
        public virtual bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();


            FixupBlogId(ref blogId);

            XmlDocument doc = post.AtomRemotePost;
            XmlElement entryNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/atom:entry", _nsMgr) as XmlElement;

            // No documentUri is needed because we ensure xml:base is set on the root
            // when we retrieve from XmlRestRequestHelper
            Populate(post, null, entryNode, publish);
            string etagToMatch = FilterWeakEtag(post.ETag);

                    Uri uri = PostIdToPostUri(post.Id);
                    WebHeaderCollection responseHeaders;
                    xmlRestRequestHelper.Put(ref uri, etagToMatch, RequestFilter, ENTRY_CONTENT_TYPE, doc, _clientOptions.CharacterSet, true, out responseHeaders);
                catch (WebException we)
                    if (we.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)
                        if (((HttpWebResponse)we.Response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed)
                            if (etagToMatch != null && etagToMatch.Length > 0)

                                string currentEtag = GetEtag(UrlHelper.SafeToAbsoluteUri(PostIdToPostUri(post.Id)));

                                if (currentEtag != null && currentEtag.Length > 0
                                    && currentEtag != etagToMatch)
                                    if (ConfirmOverwrite())
                                        etagToMatch = currentEtag;
                                        goto retry;
                                        throw new BlogClientOperationCancelledException();
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!AttemptEditPostRecover(e, blogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish, out etag, out remotePost))
                    // convert to a provider exception if this is a 404 (allow us to
                    // catch this case explicitly and attempt a new post to recover)
                    if (e is WebException)
                        WebException webEx = e as WebException;
                        HttpWebResponse response = webEx.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                        if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                            throw new BlogClientProviderException("404", e.Message);

                    // no special handling, just re-throw

            Uri getUri = PostIdToPostUri(post.Id);
            WebHeaderCollection getResponseHeaders;
            remotePost = xmlRestRequestHelper.Get(ref getUri, RequestFilter, out getResponseHeaders);
            etag = FilterWeakEtag(getResponseHeaders["ETag"]);
            Trace.Assert(remotePost != null, "After successful PUT, remote post could not be retrieved");

            if (Options.SupportsNewCategories)
                foreach (BlogPostCategory category in post.NewCategories)

            return true;
 protected virtual bool AttemptEditPostRecover(Exception e, string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
     etag = null;
     remotePost = null;
     return false;
 public abstract bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish);
 public bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
     etag       = null;
     remotePost = null;
     return(EditPost(blogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish));
Exemple #21
        public async Task <string> NewPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, PostResult postResult)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                //Debug.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();


            FixupBlogId(ref blogId);

            XmlDocument doc       = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement  entryNode = doc.CreateElementNS(_atomNS.Uri, _atomNS.Prefix + ":entry");

            Populate(post, null, entryNode, publish);

            string slug = null;

            if (Options.SupportsSlug)
                slug = post.Slug;

            XmlRestRequestHelper.XmlRequestResult xmlResult2 = new XmlRestRequestHelper.XmlRequestResult();
            xmlResult2.uri = new Uri(blogId);
            XmlDocument result = await xmlRestRequestHelper.Post(
                new HttpAsyncRequestFilter(new NewPostRequest(this, slug).RequestFilter),

            postResult.ETag = FilterWeakEtag(xmlResult2.responseHeaders["ETag"]);
            string location = xmlResult2.responseHeaders["Location"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
                throw new BlogClientInvalidServerResponseException("POST", "The HTTP response was missing the required Location header.", "");
            if (location != xmlResult2.responseHeaders["Content-Location"] || result == null)
                XmlRestRequestHelper.XmlRequestResult xmlResult = new XmlRestRequestHelper.XmlRequestResult();
                xmlResult.uri = new Uri(location);
                result        = await xmlRestRequestHelper.Get(RequestFilter, xmlResult);

                postResult.ETag = FilterWeakEtag(xmlResult.responseHeaders["ETag"]);

            postResult.AtomRemotePost = (XmlDocument)result.CloneNode(true);
            Parse(result.DocumentElement, true, xmlResult2.uri);

            if (Options.SupportsNewCategories)
                foreach (BlogPostCategory category in post.NewCategories)

 public abstract bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish);
        protected override bool AttemptEditPostRecover(Exception e, string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
            // There's a bug with Blogger Beta where their atom feeds are returning
            // edit URIs for entries that don't work for PUT and DELETE.  However, if you do a GET on the
            // edit URI, you can get a different edit URI that DOES work for PUT and DELETE.

            if (inEditPostRecovery)
                etag = null;
                remotePost = null;
                return false;

            inEditPostRecovery = true;
                if (IsBadRequestError(e))
                    BlogPost oldPost = GetPost(blogId, post.Id);
                    if (post.Id != oldPost.Id)
                        // Temporarily change the ID to this alternate Edit URI.  In order to
                        // minimize the chance of unintended side effects, we revert the ID
                        // back to the original value once we're done trying to edit.

