Exemple #1
    // Auxiliar Methods //

    void InitLaboralSector(INDUSTRY industry, SECTOR_INVESTMENT investment)
        float investmentValue = 0f, developementValue = 0;

        switch (industry)
        case INDUSTRY.UNDER_DEVELOPED: developementValue = 0.25f; break;

        case INDUSTRY.DEVELOPING: developementValue = 0.5f; break;

        case INDUSTRY.DEVELOPED: developementValue = 0.75f; break;
        switch (investment)
        case SECTOR_INVESTMENT.LOW: investmentValue = 0.25f; break;

        case SECTOR_INVESTMENT.MEDIUM: investmentValue = 0.5f; break;

        case SECTOR_INVESTMENT.HIGH: investmentValue = 0.75f; break;
        IndustrySector = new IndustrySector(investmentValue, developementValue, CityPlace, city);
Exemple #2
    // Constructors //

    public CityPart(PLACE cityPlace, POPULATION population, Citizen.ECONOMIC_CLASS populationWealth, INDUSTRY industry,
                    SECTOR_INVESTMENT industryInvestment, FUN fun, SECTOR_INVESTMENT leisureInvestment,
                    INFRASTRUCTURE infrastructure, SECTOR_INVESTMENT transportInvestment, City city)
        this.city             = city;
        CityPlace             = cityPlace;
        Citizens              = new Dictionary <int, Citizen>();
        nonAllocatedHomes     = new List <Coords>();
        cityHomesGrid         = new int[32, 32];
        GlobalHappiness       = new RepresentativeIndex("Felicidad Global", "Felicidad Global en el barrio " + CityPlace, 0.5f);
        GlobalHealth          = new RepresentativeIndex("Salud Global", "Salud Global en el barrio " + CityPlace, 0.5f);
        LowClassProportion    = new RepresentativeIndex("Clase Baja", "Proporción de ciudadanos de clase baja en el barrio " + CityPlace, 0.5f);
        MiddleClassProportion = new RepresentativeIndex("Clase Media", "Proporción de ciudadanos de clase media en el barrio " + CityPlace, 0.5f);
        HighClassProportion   = new RepresentativeIndex("Clase Alta", "Proporción de ciudadanos de clase alta en el barrio " + CityPlace, 0.5f);
        InitLaboralSector(industry, industryInvestment);
        InitTransportSector(infrastructure, transportInvestment);
        InitLeisureSector(fun, leisureInvestment);
        InitPopulation(population, populationWealth); // It has to be the last initialization