Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrap the buffer at a given offset for updates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"> to wrap </param>
        /// <param name="offset"> at which the message begins. </param>
        /// <returns> for fluent API </returns>
        public PublicationBuffersReadyFlyweight Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;

            return this;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrap the buffer at a given offset for updates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"> to wrap </param>
        /// <param name="offset"> at which the message begins. </param>
        /// <returns> for fluent API </returns>
        public ErrorResponseFlyweight Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;

            return this;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrap the buffer at a given offset for updates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"> to wrap </param>
        /// <param name="offset"> at which the message begins. </param>
        /// <returns> for fluent API </returns>
        public ImageMessageFlyweight Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this.buffer = buffer;
            this.offset = offset;

            return this;
Exemple #4
        public DetachSegmentsRequestEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        public RecoveryPlanQueryEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

Exemple #6
    public ChallengeEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
        this._buffer = buffer;
        this._offset = offset;
        Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        return this;
        public NewLeaderEventEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

Exemple #8
        public TerminationAckEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        public RecordingStartedEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        public SessionConnectRequestEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        public ScheduleTimerEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        public FindLastMatchingRecordingRequestEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        public ControlResponseEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        public BoundedReplayRequestEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        public StopRecordingSubscriptionRequestEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

Exemple #16
 private void WhenReceiveBroadcastOnMessage(int msgTypeId, IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, Func <IMutableDirectBuffer, int> filler)
     A.CallTo(() => MockToClientReceiver.Receive(A <MessageHandler> ._)).Invokes(() =>
         var length = filler(buffer);
         Conductor.DriverListenerAdapter().OnMessage(msgTypeId, buffer, 0, length);
        public SnapshotRecordingQueryEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

Exemple #18
        public EgressMessageHeaderEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

Exemple #19
        public AddPassiveMemberEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        public CommitPositionEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

Exemple #21
        public ClusterMembersChangeEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

        public ListRecordingsForUriRequestEncoder Wrap(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            this._buffer = buffer;
            this._offset = offset;
            Limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);

Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocate a counter to represent the heartbeat of a clustered service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aeron">      to allocate the counter. </param>
        /// <param name="tempBuffer"> to use for building the key and label without allocation. </param>
        /// <param name="serviceId">  of the service heartbeat. </param>
        /// <returns> the <seealso cref="Counter"/> for the commit position. </returns>
        public static Counter Allocate(Aeron.Aeron aeron, IMutableDirectBuffer tempBuffer, int serviceId)
            int labelOffset = 0;

            labelOffset += tempBuffer.PutStringWithoutLengthAscii(KEY_LENGTH + labelOffset, NAME);
            labelOffset += tempBuffer.PutIntAscii(KEY_LENGTH + labelOffset, serviceId);

            return(aeron.AddCounter(SERVICE_HEARTBEAT_TYPE_ID, tempBuffer, 0, KEY_LENGTH, tempBuffer, KEY_LENGTH, labelOffset));
Exemple #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocate a counter for tracking the last heartbeat of an entity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tempBuffer">      to be used for labels and key. </param>
 /// <param name="name">            of the counter for the label. </param>
 /// <param name="typeId">          of the counter for classification. </param>
 /// <param name="countersManager"> from which to allocated the underlying storage. </param>
 /// <param name="registrationId">  to be associated with the counter. </param>
 /// <returns> a new <seealso cref="AtomicCounter"/> for tracking the last heartbeat. </returns>
 public static AtomicCounter Allocate(
     IMutableDirectBuffer tempBuffer,
     string name,
     int typeId,
     CountersManager countersManager,
     long registrationId)
     return(new AtomicCounter(countersManager.ValuesBuffer,
                              AllocateCounterId(tempBuffer, name, typeId, countersManager, registrationId), countersManager));
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Append pre-formatted block of message fragments into the term buffer.
        /// <para>
        /// <em>WARNING: This is internal API used by {@code ExclusivePublication#offerBlock} method.</em>
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="termId">     for the current term. </param>
        /// <param name="termOffset"> in the term at which to append. </param>
        /// <param name="buffer">     which contains block of messages. </param>
        /// <param name="offset">     within the buffer at which the block begins. </param>
        /// <param name="length">     of the block in bytes (always aligned). </param>
        /// <returns> the resulting offset of the term after success otherwise <seealso cref="FAILED"/>. </returns>
        public int AppendBlock(int termId, int termOffset, IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset, int length)
            int resultingOffset    = termOffset + length;
            int lengthOfFirstFrame = buffer.GetInt(offset, ByteOrder.LittleEndian);

            buffer.PutInt(offset, 0, ByteOrder.LittleEndian);
            _termBuffer.PutBytes(termOffset, buffer, offset, length);
            FrameDescriptor.FrameLengthOrdered(_termBuffer, termOffset, lengthOfFirstFrame);
            PutRawTailOrdered(termId, resultingOffset);

Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocate a counter to represent the heartbeat of a clustered service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aeron">      to allocate the counter. </param>
        /// <param name="tempBuffer"> to use for building the key and label without allocation. </param>
        /// <param name="serviceId">  of the service heartbeat. </param>
        /// <returns> the <seealso cref="Counter"/> for the commit position. </returns>
        public static Counter Allocate(Aeron.Aeron aeron, IMutableDirectBuffer tempBuffer, int serviceId)
            tempBuffer.PutInt(SERVICE_ID_OFFSET, serviceId);

            int labelOffset = BitUtil.Align(KEY_LENGTH, BitUtil.SIZE_OF_INT);
            int labelLength = 0;

            labelLength += tempBuffer.PutStringWithoutLengthAscii(labelOffset + labelLength, NAME);
            labelLength += tempBuffer.PutIntAscii(labelOffset + labelLength, serviceId);

            return(aeron.AddCounter(SERVICE_HEARTBEAT_TYPE_ID, tempBuffer, 0, KEY_LENGTH, tempBuffer, labelOffset, labelLength));
        public BackupResponseEncoder WrapAndApplyHeader(
            IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset, MessageHeaderEncoder headerEncoder)
            .Wrap(buffer, offset)

            return(Wrap(buffer, offset + MessageHeaderEncoder.ENCODED_LENGTH));
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrap a <seealso cref="BroadcastReceiver"/> to simplify the API for receiving messages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="receiver"> to be wrapped. </param>
        public CopyBroadcastReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver)
            _receiver      = receiver;
            _scratchBuffer = new UnsafeBuffer(new byte[ScratchBufferSize]);

            while (receiver.ReceiveNext())
                // If we're reconnecting to a broadcast buffer then we need to
                // scan ourselves up to date, otherwise we risk "falling behind"
                // the buffer due to the time taken to catchup.
Exemple #29
        public int GetEncodedPrincipal(IMutableDirectBuffer dst, int dstOffset, int length)
            int headerLength = 4;
            int limit        = _parentMessage.Limit();
            int dataLength   = (int)unchecked ((uint)_buffer.GetInt(limit, ByteOrder.LittleEndian));
            int bytesCopied  = Math.Min(length, dataLength);

            _parentMessage.Limit(limit + headerLength + dataLength);
            _buffer.GetBytes(limit + headerLength, dst, dstOffset, bytesCopied);

    public ServiceTerminationPositionEncoder WrapAndApplyHeader(
        IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int offset, MessageHeaderEncoder headerEncoder)
            .Wrap(buffer, offset)

        return Wrap(buffer, offset + MessageHeaderEncoder.ENCODED_LENGTH);
Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrap a <seealso cref="BroadcastReceiver"/> to simplify the API for receiving messages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="receiver"> to be wrapped. </param>
        public CopyBroadcastReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver)
            _receiver = receiver;
            _scratchBuffer = new UnsafeBuffer(new byte[ScratchBufferSize]);

            while (receiver.ReceiveNext())
                // If we're reconnecting to a broadcast buffer then we need to
                // scan ourselves up to date, otherwise we risk "falling behind"
                // the buffer due to the time taken to catchup.
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocate a counter to represent the commit position on stream for the current leadership term.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aeron">            to allocate the counter. </param>
        /// <param name="tempBuffer">       to use for building the key and label without allocation. </param>
        /// <param name="recordingId">      for the current term. </param>
        /// <param name="logPosition">      of the log at the beginning of the leadership term. </param>
        /// <param name="leadershipTermId"> of the log at the beginning of the leadership term. </param>
        /// <param name="sessionId">        of the active log for the current leadership term. </param>
        /// <returns> the <seealso cref="Counter"/> for the consensus position. </returns>
        public static Counter Allocate(Aeron.Aeron aeron, IMutableDirectBuffer tempBuffer, long recordingId, long logPosition, long leadershipTermId, int sessionId)
            tempBuffer.PutLong(RECORDING_ID_OFFSET, recordingId);
            tempBuffer.PutLong(LOG_POSITION_OFFSET, logPosition);
            tempBuffer.PutLong(LEADERSHIP_TERM_ID_OFFSET, leadershipTermId);
            tempBuffer.PutInt(SESSION_ID_OFFSET, sessionId);

            int labelOffset = 0;

            labelOffset += tempBuffer.PutStringWithoutLengthAscii(KEY_LENGTH + labelOffset, NAME);
            labelOffset += tempBuffer.PutLongAscii(KEY_LENGTH + labelOffset, leadershipTermId);
            labelOffset += tempBuffer.PutStringWithoutLengthAscii(KEY_LENGTH + labelOffset, " logSessionId=");
            labelOffset += tempBuffer.PutIntAscii(KEY_LENGTH + labelOffset, sessionId);