                        string originalId = post.Id;
                            post.Id = oldPost.Id;
                            if (EditPost(blogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish, out etag, out remotePost))
                                return true;
                            post.Id = originalId;
            catch (Exception e1)
                inEditPostRecovery = false;
            etag = null;
            remotePost = null;
            return false;
 public abstract Task <string> NewPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish);
        private bool AddCategoriesIfNecessary(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext)
            // this blog doesn't support adding categories
            if (!Options.SupportsNewCategories)
                return false;

            // no new categories to add
            if (post.NewCategories.Length == 0)
                return false;

            // we support inline category addition and we don't require a special
            // api for heirarchical categories (inline api can't handle parent specification)
            if (Options.SupportsNewCategoriesInline && !Options.SupportsHierarchicalCategories)
                return false;

            // add the categories and update their ids
            ArrayList newCategories = new ArrayList();
            foreach (BlogPostCategory category in post.NewCategories)
                string categoryId = AddCategory(blogId, category);
                BlogPostCategory newCategory = new BlogPostCategory(categoryId, category.Name, category.Parent);
            post.NewCategories = newCategories.ToArray(typeof(BlogPostCategory)) as BlogPostCategory[];
            return true;
Exemple #26
        protected override bool AttemptEditPostRecover(Exception e, string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
            // There's a bug with Blogger Beta where their atom feeds are returning
            // edit URIs for entries that don't work for PUT and DELETE.  However, if you do a GET on the
            // edit URI, you can get a different edit URI that DOES work for PUT and DELETE.

            if (inEditPostRecovery)
                etag       = null;
                remotePost = null;

            inEditPostRecovery = true;
                if (IsBadRequestError(e))
                    BlogPost oldPost = GetPost(blogId, post.Id);
                    if (post.Id != oldPost.Id)
                        // Temporarily change the ID to this alternate Edit URI.  In order to
                        // minimize the chance of unintended side effects, we revert the ID
                        // back to the original value once we're done trying to edit.

                        string originalId = post.Id;
                            post.Id = oldPost.Id;
                            if (EditPost(blogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish, out etag, out remotePost))
                            post.Id = originalId;
            catch (Exception e1)
                inEditPostRecovery = false;
            etag       = null;
            remotePost = null;
Exemple #27
        public PostResult NewPost(BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish)
            // initialize result
            PostResult result = new PostResult();

                using (new ContentFilterApplier(post, ClientOptions, ContentFilterMode.Publish))
                    // make the post
                    if (post.IsPage)
                        result.PostId = BlogClient.NewPage(_settings.HostBlogId, post, publish, out result.ETag, out result.AtomRemotePost);
                        result.PostId = BlogClient.NewPost(_settings.HostBlogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish, out result.ETag, out result.AtomRemotePost);

                // note success
                _settings.LastPublishFailed = false;
                _settings.LastPublishFailed = true;

            // determine the date-published based on whether there was an override
            if (post.HasDatePublishedOverride)
                result.DatePublished = post.DatePublishedOverride;
                result.DatePublished = DateTimeHelper.UtcNow;

            // return result
            return result;
        public string NewPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();


            FixupBlogId(ref blogId);

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement entryNode = doc.CreateElement(_atomNS.Prefix, "entry", _atomNS.Uri);
            Populate(post, null, entryNode, publish);

            string slug = null;
            if (Options.SupportsSlug)
                slug = post.Slug;

            WebHeaderCollection responseHeaders;
            Uri uri = new Uri(blogId);
            XmlDocument result = xmlRestRequestHelper.Post(
                ref uri,
                new HttpRequestFilter(new NewPostRequest(this, slug).RequestFilter),
                out responseHeaders);

            etag = FilterWeakEtag(responseHeaders["ETag"]);
            string location = responseHeaders["Location"];
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
                throw new BlogClientInvalidServerResponseException("POST", "The HTTP response was missing the required Location header.", "");
            if (location != responseHeaders["Content-Location"] || result == null)
                Uri locationUri = new Uri(location);
                WebHeaderCollection getResponseHeaders;
                result = xmlRestRequestHelper.Get(ref locationUri, RequestFilter, out getResponseHeaders);
                etag = FilterWeakEtag(getResponseHeaders["ETag"]);

            remotePost = (XmlDocument)result.Clone();
            Parse(result.DocumentElement, true, uri);

            if (Options.SupportsNewCategories)
                foreach (BlogPostCategory category in post.NewCategories)

            return PostUriToPostId(location);
 public bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, out string etag, out XmlDocument remotePost)
     etag = null;
     remotePost = null;
     return EditPost(blogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish);
Exemple #30
        public PostResult EditPost(BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish)
            // initialize result (for edits the id never changes)
            PostResult result = new PostResult();
            result.PostId = post.Id;
                //apply any publishing filters and make the post
                using (new ContentFilterApplier(post, ClientOptions, ContentFilterMode.Publish))
                    // make the post
                    if (post.IsPage)
                        BlogClient.EditPage(_settings.HostBlogId, post, publish, out result.ETag, out result.AtomRemotePost);
                        BlogClient.EditPost(_settings.HostBlogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish, out result.ETag, out result.AtomRemotePost);
                // note success
                _settings.LastPublishFailed = false;
            catch (BlogClientProviderException ex)
                if (ErrorIsInvalidPostId(ex))
                    return NewPost(post, newCategoryContext, publish);
                _settings.LastPublishFailed = true;

            // determine the date-published based on whether there was an override
            if (post.HasDatePublishedOverride)
                result.DatePublished = post.DatePublishedOverride;
                result.DatePublished = DateTimeHelper.UtcNow;

            // return result
            return result;
        public override bool EditPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish)
            if (!publish && !Options.SupportsPostAsDraft)
                Trace.Fail("Post to draft not supported on this provider");
                throw new BlogClientPostAsDraftUnsupportedException();

            // call the method
            XmlNode result = CallMethod("blogger.editPost",
                new XmlRpcString(APP_KEY),
                new XmlRpcString(post.Id),
                new XmlRpcString(Username),
                new XmlRpcString(Password, true),
                new XmlRpcBoolean(publish));

            return (result.InnerText == "1");
 public Task <string> NewPost(string blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryContext newCategoryContext, bool publish, PostResult postResult)
     postResult.ETag           = null;
     postResult.AtomRemotePost = null;
     return(NewPost(blogId, post, newCategoryContext, publish));