public void switchToAnotherPlayer() { if (this.myMediaPlayer.GetType() == typeof(MediaPlayerAdapter)) { this.myMediaPlayer = new NAudioAdapter(); this.isWorking = true; Console.WriteLine("Switching to NAudio..."); } else { this.myMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayerAdapter(); this.isWorking = true; Console.WriteLine("Switching to MediaPlayer..."); } }
private PlayerService() { Tracks = new List <Track>(); CurrentTrack = new Track(); mediaPlayer = App.Container.Resolve <IMyMediaPlayer>(); trackManager = App.Container.Resolve <ITrackManager>(); RepeatTracks = false; ShuffleTracks = false; updateProgressThread = new Thread(updateProgres); updateProgressThread.IsBackground = true; updateProgressThread.Start(); Tracks = trackManager.GetAllTracks().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public MusicPlayer() { this.turnedOffState = new TurnedOffState(this); this.standbyState = new StandByState(this); this.playingState = new PlayingState(this); this.pausedState = new PausedState(this); this.lockedState = new LockedState(this); this.currentState = turnedOffState; this.currentSongIndex = 0; this.songs = new List <Song>(); this.myMediaPlayer = new NAudioAdapter(); timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = 1000; timer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent; timer.AutoReset = true; }