            return(aeron.AddCounter(COMMIT_POSITION_TYPE_ID, tempBuffer, 0, KEY_LENGTH, tempBuffer, KEY_LENGTH, labelOffset));
            public void Wrap(
                BackupResponseEncoder parentMessage, IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int count)
                if (count < 0 || count > 65534)
                    throw new ArgumentException("count outside allowed range: count=" + count);

                this._parentMessage = parentMessage;
                this._buffer        = buffer;
                _dimensions.Wrap(buffer, parentMessage.Limit());
                _index      = -1;
                this._count = count;
                parentMessage.Limit(parentMessage.Limit() + HEADER_SIZE);
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocate an indicator for tracking the status of a channel endpoint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tempBuffer">      to be used for labels and metadata. </param>
        /// <param name="name">            of the counter for the label. </param>
        /// <param name="typeId">          of the counter for classification. </param>
        /// <param name="countersManager"> from which to allocated the underlying storage. </param>
        /// <param name="channel">         for the stream of messages. </param>
        /// <returns> a new <seealso cref="AtomicCounter"/> for tracking the status. </returns>
        public static AtomicCounter Allocate(IMutableDirectBuffer tempBuffer, string name, int typeId,
                                             CountersManager countersManager, string channel)
            int keyLength =
                tempBuffer.PutStringWithoutLengthAscii(CHANNEL_OFFSET + BitUtil.SIZE_OF_INT, channel, 0, MAX_CHANNEL_LENGTH);

            tempBuffer.PutInt(CHANNEL_OFFSET, keyLength);

            int labelLength = 0;

            labelLength += tempBuffer.PutStringWithoutLengthAscii(keyLength + labelLength, name);
            labelLength += tempBuffer.PutStringWithoutLengthAscii(keyLength + labelLength, ": ");
            labelLength += tempBuffer.PutStringWithoutLengthAscii(keyLength + labelLength, channel, 0,
                                                                  CountersReader.MAX_LABEL_LENGTH - labelLength);

            return(countersManager.NewCounter(typeId, tempBuffer, 0, keyLength, tempBuffer, keyLength, labelLength));
Exemple #35
        private static void RoundTripMessages(IMutableDirectBuffer buffer,
            FragmentHandler fragmentHandler, Publication publication, Subscription subscription, int count)
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    buffer.PutLong(0, Stopwatch.GetTimestamp());
                } while (publication.Offer(buffer, 0, MessageLength) < 0L);

                while (subscription.Poll(fragmentHandler, FragmentCountLimit) <= 0)
Exemple #36
 public void GetBytes(int index, IMutableDirectBuffer dstBuffer, int dstIndex, int length)
     dstBuffer.PutBytes(dstIndex, this, index, length);
Exemple #37
        public void OnMessage(int msgTypeId, IMutableDirectBuffer buffer, int index, int length)
            switch (msgTypeId)
                case ControlProtocolEvents.ON_PUBLICATION_READY:
                    _publicationReady.Wrap(buffer, index);

                    long correlationId = _publicationReady.CorrelationId();
                    if (correlationId == _activeCorrelationId)
                        _listener.OnNewPublication(_expectedChannel, _publicationReady.StreamId(),
                            _publicationReady.SessionId(), _publicationReady.PublicationLimitCounterId(),
                            _publicationReady.LogFileName(), correlationId);

                        _lastReceivedCorrelationId = correlationId;

                case ControlProtocolEvents.ON_AVAILABLE_IMAGE:
                    _imageReady.Wrap(buffer, index);

                    for (int i = 0, max = _imageReady.SubscriberPositionCount(); i < max; i++)
                        long registrationId = _imageReady.PositionIndicatorRegistrationId(i);
                        int positionId = _imageReady.SubscriberPositionId(i);

                        _subscriberPositionMap.Add(registrationId, positionId);

                        _imageReady.LogFileName(), _imageReady.SourceIdentity(), _imageReady.CorrelationId());

                case ControlProtocolEvents.ON_OPERATION_SUCCESS:
                    _correlatedMessage.Wrap(buffer, index);

                    long correlationId = _correlatedMessage.CorrelationId();
                    if (correlationId == _activeCorrelationId)
                        _lastReceivedCorrelationId = correlationId;

                case ControlProtocolEvents.ON_UNAVAILABLE_IMAGE:
                    _imageMessage.Wrap(buffer, index);

                    _listener.OnUnavailableImage(_imageMessage.StreamId(), _imageMessage.CorrelationId());

                case ControlProtocolEvents.ON_ERROR:
                    _errorResponse.Wrap(buffer, index);

                    long correlationId = _errorResponse.OffendingCommandCorrelationId();
                    if (correlationId == _activeCorrelationId)
                        _listener.OnError(_errorResponse.ErrorCode(), _errorResponse.ErrorMessage(), correlationId);

                        _lastReceivedCorrelationId = correlationId;